zaštita od fluorida
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Proizvodi za zaštitu od fluora dizajnirani su za zaštitu vaših zuba smanjenjem osjetljivosti i sprječavanjem karijesa. Ovi proizvodi pomažu stvoriti zaštitnu barijeru na izloženim dentinskim tubulima, nudeći brzo olakšanje od boli i zaštitu od kisele erozije. S dodanim fluoridom, ove otopine podupiru prevenciju karijesa, što ih čini bitnim dijelom oralne njege za održavanje zdrave cakline i dentina. Savršene za osjetljive zube, ove su formulacije pouzdan izbor za zaštitu zuba.
Emofluor desens gel tube 3 ml
Emofluor Desens Gel desensitizes and protects sensitive teeth and exposed tooth necks.The gel forms a three-dimensional matrix that forms a stable and highly effective protective barrier on exposed dentinal tubules, which quickly stops irritation. Effective and rapid closure of dentinal tubules Protection against acid and erosion on tooth enamel and dentinProtection against pain in the case of sensitive teethProtection against caries with fluoride Application Apply the gel and leave it on for one to two minutes. Spit out leftovers if necessary. ..
32.07 USD
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