
bachovi cvjetni lijekovi

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Istražite naš izbor Bachovih cvjetnih lijekova, prirodan i holistički pristup emocionalnom blagostanju, utemeljen na pouzdanim načelima koje je uspostavio dr. Edward Bach. Pažljivo izrađeni od švicarskih divljih biljaka, ovi lijekovi imaju za cilj podržati ravnotežu i sklad u vašem svakodnevnom životu. Od svestranog S.O.S. Globule do originalnih tinktura kao što su Mimulus, Red Chestnut i Willow, svaki proizvod cilja na specifične emocionalne potrebe, kao što su tjeskoba, pretjerani entuzijazam i nedostatak fokusa. Savršeni za one koji traže nježna i učinkovita rješenja, naši Bachovi cvjetni lijekovi idealan su izbor za poboljšanje emocionalne jasnoće i mira, koristeći samo visokokvalitetne, prirodne sastojke. Otkrijte naš asortiman i pronađite pravi lijek koji će podržati vaš put do dobrobiti, a koji je praktično dostupan online iz Švicarske.
Bach flower original heather no14 20ml

Bach flower original heather no14 20ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544649

Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml Heather is a flower essence that is believed to provide emotional balance to individuals who are excessively self-centered, talkative, and needy. It is one of the original 38 Bach Flower Remedies developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, and it remains a popular choice for those seeking a natural way to support their emotional health. Benefits of Heather Heather is said to promote a sense of inner peace and calmness by helping to quiet an overactive mind. Those who feel a constant need for attention or who monopolize conversations may find that using Heather helps them become more aware of the needs of those around them and less focused on themselves. People who have a tendency to feel lonely or isolated may also benefit from using Heather, as it is believed to foster a greater sense of connection to others. How to Use Heather can be taken orally or applied topically. For oral use, add two drops to a glass of water or place two drops directly under the tongue. For topical use, add two drops to a carrier oil and massage onto the skin. It is recommended to take two drops four times a day, and to continue use until emotional balance is achieved. Who Should Use Heather Heather is intended for individuals who are excessively self-centered and talkative, and who have difficulty tuning in to the needs of others. It is also recommended for those who feel lonely or isolated, or who struggle with low self-esteem. Anyone seeking support for their emotional health may benefit from using Heather, as it is believed to promote feelings of peace, calmness, and connection. Why Choose Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml is a high-quality flower essence crafted with care and precision. It contains only natural ingredients and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Each bottle contains 20ml of Heather essence, making it a cost-effective and convenient way to support emotional balance. With its easy-to-use dropper, Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml is a fast and effective way to incorporate the benefits of Heather into your daily routine...

33.32 USD

Bach flower original red chestnut no25 20ml

Bach flower original red chestnut no25 20ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544796

Karakteristike Bach Flower Original Red Chestnut No25 20mlKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 38g Dužina: 24mm Širina: 24 mm Visina: 93 mm Kupite Bach Flower Original Red Chestnut No25 20ml online iz Švicarske..

33.32 USD

Bach flower original rock water no27 20ml

Bach flower original rock water no27 20ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544810

Do you set yourself too high standards?For people who lead a rigid way of life. You want to be an example to others, you value discipline, you are strict with yourself and others. However, they often have the feeling that they lack discipline. This leads to constraints, rigidity, harshness, fanaticism and intransigence. Rock Water is always checking the message: "Where am I stuck in my life?". Rock Water helps you stay true to yourself while being open to life and enjoying life's joys and pleasures...

33.32 USD

Bachov cvijet original mimulus no20 20 ml

Bachov cvijet original mimulus no20 20 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544738

Karakteristike Bach Flower Original Mimulus No20 20mlKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 38g Dužina: 24mm Širina: 24 mm Visina: 94 mm Kupite originalni Bachov cvijet Mimulus No20 20 ml online iz Švicarske..

