
डेन्चर की देखभाल

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(1 Pages) पर, हम उत्कृष्ट डेन्चर देखभाल और मौखिक स्वच्छता के महत्व को समझते हैं। हम स्विट्जरलैंड से उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले उत्पादों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला की पेशकश करते हैं, जिनमें डेन्चर टूथब्रश, क्लीनिंग टैबलेट, चिपकने वाली क्रीम, क्लींजर टैब, डेंटल चिपकने वाली क्रीम, डेन्चर देखभाल और हाफक्रीम एक्स्ट्रा स्टार्क ओरिजिनल शामिल हैं। हमारा चयन इष्टतम स्वच्छता के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है, जो ताज़ा और साफ़ मुँह का अनुभव प्रदान करता है, समग्र दंत स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देता है। शरीर की देखभाल और सौंदर्य प्रसाधन उत्पादों की हमारी प्रीमियम रेंज के साथ एक स्वच्छ, स्वस्थ मुस्कान का आनंद लें। डेन्चर क्लीनर से लेकर नर्सिंग सामग्री तक, हम आपको केवल सर्वोत्तम डेन्चर देखभाल प्रदान करना सुनिश्चित करते हैं, क्योंकि आपका मौखिक स्वास्थ्य मायने रखता है। अभी खरीदारी करें और हमारे प्रीमियम उत्पादों के साथ अपनी मौखिक देखभाल की दिनचर्या को बेहतर बनाएं।
Corega 3minuten cleanser tabs 66 stk

Corega 3minuten cleanser tabs 66 stk

उत्पाद कोड: 7790100

डेंटल क्लीनिंग टैबलेट्स 3 मिनट की चौतरफा सुरक्षाताज़ाहर दिन के लिए ट्रिपल पुदीना ताज़ा।*अगर नियमित रूप से इस्तेमाल किया जाए।**अगर इसके अनुसार इस्तेमाल किया जाए उपयोग के लिए निर्देश*** प्रयोगशाला परीक्षणों मेंकोरेगा टैब्स क्यों?हटाने योग्य डेन्चर प्राकृतिक दांतों की तुलना में लगभग 10 गुना नरम होते हैं, यही कारण है कि उन्हें विशेष सफाई की आवश्यकता होती है। />Corega 4 इन 1 क्लीनिंग सिस्टम में सामग्री के अनुकूल और आपके डेन्चर की पूरी तरह से सफाई के लिए 4 शक्तिशाली सामग्री शामिल हैं। आवेदनपूर्ण और आंशिक डेन्चर के लिए। दैनिक देखभाल के लिए उपयुक्त।1. (आंशिक) डेन्चर या हटाने योग्य पुल को पूरी तरह से ढकने के लिए पर्याप्त गर्म (गर्म नहीं) पानी के गिलास में Corega TAB डालें।2। 3 मिनट के एक्सपोज़र समय के बाद, डेन्चर को घोल और एक नरम टूथब्रश से ब्रश करें।3। बहते पानी के नीचे डेन्चर को अच्छी तरह से धोएं। उपयोग के तुरंत बाद किसी भी शेष सफाई समाधान को त्याग दें।टिप्पणियांअपने मुंह में Corega TAB या सफाई समाधान न डालें। सफाई का घोल न पियें या माउथवॉश के रूप में उपयोग न करें। चेतावनी: निगलने पर हानिकारक। गंभीर आंखों की जलन का कारण बनता है। एलर्जी का कारण बन सकता है। उपयोग के बाद हाथों को अच्छी तरह धो लें। आंखों में जाने पर: सावधानी से कई मिनट तक पानी से धोएं। हो सके तो कॉन्टैक्ट लेंस हटा दें। धोना जारी रखें। यदि आंखों में जलन बनी रहती है: चिकित्सीय सलाह/ध्यान प्राप्त करें। बच्चों की पहुंच से दूर रखें। यदि निगल लिया जाए: ज़हर केंद्र या डॉक्टर/चिकित्सक को कॉल करें। घरेलू कचरे के साथ सामग्री का निपटान। पेपरमिंट ऑयल शामिल है। एलर्जी की प्रतिक्रिया उत्पन्न कर सकता है।यह उत्पाद CE-चिह्नित है। यह गारंटी देता है कि यूरोपीय सुरक्षा मानकों को पूरा किया जाता है।..

