
- 改善胃动力:生姜可改善胃动力,即胃将食物通过消化道的能力。它对消化不良或消化不良的人很有帮助。此外,通过刺激胃肠道肌肉,生姜可以加速食物通过并防止胃部疲劳。
- 预防恶心和呕吐:生姜经常用于治疗晕动病、怀孕和化疗引起的恶心和呕吐。生姜中的化合物,包括姜辣素和姜烯酚,与消化系统和大脑中的受体相互作用,减少呕吐的冲动。
- 增强酶的产生:生姜可刺激消化酶的产生,消化酶的作用是分解食物和吸收营养。生姜特别影响淀粉酶和脂肪酶等酶。酶的产生增加可提高消化效率和营养吸收率,从而降低腹胀和疼痛的可能性。
- 减少刺激:生姜具有强大的抗炎特性,可以舒缓肠道。肠道炎症会导致许多问题,包括肠易激综合征 (IBS) 和胃肠炎。通过减少刺激,生姜有助于保持健康的肠道,并缓解与慢性消化系统疾病相关的症状。
- 缓解胀气和腹胀:生姜具有驱风作用,这意味着它有助于排出消化系统中的气体。它对于缓解因过量气体引起的腹胀和不适非常有用。喝姜茶或在食物中添加生姜可防止气体积聚并促进更舒适的消化。关注含有姜根的 Sidroga 茶 。除了姜的典型味道所含的精油和辛辣物质外,它还含有许多维生素和矿物质,如钾、钙和铁。Sidroga 茶能够点燃内热并促进胃肠健康。
- 肠道健康支持:一些研究表明,生姜具有益生元作用,促进肠道有益细菌的增加。健康的肠道微生物群对一般的消化健康至关重要,可预防各种胃肠道问题。经常食用生姜可促进肠道微生物群平衡,改善整体消化功能和健康。
此外,生姜还有一个有趣的作用,那就是它可以阻止促炎细胞因子和酶(包括 COX-2)的产生。通过抑制这些途径,生姜可以减少体内的整体炎症反应。这种炎症的减少不仅可以缓解与炎症相关的疼痛和不适,还可以保持免疫功能,确保它不会被慢性炎症破坏。
- 白细胞增加:白细胞 (WBC) 对免疫反应很重要,因为它们可以识别和破坏病原体。生姜已被证明可以增加白细胞的制造和效率。白细胞活性的增加提高了身体抵抗感染和更快从疾病中恢复的能力。
- 改善血液循环:良好的血液循环对免疫系统非常重要,因为它可以确保免疫细胞在体内有效运输。生姜可以减少血液凝结,改善血液循环,保持血管健康。
- 姜茶:切几片姜根,放入沸水中。煮约 10-15 分钟。滤出茶,加入蜂蜜和柠檬调味。如果您没有生姜,但有姜粉,则将 1 茶匙姜粉加入一杯温水中并搅拌均匀。浸泡几分钟后再饮用。如果您想快速享受姜茶,可以考虑 Sidroga Wellness ,它含有姜根(33%)、甘草根、白芙蓉植物、香菜、柠檬桃金娘、柠檬皮(2%)和香料。
Sidroga wellness 生姜柠檬 20 大营 2 克
Spicy tea composition with a fresh note of citrus Ingredients: ginger root (33%), liquorice root, white hibiscus blossoms, coriander, lemon myrtle, lemon peel (2%), spicesContains liquorice - excessive consumption of this product should be avoided if you have high blood pressure.Properties: Ginger, known as an aromatic, hot spice, can also be enjoyed as a tea. In addition to essential oils, it contains pungent substances that make up its typical taste.Fresh ginger also has a delicate lemon scent. We have emphasized this nuance in our tea blend by adding lemon peel. Together with selected spices such as liquorice and coriander, the fruity citrus note piquantly underlines the characteristic sharpness of the ginger root.Preparation: 1 filter bag for 1 cup. Pour boiling water over it, leave to stand for 5 minutes. Gently squeeze out the bag and take it out. Important note: Always pour boiling water over it and let it stand for at least 5 minutes! This is the only way to get safe food! ..
14.21 USD
- 生姜补充剂:补充剂提供集中剂量的生姜,使人们更容易食用所需的量来支持免疫力。它们对不喜欢生姜味道的人特别有益。这些补充剂包括 Phytopharma Fly And Drive 无糖软糖,含有生姜根粉,非常适合减少旅行不适引起的恶心。
Phytopharma fly and drive 40 pastilles
Lozenges without sugar, with sweeteners and ginger root powder. Flavored with peppermint. Properties Lozenges without sugar, with sweeteners and ginger root powder .Flavored with peppermint. Lactose freeGluten free ..
13.20 USD
炎症是病毒感染的常见反应,经常导致喉咙痛、并发症和肌肉疼痛。生姜的抗炎特性可减轻这种感染并缓解相关体征和症状。生姜还可以舒缓受刺激的组织并缓解咳嗽和喉咙痛。考虑使用 Emser Pastilles ,这是一种治疗喉咙痛和喉咙和咽喉感染的天然疗法。EMS 矿物质复合物的配方可阻止炎症系统,舒缓、滋润和治愈愤怒的粘膜。
Emser 无糖生姜含片 30 粒
Emser Pastilles is a natural sore throat reliever and helps with inflammation in the throat and pharynx. The unique active ingredient -Formula of the EMS mineral complex loosens stubborn deposits, interrupts the inflammatory process, soothes, moisturizes and heals the irritated mucous membrane. If the mucous membrane of the throat is moistened and cleaned, this supports the body's immune system and naturally relieves sore throats, swallowing difficulties and irritation of the throat. Contains an intense ginger taste that is pleasantly hot and goes perfectly with the natural Emser salt. p> Tested tooth-friendly sugar-free, gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan Dosage: Children from 6 years: suck 1 lozenge or let it dissolve in the mouth up to 4 times a day as required Children over 12 years and adults: 1-2 lozenges up to 6 times a day suck it or let it melt in your mouth Do not chew lozenges! Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding not recommended INCI Natural Emser salt (lithium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide, nitrate, sulfate, hydrogen carbonate, carbonate), isomalt, Calcium stearate, ginger, sucralose Which packs are Emser sugar-free with gin ..
16.59 USD
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