33.32 USD

Bioligo dr bach 2 aspen aspen 20 ml

Bioligo dr bach 2 aspen aspen 20 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 6109554

LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel je biljni dodatak koji nastoji ublažiti tjeskobu i strahove. Formula sadrži prirodne tvari dobivene iz pupova jasike i topole, dva stabla poznata po svojim terapeutskim svojstvima. Vjeruje se da jasika pomaže u ublažavanju nervoze, tjeskobe i iracionalnih strahova, dok topola potiče samopouzdanje, unutarnju snagu i otpornost. Kako proizvod radi LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel temelji se na principima Bachovih cvjetnih lijekova, holističkog sustava liječenja koji je razvio dr. Edward Bach početkom 1900-ih. Lijekovi imaju za cilj liječiti temeljne emocionalne neravnoteže i traume koje dovode do fizičkih bolesti i poremećaja. Aspen i topola tradicionalno se koriste za promicanje mentalne jasnoće, smanjenje stresa i tjeskobe te poboljšanje općeg blagostanja. Prednosti korištenja LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel Olakšava tjeskobu, nervozu i strah Promiče mentalnu jasnoću i smirenost Povećava samopouzdanje i unutarnju snagu Pomaže smanjiti stres i napetost Promiče opću dobrobit i vitalnost Kako koristiti proizvod LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel dolazi u obliku tekućih kapi koje možete uzimati oralno ili dodati u piće ili hranu. Preporučena doza je 4 kapi, četiri puta dnevno ili prema uputama vašeg liječnika. Kapi se mogu uzeti izravno pod jezik za bržu apsorpciju ili razrijediti u vodi ili soku za suptilniji okus. Kapi su prikladne za odrasle i djecu. Mjere opreza i nuspojave LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel je prirodni dodatak koji je općenito siguran za upotrebu. Međutim, kao i kod svakog drugog suplementa, važno je pridržavati se preporučene doze i posavjetovati se sa svojim liječnikom prije nego što ga počnete koristiti, osobito ako ste trudni, dojite ili uzimate bilo kakve lijekove. U rijetkim slučajevima, neki ljudi mogu osjetiti blage nuspojave kao što su osip na koži ili želučane tegobe, koje obično nestaju nakon prestanka uzimanja kapi. ..

30.14 USD

Bioligo dr bach guma koncentracija can 60 g

Bioligo dr bach guma koncentracija can 60 g

Šifra proizvoda: 4407299

'Concentration ? clarity and perseverance' Bach flower chewing gums contain the Bach flowers, which are often used for small concentration problems in everyday life. Properties 'Concentration - clarity and perseverance' Bach flower chewing gums contain the Bach flowers, which are popular for those little concentration problems of everyday life - collect yourself and explore balance and Patience for more attention. ..

19.42 USD

Original bach flower gorse no13 20 ml

Original bach flower gorse no13 20 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544632

Karakteristike Original Bach Flower Gorse No13 20mlKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 38g Dužina: 24mm Širina: 24 mm Visina: 94 mm Kupite originalni Bach Flower Gorse No13 20 ml online iz Švicarske..

33.32 USD

Original bach flower wild oat no36 20 ml

Original bach flower wild oat no36 20 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544922

Karakteristike Original Bach Flower Wild Oat No36 20mlKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 38g Duljina: 24mm Širina: 24 mm Visina: 93 mm Kupite originalni Bach Flower Wild Oat No36 20 ml online iz Švicarske..

33.32 USD

Original bachov cvijet cikorije no08 20 ml

Original bachov cvijet cikorije no08 20 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544566

