

Tooted 51 - 75, tooteid kokku 122, lehekülgi 5
Kas otsite tõhusaid valuvaigistavaid lahendusi? Olenemata sellest, kas teil on lihasvalu, liigesevalud, seedetrakti häired või muud, pakume saidil teile hulgaliselt Šveitsi Health & Beauty tooteid, mis on tuntud oma tõhususe ja kvaliteedi poolest. Alates põletikuvastastest ravimitest, valuvaigistitest, haavahooldusest, seedimist soodustavatest ainetest kuni lihasrelaksantideni, kehahooldustoodete ja kosmeetikatoodeteni – meie pakkumine hõlmab laias valikus kategooriaid, mille eesmärk on valu ja ebamugavustunde leevendamine. Meie tooted hõlmavad ka dermatoloogiliste probleemide, südame-veresoonkonna probleemide, närvisüsteemi häirete ravi ja isegi looduslikke ravimeid ja homöopaatiat terviklikumate võimaluste jaoks. Sukelduge meie laiasse tootevalikusse ja leidke oma konkreetsetele vajadustele kohandatud lahendusi. Võtke omaks Šveitsi meditsiiniline lähenemine tervisele ja ilule, tagades teile kvaliteetse, põhjalikult uuritud ja Šveitsi meditsiini heakskiidetud ravi.
3m nexcare heat patch 9,5 x 13 cm 5 tk

3m nexcare heat patch 9,5 x 13 cm 5 tk

Tootekood: 6518264

Which packs are available? 3M Nexcare Heat Patch 9.5 x 13 cm 5 pcs ..

29.25 USD

Aleve filmtabl 220 mg 12 tk

Aleve filmtabl 220 mg 12 tk

Tootekood: 5977248

Aleve Filmtabl 220 mg 12 tk omadusedAnatoomiline terapeutiline kemikaal (АТС): M01AE02Toimeaine: M01AE02Säilitustemperatuur min/max 15 /30 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakis: 12 tkKaal: 14 g Pikkus: 16 mm Laius: 110 mm Kõrgus: 59 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Aleve Filmtabl 220 mg 12 tk..

26.27 USD

Algifor dolo junior susp 100 mg / 5ml fl 200 ml

Algifor dolo junior susp 100 mg / 5ml fl 200 ml

Tootekood: 6247279

Algifor Dolo Junior Susp 100 mg / 5 ml Fl 200 ml Algifor Dolo Junior Suspension on ravim, mis on spetsiaalselt loodud valu leevendamiseks ja palaviku alandamiseks 2–12-aastastel lastel. See ravim on 200 ml pudelis ja sisaldab 100 mg ibuprofeeni 5 ml vedela suspensiooni kohta. Algifor Dolo Junior Suspensioni toimeaine on ibuprofeen, mis kuulub ravimite rühma, mida nimetatakse mittesteroidseteks põletikuvastasteks ravimiteks (MSPVA-d). Ibuprofeen vähendab teatud valu ja põletikku põhjustavate kemikaalide aktiivsust organismis, muutes selle lastele tõhusaks valuvaigistiks ja palavikualandajaks. Seda suspensiooni on lihtne manustada, kuna seda võib võtta suu kaudu, ilma et oleks vaja tablette või kapsleid alla neelata. Vedel suspensioon on saadaval ka meeldiva maasikamaitselisena, muutes selle lastele atraktiivsemaks. Annustamisjuhiseid tuleb hoolikalt järgida, kuna annused sõltuvad lapse vanusest ja kehakaalust. Suspensiooni tohib kasutada ainult tervishoiutöötaja või vanema või eestkostja järelevalve all. Oluline on märkida, et seda ravimit ei tohi kasutada rohkem kui 3 päeva järjest ilma tervishoiutöötajaga konsulteerimata. Samuti on soovitatav jälgida lapse temperatuuri, kuna pikaajaline kõrge palavik võib viidata tõsisemale põhihaigusele, mis vajab arstiabi. Kokkuvõttes on Algifor Dolo Junior Suspension usaldusväärne ja ohutu ravim kerge kuni mõõduka valu ja palavikuga lastele. See pakub kiiret ja tõhusat leevendust, seda on lihtne manustada ja see on saadaval meeldiva maitsega. Enne ravimi kasutamist lastel konsulteerige alati tervishoiutöötajaga. ..

