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欢迎来到我们专为您的孩子精心设计的 Beeovita 安抚奶嘴系列。在这里,您可以探索各种瑞士品质的婴儿奶嘴,以支持宝宝的出牙过程。专家推荐我们的奶嘴,这是婴儿配件的重要组成部分,以其正畸设计和适合0-2个月大的婴儿而闻名。无论您是在寻找完美的安抚奶嘴、Baby Schnuller 还是 Gr0 硅胶安抚奶嘴 - 我们都能满足您的需求。我们的产品分为多个类别,包括家居用品、婴儿和儿童、婴儿餐具、奶嘴和配件、Curaprox 和 Nuggi。为您的女婴选择瑞士可以提供的最好的奶嘴。
Curaprox baby schnuller gr0 土耳其

Curaprox baby schnuller gr0 土耳其

产品代码: 7809615

CURAPROX Baby Schnuller Gr0 TürkisCURAPROX Baby Schnuller Gr0 Türkis 是一款高品质安抚奶嘴,旨在安抚和安抚您的宝宝。它特别设计有对称形状的奶嘴,舒适地贴合您的小宝宝的嘴巴,给他或她一种舒适和安心的感觉。安抚奶嘴采用独特的设计,可实现最大的气流,防止刺激和皮疹在宝宝嘴巴周围娇嫩的皮肤上。它由无毒且对宝宝健康安全的优质材料制成。该安抚奶嘴的设计符合最高安全标准,是您的小宝贝的理想选择。CURAPROX Baby Schnuller Gr0 Türkis 安抚奶嘴易于清洁和维护。它可用洗碗机清洗,可快速轻松地清洁,并配有卫生储物盒,便于妥善保管。该奶嘴有美丽的绿松石色可供选择,与宝宝的可爱外观相得益彰。CURAPROX Baby Schnuller Gr0 Türkis 奶嘴适合从出生到六个月的婴儿。对于喜欢吮吸的婴儿来说,这是一个很好的选择,它提供了一种平静的注意力,帮助他们舒适地入睡。该安抚奶嘴还专为长期使用而设计,对父母来说是一项具有成本效益的投资。总之,CURAPROX Baby Schnuller Gr0 Türkis 安抚奶嘴是想要给孩子提供婴儿的父母的绝佳选择使用安全舒适的安抚奶嘴。其独特的设计、优质的材料和易于维护的特点使其成为从出生到六个月的婴儿的必备品。今天就试试吧!..

15.30 USD

Curaprox 奶嘴 gr0 橙色单只

Curaprox 奶嘴 gr0 橙色单只

产品代码: 7758652

Curaprox 奶嘴 gr0 橙色单片的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装数量:1 件重量:50 克长度:61mm 宽度:84mm 高度:109mm 瑞士在线购买 Curaprox 奶嘴 gr0 橙色单个..

16.82 USD

Mam air nuggi silikon 16-36 米男孩

Mam air nuggi silikon 16-36 米男孩

产品代码: 7851387

MAM Air Nuggi Silikon 16-36 米男孩 隆重推出 MAM Air Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 奶嘴 – 适合您小宝贝的完美安抚奶嘴。这款奶嘴采用优质硅胶材料制成,温和、无毒且对您的宝宝安全。 MAM Air Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 设计独特,可以舒适地放入宝宝的嘴里。奶嘴有一个大的通风孔,可以更好地流通空气,这有助于防止皮肤刺激和宝宝嘴巴周围的皮疹。 有了 MAM Air Nuggi Silikon 16-36m 男童奶嘴,您大可放心,您的宝宝将获得市场上最好的安抚奶嘴。安抚奶嘴易于清洁和消毒,是忙碌父母的理想选择。它还设计有一个方便的指孔,可以轻松从宝宝嘴里取出。 MAM Air Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 适合 16-36 个月的宝宝。它的尺寸和形状非常适合您成长中的宝宝,并会为他们提供整晚安睡所需的舒适感和安全感。 总而言之,MAM 美安萌 Air Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 奶嘴是一款高品质奶嘴,旨在为您的宝宝提供最好的呵护。它安全、温和、有效,可帮助您的宝宝整夜安睡。立即订购,体验 MAM 安抚奶嘴带来的不同!..