Bach Flowers Original Cicory No08 20 ml Originalno Bach® cvijeće može pomoći u suočavanju s emocionalnim izazovima svakodnevnog života. Engleski liječnik i istraživač Edward Bach bio je uvjeren da svaka bolest nastaje zbog emocionalne neravnoteže. Budući da postoji 38 osnovnih emocija, tražio je biljke i cvijeće koje bi ih mogle vratiti u ravnotežu. Edward Bach proglasio je sustav koji se temelji na jednostavnosti potpunim 1930-ih. Popularnost izvornog Bach® cvijeća od tada kontinuirano raste. Danas milijuni ljudi u mnogim zemljama vjeruju esencijama. Što su Bach® cvjetovi? Od 38 Bach® cvijeće sastoji se od 37 pojedinačnih divljih cvjetova ili cvjetova drveća. Iznimka je Rock Water, koja se priprema od prirodne izvorske vode. Koja je filozofija Edwarda Bacha? Bach ® cvijeće otkrio je poznati istraživač i bakteriolog Edward Bach (1886?1936), koji je u to vrijeme bio liječnik u Londonu. Intuitivno je otkrio da određeno cvijeće svojom energetskom vibracijom djeluje vitalizirajuće na ljudski um i duh. Stoga se Bach u posljednjoj fazi svog života posvetio potrazi za biljnim "energetskim materijalima" za ublažavanje psihičkih problema. Kroz godine testiranja, uspio je pomoću sunca i načina kuhanja ekstrahirati esencijalna energija biljke koja se proizvodi tijekom razdoblja cvatnje doseže vrhunac. Koristeći ova dva proizvodna procesa, Bach je stvorio sustav s 38 cvjetnih esencija; koji se mogu podijeliti u sedam skupina za specifične poremećaje raspoloženja; kao što je tjeskoba usamljenost nepažnja prema okolini malodušnost i malodušnost lako biti pod utjecajem Pretjerana predanost drugima Nesigurnost koja se može upotrijebiti u skladu s tim. Edward Bach ima svoje sustav jednostavan i dizajniran da bude lako razumljiv. Želio je omogućiti ljudima iz svih društvenih slojeva da sami sebi pomognu. Po principu “Liječiti osobnost, a ne bolest?”. Kako pomažu Bach® cvjetovi? Kako U drugim oblicima prirodnih lijekova, cvijeće razvija svoja svojstva tretirajući pacijenta kao pojedinca. Oni mogu imati određeni utjecaj na emocionalno stanje oboljele osobe. Ovo objašnjava zašto dvoje ljudi s istim načinom razmišljanja koriste različito cvijeće. Jedna osoba može biti pomirena sa svojom situacijom, dok druga reagira s nestrpljenjem. Dakle, svaki od ovih slučajeva također zahtijeva različito cvijeće. Upotreba Bach® cvijeća nije namijenjena suzbijanju negativnih stavova; nego radije preobraziti ih u pozitivne stavove. Na taj se način potiče vlastiti potencijal za samoizlječenje; oslobađanjem vlastitih snaga tijela. Međutim, ne morate imati nikakvih fizičkih tegoba da biste imali koristi od utjecaja Bach® cvijeća. Mnogi od nas prolaze kroz teška razdoblja ili neobjašnjivi umor; što se može razviti u negativno raspoloženje. Upravo u tim trenucima Bach® cvijeće daje nevjerojatno vrijedan doprinos uspostavljanjem unutarnje ravnoteže prije pojave fizičkih simptoma. Kako prepoznati original? Judy Ramsell Howard, direktorica Bachovog centra (Oxfordshire, Velika Britanija), jamči za tradicionalno visoku kvalitetu izvornog Bach® cvijeća: Samo svatko tko koristi originalno Bach® cvijeće ima sigurnost korištenja Bach® cvijeća proizvedenog točno prema tradicionalnim nalazima Edwarda Bacha. Prave esencije možete prepoznati po zakrivljenom natpisu ?Bach? i dojmom Prodaja: Hänseler AG, CH-9101 Herisau (vrijedi za Švicarsku). Imajte na umu da proizvodi s oznakom ?prema Dr. Bachu» nisu originalno Bach® cvijeće! div>..

