dezinfekcijsko sredstvo
(1 Stranica)
Blink totalcare otopina + lc fl 120 ml
Predstavljamo BLINK TOTALCARE SOLUTION + LC FL 120 ML, revolucionarni proizvod za njegu kontaktnih leća dizajniran za tvrde kontaktne leće. Ova sveobuhvatna otopina učinkovito čisti, dezinficira i kondicionira vaše leće, osiguravajući maksimalnu udobnost i jasnoću tijekom dana. Jednostavan za korištenje i nježan za oči, ovo rješenje idealno je za osobe koje traže visokokvalitetnu rutinu njege svojih kontaktnih leća. Očuvajte zdravlje svojih očiju i oštar vid uz BLINK TOTALCARE SOLUTION + LC FL 120 ML, vrhunski izbor za održavanje kontaktnih leća...
23.82 USD
Dettol 2u1 dezinfekcijske maramice 15 kom
Karakteristike Dettol 2u1 dezinfekcijskih maramica 15komKoličina u pakiranju: 15komTežina: 322g Duljina: 20mm Širina: 150 mm Visina: 96 mm Kupite Dettol 2u1 dezinfekcijske maramice 15 kom online iz Švicarske..
8.47 USD
Dettol dezinfekcijske maramice za čišćenje 60 kom
Dettol dezinfekcijske maramice za čišćenje 60 komada Održavajte svoj dom čistim i slobodnim od mikroba s Dettol dezinficijensnim maramicama za čišćenje. Ove maramice ubijaju 99,9% bakterija i virusa, uključujući E. coli i salmonelu, osiguravajući da su vaše površine higijenske i sigurne za vašu obitelj. Praktično pakiranje od 60 komada savršeno je za brzo i jednostavno čišćenje i idealno je za upotrebu na kuhinjskim pultima, stolovima, kupaonskim površinama i drugim mjestima s visokim dodirom. Maramice su dovoljno nježne za svakodnevnu upotrebu, a opet dovoljno snažne da ubiju klice, što ih čini izvrsnim za korištenje u kućanstvima s velikim prometom. Svaka maramica je gusta i jaka i ima osvježavajući miris, ostavljajući vaš dom mirisnim i svježim. Maramice također ne izbjeljuju, što ih čini sigurnima za korištenje na svim površinama, uključujući prostore za pripremu hrane. Dettol dezinfekcijske maramice za čišćenje nezaobilazne su za svako kućanstvo, osobito tijekom sezone prehlade i gripe. Držite ih pri ruci da obrišete površine koje se često dodiruju, kao što su kvake i prekidači za svjetlo, kako biste spriječili širenje bolesti. Ubija 99,9% bakterija i virusa Praktično pakiranje od 60 komada Nježan, ali snažan za svakodnevnu upotrebu Formula bez izbjeljivača sigurna za sve površine Osvježavajući miris Vjerujte Dettol proizvodima kako biste zaštitili svoju obitelj od štetnih klica. Naručite svoje Dettol dezinfekcijske maramice za čišćenje danas...
12.49 USD
Dettol disinfectant cleaner standard 750 ml
Dettol Disinfectant Cleaner Standard 750 ml Keep your home clean and germ-free with the Dettol Disinfectant Cleaner Standard 750 ml. This powerful cleaning solution is designed to kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria on surfaces, leaving your home fresh and hygienic. It removes tough stains and dirt, making it perfect for high-traffic areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. The Dettol Disinfectant Cleaner Standard is a versatile cleaning solution that can be used on a wide range of surfaces, including floors, walls, tiles, and countertops. It is effective in removing stubborn stains like coffee, tea, and grease, making it a must-have cleaning product for every household. The 750 ml bottle is perfect for everyday use and can be easily stored in your cleaning cupboard. It comes with a convenient spray nozzle that makes it easy to apply the cleaning solution without any mess or waste. The bottle is also designed to be easy to use, with a comfortable grip that makes it easy to hold and use. The Dettol Disinfectant Cleaner Standard is gentle on surfaces, making it safe to use on most materials and finishes. It is also safe for use around children and pets, making it a great choice for families. The cleaning solution is also environmentally friendly and does not contain any harsh chemicals or harmful ingredients. In summary, the Dettol Disinfectant Cleaner Standard 750 ml is a powerful and versatile cleaning solution that is perfect for keeping your home clean and germ-free. It is easy to use, safe for most surfaces, and effective in removing tough stains and dirt. Add it to your cleaning kit today and enjoy a fresh, hygienic home...
12.90 USD
Dezinficijens sanytol namjena čistač 1 prema
Karakteristike dezinfekcijskog sredstva Sanytol za čišćenje namjene 1 premaKoličina u pakiranju: 1 ltTežina: 0,00000000g Dužina: 57 mm Širina: 127 mm Visina: 300 mm Kupite dezinfekcijsko sredstvo Sanytol za čišćenje namjene 1 prema online iz Švicarske..