22.41 USD

Mam night nuggi pure kautschuk 6-16 米

Mam night nuggi pure kautschuk 6-16 米

产品代码: 1000975

MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 6-16m Introducing the MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 6-16m, the perfect pacifier for your little one. Made from pure rubber, this pacifier is 100% BPA-free, ensuring complete safety for your baby. The unique design provides extra air circulation, preventing skin irritation while also keeping the pacifier in your baby's mouth. The MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 6-16m pacifier is designed for babies aged 6-16 months, making it perfect for those who are teething or just need something to soothe them during fussy moments. It features a special glow-in-the-dark button, ensuring you can easily find it during the night without disrupting your baby's sleep. The pacifier also comes with a sterilizing and transport box, making it easy to take with you on the go. Simply sterilize when needed and store the pacifier in the box until it's ready for use. Choose MAM Night Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 6-16m pacifier for a safe, comfortable, and convenient option for your baby's pacifier needs. ..

23.61 USD

Mam original nuggi pure kautschuk 16-36 米

Mam original nuggi pure kautschuk 16-36 米

产品代码: 1004234

MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 16-36m Introducing the MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 16-36m ? the perfect pacifier for your child! Made from 100% natural rubber, this pacifier is ideal for babies aged 16-36 months. The MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 16-36m is designed with your child's safety in mind. The rubber material is soft and gentle on your child's sensitive skin, and is free from BPA and other harmful substances. The pacifier also features an orthodontic nipple that is specially designed to support healthy teeth and jaw development. The MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 16-36m is also incredibly easy to clean. Simply place it in boiling water for 5 minutes, and it will be ready for use again. It is also dishwasher safe, making it even more convenient for busy parents. This pacifier also features a secure shield that ensures your child's safety while using it. The shield is designed to prevent the pacifier from accidentally slipping into your child's mouth, and ensures that the pacifier stays in place throughout use. The MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 16-36m is available in a range of stylish and fun designs, allowing you to choose the perfect pacifier that suits your child's style and personality. So, if you're looking for a safe, comfortable, and easy-to-use pacifier for your child, then the MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 16-36m is the perfect choice. Order yours today and experience the difference that natural rubber can make! ..

22.41 USD

Mam original nuggi pure silikon 6-16 monate 2 stk

Mam original nuggi pure silikon 6-16 monate 2 stk

产品代码: 1000964

介绍适用于 6-16 个月的 MAM Original Nuggi Pure SilikonMAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 奶嘴是适合 6 至 16 个月宝宝的完美安抚奶嘴。这款安抚奶嘴采用创新设计,让您的宝宝整天都感到舒适和快乐。这款安抚奶嘴由不含双酚 A 的优质硅胶制成,对您的宝宝安全卫生。MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 2 件套,因此您手边随时都有备用。其独特的设计也意味着它可以轻松消毒,是注重卫生的新父母的绝佳选择。奶嘴采用对称形状,确保它始终保持在宝宝嘴里的正确位置。MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 的突出特点之一是其带纹理的表面。该表面有助于舒缓宝宝出牙时的牙龈,促进口腔健康发育。该奶嘴还配备通风系统,可确保最大限度的空气流通,降低刺激风险并让您的宝宝整天保持舒适。总的来说,MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 是想要的父母的绝佳选择最好的给他们的孩子。其优质的材料、创新的设计和出色的功能使其成为世界各地父母的首选。特点: 专为 6 至 16 个月大的婴儿设计 一套 2 个 由不含双酚 A 的优质硅胶制成 易于消毒 对称的形状确保它始终保持在正确的位置 纹理表面可在出牙期间舒缓牙龈 通风系统确保最大气流 ..

22.41 USD

Mam original nuggi silikon 0-6 米女孩

Mam original nuggi silikon 0-6 米女孩

产品代码: 7814826

MAM 原装 Nuggi Silikon 0-6 米女孩 MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 0-6m 女孩奶嘴是新生儿和六个月以下婴儿的理想安抚奶嘴。它旨在促进健康的口腔发育并为您的孩子提供舒适感。 这款安抚奶嘴的突出特点之一是其正畸设计。奶嘴的对称形状有利于颌骨和牙齿的正常发育,同时还能促进婴儿的自然吸吮反射。奶嘴由硅胶制成,柔软、温和且易于清洁;非常适合娇嫩的婴儿皮肤。 安抚奶嘴配有易于抓握的手柄,可提供稳固的抓握力,同时还可防止意外滑出宝宝的嘴巴。手柄还设计为可在黑暗中发光,便于在夜间喂食时发现。 MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 女孩 0-6 米在构造时也考虑到了宝宝的安全。它不含 BPA、BPS、铅和邻苯二甲酸盐,可降低有害化学物质进入宝宝身体的风险。它也很容易消毒,确保您的孩子始终可以使用干净安全的奶嘴。 总的来说,MAM Original Nuggi Silikon Girl 0-6m 是为新生儿寻找优质、舒适和安全奶嘴的新父母的绝佳选择。它有各种可爱的设计可供选择,使其成为迎婴派对或新父母的完美礼物选择。 ..