33.32 USD

Originalni bachov cvijet bijeli kesten br.35 20 ml

Originalni bachov cvijet bijeli kesten br.35 20 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544916

Do you have circling thoughts and find it difficult to switch off? For people who cannot switch off and are subject to a constant compulsion to think. Unwanted thoughts constantly revolve around negative experiences and problems without being able to do anything about it. This often leads to difficulties falling asleep, inefficiencies and problems concentrating. White Chestnut helps to find inner peace again. Breathing becomes deeper and both hemispheres of the brain become equally active and come into harmony...

33.32 USD

Originalni bachov cvijet orlovi nokti no16 20 ml

Originalni bachov cvijet orlovi nokti no16 20 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544690

Karakteristike Original Bach Flower Honeysuckle No16 20mlKoličina u pakiranju: 1 mlTežina: 38g Dužina: 24mm Širina: 24 mm Visina: 93 mm Kupite originalni Bachov cvijet orlovi nokti br.16 20 ml online iz Švicarske..

33.32 USD

Originalni bachov cvijet vervain no31 20 ml

Originalni bachov cvijet vervain no31 20 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544862

Does your excessive enthusiasm sometimes lead to overexertion?These people have a strong capacity for enthusiasm, but in their overzealousness for a "good cause" they often overexploit their own strength. You are extremely oversensitive to injustice, like to proselytize and tend to extremes. Vervain helps to use your positive energy more purposefully and economically for a worthwhile task. It shows that you can't force anything, but that calm and trust are the best building blocks to achieve high ideals...

33.32 USD

Originalni bachov cvijet vrbe no38 20ml

Originalni bachov cvijet vrbe no38 20ml

Šifra proizvoda: 2544945

Original Bach Flower Willow NO38 20ml The Original Bach Flower Willow NO38 20ml is a powerful natural remedy that helps individuals who feel resentful or bitter about their lives. This product is designed to provide relief to those who struggle with feelings of self-pity, envy, jealousy, or a sense of being a victim of fate or circumstance. The formula is made from the traditional Bach flower essences and is prepared carefully to ensure its purity and potency. The ingredients are selected for their ability to soothe the mind, calm the emotions, and promote a sense of inner peace and strength. The Willow essence helps the individual to accept accountability for their own lives and move past the negative emotions that are holding them back. It helps to develop emotional resilience, self-awareness, and self-acceptance, enabling individuals to move forward in life with confidence and clarity. The product comes in a convenient 20ml dropper bottle, making it easy and convenient to take. Simply add a few drops to a glass of water or take the drops directly on the tongue. It is suitable for adults and children alike and can be taken as part of a daily routine or during times of emotional upheaval. The Original Bach Flower Willow NO38 20ml is a natural, safe and effective way to promote emotional balance and well-being. It is an ideal choice for those seeking a natural alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals and is gentle enough to be used regularly without fear of side effects. ..

33.32 USD

Phytomed bach flower globuli s.o.s 20 g

Phytomed bach flower globuli s.o.s 20 g

Šifra proizvoda: 1679413

?The Bach Flower Remedies S.O.S. Globules are tasteless, very long lasting, small and handy for on the go.All our S.O.S. products are made according to the exact rules of Dr. Bach from Swiss wild plants - we use Swiss wild plants according to the principle of Dr. Bach, "one should take flowers from the place where one lives" - and contain the S.O.S. concentrate composed by Dr. Bach, which consists of the Bach flowers No. 6-9- 18-26-29.The S.O.S. globules are taken as globules: let 5-7 globules melt in the mouth, up to hourly. The globules can be given either directly into the mouth, under the tongue, or over a meal or in a drink.Which packs are available? Phytomed Bach Flower Globuli S.O.S 20 g ..

22.51 USD

Phytomed bachovi cvjetovi sos mast 75 ml

Phytomed bachovi cvjetovi sos mast 75 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 4936170

Which packs are available? Phytomed Bach flowers Sos ointment 75 ml ..

