Body care
Abri-flex premium l1 绿色
ABRI-FLEX Premium L1 grün The ABRI-FLEX Premium L1 grün is a high-quality incontinence product designed to provide maximum protection and comfort for those experiencing light urinary incontinence. With its advanced absorbent core and soft, breathable materials, this product is ideal for those who need discreet and reliable protection throughout the day. The ABRI-FLEX Premium L1 grün features a unique design that allows for a comfortable and secure fit. Its elasticated waistband and leg cuffs ensure that the product stays securely in place, while its stretchable material allows for a perfect fit. The product also features breathable materials that keep your skin dry and healthy, preventing irritation and discomfort. The ABRI-FLEX Premium L1 grün is made from high-quality materials that are free from harmful chemicals and allergens, making it safe and comfortable for all users. It is also machine-washable, making it easy to clean and maintain. Whether you are going about your daily activities or enjoying your favorite hobby, the ABRI-FLEX Premium L1 grün gives you the confidence and protection you need to live your life to the fullest. With its advanced absorbent core, breathable materials, and comfortable design, this product is perfect for anyone experiencing light urinary incontinence. Order your ABRI-FLEX Premium L1 grün today and experience the ultimate incontinence protection and comfort! ..
45.07 USD
Anna wattestäbchen holz
Wooden cotton buds. Properties Cotton buds made of Wood. ..
10.44 USD
Artdeco 眼影珠光 30 18
ARTDECO 珍珠眼影 30 18 尽显明亮优雅。这款精致的眼影具有天鹅绒般的质感和珠光效果,让您的双眸焕发光彩。色号 30 18 是柔和、闪亮的中性色调的迷人组合,非常适合增强您的自然美感或打造迷人的晚装妆容。其光滑的配方确保轻松涂抹和卓越的混合性,让您轻松获得专业的化妆效果。使用这款多功能 ARDECO 珠光眼影提升您的眼妆体验,体验每一次眨眼都令人着迷的迷人珠光颜料的魅力。..
13.83 USD
Bort pedisoft zehenpolster 链接
BORT PEDISOFT 左趾垫是一款专门的伤口护理产品,旨在为脚趾提供卓越的压力保护。这款护垫采用优质材料制成,可为各种足部状况(如鸡眼、老茧、水泡或内生脚趾甲)提供舒适感和支撑。其符合人体工程学的设计确保安全舒适的贴合,减少受影响区域的摩擦和压力。 BORT PEDISOFT 左趾垫易于清洁、可重复使用,适合日常使用。无论是术后护理、预防压疮还是一般足部保护,这款趾垫都是保持最佳足部健康和舒适度的值得信赖的解决方案。..
21.67 USD
Carmex lippenbalsam naturally pear stick 4.25 克
CARMEX 润唇膏的特性 Naturally Pear Stick 25.4 g每包数量:1 g重量:14g 长度:18mm 宽度:76mm 高度:127mm 瑞士在线购买 CARMEX 唇膏 Naturally Pear Stick 25.4 g..
5.16 USD
Fruchtbar frucht tasche bio dink erdb apf
介绍 FRUCHTBAR 有机水果袋,具有美味的土苹果味。对于注重健康、希望用有益健康的成分为身体补充能量的人来说,这种营养丰富的零食是完美的选择。这款水果袋富含有机水果,不含人工添加剂,提供了一种在旅途中享受自然能量爆发的便捷方式。无论您是遵循改革/健康饮食计划,还是只是寻求美味的零食替代品,FRUCHTBAR 都是满足您的渴望而无负罪感的美味选择。使用 FRUCHTBAR 水果袋拥抱更健康的零食选择,无论您身在何处,都能尽情享受有机水果的美味。..
10.12 USD
Illa 淋浴保护膜 80 x 40 厘米脚护膝包 5 片
PE膜,防水,带胶条,亲肤,经过过敏测试。 本产品具有 CE 标志。这保证了符合欧洲安全标准。 ..