28.17 USD

Algifor liquid caps 400 mg 10 tk

Algifor liquid caps 400 mg 10 tk

Tootekood: 6399405

Algifori vedelkorkide 400 mg 10 tk omadusedAnatoomiline terapeutiline kemikaal (АТС): M01AE01Säilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgi >Kogus pakis: 10 tükkiKaal: 24 g Pikkus: 20 mm Laius: 104 mm Kõrgus: 64 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Algifor Liquid Caps 400 mg 10 tk..

32.19 USD

Champ de fleurs matt 73x45cm violetne-lilla

Champ de fleurs matt 73x45cm violetne-lilla

Tootekood: 6876070

Champ de Fleursi matt 73x45 cm violetne-lilla See Champ de Fleursi matt sobib suurepäraselt stressi ja kehavalude leevendamiseks. Sellel on 224 lootose naelu, mis on selle tõhususe optimeerimiseks ainulaadsel viisil paigutatud. Mati mõõtmed on 73x45 cm, mis sobib ideaalselt kasutamiseks mis tahes kehaosal. See on kujundatud violetse-lilla värviga, mis muudab selle ainulaadseks ja atraktiivseks. Funktsioonid: 224 lootose naelu, mis on selle tõhususe optimeerimiseks ainulaadsel viisil paigutatud Disaineeritud violetse-lilla värviga, mis muudab selle ainulaadseks ja atraktiivseks Ideaalne stressi ja kehavalude leevendamiseks mis tahes kehaosas Mati suurus on 73x45 cm, mis muudab selle mugavaks ja mitmekülgseks Tootmisprotsessis kasutatud 100% kvaliteetsed materjalid vastupidavuse ja ohutuse tagamiseksKasutamine: Champ de Fleursi mati kasutamine on üsna lihtne. Kõik, mida pead tegema, on asetada matt oma kehapiirkonnale, kus soovite stressi või valu leevendada, nagu selg, jalad või käed. Matti saate kasutada nii lamades, istudes kui ka seistes – kuidas teile mugav on. Laske endal 15–20 minutit matil lõõgastuda ja tunnete eeliseid.Eelised: Champ de Fleursi matil on mitmeid eeliseid, sealhulgas: Stressi ja pingete leevendamine kehas Põletiku ja turse vähendamine Une kvaliteedi parandamine Energiataseme tõstmine Tsirkulatsiooni ja hapnikuga varustamise parandamine kehas Üldiselt on Champ de Fleursi matt suurepärane investeering teie tervisesse ja heaolusse. Seda on lihtne kasutada, tõhus ja see on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, et tagada ohutus ja vastupidavus. ..

217.20 USD

Dermaplast active instant ice mini

Dermaplast active instant ice mini

Tootekood: 7145167

DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini tootekirjeldus DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini on kohustuslik toode kõigile, kes tegelevad spordiga või kellel on kalduvus lihasvaludele ja vigastustele. See toode leevendab koheselt valu ja põletikku, mis on põhjustatud väikestest verevalumitest, nikastusest, venitustest ja muudest vigastustest. See on kompaktne ja hõlpsasti kasutatav toode, mida saab kanda otse kahjustatud alale ilma ebamugavust tekitamata. Põhifunktsioonid: Väiksetest vigastustest põhjustatud valu ja põletiku kiire ja tõhus leevendamine Kompaktne ja hõlpsasti kasutatav disain Jahutab kahjustatud piirkonda koheselt maha, vähendades turset ja põletikku Ei põhjusta ebamugavust ega nahaärritust Ideaalne kasutamiseks pärast sportlikku tegevust, treeningut või mis tahes füüsilist tegevust Kasutamine: DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini kasutamine on väga lihtne. Järgige lihtsalt allolevaid samme: Eemaldage toode pakendist Asetage see kahjustatud alale ja vajutage seda õrnalt Toode hakkab piirkonda koheselt jahutama, leevendades valu ja põletikku Hoidke toodet kahjustatud alal 15–20 minutit või kuni tunnete leevendust. Pärast kasutamist visake toode ära DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini on ohutu ja tõhus toode, mida saavad kasutada kõik, kes vajavad kiiret leevendust väiksematest vigastustest põhjustatud valu ja põletiku vastu. See on väike ja kompaktne, mistõttu on seda lihtne kõikjale kaasas kanda. Nii et olenemata sellest, kas olete sportlane, fitness-entusiast või lihtsalt keegi, kellel on kalduvus lihasvaludele ja vigastustele, on DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini teile ideaalne lahendus...