42.56 USD

Rescue sprayay u faltschachtel 7 ml

Rescue sprayay u faltschachtel 7 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7810854

RESCUE sprej u FS Englez Edward Bach dizajnirao je poznatu originalnu RESCUE®- mješavinu pet originalnih Bach® cvjetnih esencija iz 1930-ih. Englez Edward Bach bio je liječnik i istraživač, a 1930-ih je osmislio mješavinu od 5 cvjetova uz 38 Bach® cvjetova, koja je bila posebno razvijena za emocionalno uzbudljive situacije i kao ?RESCUE®? zove se. Sastoji se od esencija Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose i Star of Bethlehem. Razlika RESCUE® / RESUCE® NIGHT? p> RESCUE NIGHT® sadrži, osim pet esencija RESCUE®, esenciju Bijeli kesten. Povezan je s osjećajem nemira, npr. kada se misli uvijek vrte oko iste stvari. Esencije u RESCUE® kremi i gelu? Osim RESCUE ® mješavina, RESCUE® krema i RESCUE® gel sadrže cvjetnu esenciju Crap Apple. RESCUE® proizvodi bez alkohola? Da, postoje RESCUE® proizvodi bez alkohola: RESCUE® pastile u okusu crnog ribiza, naranče, bazge, brusnice i limuna, RESCUE® Kids i RESCUE® Pets kapi te RESCUE NIGHT® Pearl. < /p> ..

23.16 USD

Sanaya aromaandbachblüt roll on energy bio

Sanaya aromaandbachblüt roll on energy bio

Šifra proizvoda: 7830180

SANAYA Aroma&üt Roll on Energy Bio Achieving energy and balance in our daily lives is essential. It is the key to a fulfilling and productive day, which is why the SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Roll on Energy Bio was developed to help you reach your goals. Our blend of high-quality essential oils and Bach Flower Remedies provides a powerful and unique combination that helps you restore balance and energy whenever you need it. Our energy roll-on is ideal for those feeling tired or sluggish in need of a boost of energy to enhance productivity, motivation, or elevate their mood. Features 100% natural ingredients Certified organic Fast-acting formula Convenient and easy-to-use roll-on packaging Vegan and cruelty-free Made in Switzerland Ingredients Our formula contains the following essential oils: Lemon: Promotes mental clarity, focus, and energy Ginger: Stimulates the senses and promotes vitality Grapefruit: Reduces stress and promotes positivity Our energy roll-on also includes Bach Flower Remedies that help to balance the emotional aspects of our lives: Olive: Increases mental and physical vitality Mimulus: Reduces anxiety and fear Wild Rose: Promotes enthusiasm, motivation and a positive attitude How to use Apply the roll-on to your wrists or neck whenever you need an energy boost. Re-apply as needed throughout the day. Experience the power of natural essential oils and Bach Flower Remedies with SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Roll on Energy Bio today!..

25.90 USD

Sanaya aromaandbachblüt sprej atmosphere bio

Sanaya aromaandbachblüt sprej atmosphere bio

Šifra proizvoda: 7830185

SANAYA Aroma&üt Spray Atmosphere Bio The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is a unique product that combines the power of natural essential oils and Bach flower remedies to create a soothing and uplifting atmosphere in your home or workplace. Made with 100% natural and organic ingredients, this spray is designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance your overall sense of wellbeing. Key Features: 100% natural and organic Contains a blend of essential oils and Bach flower remedies Promotes relaxation and reduces stress Enhances overall sense of wellbeing Easy to use spray bottle The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is perfect for anyone who wants to create a peaceful and calming environment at home or at work. It can be used to refresh the air in any room, or as a personal spray to help calm your nerves during moments of stress. The spray is also great for use during meditation and yoga sessions, as it can help to promote a deeper sense of focus and relaxation. The powerful blend of essential oils in this spray includes lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang, all of which have been shown to have calming and mood-enhancing properties. In addition, the Bach flower remedies in the spray are carefully selected to help promote emotional balance and positivity. The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is made from high-quality, natural and organic ingredients, which are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances. This makes it a safe and gentle option for anyone who is sensitive to harsh chemicals or artificial scents. Overall, if you want to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in your home or workplace, the SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is an effective and natural solution...

35.32 USD

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