DermaPlast 敏感快速试纸条 19x72mm 15 件
DERMAPLAST SENSITIVE Express 贴片 19x72mm 15 片 用于护理小伤口的软膏药。 柔软抓绒制成的亲肤伤口膏,透气,温和可爱,不粘伤口敷料..
5.41 USD
DermaPlast 敏感 Schnellverb hf 6x10cm 10 件
DERMAPLAST SENSITIVE 快速修复 hf 6x10cm 10 片 柔韧、温和的材料低过敏、亲肤且透气。 柔软抓绒制成的亲肤伤口膏,透气,温和可爱,不粘伤口敷料..
10.60 USD
DermaPlast sensitive Family Strip ass Skin-32 件
DERMAPLAST SENSITIVE Family Strip 屁股皮肤 32 件 柔韧、温和的材料低过敏、亲肤且透气。 柔软抓绒制成的亲肤伤口膏,透气,温和可爱,不粘伤口敷料..
12.21 USD
Mepore is the original among self-adhesive, absorbent wound dressings. Properties h3> Properties..
12.72 USD
3M Medipore™品牌+护垫5x7.2cm伤口垫2.8x3.8cm 5个
3M Medipore™品牌特性 + 护垫 5x7.2cm wound Cushion 2.8x3.8cm 5 pcs欧洲CE认证存储温度最低/最高15/25摄氏度每包数量:5个重量:34g 长度:2..
8.27 USD
Dermaplast Medical Association fleece 15x9cm 5 pcs
Well cared for with sensitive skin: Sterile, self-adhesive and breathable wound dressing with a high..
11.33 USD
Mepore is the original among self-adhesive, absorbent wound dressings. Properties h3> Properties..
14.69 USD
DermaPlast 敏感 Schnellverb hf 8x10cm 10 件
DERMAPLAST 敏感 Schnellverb hf 8x10cm 10 件 柔韧、温和的材料低过敏、亲肤且透气。 柔软抓绒制成的亲肤伤口膏,透气,温和可爱,不粘伤口敷料..
13.91 USD
3M Medipore ™ brand + Pad 10x15cm wound pad 5x10.5cm 5 pcs
3M Medipore ™ Brand + Pad 10x15cm Wound Pad 5x10.5cm 5 Pcs The 3M Medipore ™ Brand + Pa..
17.02 USD
Cosmopor E Quick Association 7.2cmx5cm 无菌 50 件
Cosmopor E wound dressing Self-adhesive, individually sealed, sterile wound dressing made from hypo..
27.77 USD
Flawa 无纺布 Plast M 7.5x5cm 10 件
Flawa Nonwoven Plast M 7.5x5cm 10 Pcs Protect your wounds and cuts with the Flawa Nonwoven Plast M,..
9.10 USD
Mepore 伤口敷料 10x9cm 伤口垫 6x5cm 5 件
Mepore Wound Dressing 10x9cm Wound Pad 6x5cm 5 pcs The Mepore wound dressing is specially designed t..
6.32 USD
Mepore 伤口敷料 20x9cm 15x5cm 伤口垫 5 件
Mepore Wound Dressing 20x9cm 15x5cm Wound Pad 5 pcs If you are looking for a reliable and effective ..
13.20 USD
Elastoplast 敏感 Schnellverb 条 20 片
Elastoplast Sensitive Schnellverb Strip 20 pcs Looking for a reliable and safe adhesive bandage for..
8.47 USD
Cutiplast 米米无纺布协会 6 厘米 x 5 米白色
Cutiplast meter meter 无纺布协会 6cmx5m 白色的特性欧洲 CE 认证存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装数量:1个重量:92g 长度:117mm 宽度:116mm 高..
13.71 USD