21.27 USD

Mam original nuggi silikon 16-36 monate 女孩

Mam original nuggi silikon 16-36 monate 女孩

产品代码: 7851384

MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 16-36 Monate Girl MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 16-36 Monate Girl 是为孩子寻找高品质奶嘴的父母的必备品。这款奶嘴专为 16-36 个月的宝宝设计,有可爱的粉色可供女宝宝使用。 这款安抚奶嘴由优质硅胶制成,柔软、有弹性且适合宝宝的皮肤。它具有对称的形状,可以让宝宝的嘴巴和牙齿自然发育。创新的 SkinSoft™ 奶嘴的设计感觉就像妈妈的乳房,让宝宝更容易在母乳和奶瓶之间切换。 MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 16-36 Monate Girl 还配备了专门设计的 MAM Air™ 通风系统,有助于降低因长时间吸吮而刺激皮肤的风险。该奶嘴还易于清洁和消毒,是婴儿使用的卫生和安全选择。 安抚奶嘴配有时尚方便的收纳盒,方便父母在外出时携带。该保护套还有助于在不使用奶嘴时保持奶嘴清洁卫生。 总而言之,如果您正在为您的小女孩寻找一款优质、舒适且安全的奶嘴,MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 16-36 Monate Girl 是一个不错的选择。今天就订购吧,给您的宝宝她应得的舒适和安全! ..

20.20 USD

Mam original nuggi silikon 16-36 米男孩

Mam original nuggi silikon 16-36 米男孩

产品代码: 7851383

MAM 原装 Nuggi Silikon 16-36 米男孩 MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 专为安抚宝宝并帮助他们进行出牙过程而设计。这款安抚奶嘴采用优质硅胶制成,专为 16-36 个月的婴儿设计。这款安抚奶嘴质地温和柔软,可为宝宝的牙龈提供舒适感并帮助他们放松。 MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 有多种迷人的颜色和设计,适合男孩和女孩。 这款安抚奶嘴 100% 安全,符合所有国际安全标准。这款奶嘴中使用的硅胶材料不含双酚 A,确保您的宝宝不会接触到任何有害化学物质。由于其正畸奶嘴形状,这款安抚奶嘴的设计也非常适合宝宝的口腔发育。安抚奶嘴的集成空气通道促进适当的通风,这有助于减少皮肤刺激和皮疹的风险。这种设计还有助于保持奶嘴的形状,防止宝宝意外吞咽。 MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 也易于清洁和维护。它可用洗碗机清洗,并且可以很容易地用蒸汽或沸水进行消毒。安抚奶嘴配有卫生帽,可保护奶嘴免受污垢,并在不使用时保持清洁。 总的来说,MAM Original Nuggi Silikon 16-36m 男孩是满足任何宝宝的舒适和发展需求的必备品。凭借其安全时尚的设计,它提供舒适感并帮助您的宝宝适应出牙过程,确保您和您的宝宝在夜间安然入睡。 ..

20.20 USD

Mam perfect night nuggi silikon 6-16 monate 男孩

Mam perfect night nuggi silikon 6-16 monate 男孩

产品代码: 7814840

MAM Perfect Night Nuggi Silikon 6-16 Monate Boy使用 MAM Perfect Night Nuggi Silikon 6-16 Monate Boy,让您的宝宝整晚保持平静和快乐。这款高品质安抚奶嘴旨在为您的小宝贝提供舒适、舒缓的体验,让他们整夜安睡。MAM 完美之夜 Nuggi Silikon 6-16 Monate Boy 由柔软的材料制成,安全的硅胶,对宝宝娇嫩的皮肤温和。它采用对称奶嘴设计,完美贴合宝宝的嘴巴,确保模仿母乳喂养的自然吸吮体验。这款安抚奶嘴专为 6-16 个月的宝宝设计,非常适合在哺乳期间使用晚上。夜光手柄让您在黑暗中也能轻松找到安抚奶嘴,因此您无需开灯即可快速安抚宝宝。MAM 美安萌 Perfect Night Nuggi Silikon 6-16 Monate Boy 有时尚的蓝色可供选择,带有有趣的星星和月亮设计,非常适合男婴。它还不含双酚 A,因此您的宝宝可以安全地定期使用它。立即订购 MAM Perfect Night Nuggi Silikon 6-16 Monate Boy,给您的孩子带来他们所需的舒缓舒适感整夜安眠。..

