सौंदर्य प्रसाधन दिनचर्या
(1 Pages)
Rotanelle plus bromatech केप ब्लिस्ट 12 पीसी
ROTANELLE Plus Bromatech केप ब्लिस्ट 12 पीसी की विशेषताएंभंडारण तापमान न्यूनतम/अधिकतम 15/25 डिग्री सेल्सियसपैक में राशि: 12 टुकड़ेवजन : 20g लंबाई: 13mm चौड़ाई: 72mm ऊंचाई: 101mm स्विट्जरलैंड से ROTANELLE Plus Bromatech केप ब्लिस्ट 12 पीसी ऑनलाइन खरीदें ..
42.37 USD
सिमिलासन ब्लेफाकुरा हॉट-कोल्ड मास्क
Properties Heating: mask for about 6 minutes in about 38-45°C warm water; (not boiling water). Chill: Place mask in refrigerator for 60 minutes or more, or freezer for 15 minutes for quick chilling. When putting it on, place a moistened compress/cotton pad between the skin of the face/eyelid and the mask to avoid direct skin contact. (frostbite/ burns) Properties Heating: Mask for approx. 6 minutes in approx. 38-45°C warm water; (not boiling water). Chill: Place mask in refrigerator for 60 minutes or more, or freezer for 15 minutes for quick chilling. When putting it on, place a moistened compress/cotton pad between the skin of the face/eyelid and the mask to avoid direct skin contact. (frostbite/ burns) ..
23.14 USD
(1 Pages)