15.73 USD
Fiesta desinfektion hände+gegenstände (neu)
Karakteristike FIESTA dezinfekcijskog sredstva za ruke i predmete limenka 5 ltTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/30 stupnjeva CelzijusaKoličina u pakiranju: 1 ltTežina: 4160g Dužina: 145mm Širina: 190mm Visina: 240mm Kupite FIESTA sredstvo za dezinfekciju ruku i predmeta limenka 5 Internetski je iz Švicarske..
71.36 USD
Fiesta disinfectant for hands and objects fl 500 ml
FIESTA Disinfectant for Hands and Objects Fl 500 ml Stay protected from harmful germs and bacteria with the FIESTA Disinfectant for Hands and Objects Fl 500 ml. This product is a highly effective solution for cleaning and disinfecting your hands and objects in your home or office. Features Alcohol-based disinfectant that kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses Easily sprayable formula for quick and convenient application Gentle on skin and non-sticky Suitable for use on a variety of surfaces such as door handles, tabletops, and electronic devices 500 ml capacity ensures prolonged use Benefits Using the FIESTA Disinfectant for Hands and Objects Fl 500 ml regularly helps in reducing the spread of harmful pathogens and viruses, providing you with protection from various illnesses. It is easy to use, and its 500ml capacity ensures prolonged use, making it a cost-effective solution for your disinfecting needs. Moreover, the FIESTA Disinfectant for Hands and Objects Fl 500 ml is highly effective in cleaning and disinfecting a wide variety of surfaces, including electronic devices, which makes it an excellent tool for maintaining a clean and germ-free environment in both your home and office. Directions for Use To use, hold the bottle 15-20cm away from the surface or skin and spray in a sweeping motion until the surface or hands are fully covered. Allow the product to settle for 30 seconds before wiping the surface or rinsing your hands with water. Safety Information For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water. Should skin irritation occur, discontinue use. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Stay protected and keep your surroundings clean and germ-free with the FIESTA Disinfectant for Hands and Objects Fl 500 ml...
12.80 USD
Hänseler hydrogenii peroxidum pheur 3% 500 ml
Karakteristike Hänseler Hydrogenii peroxidum PhEur 3% 500 mlAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATS): D08AX01Aktivni sastojak: D08AX01Količina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 581g Duljina: 77mm Širina: 76mm Visina: 178mm Kupi Hänseler Hydrogenii peroxidum PhEur 3% 500 ml online iz Švicarske..
21.17 USD
Hänseler izopropilni alkohol 70% 1 lt
Hänseler isopropylic Alcohol 70% 1 LT Looking for a solution to clean surfaces and disinfect your home or office? Presenting Hänseler isopropylic Alcohol 70%. It is a versatile alcohol-based solution that provides effective cleaning and disinfection. With a concentration of 70%, this isopropyl alcohol is highly effective in killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is commonly used in hospitals and laboratories to clean surfaces and equipment. It quickly kills germs and evaporates without leaving any residue, ensuring that the area is clean and hygienic. One of the primary advantages of Hänseler isopropylic Alcohol 70% is that it is versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications. Use it to clean and disinfect your electronics, kitchen appliances, glass, mirrors, and much more. The solution can also be applied to wounds to clean and disinfect them. This 1 LT bottle of Hänseler isopropylic Alcohol 70% is the perfect size for household and small business use. The easy-to-use bottle makes it simple to pour and apply to the desired surface or wound. The solution is manufactured and bottled with the highest standards of quality and safety, ensuring that you get the best product that meets all industry standards. Ensure that you keep your home or office clean, hygienic, and free from germs with Hänseler isopropylic Alcohol 70% 1 LT. Order yours today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your surfaces are clean and germ-free. ..
37.40 USD
Hanseler otopina formaldehida 4% 1 lt
Hänseler Formaldehydi solutio 4% 1 LT The Hänseler Formaldehydi solutio 4% 1 LT is a high-quality solution used for medical and laboratory purposes. This product is specially formulated to contain 4% formaldehyde, a chemical commonly used as a disinfectant and preservative in healthcare settings. With its strong antibacterial properties, this formaldehyde solution is a reliable choice for sterilizing equipment, medical instruments, and laboratory surfaces. This 1-liter container of Hänseler Formaldehydi solutio is perfect for use in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and other healthcare facilities where cleanliness and sterility are critical. This product is also suitable for use in scientific research and industrial applications. Features: Formulated to contain 4% formaldehyde Strong antibacterial properties Perfect for sterilizing equipment, medical instruments, and laboratory surfaces 1-liter container Suitable for use in healthcare facilities, scientific research, and industrial applications Benefits: Effective disinfectant and preservative Reliable choice for cleanliness and sterility High-quality solution Easy to use and store Safe for the environment when used according to instructions With its strong antibacterial properties and high-quality formulation, the Hänseler Formaldehydi solutio 4% 1 LT is an excellent choice for healthcare facilities, scientific research, and industrial applications. Order your supply today and experience the benefits of this reliable and effective disinfectant and preservative solution...