27.03 USD

Mam perfect nuggi silikon 16-36 米男孩

Mam perfect nuggi silikon 16-36 米男孩

产品代码: 7851396

MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 16-36m BoyMAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 是您小宝贝的完美安抚奶嘴。这款安抚奶嘴专为 16-36 个月的婴儿设计,其奶嘴形状完美贴合宝宝的嘴巴。奶嘴由柔软亲肤的硅胶材料制成,触感舒适舒缓宝宝娇嫩的皮肤。MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 采用可爱的蓝色男孩设计,您的小家伙会喜欢的。奶嘴易于清洁,可以在沸水中或使用消毒器进行消毒。它还配有一个方便的收纳盒,您可以在不使用时保持它的清洁和卫生。MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 的突出特点之一是其对称的形状。这意味着它可以从任何方向插入宝宝的嘴里,非常适合难以将标准安抚奶嘴含在嘴里的烦躁不安的宝宝。MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy还旨在促进健康的口腔发育。它具有柔软、扁平的形状,有助于防止牙齿错位和下颌畸形,是您孩子安全健康的选择。总的来说,MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 16-36m Boy 是一款高- 您的宝宝一定会喜欢的优质、舒适和安全的安抚奶嘴。今天就订购吧,给您的孩子带来舒适和安抚,让他们安然入睡,全天保持平静和满足。..

26.47 USD

Mam perfect nuggi silikon 6-16 米男孩

Mam perfect nuggi silikon 6-16 米男孩

产品代码: 7814837

MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 6-16 米男孩 MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 6-16m 男童奶嘴是一款专为 6-16 个月婴儿设计的高品质安抚奶嘴。这款安抚奶嘴采用先进的材料和创新的设计特点,旨在满足宝宝对舒适、安全和健康发育的需求。 MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 6-16m Boy 采用优质医用级硅胶制成,柔软、卫生且耐用。奶嘴的形状与宝宝的上颚形状相匹配,确保它舒适自然地贴合在宝宝的嘴里。安抚奶嘴边缘周围的柔软牙胶有助于缓解出牙疼痛并为婴儿提供额外的舒适感。 MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 6-16 米男孩还采用创新的防护设计,其轮廓适合婴儿的脸型。这有助于减轻婴儿面部的压力并防止皮肤刺激。该防护罩还可以让婴儿敏感的皮肤获得最佳气流,并有助于防止水分积聚,从而导致皮肤刺激和感染。 这款安抚奶嘴的设计符合婴儿用品的最高安全标准。它不含 BPA、PVC 和邻苯二甲酸盐,可确保宝宝的健康和安全。凭借其明亮的蓝色和绿色配色方案,它非常适合想要有趣且引人入胜的安抚奶嘴的男婴,同时也有益于他们的健康和福祉。 立即订购您的 MAM Perfect Nuggi Silikon 6-16 米男孩奶嘴,让您的宝宝享受他们应得的舒适、安全和健康成长。 ..

27.59 USD

Mam 原装 nuggi pure kautschuk 0-6 monate 2 stk

Mam 原装 nuggi pure kautschuk 0-6 monate 2 stk

产品代码: 1000966

MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6 Monate 2 Stk Introducing the perfect pacifier for your little one - MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6 Monate 2 Stk. These pacifiers are designed to provide your baby with a comfortable, safe and soothing experience every time they use them. The pacifiers are made of 100% natural rubber that is free of harmful chemicals such as BPA, BPS, lead, and phthalates. The material is soft and flexible, yet durable enough to withstand repeated use without losing its shape or texture. MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6 Monate 2 Stk also feature a unique, symmetrical shape that is designed to fit snugly in your baby's mouth. The shield is also contoured to fit comfortably under your baby's nose, allowing for unrestricted breathing. The pacifiers are easy to clean and sterilize, making them a hygienic choice for your baby. They also come with a convenient carrying case that makes it easy to keep them clean and protected when not in use. With MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6 Monate 2 Stk, you can rest assured that your little one is getting the best pacifier possible. They are ideal for infants between the ages of 0-6 months and come in a pack of two for added convenience. Get your baby the ultimate pacifier experience with MAM Original Nuggi Pure Kautschuk 0-6 Monate 2 Stk today!..

