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В предлагаме голямо разнообразие от самозалепващи ленти, предназначени да отговорят на всички ваши нужди за грижа за рани и кърмене. Като водещ доставчик на продукти за здраве и красота от Швейцария, ние гарантираме, че нашите продукти се придържат към най-високите стандарти за качество и ефективност. Независимо дали са за медицинска употреба или спортна медицина, нашите лепящи ленти осигуряват отлична опора, компресия и свойства за заздравяване на рани. В допълнение към самозалепващите ленти, ние предлагаме набор от свързани продукти, включително бинтове, незалепващи превръзки и комплекти за преобличане. Разгледайте нашата колекция днес и намерете идеалното решение за вашите изисквания за грижа за рани. Всички наши продукти са кулминация на швейцарската прецизност и ангажираност към здравето и благополучието, гарантирайки ви най-доброто на пазара. Доверете се на за всичко необходимо за грижа за рани.
3m scotch ™ plus 5cmx3.65m white

3m scotch ™ plus 5cmx3.65m white

Продуктов код: 2056401


21.07 USD

3m scotchcast plus 12.5cmx3.65m бял

3m scotchcast plus 12.5cmx3.65m бял

Продуктов код: 1997969

3M Scotch Plus 12,5 см x 3,65 м бяло 3M Scotch Plus 12,5 cm x 3,65 m White е здрава и издръжлива самозалепваща лента, която е идеална за широк спектър от приложения. Тази многофункционална лента може да се използва за запечатване на опаковки, ремонт на артикули или дори за монтиране на предмети върху повърхности. Лентата е широка 12,5 cm и дълга 3,65 m, което гарантира, че имате достатъчно лента, за да завършите всяка задача. Тази лента е подходяща за използване върху различни повърхности, включително пластмаса, метал, стъкло и хартия. Силното лепило гарантира, че лентата остава на място и не се отлепва лесно. Освен това е устойчив на влага и влага, което го прави идеален за използване във влажна среда или при работа с влажни материали. 3M Scotch Plus 12,5 cm x 3,65 m White е проектиран да бъде лесен за използване и нанасяне. Лентата може да се отреже до желаната дължина с помощта на ножица или макетно ножче и може лесно да се отстрани, когато вече не е необходима. Яркият бял цвят на тази лента гарантира, че може да се види лесно, което я прави идеална за маркиране на граници или етикетиране на обекти. Ако търсите надеждна и универсална самозалепваща лента, която може да се използва за широк спектър от приложения, 3M Scotch Plus 12,5 cm x 3,65 m White определено си струва да обмислите. Със своето силно залепване, устойчивост на влага и лесно поставяне, тази лента е незаменим инструмент за всеки, който трябва да свърши нещата!..

32.05 USD

3m transpore ролева лепенка 25mmx9.14m прозрачна 12 бр

3m transpore ролева лепенка 25mmx9.14m прозрачна 12 бр

Продуктов код: 7776251

This '3M Transpore Role Patch 25mmx9.14m Transparent 12 pcs' product is an innovative and high-quality medical product that is designed to help healthcare professionals in various medical applications. The product is an adhesive tape that is transparent, durable and hypoallergenic, making it perfect for use in sensitive skin applications. Each roll of this adhesive tape measures 25mmx9.14m and the pack contains 12 rolls of this transparent medical tape. The 3M Transpore Role Patch is a reliable and versatile tape that can be used for a wide range of applications. It can be used to secure dressings, catheters, and other medical equipment in place, making it ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities. It is made from high-quality materials that are strong and durable, ensuring that the tape stays in place and secures the medical equipment for the entire period needed. The product is manufactured by 3M, a renowned brand in the healthcare industry. The 3M Transpore Role Patch is a transparent tape that allows for easy monitoring of the skin and medical equipment underneath it. The tape is water-resistant and breathable, allowing the skin to breathe while ensuring that the tape remains securely in place. The hypoallergenic nature of the 3M Transpore Role Patch makes it perfect for use in sensitive areas like the face, where other medical tapes may cause skin irritation. The adhesive is gentle on the skin and does not cause any discomfort or skin damage. The product is latex-free, making it safe for individuals with latex allergies. The product is available in a pack of 12 rolls, making it economical to buy in bulk. Each roll is 25mmx9.14m, making it easy to use and versatile for various applications. The transparent nature of the tape ensures that the skin and medical equipment under the tape are visible, facilitating easy monitoring and inspection. In summary, the 3M Transpore Role Patch 25mmx9.14m Transparent 12 pcs pack is an excellent medical product that combines strength, transparency, and hypoallergenic properties. It is perfect for healthcare professionals looking for a reliable and versatile adhesive tape that can be used for various medical applications. Buy this product and experience its excellence in securing your dressings, catheters and other medical devices...