6.88 USD

Dolor-x hot pad kuumutusümbrikud 4 tk

Dolor-x hot pad kuumutusümbrikud 4 tk

Tootekood: 6516644

Medical device What is Dolor-X Hot Pad and when is it used? Dolor-X Hot Pad is a self-heating compress for the lower back that effectively and specifically relieves muscle and joint pain.Dolor-X Hot Pad relieves back pain caused by Muscle and joint disorders;Muscle cramps and tension;Muscle strains;Oarthritis;chronic and occasional conditions. How does the Dolor-X Hot Pad work? Dolor-X Hot Pad delivers pain-relieving heat to relax tight muscles and increase blood flow to the pain site. Dolor-X Hot Pad does not contain any medicinal substances. What should be considered? The development of heat begins after opening the bag and is greatest after about 30 minutes. The heat lasts for at least 12 hours. An envelope can only be used once. Do not put additional pressure on the Dolor-X Hot Pad and do not wear it under a tight waistband or belt. Apply the envelope flat and unfolded (1-ply). Use only 1 poultice in 24 hours. When not to use Dolor-X Hot Pad? Dolor-X Hot Pad should not be used if the heating chambers are leaking or damaged;along with medicated liniments, patches or other types of heat;on diseased, injured or damaged skin;on bruises or swellings;on areas of the body without heat sensation;in people who cannot remove the Dolor-X Hot Pad on their own or who cannot follow the instructions for use, e.g. children or some elderly people.within the first 24 hours after an injury;in the case of active, recent or potential bleeding;in the case of burns;in acute inflammatory diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis);in Thrombophlebitis, peripheral arterial disease (PVD), deep vein thrombosis (DVT);in cancer;in the case of eye radiation (infrared radiation);in the case of fever or infection;in skin infections;on X-rayed skin areas;over superficial metal implants;in venous ulcers a. Stop using and talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or druggist if you experience irritation, burns, swelling, rashes, or other persistent changes to your skin in the area of ??application, or if your pain worsens or persists after 7 days. When should you be careful when using Dolor-X Hot Pad? Heat-producing products can cause skin irritation and cause burns. To reduce this risk, please note the following: This risk increases with age. From the age of 55 or with sensitive skin, the Dolor-X Hot Pad should be worn over thin clothing and not used while sleeping!Do not use next to a heat source or during sport.The heat chambers contain iron powder. In case of skin or eye contact, remove Dolor-X Hot Pad, flush affected area with water and seek medical attention immediately. If swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.The product can only be used once! Never heat Dolor-X Hot Pad in a microwave and never try to reheat it as it could catch fire.Check the skin regularly for signs of irritation or burns. If these occur, stop using immediately.If the Dolor-X Hot Pad feels too hot, remove the envelope.Remove the Dolor-X Hot Pad before an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan. For use in diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, nerve damage, sensory disorders, skin conditions or during pregnancyAsk your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for more information. How do you use Dolor-X Hot Pad? Do not open the sachet until immediately before use. Place the Dolor-X Hot Pad with the fine-fibred side on the affected area and fix the belt so that it lies comfortably. Don't over tighten. It can take up to 30 minutes for the Dolor-X Hot Pad to reach its therapeutic temperature. The heat lasts for at least 12 hours. What else should you pay attention to? Do not use after the expiration date. Store below 25 °C, protected from sunlight and out of the reach of children.After use, Dolor-X Hot Pad can be disposed of with household waste.Do not ingest. What does Dolor-X Hot Pad contain? Iron powder, activated carbon, sodium polyacrylate, sodium chloride, vermiculite, water. Where can you get Dolor-X Hot Pad? Which packs are available? Dolor-X Hot Pad is available in pharmacies and drugstores. Packs of 2 and 4 heat packs. Distribution Axapharm AG, Zugerstrasse 32, CH-6340 Baar. Manufacturer Tianjin fuqin science & technology Corp., Ltd., Building D-18, Wisdom Valley Industry Park, Xiqing District, 300382 Tianjin, China. EC/REP: Llins Service & Consulting GmbH, Am Heiligenhaus 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany.Tel: +491754870819REF Y-13 Status of information July 2018...