22.41 USD

Mam 原装 nuggi 纯硅胶 0-6 米

Mam 原装 nuggi 纯硅胶 0-6 米

产品代码: 1000963

MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 0-6m The MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 0-6m is a high-quality pacifier designed to provide comfort to infants from birth up to six months old. The pacifier is made of pure silicone, which is soft and gentle on a baby's delicate skin. The MAM Original Nuggi has been carefully crafted to ensure that it meets the highest standards, making it safe and functional for little ones. The unique design of the MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 0-6m ensures that it fits perfectly in the mouth of infants, providing them with a soothing feeling while also stimulating healthy oral development. Its symmetrical shape means that it can be used no matter which way up it is in your baby's mouth. This means that there is no "right" or "wrong" side, making it easy to use even in the dark or in situations with limited visibility. The MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 0-6m is also easy to clean and sanitize. It can be sterilized in the MAM sterilizing box, which is specially designed for pacifiers, making it easy for busy parents to maintain good hygiene habits. The pacifier is also dishwasher safe, providing an added layer of convenience for parents. The MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 0-6m comes in a variety of colors and patterns, making it easy to choose one that suits your baby's style. It is also BPA-free and meets European safety standards. It comes in a pack of two, ensuring that you always have a spare when needed. Overall, the MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 0-6m provides parents with a reliable and trustworthy option when it comes to pacifiers. Its combination of design, safety, and convenience means that it is a go-to choice for many parents looking for a quality pacifier solution for their little ones. ..

22.41 USD

Mam 原装 nuggi 纯硅胶 16-36m

Mam 原装 nuggi 纯硅胶 16-36m

产品代码: 1000965

MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 16-36mMAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 16-36m 是您小宝贝的完美选择。这款奶嘴采用 100% 纯硅胶材料制成,安全、耐用且易于清洁。它的设计非常适合 16 至 36 个月大的婴儿的嘴巴。MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 16-36m 采用对称的奶嘴形状,可确保婴儿的最佳口腔发育。奶嘴完美贴合宝宝的嘴巴,减少错位的风险,并为您的孩子提供最大的舒适度。奶嘴带有创新的 SkinSoft 纹理表面,在宝宝娇嫩的皮肤上感觉柔软舒适。该表面还为宝宝的嘴唇提供了良好的抓握力,防止它滑出或丢失。 MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 16-36m 不含双酚 A,因此您的孩子可以安全使用。凭借其鲜艳的色彩和迷人的设计,MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 16-36m 是完美的选择给宝宝的时尚配饰。它有不同的鲜艳颜色,会吸引您的宝宝,给他们一种舒适和安全的感觉。 安抚奶嘴易于清洁,可在沸水中消毒,卫生且可安全重复使用。它还配有一个保护盖,可在不使用时保持奶嘴清洁和保护。MAM Original Nuggi Pure Silikon 16-36m 奶嘴为您的宝宝提供他们应得的最佳舒适度和安全感。立即购买!..

22.41 USD

Medela baby nuggi original 0-6 gelb blau 2 stk

Medela baby nuggi original 0-6 gelb blau 2 stk

产品代码: 7782920

Medela Baby Nuggi Original 0-6 Gelb Blau 2 Stk This pack of two Medela Baby Nuggi Original is designed for infants aged 0-6 months. These nuggis come in a vibrant yellow and blue color combination, making them visually appealing to young children. They are made from high-quality, BPA-free and phthalate-free materials that are safe for babies to chew on and suckle. The Medela Baby Nuggi Originals are engineered with a classic shield design that fits comfortably in the baby's mouth. The orthodontic shape of the nuggi soothes and calms infants, making them feel secure and content. It also helps to promote the healthy development of your baby's teeth and palate. These nuggis come with a practical ring handle that makes it easy for parents to attach them to a pacifier clip or a lanyard for safekeeping. They are also dishwashers safe, making it easy for parents to keep them clean and hygienic at all times. The Medela Baby Nuggi Originals are the perfect choice for parents who want a safe, high-quality and comfortable pacifier for their little ones. They are available in a pack of two, making them cost-effective, and ensuring that parents always have a spare nuggi at hand in case one gets lost or damaged. Order your Medela Baby Nuggi Original 0-6 Gelb Blau 2 Stk today and give your baby the perfect tool to soothe and calm them whenever they need it. ..

