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肿胀可能是一个令人沮丧的问题,通常与疼痛和不适相关。在,我们提供各种来自瑞士的健康与美容产品,致力于减少肿胀和缓解不适。我们的产品系列包括有助于缓解肌肉疼痛的冷却凝胶、用于伤口护理的绷带和敷料、膝盖和脚踝支撑以及有助于减少肿胀同时促进适当血液循环的冷疗辅助用品等产品。这些产品不仅可以作为钝伤的优秀支撑工具,还可以提供您所需的缓解。无论您是在寻找皮肤病制剂、身体护理、化妆品还是医疗设备, 都能提供满足您健康和美容需求所需的解决方案。因此,如果您正在寻找能够帮助您有效控制肿胀的产品,请相信 提供可靠、高品质、瑞士制造的解决方案。
3m nexcare 冷热即时 150x180mm

3m nexcare 冷热即时 150x180mm

产品代码: 7840977

3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150x180mm 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150x180mm 是一种多功能且有效的冷热疗法解决方案。无论您需要减轻肿胀还是缓解肌肉疼痛,该产品都能满足您的需求。 它是如何工作的 对于冷疗,只需将包装放入冰箱中至少 2 小时即可。需要时,从冰箱中取出并涂抹在受影响的区域,每次最多 20 分钟。该包装可保持凉爽长达 30 分钟,以便全天多次使用。 对于热疗,请将包装袋在微波炉中高温加热 10 秒。涂抹前先测试温度,然后涂抹于患处,每次最多20分钟。该包装可保温长达 30 分钟,可全天多次使用。 功能和优点 可用于冷疗和热疗 每次使用提供长达 30 分钟的治疗 可轻松存放在冰箱或微波炉中 可重复使用且可清洗 柔软而有弹性,贴合身体,提供最大舒适度 应用程序 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150x180mm 可用于多种应用,包括: 减少肿胀 缓解肌肉或关节疼痛 缓解痛经 舒缓关节炎疼痛 帮助术后恢复 总体而言,3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150x180mm 对于那些经历疼痛或肿胀的人来说是一款出色的工具。无论是日常使用还是受伤后恢复,该产品都是任何想要缓解肌肉和关节酸痛的人的必备品。..

19.55 USD

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s3+

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s3+

产品代码: 7822254

DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S3+ DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S3+ 是一种先进的治疗性膝关节支撑物,可在身体活动期间提供有针对性的压缩和支撑。凭借其独特的设计和创新功能,这款护膝旨在帮助缓解疼痛、减少肿胀并促进更快的恢复。 功能和优点 3D 功能性针织 - 护膝采用透气、轻质的 3D 功能性针织面料制成,可适应膝盖形状,实现完美贴合和最佳舒适度。 医疗加压 - 集成医疗加压技术对膝盖施加温和压力,有助于促进血液流动并减少炎症。 稳定硅胶垫 - 护膝在膝关节两侧设有稳定硅胶垫,可提供有针对性的支撑并有助于防止横向移动。 解剖学设计 - DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S3+ 膝盖支撑件具有独特的解剖学设计,可确保其在身体活动期间保持在原位并且不会从腿部滑落。 易于佩戴和调节 - 护膝易于穿脱,并配有可调节带子,让您可以根据需要自定义压缩级别。 额外舒适 - DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S3+ 护膝具有柔软边缘,无刺激性接缝,有助于防止擦伤和皮肤刺激。 适应症 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S3+ 膝盖支撑适合在跑步、跳跃或骑自行车等体育活动中经历膝盖疼痛或不适的个人。它也适合那些接受过膝盖手术或患有关节炎或髌骨不稳定等疾病的人。 尺寸 护膝有五种不同尺寸可供选择,从 S 到 XXL。为确保合适,请测量膝盖最宽处的周长,并查阅产品页面上的尺码表。 ..

130.75 USD

Dermaplast active malleo soft s

Dermaplast active malleo soft s

产品代码: 7822243

DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft S DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft S 是一款出色的产品,适合需要脚踝支撑和压缩以帮助减少肿胀和炎症的消费者。该产品旨在为踝关节提供支撑,同时允许舒适的运动。 功能 提供脚踝支撑和压缩 减少肿胀和炎症 允许舒适的运动 柔软透气的材质 易于穿脱 好处 这款 DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft S 产品非常适合寻求有效方法来控制脚踝疼痛和不适的人们。它为踝关节提供适量的支撑和压缩,同时允许舒适的运动。该产品还采用柔软透气的材料制成,有助于防止皮肤刺激。 该产品穿脱方便,对于日程繁忙的人来说很方便。它也非常耐用,这意味着即使经常使用,它也能持续很长时间。总的来说,该产品对于任何需要脚踝支撑和压缩的人来说都是完美的解决方案。 谁应该使用该产品? 该产品非常适合任何脚踝疼痛或不适的人。对于在训练或比赛期间需要脚踝支撑的运动员来说,它也非常有用。此外,该产品非常适合有脚踝受伤史或正在从脚踝手术中恢复的人。 结论 总体而言,DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft S 是一款出色的产品,可为踝关节提供支撑和压缩。它舒适、耐用且易于使用,是任何需要脚踝支撑的人的完美解决方案。 ..

