स्वस्थ शरीर के लिए भोजन
(1 Pages)
Assugrin gold refill 500 tablets
एसुग्रीन गोल्ड टैबलेट की विशेषताएं 500 पीसी को रिफिल करती हैंपैक में राशि: 500 टुकड़ेवजन: 112 ग्राम लंबाई: 40 मिमी चौड़ाई: 70मिमी ऊंचाई: 90मिमी स्विट्ज़रलैंड से Assugrin सोने की गोलियां 500 पीस ऑनलाइन खरीदें..
20.96 USD
सुनिश्चित करें प्लस लिक वाल्डफ्रूच फ्लो 200 मिली
Ensure Plus Aroma Wild Fruit is a high-calorie (1.5 kcal/ml), fully balanced drinking food and is suitable for exclusive or supplementary nutrition. Ensure Plus sets new standards in terms of taste: Two blind tastings with a total of 202 Swiss experts were able to show that Ensure Plus is the winner in terms of smell, taste and consistency! Ensure Plus is particularly suitable for: Loss of appetite MalnutritionAnorexiaChanges in tasteIncreased energy requirementsGastroenterological diseases (Crohn's disease, celiac disease, etc.)For regeneration after a hospital stay and/or illness Add variety to your drinking: Enjoy Ensure Plus chilled or with ice cubes. Mix Ensure Plus with the food, e.g. in Birchermüesli, in a cream or in a soup.Treat yourself to Ensure Plus in small portions, distributed throughout the day, e.g. as a fruity dessert. This product is available in 7 different flavors: vanilla, chocolate, coffee, banana, forest fruit, strawberry, raspberryThe drinking food is low in lactose and gluten-free. ..
9.94 USD
(1 Pages)