46.30 USD

Leukoplast strong adhesive fixierpaster 5mx2.5cm цвят кожа

Leukoplast strong adhesive fixierpaster 5mx2.5cm цвят кожа

Продуктов код: 6393609

Leukoplast Strong Adhesive Fixierpaster 5mx2.5cm цвят кожа Leukoplast Strong Adhesive Fixierplaster е високоефективна и универсална медицинска лента, идеална за употреба при грижа за рани и превързване. Тази самозалепваща се лента е направена от здрав и издръжлив материал, който осигурява дълготрайна адхезия, дори в предизвикателни среди. Липсът с цвят на кожата се използва за фиксиране на превръзки, канюли и катетри и е основна част от комплекта за здравни специалисти, болногледачи и хора с широк спектър от медицински състояния. Размерът на лентата 5mx2,5cm гарантира, че тя може да бъде нарязана на произволна дължина или ширина, за да персонализирате превръзката, за да пасне на мястото на раната. Гъвкавата тъканна конструкция на Fixierplaster на Leukoplast осигурява максимален комфорт, а лесната за отстраняване подложка е идеална за лесно нанасяне и помага за намаляване на риска от по-нататъшно увреждане или дразнене на мястото на раната при отстраняване на лентата. С превъзходната си водоустойчивост и дълготрайни адхезивни свойства Leukoplast Strong Adhesive Fixierplaster е идеалният избор за всеки, който се нуждае от надеждна, универсална и висококачествена медицинска лента. Неговият дизайн в цвят на кожата гарантира, че се слива безпроблемно с кожата за дискретна и естествена грижа за рани. Поръчайте своя Leukoplast Strong Adhesive Fixierplaster днес и се уверете, че винаги ще разполагате с най-качествените консумативи за грижа за рани. ..

5.99 USD

Leukotape classic plaster tape 10mx3.75cm

Leukotape classic plaster tape 10mx3.75cm

Продуктов код: 2150867

Leukotape класическа гипсова лента 10mx3.75cm Лентата предоставя главно положителна сензорна информация с въздействие, което кожата представлява тялото. Свойства Висока якост на залепване, якост на опън, нееластичен, разкъсваем надлъжно и напречно, водоотблъскващ. ..

18.38 USD

Leukotape k биндер за настилка 5mx7.5cm син

Leukotape k биндер за настилка 5mx7.5cm син

Продуктов код: 5699045

Leukotape K Paving Binder 5mx7.5cm Blue The Leukotape K Paving Binder 5mx7.5cm Blue is a high-quality adhesive tape designed to provide superior support and compression during physical activities such as athletics, weightlifting or intense workouts. This tape is ideal for athletic trainers, physical therapists and other healthcare professionals that need a reliable and durable adhesive bandage for their patients. Features Designed to provide superior support and compression High-quality adhesive for greater durability Perfect for use in athletic training, physical therapy, and other medical procedures Comes in a convenient 5mx7.5cm size Available in blue for easy identification and monitoring of application area Benefits The Leukotape K Paving Binder 5mx7.5cm Blue is an effective adhesive tape that can provide a range of benefits including: Improving joint stability and function Preventing injury and reducing swelling and pain Enhancing movement and supporting muscle and joint flexibility its fast-acting properties and durable adhesive seal ensures the tape remains in place and provides continuous care and support. The Bottom Line The Leukotape K Paving Binder 5mx7.5cm Blue is an excellent adhesive tape for physical therapists, athletes, and anyone who needs reliable support and compression during physical exercise. Its high-quality adhesive and tough construction make it an ideal choice for anyone who needs a strong and dependable adhesive bandage. So, if you want to enhance your athletic performance, reduce injury, or promote healthy joint function, then the Leukotape K Paving Binder 5mx7.5cm Blue is the perfect adhesive tape for you...

33.70 USD

Omnifix фиксиращ полар 10cmx10m еластичен бял

Omnifix фиксиращ полар 10cmx10m еластичен бял

Продуктов код: 2164220

Характеристики на OmniFIX фиксиращ флийс 10cmx10m еластичен бялСертифициран в Европа CEКоличество в опаковка: 1 бройТегло: 173g Дължина: 85 мм Ширина: 103 мм Височина: 86 мм Купете OmniFIX фиксиращ полар 10 см x 10 м еластичен бял онлайн от Швейцария..