40.20 USD

Dul-x back relax gel kreem 75 ml

Dul-x back relax gel kreem 75 ml

Tootekood: 1001790

The gel cream can relieve pain and tension in the back and lower back. It cools first and then works deep down with heat. Properties The Dul-x Back Relax Gel Cream can reduce pain and release tension. It initially cools and relieves pain. The body then tries to compensate for the cooling through increased heat production and blood circulation is promoted. Application Apply the gel-cream sparingly to the affected area and without Massage pressure.This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

37.29 USD

Epitact flexible double protective bandage correction hallux valgus day m 21.5-23cm left

Epitact flexible double protective bandage correction hallux valgus day m 21.5-23cm left

Tootekood: 5764529

Epitact Flexible Double Protective Bandage Correction Hallux Valgus DAY M 21.5-23cm Left The Epitact Flexible Double Protective Bandage Correction Hallux Valgus DAY M 21.5-23cm Left is designed to provide an ergonomic and comfortable solution to address the ?bunion? or hallux valgus problem. The bandage is made of flexible and breathable fabric that adapts perfectly to the foot's shape without exerting too much pressure. This bandage's primary purpose is to correct the hallux valgus deformity and prevent it from increasing, thanks to an internal orthotic splint that maintains the big toe's proper alignment. The double protective layer helps cushion the deformity against rubbing and pressure, resulting in pain relief and a more comfortable walking experience. The Epitact bandage features a DAY model specially designed for people who spend extended periods standing or walking. The M size fits individuals with a foot size ranging from 21.5 cm to 23 cm, with the left foot option available for purchase. Overall, this Epitact bandage is an excellent tool for providing pain relief, help correcting Hallux Valgus deformities, and allow people to perform their daily tasks without feeling limited. ..

93.01 USD

Epitact jäik korrigeeriv sidemega bunion night s 20-21,5cm

Epitact jäik korrigeeriv sidemega bunion night s 20-21,5cm

Tootekood: 6585289

Rigid correction splint for hallux valgus that relieves nocturnal pain and relieves contact pain. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

81.47 USD

Epitact painduva sideme korrigeerimine hallux valgus päev m 21,5-23cm

Epitact painduva sideme korrigeerimine hallux valgus päev m 21,5-23cm

Tootekood: 5318310

Epitact painduv korrigeeriv side Hallux valgus TAG M 21,5–23 cm Igapäevane lahase kandmine takistab hallux valguse teket piirates ja korrigeerides ning samal ajal leevendab valu. Atribuudid Epitact Hallux Valguse korrigeeriv lahas võimaldab korrigeerida ja piirata hallux valguse arengut seda igapäevaselt kandes ning samal ajal leevendada liigesevalu. Tänu painduvale väga õhukesele Epithelium Flex tehnoloogiale kohandub korrigeeriv lahas kergesti iga jalatsiga, välimine lint aga sirgendab suurt varvast. Lisaks leevendab valu halluxile avaldatava surve ümbersuunamine. Eriti õhuke tihendusriba jala keskosal ja kaitsepadi aitavad samuti vältida esiosa vajumist ja laienemist. Erinevalt jäikadest lahastest mõjutab see päevasel ajal jooksmisel kõiki tegureid, mis võivad joondamishäiret halvendada. Märkused Laha ei tohi kanda haige naha korral.Märkused Laha ei tohi kanda haige naha korral. li>Diabeedi, arteriiidi või neuropaatia korral tuleb jalga regulaarselt jälgida.Kui suur varvas ei saa enam külgsuunas liikuda, ei tohi lahast kasutada. ul> ..