32.05 USD
Lemon-swab 柠檬甘油棉签
柠檬甘油棉签的特性 棉签柠檬味 25 x 3 支欧洲 CE 认证存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度每包数量:75 件重量:3100g 长度:150mm 宽度:90mm 高度:140mm 从瑞士在线购买柠檬甘油拭子拭子柠檬味 25 x 3 件..
36.09 USD
Lubex femina waschemulsion 200 毫升
Protects against recurrences and brings freshness and well-being Lubex femina is a gentle and protective washing emulsion with a triple effect was developed in cooperation with gynaecologists especially for daily intimate hygiene.Lubex femina supports the skin's natural protective function against fungi and bacteria that are foreign to the skin. Special care ingredients pull the Wash onto the skin, soothe irritated skin and prevent irritation in long-term use.Lubex femina has a lasting effect against body odor and makes the skin feel pleasantly fresh. Application/Dosage Use like liquid soapDab dry after rinsing without rubbingCan also be used for body care li> Tolerance/SafetyLubex femina is free from preservatives and dyes and is extremely kind to the skin. ..
20.15 USD
Makatuskids 糖浆 fl 180 毫升
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Kontraindikation MakatusKids Sirup Indikation Gereizter Hals; trockener Husten. Dosierung 6?12 Mon.: 3?4×tgl. 5 ml.1?6 J.: 3?4×tgl. 10 ml.6?12 J.: 3?4×tgl. 1 EL (15 ml).>12 J.: 4?6×tgl. 1 EL. Kontraindikation 767388 / 25.08.2020 ..
18.86 USD
Miradent 木糖醇 kaugummi 薄荷
MIRADENT 木糖醇薄荷口香糖 30 粒 木糖醇口香糖具有清洁和抑制牙菌斑的作用,可减少蛀牙的发生,尤其是在进食后。 组成 甜味剂:巴西棕榈蜡。 . 属性 木糖醇在口腔中形成钙和唾液蛋白的复合物,从而导致硬牙结构的再矿化。如果您摄入足够的木糖醇,牙齿上就不会形成新的牙菌斑。这可以防止蛀牙的发展,并松动和去除现有的牙菌斑。木糖醇对舌头产生清凉效果,类似于薄荷醇的清爽味道。木糖醇不能被口腔中的细菌利用,因此无致龋作用。 过敏原 包含 大豆及豆制品 注释 如果过量食用,可能会产生通便作用。 其他信息 无糖;不含麸质、不含转基因生物、不含乳糖、纯素食、不含阿斯巴甜。 ..
8.09 USD
Miumlab 软糖维生素 d
推出添加维生素 D 的 MIUMLAB 水果口香糖,这是一种促进您健康和福祉的美味且创新的方式。这些耐嚼的水果软糖不仅味道鲜美,而且富含必需营养素,包括维生素 D,维生素 D 因其在支持骨骼健康、免疫力和整体活力方面的作用而闻名。非常适合那些希望在饮食中补充额外剂量的这种重要维生素的人,特别是对于阳光照射有限或饮食有限制的人。 MIUMLAB 水果口香糖是一种方便且令人愉悦的选择,可帮助您满足营养需求。使用 MIUMLAB 水果口香糖维生素 D 为您的日常生活增添一些风味和营养!..
43.20 USD
Pari 儿童面罩柔软 spiggy
PARI 儿童面罩柔软 Spiggy 是使用吸入装置进行呼吸治疗的儿童的重要配件。该面罩专为提供舒适、安全的佩戴而设计,可确保向年轻患者有效输送药物。柔软的材料对皮肤温和,最大限度地减少治疗过程中的任何不适。 PARI 儿童面罩柔软 Spiggy 与各种吸入设备兼容,易于使用和清洁,使其成为父母和医疗保健提供者为患有呼吸道疾病的儿童寻求最佳护理的必备工具。使用这款高品质、适合儿童的口罩,优先考虑孩子的呼吸道健康。..