19.75 USD

Putter flex подвързване 12cmx5m

Putter flex подвързване 12cmx5m

Продуктов код: 4887431

Putter Flex Binding 12cmx5m Introducing the Putter Flex Binding 12cmx5m, the ultimate solution for all your binding needs. Made from high-quality materials, this 5-meter roll of binding tape is perfect for binding books, reports, files, and even sports equipment. Its flexible nature allows you to use it on curved surfaces, without the tape breaking or losing its adhesive properties. The Putter Flex Binding tape is 12cm wide, making it ideal for binding larger documents. Once applied, it provides a secure and long-lasting hold, ensuring your documents are kept together no matter what. The tape is easy to use, simply cut to the desired length and apply to the surface you want to bind. It's also easy to remove, without leaving any sticky residue behind, making it a versatile and reliable addition to your office or home. Whether you're a student, teacher, office worker, or sports enthusiast, the Putter Flex Binding tape is an essential item for all your binding needs. It's the perfect tool for binding reports and presentations, binding together sports equipment, or even repairing torn documents. With its high-quality adhesive properties and durable construction, this versatile binding tape is sure to become a staple in your toolkit. So why wait? Add the Putter Flex Binding 12cmx5m to your cart today, and experience the ultimate binding solution for yourself! ..

21.00 USD

лейкопласт еко 6х10см

лейкопласт еко 6х10см

Продуктов код: 7845716

LEUKOPLAST eco 6x10cm The LEUKOPLAST eco 6x10cm is a high-quality adhesive tape used to secure dressings, bandages, and other medical devices in place. It is specially designed to offer superior adhesion, durability, and breathability, making it an ideal choice for patients with sensitive skin. Made from environmentally friendly materials, this product is free from harmful chemicals and allergens, making it safe for use on a variety of skin types. The tape is constructed using a gentle adhesive that ensures maximum hold without causing discomfort or skin damage. It also features a perforated design that allows for easy tearing, making it easier to apply and remove without causing additional pain or discomfort. LEUKOPLAST eco 6x10cm is particularly useful in healthcare settings, where it is often used in wound dressing applications. The tape features a unique design that allows it to adhere to the skin while allowing air circulation, which helps to prevent skin maceration and other related problems. This product is also ideal for personal use, particularly for people who engage in outdoor activities such as hiking or sports. The tape is lightweight, flexible, and water-resistant, so it can be used to protect cuts, blisters, and other wounds from further irritation or infection. Overall, the LEUKOPLAST eco 6x10cm is the ideal choice for anyone in need of a reliable, versatile, and eco-friendly adhesive tape. So why wait? Order your pack today and start enjoying the many benefits that this product has to offer!..

8.70 USD

лейкотейп класическа гипсова лента 10мх3,75см синя

лейкотейп класическа гипсова лента 10мх3,75см синя

Продуктов код: 2181431

Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape, 10m x 3.75cm, Blue Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape is a high-quality adhesive tape designed for use in sports medicine, orthopedics and podiatry. This tape is made of a durable, viscous, rayon-backed fabric with a strong adhesive that provides excellent support and protection for joints, muscles and ligaments. The 10-meter length and 3.75-centimeter width of the tape make it versatile enough to be used for various applications, such as securing dressings, supporting a sprained ankle or wrist, or providing additional stability to injured or weak joints during physical activity. The blue color of the tape is ideal for medical professionals who need to differentiate between different applications or to comply with team or organization colors. The Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape is latex-free, ensuring that it is safe for people with latex allergies or sensitivity. This tape is water-resistant and non-elastic, providing long-lasting support that can withstand the rigors of sports or exercise. The strong adhesive sticks easily and securely to skin, fabric or other surfaces, ensuring that it stays in place even during intense activity or movement. Overall, the Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape is a reliable, versatile and durable tape that can provide excellent support and protection for people engaged in sports, physical activities, or recovering from an injury. ..

18.49 USD

лейкотейп класическа гипсова лента 10мх3,75см черна

лейкотейп класическа гипсова лента 10мх3,75см черна

Продуктов код: 5698821

Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape 10mx3.75cm Black The Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape 10mx3.75cm Black is a high-quality athletic tape that has been designed to offer superior adhesion and durability for athletes and active individuals. This tape is made from a porous fabric which allows the skin to breathe, and has a zinc oxide adhesive which provides excellent sticking power even in humid and wet conditions. The tape is also waterproof and can be worn during swimming or showering without losing its adhesive properties. This tape is ideal for use in sports, such as basketball, football, or soccer, where athletes need extra support and protection for their joints and muscles. Whether you are recovering from an injury, or want to prevent one from occurring, this tape can give you the support you need to perform at your best. The black color of the tape provides a sleek and professional look, making it suitable for use during competitions or events. Each roll is 10m in length and 3.75cm in width, providing sufficient coverage for multiple applications. This tape is ideal for taping ankles, knees, shoulders, and other areas of the body that require extra support. It is also hypoallergenic, making it safe for individuals with sensitive skin. In conclusion, the Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape 10mx3.75cm Black is a reliable and durable athletic tape that is designed to offer superior adhesion and support to athletes and active individuals. Its waterproof and breathable properties, along with its black color and hypoallergenic nature, make it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a top-quality athletic tape. So go ahead and order your roll today and experience the difference that Leukotape can make in your athletic performance! ..

18.49 USD

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