17.29 USD

Medela baby nuggi original 0-6 蓝色 2 stk

Medela baby nuggi original 0-6 蓝色 2 stk

产品代码: 7782914

Medela Baby Nuggi Original 0-6 Blau 2 Stk The Medela Baby Nuggi Original 0-6 Blau 2 Stk is a high-quality pacifier designed for babies between 0-6 months old. This pacifier is made of safe materials to provide comfort to your little one's mouth. Features The pacifier is ergonomically designed to fit perfectly in your baby's mouth, reducing discomfort and fussiness It is made of high-quality, safe materials that are free of harmful chemicals The pacifier has a symmetrical teat that encourages healthy oral development The two-pack ensures you always have a spare pacifier on hand, providing convenience for busy parents Benefits The Medela Baby Nuggi Original 0-6 Blau 2 Stk provides a safe and comfortable option for soothing your baby The symmetrical teat ensures healthy oral development by promoting proper tongue placement and jaw movement Having a spare pacifier on hand provides convenience and peace of mind for parents and caregivers Why Choose Medela? Medela is a company that has been dedicated to supporting moms and babies for over 60 years. They are committed to providing high-quality and safe products that are designed to meet the needs of both mother and baby. The Medela Baby Nuggi Original 0-6 Blau 2 Stk is just one of the many products that Medela offers to help support the healthy development of your baby...

17.29 USD

Medela baby nuggi original 18+ blau 2 stk

Medela baby nuggi original 18+ blau 2 stk

产品代码: 7782916

Medela Baby Nuggi Original 18+ Blau 2 Stk The Medela Baby Nuggi Original 18+ Blau 2 Stk is a set of two pacifiers designed for babies aged 18 months and up. Made with high-quality, non-toxic materials, these pacifiers are gentle on your baby's delicate skin and provide a comforting sucking sensation. They are easy to clean and feature a symmetrical shape that ensures a correct fit in your baby's mouth. Key Features Non-toxic materials: These pacifiers are made with high-quality, non-toxic materials that are safe for your baby to use. Gentle on skin: The soft, smooth surface of the pacifiers is gentle on your baby's delicate skin. Comforting: The pacifiers provide a comforting sucking sensation that soothes your baby and helps them relax. Easy to clean: The pacifiers can be easily cleaned with soap and water, making them convenient to use on-the-go. Symmetrical shape: The pacifiers feature a symmetrical design that ensures a correct fit in your baby's mouth. Set of two: This set includes two pacifiers, so you always have a spare on hand. Specifications Age range: 18 months and up Material: Non-toxic materials Color: Blue Package contents: 2 pacifiers Overall, the Medela Baby Nuggi Original 18+ Blau 2 Stk is a reliable and safe choice for parents looking for a high-quality pacifier for their little one. With its non-toxic materials, gentle surface, and comforting sucking sensation, this pacifier is sure to become a favorite for both baby and parent...

17.29 USD

美德乐 baby nuggi original 6-18 sig love

美德乐 baby nuggi original 6-18 sig love

产品代码: 7782912

MEDELA Baby Nuggi Original 6-18 Sig Love The MEDELA Baby Nuggi Original 6-18 Sig Love is a high-quality pacifier designed to soothe and comfort babies aged 6 to 18 months. Made from BPA-free, latex-free, and phthalate-free silicone, this pacifier is safe for your baby to use and easy to clean. The soft nipple is designed to mimic the shape and feel of a mother's breast, promoting natural sucking and calming behaviors. Features BPA-free, latex-free, and phthalate-free silicone construction Soft, breast-like nipple for natural sucking and calming behaviors Secure shield design prevents choking hazards and minimizes skin irritation Fits babies aged 6 to 18 months Cute "Love" design adds fun and personality to your baby's accessories The MEDELA Baby Nuggi Original 6-18 Sig Love is a must-have accessory for parents looking to help soothe and calm their baby. It is available in a variety of fun colors and designs, so you can choose the one that best suits your baby's personality. With its high-quality construction and safe design, you can trust that this pacifier will help your baby feel comforted and secure. Order one today and see the difference it can make for your little one!..

17.29 USD

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