84.97 USD

Epitact painduva sideme korrigeerimine hallux valgus tag l 23-24,5cm

Epitact painduva sideme korrigeerimine hallux valgus tag l 23-24,5cm

Tootekood: 5318327

Epitact painduv korrigeeriv side Hallux valgus TAG L 23-24,5 cm Igapäevane lahase kandmine takistab hallux valguse teket piirates ja korrigeerides ning samal ajal leevendab valu. Atribuudid Epitact Hallux Valguse korrigeeriv lahas võimaldab korrigeerida ja piirata hallux valguse arengut seda igapäevaselt kandes ning samal ajal leevendada liigesevalu. Tänu painduvale väga õhukesele Epithelium Flex tehnoloogiale kohandub korrigeeriv lahas kergesti iga jalatsiga, välimine lint aga sirgendab suurt varvast. Lisaks leevendab valu halluxile avaldatava surve ümbersuunamine. Eriti õhuke tihendusriba jala keskosal ja kaitsepadi aitavad samuti vältida esiosa vajumist ja laienemist. Erinevalt jäikadest lahastest mõjutab see päevasel ajal jooksmisel kõiki tegureid, mis võivad joondamishäiret halvendada. Märkused Laha ei tohi kanda haige naha korral.Märkused Laha ei tohi kanda haige naha korral. li>Diabeedi, arteriiidi või neuropaatia korral tuleb jalga regulaarselt jälgida.Kui suur varvas ei saa enam külgsuunas liikuda, ei tohi lahast kasutada. ul> ..

84.97 USD

Epitact painduva sideme korrigeerimine hallux valgus tag s 20-21,5cm

Epitact painduva sideme korrigeerimine hallux valgus tag s 20-21,5cm

Tootekood: 5318304

With daily wear, the Epitact Hallux Valgus Correction Splint makes it possible to correct and limit the development of Hallux valgus while also relieving joint pain. Due to the flexible, very thin Epithelium Flex technology, the correction splint easily adapts to any shoe, while the external band straightens the big toe. It also reduces pain by redirecting the pressure exerted on the hallux. The extra-thin compression band on the midfoot and the protective pad also help to prevent the forefoot from lowering and widening. Unlike rigid splints, this affects all factors that could aggravate a deformity during the day. Notes The splint should not be worn on raw skin.In the case of diabetes, arteritis or neuropathy, the foot must be observed regularly.If the big toe can no longer move laterally, the splint must not be used. ..

83.34 USD

Genupointi aktiivne tugi gr2 titaan

Genupointi aktiivne tugi gr2 titaan

Tootekood: 6448434

GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium If you're looking for a high-quality knee brace that provides support and protection during physical activity, the GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium is the perfect choice for you. Designed with the latest technology and materials, this knee brace will give you the support you need to perform your best and avoid injury. Benefits: Provides support and protection during physical activity Adjustable to fit a wide range of knee sizes Made with Gr2 Titanium, a lightweight and durable material Helps relieve pain and reduce swelling in the knee area Can be worn during sports, exercise, or other physical activities The GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium is designed to be comfortable and easy to wear, with a lightweight, breathable design that will keep you cool and dry during your workouts. The adjustable straps allow you to customize the fit to your particular needs, ensuring maximum support and comfort. This knee brace is made with Gr2 Titanium, a high-quality material that is both lightweight and durable. This means that you can wear it during even the most strenuous activities without worrying about it breaking or wearing down over time. If you're dealing with knee pain or swelling, the GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium can help. Its supportive design helps to relieve pain and reduce swelling, allowing you to stay active and avoid further injury. Whether you're an athlete or just someone who wants to stay active and healthy, the GenuPoint Active Support Gr2 Titanium is the perfect choice for you. So why wait? Order yours today and start enjoying the benefits of this high-quality knee brace!..

74.85 USD

Kintex cross tape mix box krohv 102 tk

Kintex cross tape mix box krohv 102 tk

Tootekood: 6565217

The mix box with 102 patches supports the creation of physical balance and the treatment of pain points thanks to the findings of the Asian medical science of acupuncture. Properties Grid Tape.This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

22.48 USD

Omida arnica montana glob c 200 14 g

Omida arnica montana glob c 200 14 g

Tootekood: 6752379

Omida Arnica montana Glob C 200 14 g omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 g Kaal: 52 g Pikkus: 27 mm Laius: 27 mm Kõrgus: 82 mm Ostke veebist Omida Arnica montana Glob C 200 14 g Šveitsist..

87.14 USD

Omida glob arnica d 12 14 g

Omida glob arnica d 12 14 g

Tootekood: 6751500

Omida Glob Arnica D 12 14 g omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 gKaal : 51 g Pikkus: 27 mm Laius: 27 mm Kõrgus: 82 mm Ostke Omida Glob Arnica D 12 14 g Internetist Šveitsist ..