16.21 USD
Raab himalaya salz gemahlen im streuer 200 克
RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g is a premium quality, finely ground Himalayan salt that comes packed in a convenient dispenser. Loaded with essential minerals and trace elements, this salt is a perfect addition to your everyday cooking and seasoning needs. Benefits of RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g: 100% natural and unrefined salt from the Himalayas, free from additives and pollutants. Contains 84 essential minerals and trace elements that are vital for our health and well-being. Helps regulate blood pressure and promotes healthy circulation. Improves hydration, supports metabolism, and promotes healthy digestion. Helps improve respiratory function and promotes sound sleep. Comes packed in a convenient, easy-to-use dispenser that allows you to sprinkle just the right amount of salt on your food. How to Use RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g: Use RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g to season your food and enhance its flavor. Sprinkle it on salads, grilled vegetables, soups, stews, and meats, or use it to make marinades and dressings. You can also add a pinch of this salt to your drinking water for better hydration and mineralization. Buy RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g Online: Enjoy the goodness of 100% natural, unrefined Himalayan salt with RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g. Buy it online today and experience the benefits of this mineral-rich salt in your daily life. ..
11.78 USD
Sanor däumling latex gr1
Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1: The Ultimate Comfort and Support for a Restful Sleep Introducing the Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 mattress, specially designed to provide you with the ultimate sleeping experience. Made with 100% natural latex, this mattress provides excellent support and pressure relief, ensuring that you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated every morning. The Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 mattress is made with superior quality materials, providing a healthier and safer sleeping environment. With its unique structure, the latex mattresses offer thorough ventilation, so that you won't have to worry about dust mites, allergens or bacteria, providing a hypoallergenic sleeping surface for anyone suffering from allergies. 100% Natural Latex Superior Support and Comfort Excellent Pressure Relief Hypoallergenic and Breathable Durable and Long-lasting The Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 proves to be an excellent investment in your health and well-being. You can be sure that it will last for years, providing you with uninterrupted and quality sleep every night. So why wait any longer? Invest in a Sanor Däumling Latex Gr1 mattress to enjoy the ultimate sleeping experience. ..
3.49 USD
Sanor fingerling 乳胶易粉化 gr1
Sanor Fingerling 乳胶的特性 Gr1 易粉化存储温度最低/最高 15/30 摄氏度每包数量:1 件重量: 21g 长度:18mm 宽度:122mm 高度:222mm 从瑞士在线购买 Sanor Fingerling 乳胶 Gr1 易粉..
3.49 USD
Sensolar sitzcreme aktiv tube 100 毫升
Sensolar 座霜活性 Tb 100 毫升的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 毫升重量: 130g 长度:40mm 宽度:40mm 高度:130mm 从瑞士在线购买 Sensolar 活性 Tb 座霜 100 毫升..
21.73 USD
Stiltuss pflanzlicher hustentstiller 糖浆
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Stiltuss Pflanzlicher Hustenstiller Sirup Indikation Reizhusten; trockener Husten. Dosierung 4-9 J: 2×tgl. 10 ml. 10-17 J : 3×tgl. 10 ml. >18 J: 4×tgl. 10 ml.30 Sekunden im Mund zergehen lassen und anschliessend schlucken. Behandlungsdauer: min. 5 Tage. 767552 / 29.09.2020 ..
28.82 USD
Weleda sanddorn vitalisierungsdusche 品牌
A cream douche with a fresh, fruity fragrance composition of orange and tangerine, which has a regenerating, antioxidant and intensive skin care effect. Properties Without synthetic colorants, fragrances and preservatives, without mineral oil-based raw materials. div>..
14.36 USD
Weleda 柑橘 erfrischungsdusche
Retains the skin's natural moisture, making it ideal for caring for dull, dry skin. Properties Without synthetic colorants, fragrances and preservatives, without mineral oil-based raw materials. ..
14.29 USD
Wiegand medibecher 25ml 透明洗衣棒 50 stk
Wiegand MediCup 25ml 透明可水洗50个装的特性欧洲CE认证每包数量:50个重量:110g 长度:40mm 宽度:65mm 高度:430mm 瑞士网购Wiegand MediCup 25ml透明可洗50个..
4.50 USD
Wiegand 粉碎机
Wiegand Medi Crusher 的特点包装数量:1 件重量:50g 长度:60mm 宽度: 60mm 高度:40mm 瑞士在线购买 Wiegand Medi Crusher..
20.33 USD