15.25 USD

Corega ultra haftcreme न्यूट्रल tube 40 g

Corega ultra haftcreme न्यूट्रल tube 40 g

उत्पाद कोड: 7752019

Properties Zinc-free, dye-free, flavoring-free. Properties Zinc-free, dye-free, flavoring-free.This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

13.35 USD

Kukident haftcreme एक्स्ट्रा स्टार्क न्यूट्रल 47 g

Kukident haftcreme एक्स्ट्रा स्टार्क न्यूट्रल 47 g

उत्पाद कोड: 7837467

कुकिडेंट एडहेसिव क्रीम एक्स्ट्रा स्ट्रॉन्ग के साथ अपने डेन्चर को पूरे दिन सुरक्षित रखें। यह 47 ग्राम तटस्थ चिपकने वाली क्रीम एक अतिरिक्त मजबूत पकड़ प्रदान करती है, जिससे यह सुनिश्चित होता है कि आपके डेन्चर अपनी जगह पर आराम से रहें। उन लोगों के लिए आदर्श है जो दैनिक गतिविधियों के दौरान अतिरिक्त आत्मविश्वास चाहते हैं, यह क्रीम विश्वसनीय आसंजन प्रदान करती है जो लंबे समय तक बनी रहती है। मौखिक और दंत चिकित्सा देखभाल के लिए उपयुक्त, यह नर्सिंग लेख विशेष रूप से डेन्चर देखभाल के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। फिसलते डेन्चर को अलविदा कहें और कुकीडेंट एडहेसिव क्रीम एक्स्ट्रा स्ट्रॉन्ग के साथ सुरक्षित फिट को नमस्ते कहें।..

15.15 USD

Livsane gebissreinigungstabletten 30 stk

Livsane gebissreinigungstabletten 30 stk

उत्पाद कोड: 7720370

Livsane Gebissreinigungstabletten 30 Stk are specifically designed to give you a fresh and clean mouthfeel. This product is a must-have for any denture wearer, as it provides an effortless way of keeping your dentures clean and hygienic at all times. Each packet contains 30 tablets, each of which is formulated to break down stubborn stains, plaque, and bacteria from your dentures. The effective cleaning action of these tablets ensures that your dentures stay free from any unpleasant odors, leaving them looking sparkling clean and fresh. The tablets are easy to use, and it only takes a few steps to achieve great results. Simply place a single tablet into a container with warm water, then immerse your dentures in the solution. Leave them in for a few minutes as the tablet dissolves, then rinse thoroughly and you're done. The ingredients used in Livsane Gebissreinigungstabletten 30 Stk have been carefully selected to ensure optimal results. The active oxygen formula is gentle on your dentures while still providing a deep cleaning action. This product is safe, effective, and suitable for use with any type of denture materials, including metal, acrylic or plastic. With regular use of Livsane Gebissreinigungstabletten 30 Stk, you can maintain your oral health and keep your dentures looking their best. This product is an invaluable addition to your denture care routine, and it can help you maintain a comfortable, healthy, and fresh feeling mouth. So, if you're looking for a reliable and effective way to keep your dentures clean and hygienic, look no further than Livsane Gebissreinigungstabletten 30 Stk. Try it today and enjoy the benefits of maintaining optimal denture hygiene...

6.45 USD

कुकिडेंट क्लीनिंग टैब कॉम्प स्थायी ताजगी 60 पीसी

कुकिडेंट क्लीनिंग टैब कॉम्प स्थायी ताजगी 60 पीसी

उत्पाद कोड: 4029199

Kukident Cleaning Tabs Comp Lasting Freshness 60 pcs If you are looking for an easy-to-use denture cleaning solution, Kukident Cleaning Tabs Comp Lasting Freshness are the perfect choice for you. These cleaning tabs are designed to remove tough stains, plaque, and bacteria from dentures, while leaving behind a pleasant, long-lasting freshness. Features 60 cleaning tabs per pack Lasting Freshness formula for long-lasting freshness Efficient and easy-to-use cleaning solution Removes tough stains, plaque, and bacteria from dentures Safe for use on all types of dentures, including partials and full dentures How to Use Using Kukident Cleaning Tabs Comp Lasting Freshness is extremely easy. Simply place one tab in a glass of warm water and immerse your dentures in the solution. Let them soak for at least 5 minutes or overnight for a thorough clean. Rinse thoroughly with water before replacing them in your mouth. Use once a day for best results. Benefits Improves denture hygiene and helps prevent bad breath Keeps dentures looking and feeling fresh and clean Convenient and easy-to-use solution for busy lifestyles Cost-effective and long-lasting cleaning solution Safe for daily use and suitable for all types of dentures Order Now Order Kukident Cleaning Tabs Comp Lasting Freshness today and enjoy a thorough, efficient, and affordable denture cleaning solution that will help keep your dentures fresh and clean all day long! ..