39.73 USD

Paracetamol extra filmtabl 500 mg 10 tk

Paracetamol extra filmtabl 500 mg 10 tk

Tootekood: 1004719

Paracetamol Extra Filmtabl 500 mg 10 tk omadusedAnatoomiline terapeutiline kemikaal (АТС): N02BE51Toimeaine: N02BE51Säilitustemperatuur min/ max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 10 tkKaal: 17 g Pikkus: 18 mm Laius: 87 mm < /p>Kõrgus: 70 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Paracetamol Extra Filmtabl 500 mg 10 tk..

23.13 USD

Prontosan acute wound gel 30 g

Prontosan acute wound gel 30 g

Tootekood: 5439278

Hüdrogeel, mis on ette nähtud väiksemate põletuste ja ägedate haavade (nt marrastused, lõiked) raviks. Jahutava toime tõttu leevendab valu kiiresti. Kompositsioon Puhastatud vesi, glütserool, hüdroksüetüültselluloos, betaiin pindaktiivne aine, 0,1% polüaminopropüülbiguaniid (poliheksaniid). p> Rakendus Ravitage 1–2 korda päevas (päikesepõletuse korral 2–6 korda päevas). Märkused Rasedad ja imetavad naised tohivad toodet kasutada ainult pärast arstiga konsulteerimist. Toodet tohib lastel kasutada ainult siis, kui see on meditsiiniliselt vajalik. Lisateave Parfüümivaba, värvainevaba. See toode on CE-sertifikaadiga. See tagab Euroopa ohutusstandardite täitmise. ..

16.56 USD

Puressentiel nelk äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel nelk äth / oil bio 5ml

Tootekood: 5930407

Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a pure and natural essential oil that is extracted from the buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree. This essential oil is certified organic and is free from any harmful chemicals or additives. It is a highly concentrated oil that is rich in beneficial compounds that can be used for a variety of purposes. Uses and Benefits Relieves Pain and Inflammation: This essential oil is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain and inflammation. It is commonly used to ease toothache, joint pain, and even headaches. Fights Infections: Clove essential oil has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is commonly used to treat respiratory infections and other types of infections. Boosts Immunity: This essential oil can stimulate the immune system and help fight off infections. It can also improve blood circulation and increase white blood cell count. Improves Digestion: Clove essential oil can help regulate digestion and relieve digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, and nausea. Improves Skin Health: This oil has antioxidant properties that can protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It can also help treat skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. How to Use Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml can be used in a variety of ways including: Aromatherapy: Add a few drops of the oil into a diffuser or vaporizer to enjoy its aromatic properties. Topical Application: Dilute a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil and apply it to the skin. This can help relieve pain, improve digestion, and improve skin health. Internal Use: This oil can be used internally, but caution should be taken as it is highly concentrated. It is best to consult a healthcare professional before ingesting essential oils. Conclusion Puressentiel Cloves Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a versatile and beneficial essential oil that can be used for a variety of purposes. Its natural and organic composition makes it safe for use and its many health benefits make it a great addition to any household. Use it to alleviate pain, fight infections, improve digestion, boost immunity, and improve skin health. ..

22.91 USD

Puressentiel® eucalyptus äth / õli bio 10 ml

Puressentiel® eucalyptus äth / õli bio 10 ml

Tootekood: 5930376

Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml is a premium quality essential oil that is obtained from the leaves of Eucalyptus trees using the steam distillation method. This powerful and natural oil is 100% pure and organic, which means that it does not contain any artificial additives, chemicals, or preservatives. It is a must-have in your medicine cabinet, especially during the cold season, as eucalyptus oil is known for its therapeutic properties that help to soothe respiratory problems, relieve pain, and improve mental clarity. Benefits of Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml Here are some of the benefits of using Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml: Relieves Respiratory Problems: Eucalyptus oil is known for its excellent antiviral and antibacterial properties that help to improve respiratory health. It helps to relieve congestion, cough, and sinus problems. Relieves Pain: This essential oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body. It can be used topically or aromatically to relieve muscle and joint pain. Improves Mental Clarity: Eucalyptus oil has a refreshing and invigorating scent that helps to improve mental clarity and alertness. It is used in aromatherapy to reduce mental fatigue and improve concentration. How to Use Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml There are several ways to use Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml: Topically: Mix it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or almond oil and apply it to the affected area to provide relief from pain or inflammation. Aromatically: Add a few drops of the essential oil to your diffuser to create a refreshing and invigorating environment in your home or office. Inhalation: Put a few drops of the essential oil in hot water and inhale the steam to relieve respiratory problems. Conclusion Puressentiel® Eucalyptus Äth/Oil Bio 10ml is a versatile and essential product that should be part of your natural medicine cabinet. It provides numerous benefits to your health and well-being, including relieving respiratory problems, relieving pain, and improving mental clarity. It is 100% pure and organic, which means that it is safe to use and does not contain any harmful chemicals. Try it today and enjoy the benefits of this natural and powerful essential oil...

