DermaPlast 敏感快速试纸条 19x72mm 15 件
DERMAPLAST SENSITIVE Express 贴片 19x72mm 15 片 用于护理小伤口的软膏药。 柔软抓绒制成的亲肤伤口膏,透气,温和可爱,不粘伤口敷料..
5.41 USD
Compeed 唇疱疹贴 15 片
Small, invisible plaster to attach directly to the cold sore. The plaster protects the skin and prom..
30.54 USD
DermaPlast TEXTILE Schnellverb 8x10cm 10 件
DERMAPLAST TEXTIL 快速修复 8x10cm 10 件 由弹性纺织面料制成的纺织快速伤口敷料透气且耐用。为了割伤自己。适用于较小和较大的浅表伤口。 弹性面料制成的亲肤伤口膏,透气、耐..
13.81 USD
DermaPlast TEXTILE Schnellverb 6x10cm 10 件
DERMAPLAST TEXTIL 快速修复 6x10cm 10 件 由弹性纺织面料制成的纺织快速伤口敷料透气且耐用。为了割伤自己。适用于较小和较大的浅表伤口。 弹性面料制成的亲肤伤口膏,透气、耐..
10.32 USD
Compeed 手指裂缝贴片 10 件
Compeed finger crack plasters use hydrocolloid technology to ensure optimal moisture levels for woun..
21.85 USD
DermaPlast TEXTILE 快递条 19x72mm 15 件
For small superficial wounds. Skin-friendly wound plaster made of elastic fabric, breathable, hard-..
5.41 USD
Livsane 敏感贴 20 条
Livsane Sensitive Plaster Strips 20 pcs If you are looking for a reliable adhesive strip that can o..
8.22 USD
DermaPlast 肤色周围斑点 20 件
Suitable for small superficial wounds. It couldn't be more discreet: DermaPlast® Spots, the rou..
5.21 USD
DermaPlast TEXTILE Family Strips 屁股 32 件
Textile Family Strip are elastic, breathable, skin-friendly and hypoallergenic. Thanks to the 3 diff..
12.21 USD
3M 微孔羊毛胶布带分配器 25mmx5m 白色
带分配器的 3M 微孔羊毛胶布是一种可靠且多功能的伤口护理解决方案。这款高品质膏药尺寸为 25mm x 5m,白色,对皮肤温和,同时提供牢固的粘附力,实现最佳伤口愈合。柔软的羊毛材料确保舒适性和灵活性..
9.69 USD
3M Steri Strip 6 x 75 mm 白色加强型 2 x 3 件
3M Steri Strip 6x75mm 白色加固 2 x 3 件 用于割伤和撕裂伤的缝线更换,以适应伤口边缘,从而保证伤口快速愈合。 属性 特性:透气 - 舒适;附着力好;应用:将伤口边缘固..
8.85 USD
DermaPlast 敏感 Schnellverb hf 6x10cm 10 件
DERMAPLAST SENSITIVE 快速修复 hf 6x10cm 10 片 柔韧、温和的材料低过敏、亲肤且透气。 柔软抓绒制成的亲肤伤口膏,透气,温和可爱,不粘伤口敷料..
10.60 USD
DermaPlast COMFORT 家庭剥离屁股 32 件
For small and large superficial wounds DermaPlast® Comfort is an air-permeable, elastic, cuddly..
12.37 USD
DermaPlast sensitive Family Strip ass Skin-32 件
DERMAPLAST SENSITIVE Family Strip 屁股皮肤 32 件 柔韧、温和的材料低过敏、亲肤且透气。 柔软抓绒制成的亲肤伤口膏,透气,温和可爱,不粘伤口敷料..
12.21 USD
DermaPlast 纺织指尖组合 5x6cm 12 件
Textile fingertip plasters are elastic, breathable, skin-friendly and hypoallergenic. The plasters a..
8.42 USD