13.55 USD

कुकिडेंट हैफ्टक्रीम एक्स्ट्रा स्टार्क ओरिजिनल 47 ग्राम

कुकिडेंट हैफ्टक्रीम एक्स्ट्रा स्टार्क ओरिजिनल 47 ग्राम

उत्पाद कोड: 7837469

Kukident Haftcreme Extra Stark Original 47 g Experience the unbeatable hold of Kukident Haftcreme Extra Stark Original, the ultimate solution to your dental problems. This 47 g pack features an extra-strong formula that guarantees long-lasting hold all day long. This dental adhesive is perfect for denture wearers who want to feel confident and secure while talking, eating, or laughing. Features and Benefits: Extra-strong formula for long-lasting hold Provides a strong bond for denture wearers Helps prevent food particles from getting in between gums and dentures Minimizes gum irritation Keeps your dentures firmly in place, even during strenuous activities Allows you to enjoy your favorite foods without any discomfort How to Use: For best results, clean and dry dentures thoroughly before applying the cream. Apply in small amounts to the denture surface by squeezing the tube. Avoid applying too close to the denture edges to prevent oozing. Return the tube cap tightly after use to maintain the quality of the product. Ingredients: Calcium/Sodium PVM/MA Copolymer Paraffinum Liquidum Cera Microcristallina Stearic Acid Aroma Menthol Sodium Saccharin Get ready to enjoy a better denture experience with Kukident Haftcreme Extra Stark Original. Shop now and experience the benefits of an unbeatable bond and long-lasting hold! ..

15.15 USD

कुकिडेंट हैफ्टक्रीम बेस्टर हॉल्ट 40 ग्राम

कुकिडेंट हैफ्टक्रीम बेस्टर हॉल्ट 40 ग्राम

उत्पाद कोड: 7837471

Kukident Haftcreme bester Halt 40 g Kukident Haftcreme bester Halt 40 g is a high-quality denture adhesive cream that provides the best hold for your dentures all day long. Its unique formula creates a powerful bond between your dentures and gums, giving you the confidence to eat, smile, and talk with ease. The Kukident Haftcreme bester Halt 40 g is designed to provide a secure hold that can last up to 12 hours. It is easy to apply and provides a smooth, comfortable fit. This denture adhesive cream also helps to seal out food particles and prevent gum irritation, giving you added peace of mind when wearing your dentures. The Kukident Haftcreme bester Halt 40 g is specially formulated for all types of dentures, including full and partial dentures. It comes in a convenient 40 g tube that is easy to carry with you wherever you go. Using Kukident Haftcreme bester Halt 40 g is simple. Dry your dentures thoroughly before applying a small amount of the cream to the denture surface. Press the denture firmly into place and hold it for a few seconds to allow the cream to set. Avoid using too much cream as it may cause oozing. Overall, Kukident Haftcreme bester Halt 40 g is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a durable, comfortable, and effective denture adhesive cream. Its high-quality formulation, ease of application, and long-lasting hold make it a must-have product for anyone who wants to improve their denture-wearing experience. ..

16.34 USD

कुकीडेंट हैफ्टक्रीम बेस्ट एंटीबैक्टेरियल

कुकीडेंट हैफ्टक्रीम बेस्ट एंटीबैक्टेरियल

उत्पाद कोड: 7837470

KUKIDENT Haftcreme beste Antibakteriell KUKIDENT Haftcreme beste Antibakteriell is a premium fitting cream designed to keep your dentures secure and comfortable all day long. This haftcreme has been formulated with advanced antibacterial technology that prevents bacteria and yeast from growing on dentures, keeping your mouth fresh and healthy. The powerful formula of KUKIDENT Haftcreme beste Antibakteriell creates a barrier between your dentures and your gums, ensuring that your dentures stay in place even while eating, drinking or speaking. This unique haftcreme also comes with a green-tea extract infused with natural antibacterial agents that leave your mouth feeling refreshed and clean all day. KUKIDENT Haftcreme beste Antibakteriell is designed for comfort, allowing you to wear your dentures without any irritation or discomfort. It is easy to apply and is suitable for use with all types of dentures. It also lasts longer than other haftcreme, giving you grip and hold that lasts all day. Whether you are new to wearing dentures or have been using them for a long time, KUKIDENT Haftcreme beste Antibakteriell is the perfect solution for you. It provides a secure and comfortable fit, while also protecting your mouth from bacteria and maintaining oral hygiene. Try KUKIDENT Haftcreme beste Antibakteriell today and experience the best fitting denture cream on the market...