57.03 USD

Dermaplast 活性 malleo soft l

Dermaplast 活性 malleo soft l

产品代码: 7822245

DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft L DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft L 是一款高品质脚踝支撑支架,旨在为脚踝受伤或慢性脚踝不稳定的患者提供最大的支撑和舒适度。该产品采用优质面料制成,具有出色的透气性、耐用性和排汗能力。 功能 双稳定带可在剧烈体力活动期间提供额外支撑 符合解剖学设计,可保持足部的自然运动 高弹性针织品,提供最佳舒适度和合身性 提供足够的压力以减少肿胀和炎症 有助于防止脚踝再次受伤 好处 DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft L 的工作原理是为踝关节提供有针对性的压缩和支撑,有助于减轻疼痛、肿胀和炎症。对于从事跑步、跳跃或运动等剧烈体力活动的人来说,它是理想的产品,因为它有助于防止脚踝受伤。 DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft L 提供舒适贴合感,其透气材料使其适合全天穿着。其解剖学设计确保其保持足部的自然运动,同时防止踝关节受到任何进一步的损伤或压力。 如何使用 DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft L DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft L 易于使用。只需将其放在受影响的脚踝上,确保压缩带朝向脚的中心。将稳定带连接到支架的外层以增加支撑。 DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft L 有多种尺寸可供选择,是全球医疗保健专业人士值得信赖的脚踝支撑支架。立即订购,体验它提供的舒适感和支持。 ..

57.03 USD

Sigvaris traveno a-d gr2 38-39 anthracite 1 pair

Sigvaris traveno a-d gr2 38-39 anthracite 1 pair

产品代码: 7769687

Sigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 无烟煤色 1 双Sigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 无烟煤色 1 双是高品质压力袜,旨在为小腿提供有效支撑和缓解压力。这款长袜采用先进的压缩技术制成,可增强血液循环,减轻肿胀和疼痛,并防止腿部形成血块。Sigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 无烟煤色 1 双非常适合长时间站立、行走或坐着的人。压力袜提供可靠的保护,防止静脉曲张、水肿和其他可能影响您整体健康的腿部相关疾病。主要特点: 先进的压缩技术 促进血液循环 减轻肿胀和疼痛 防止腿部形成血块 有效预防静脉曲张、水肿和其他腿部相关疾病 Sigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 无烟煤色 1 对采用优质材料制成,既舒适又耐用。这款长袜采用无缝设计,可消除皮肤刺激和摩擦,同时提供柔软舒适的贴合感。现代无烟煤色赋予长筒袜时尚的外观,可与任何装扮相得益彰。Sigvaris Traveno A-D Gr2 38-39 无烟煤色 1 双是任何想要双腿更健康、更舒适的人的绝佳投资。丝袜易于穿着和保养,采用方便的一对包装,购买和使用都很方便。立即购买一双,体验改善腿部血液循环和舒适度的好处。..

59.80 USD



产品代码: 7831734

Product Description: TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair The TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair is a high-quality compression garment designed to provide support and reduce swelling in the lower limbs. TED stands for Thrombo-Embolic Deterrent and is a medical-grade compression stocking typically used in hospitals and healthcare settings. This particular product is ideal for individuals who have recently undergone surgery, are bedridden, or have limited mobility due to other health conditions. The compression sleeve prevents blood from pooling in the legs and reduces the risk of blood clots and other circulatory issues. The TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair is manufactured using high-quality latex material that is durable, lightweight, and provides the perfect amount of compression without causing discomfort. The thigh-high design ensures that the garment stays in place throughout the day, even during movement. The white color of the garment complements any attire, making it easy to wear underneath clothing without being visible. The short design makes it perfect for individuals who require compression support in the thigh area and don't need the garment to extend to the feet. The latex material allows the garment to be easily washed and dried without losing its shape. The TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair is easy to wear, comfortable, and highly effective in preventing circulatory issues. It has been designed for individuals who require medical-grade compression, allowing them to go about their daily activities without any discomfort or restriction. Order your TED Thigh Latex Large White Short 1 Pair today and experience the benefits of high-quality compression garments...

66.74 USD

Venotrain cocoon foot short ad kkl2 l plus / long closed toe black 1 pair

Venotrain cocoon foot short ad kkl2 l plus / long closed toe black 1 pair

产品代码: 7733415

使用 VENOTRAIN COCOON 足短 AD KKL2 L plus/长闭合足体验舒适的压缩和支撑。这款及膝长袜专为有效缓解压力而设计,可提供轻柔的按摩作用,以增加血液流动并减少肿胀。它是促进愈合和预防深静脉血栓形成的理想选择,提供牢固贴合,同时确保全天舒适。这款长袜采用优质材料制成,适合寻求先进伤口护理和护理解决方案的个人。穿上 VENOTRAIN COCOON 短脚 AD KKL2 L plus/长闭合脚,增强您的整体健康。..

119.28 USD

Venotrain glider

Venotrain glider

产品代码: 4654678

VenoTrain GLIDER The VenoTrain GLIDER is a top-of-the-line compression stocking designed to provide optimal support and comfort for your legs. Made with high-quality materials and expertly crafted, this compression stocking is perfect for those who want to keep their legs healthy and reduce the risk of injury. Features Medical-grade compression Soft and comfortable materials Moisture-wicking and breathable fabric Graduated compression technology Perfect for long periods of sitting or standing Available in multiple sizes and colors Benefits Using the VenoTrain GLIDER can provide the following benefits: Reduce swelling and inflammation in the legs Prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and blood clots Relieve discomfort and achiness in the legs Improve circulation in the legs Prevent varicose veins and other vein-related issues Restore comfort and support to tired and overworked legs How to Use To use the VenoTrain GLIDER, simply slip it on like any other sock or stocking. Make sure to position the stocking properly so that the graduated compression is applied correctly. The stocking should fit snugly around your ankles and calves, but not be so tight as to restrict circulation. Be sure to follow the sizing chart to ensure the proper fit. Care Instructions For best results, hand wash the VenoTrain GLIDER in warm water with mild detergent and lay flat to dry. Do not use bleach or fabric softeners. You should also avoid wringing or twisting the stocking, as this can damage the compression fibers. With proper care, your VenoTrain GLIDER will provide you with years of comfortable and effective support for your legs. ..

76.14 USD

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