38.78 USD
Merfen septoclean gel
MERFEN Septoclean Gel MERFEN Septoclean Gel je višenamjenski antiseptički gel prepun snažnih sastojaka kao što su Benzalkonijev klorid i triklosan koji učinkovito ubijaju klice, bakterije i viruse. Ovaj gel je posebno formuliran za učinkovito čišćenje, dezinfekciju i zacjeljivanje manjih posjekotina, opeklina i rana. Ključne značajke: Antiseptički gel za manje posjekotine, opekline i rane Učinkovit protiv virusa, bakterija i klica Posebno formuliran s benzalkonijevim kloridom i triklosanom Svojstva brzog zacjeljivanja Formula koja ne ostavlja mrlje Upute za upotrebu: Očistite zahvaćeno područje i na njega nanesite malu količinu MERFEN Septoclean gela. Nježno ga utrljajte na zahvaćeno područje osiguravajući potpunu pokrivenost zaraženog područja. Nanesite ga dvaput ili triput dnevno ili prema uputama medicinskog stručnjaka. Informacije o sigurnosti: Samo za vanjsku upotrebu. Izbjegavajte kontakt s očima, ustima ili bilo kojim osjetljivim područjima. Nemojte koristiti na dubokim posjekotinama, ubodnim ranama ili ozbiljnim opeklinama. Držite ga izvan dohvata djece. U slučaju bilo kakve alergijske reakcije ili nelagode, prekinite njegovu upotrebu i posavjetujte se s liječnikom. MERFEN Septoclean Gel je proizvod koji mora imati svako kućanstvo za brzo i učinkovito dezinfekciju i zacjeljivanje manjih rana. To je pouzdano i pristupačno rješenje za osiguranje zaštite bez klica za cijelu obitelj. ..
9.03 USD
Pantasept dezinfekcija lös fl 1 lt
Professional disinfection for surfaces and objects. Suitable for medical, technical and industrial purposes as well as for household and leisure. Effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi. Application Spray the surface or object generously. Be careful with sensitive surfaces, it is best to test on a non-visible area. Exposure time against bacteria and fungi: At least 5 minutesExposure time against viruses: At least 30 seconds ..
30.65 USD
Protect & sterillium® care gel fl 35 ml
Sterillium Protect&Care gel bočica 35 ml Gel za dezinfekciju ruku. Sterillium Protect and Care: dokazani gel za dezinfekciju ruku. Praktičan i sveobuhvatno učinkovit gel za dezinfekciju ruku s hidratantnim komponentama za njegu. Alkoholni pripravak spreman za upotrebu - neovisno o vodi i sudoperu - za higijensku dezinfekciju ruku kod kuće i u pokretu - uklanja 99,99% klica - kratko vrijeme izlaganja 30 sekundi, norovirus od 15 sekundi - vrlo dobra kožna tolerancija - povećava kožu vlaga - doziranje otporno na kapanje - brzo se suši - ne ostavlja ljepljive ostatke - dermatološki ispitano - etanol 850 mg/g - zahvaljujući formulaciji s 85 g etanola, brzo učinkovit protiv bakterija, gljivica i virusa s ovojnicom (uključujući koronavirus), kao i norovirusa i rotavirus. - odgovarajuća veličina za svaku potrebu (35 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 475 ml). Pažljivo koristite dezinficijens. Prije uporabe uvijek pročitajte naljepnicu i informacije o proizvodu...
6.55 USD
Sanytol sprej za dezinfekciju 500 ml
Sanytol Sanitizer Spray 500 ml Introducing the Sanytol Sanitizer Spray, a powerful cleaning agent that kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, and germs. With its advanced disinfectant formula, it provides 99.9% efficient protection against harmful microorganisms, making it an ideal choice for maintaining a healthy and hygienic environment in your home or workplace. The Sanytol Sanitizer Spray is available in a convenient 500-milliliter bottle that makes it easy to use and store. The spray nozzle ensures a precise and even distribution of the solution, making it ideal for use on surfaces, fabrics, and in the air. The non-corrosive and non-bleaching solution ensures that you can use it on a wide variety of surfaces without worrying about damaging them. Use the Sanytol Sanitizer Spray to clean and disinfect your kitchen counters, bathroom surfaces, and even your baby's toys. It is also an excellent solution for eliminating unpleasant odors from your shoes, gym bags, and other personal belongings. With its gentle and dermatologically tested formula, the Sanytol Sanitizer Spray is safe to use around children and pets. It is also eco-friendly and does not contain any harsh chemicals or irritating fragrances. Invest in the Sanytol Sanitizer Spray for a reliable and efficient cleaning solution that provides continuous protection against the most harmful microorganisms. ..
10.44 USD
Uhlmann eyraud alkohol 70% fl 125 ml
Karakteristike Uhlmann Eyraud alkohola 70% Fl 125 mlKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 129g Dužina: 42mm Širina: 42 mm Visina: 115 mm Kupite Uhlmann Eyraud alkohol 70% Fl 125 ml online iz Švicarske..
11.53 USD
(1 Stranica)