20.14 USD

कोरेगा बायो फॉर्मूला 66 पीसी

कोरेगा बायो फॉर्मूला 66 पीसी

उत्पाद कोड: 7845602

Corega Bio formula 66 pcs: The Ultimate Solution for Denture Wearers Corega Bio formula 66 pcs is a premium quality formula designed to provide the ultimate solution for denture wearers. It delivers a complete cleaning experience that helps to eliminate bad breath, prevents the formation of plaque, and provides a long-lasting fresh feeling. Features: Advanced Bio-Formula: Corega Bio formula is fortified with an advanced bio-formula that comes with a unique combination of active ingredients. It aids in the removal of tough stains caused by tobacco, coffee, or tea. Multi-Action Formula: It comes with a multi-action formula that helps to sanitize and eliminate germs and bacteria, which cause bad odors and gum disease. Long-Lasting Freshness: The formula has a long-lasting freshness that keeps your mouth fresh and clean for up to ten hours. Efficient Cleaning: The product's active cleaning agents penetrate hard-to-reach areas of your dentures, removing dirt and bacteria while keeping your dentures shining like new. Easy to Use: The product comes in an easy-to-use format that doesn't require soaking, brushing, or complicated steps; just place it into a glass of water, drop in one tablet, and let it work its magic. Safe for Dentures: Corega Bio formula is tested and verified by dental experts and is safe for use on different types of dentures. How to Use Corega Bio formula 66 pcs: It is effortless to use Corega Bio formula 66 pcs, and it takes only a few minutes. Here is how: Place your dentures into a glass of water. Drop one tablet of Corega Bio formula in the glass of water. Ensure that the dentures are entirely covered by water and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Remove the dentures and rinse thoroughly with clean water. Corega Bio formula 66 pcs is the ultimate solution for your denture cleaning needs. Don't settle for less; get your pack today and experience the difference...

21.72 USD

पारो डेन्चर टूथब्रश

पारो डेन्चर टूथब्रश

उत्पाद कोड: 837229

पारो डेन्चर टूथब्रश की विशेषताएंपैक में राशि: 1 पीसवजन: 41g लंबाई: 21mm चौड़ाई: 71mm ऊंचाई: 237mm स्विट्जरलैंड से पारो डेन्चर टूथब्रश ऑनलाइन खरीदें..

7.74 USD

लिवसेन हैफ्टक्रीम टीबी 40 ग्राम

लिवसेन हैफ्टक्रीम टीबी 40 ग्राम

उत्पाद कोड: 7720364

Livsane Haftcreme Tb 40 g Livsane Haftcreme Tb 40 g is a dental adhesive cream that provides comfortable and long-lasting hold for dentures. With its strong adhesive formula, Livsane Haftcreme Tb 40 g can keep dentures securely in place for up to 12 hours, while also providing a soft, cushiony feel against gums. Features: Strong hold for up to 12 hours Provides a comfortable and cushiony feel against gums Easy to use Tubes are compact and ideal for travel Safe and effective for all types of dentures Directions for Use: Clean and dry your dentures Apply Livsane Haftcreme Tb 40 g in small dots to the edges of the dentures Press the dentures firmly into place and hold for a few seconds to allow the cream to set For best results, wait 15-30 minutes before eating or drinking To remove the dentures, rinse your mouth with warm water and gently twist or rock the dentures to release them Remove any remaining adhesive from your gums and dentures with a soft brush or clean cloth Make sure to use Livsane Haftcreme Tb 40 g as directed, and consult your dentist if you have any questions or concerns about using denture adhesive creams. Get Livsane Haftcreme Tb 40 g today for a secure and comfortable hold for your dentures, and never worry about slipping or discomfort again!..

11.96 USD

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