22.91 USD

Similasan peavalu glob 15 g

Similasan peavalu glob 15 g

Tootekood: 5481576

Similasani peavalu Glob 15 g omadusedAnatoomiline terapeutiline kemikaal (АТС): N02BZSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogu pakendis: 1 gKaal: 0,00000000 g Pikkus: 33 mm Laius: 40 mm Kõrgus: 81 mm Ostke Šveitsist veebist Similasan peavalu Glob 15 g..

50.29 USD

Thermacare® lokaalne valu 3 tk

Thermacare® lokaalne valu 3 tk

Tootekood: 6111901

Warm pads that can be used flexibly for punctual pain, for effective pain relief through therapeutic deep heat. Contains no medicinal substances and is odourless. Properties The ThermaCare heat patch for flexible Thanks to its special shape, it can be used individually. All ThermaCare patches contain natural ingredients that react with air and generate heat (when the airtight packaging is opened). The self-heating plaster can be used for chronic and occasional pain caused by muscle tension, strains or arthrosis. After a half-hour warm-up time, the patch warms the affected area reliably for 8 hours at around 40 degrees, deep down. The warmth improves blood circulation in the muscles and supplies them with sufficient nutrients, thereby relieving tension and cramps. The patch contains no drugs and is odorless. Deep heat relieves tensionWarms for 8 hoursWithout drugsOdourless Thin, inconspicuous under clothing Notes Open the airtight packaging just before useFrom one From the age of approx. 55 years wear the plaster over thin clothing and not while sleeping.Do not combine the plaster with liniments, other plasters or other heat sources.Only on healthy, intact ones Use on skin.Do not use on bruises or swellings.If you have diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis or are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before use. Ingredients Iron powder, salt, activated carbon and water Application After RequirementThe plaster should be worn continuously for at least 3 hours and up to 8 hours for ideal effect. This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

27.43 USD

Thermacare® suuremad valupiirkonnad 2 tk

Thermacare® suuremad valupiirkonnad 2 tk

Tootekood: 6774292

Thanks to its special shape, the ThermaCare heat plaster for flexible use XL can be used individually on larger affected areas. All ThermaCare patches contain natural ingredients that react with air and generate heat (when the airtight packaging is opened). The self-heating plaster can be used for chronic and occasional pain caused by muscle tension, strains or arthrosis. After a half-hour warm-up time, the patch warms the affected area reliably for 8 hours at around 40 degrees, deep down. The warmth improves blood circulation in the muscles and supplies them with sufficient nutrients, thereby relieving tension and cramps. The plaster does not contain any medicinal substances and is odourless. Deep heat relieves tensionWarms for 8 hoursWithout medicinal substancesOdorlessThin, inconspicuous under clothing Application As requiredThe plaster should be left on for at least 3 hours worn continuously and for an ideal effect of up to 8 hours. Notes Only open the airtight packaging just before useFrom the age of approx. 55 wear the plaster over thin clothing and not while sleeping.Do not combine the plaster with liniments, other plasters or other heat sources.Use only on healthy, intact skin.Do not use on bruises or swelling.If you have diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis or are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before use. Ingredients Iron powder, salt, activated charcoal and water..

27.11 USD

Viscoheel kannapadi gr3 1 paar

Viscoheel kannapadi gr3 1 paar

Tootekood: 6324117

ViscoHeel kontsapadja Gr3 omadused 1 paarEuroopa CE sertifikaatKogus pakendis: 1 paarKaal: 135 g Pikkus: 30 mm Laius: 120 mm Kõrgus: 160 mm Ostke ViscoHeel kontsapatja Gr3 1 paar Internetist Šveitsist..

53.97 USD

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