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在 上探索各种自然疗法。我们的产品源自瑞士中部,涵盖健康和营养、顺势疗法、植物疗法、精油等类别。我们相信将自然的力量与科学创新相结合,创造出促进整体健康和福祉的产品。无论是缓解关节和肌肉疼痛、皮肤护理、呼吸问题还是消化问题,我们都有可以提供帮助的顺势疗法解决方案。我们的产品不仅包括针对日常问题的自然疗法,还针对焦虑、抑郁和更年期症状等特定情况提供有针对性的解决方案。我们的产品采用优质原材料,可满足各种需求 - 从身体护理和化妆品到香薰精油。通过 Beeovita 的瑞士产品系列体验整体健康和美丽的好处。
Aromasan 百里香芳樟醇 zygis äth / oil bio 5ml

Aromasan 百里香芳樟醇 zygis äth / oil bio 5ml

产品代码: 5905881

Aromasan Thyme Linalol Zygis Äth / Oil Bio 5ml The Aromasan Thyme Linalol Zygis Äth / Oil Bio is a high-quality essential oil extracted from the Thymus vulgaris plant. It is produced using organic farming methods and is free from synthetic additives and chemicals. This oil is highly valued for its therapeutic properties and is often used in aromatherapy and other natural remedies. Thyme Linalol Zygis is a species of thyme that is native to the Mediterranean region. It has a woody, herbaceous fragrance that is slightly sweet and spicy. This oil is extracted by steam distillation from the fresh flowering tops and leaves of the plant. Aromasan Thyme Linalol Zygis Äth / Oil Bio offers a range of benefits to the mind and body. It is known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, making it a popular choice for treating respiratory infections and other illnesses. It is also an effective natural insect repellent and can be used to treat insect bites and stings. In addition to its medicinal properties, this oil has a calming effect on the nervous system and can be used to reduce stress and anxiety. It is also effective in treating digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, and stomach cramps. This oil can be used in a variety of ways, including as a massage oil, in a diffuser, or in a bath. The Aromasan Thyme Linalol Zygis Äth / Oil Bio is a must-have for anyone interested in natural health and wellness. It is a versatile and powerful oil that offers a range of benefits to the mind and body. Add it to your collection today and discover the many ways it can improve your health and well-being. ..

30.24 USD

Kaloba 糖浆 fl 120 毫升

Kaloba 糖浆 fl 120 毫升

产品代码: 7819187

Kaloba 是一种草药,含有来自天竺葵根部的提取物。 Kaloba 糖浆用于急性支气管炎(支气管炎症)的对症治疗。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Kaloba® sirupSchwabe Pharma AG草药产品 什么是 Kaloba 以及何时使用?Kaloba 是一种草药,含有天竺葵根的提取物。 Kaloba 糖浆用于急性支气管炎(支气管炎症)的对症治疗。 应该考虑什么?持续超过 7 天的咳嗽、持续数天的发烧、肝功能障碍的迹象,例如皮肤发黄或出现眼白、尿液变黑、上腹剧烈疼痛、食欲不振,以及呼吸急促或痰中带血,必须咨询医生或药师。 什么时候不应服用 Kaloba 或只能谨慎服用?不应服用 Kaloba:如果已知您对活性物质或药物的任何其他成分过敏如果您患有严重的肝病如果您有以下情况,请告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师或您的医生、药剂师或药剂师患有其他疾病,过敏或正在服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)! div> Kaloba可以在怀孕或哺乳期间服用吗?作为预防措施,您不应在怀孕和哺乳期间服用该药,因为这方面的经验不足。 如何使用 Kaloba?除非另有规定,否则 12 岁以上的青少年和成人每天 3 次服用 7.5 毫升糖浆,6 岁以上的儿童服用-12 岁每天 3 次服用 5 毫升糖浆。 不建议 6 岁以下儿童使用 Kaloba 糖浆。 120 毫升:您可以使用剂量注射器或量杯进行应用。两者都包含在包装中。 200 毫升:您可以使用量杯进行应用。 借助剂量注射器给药:打开瓶子,将剂量注射器牢固地插入瓶塞的开口中,尽可能深。 现在小心地将由瓶子和连接的剂量注射器组成的装置倒置,并用一只手牢牢握住它。用另一只手将注射器柱塞慢慢拉到规定的毫升数 (mL)。如果抽取的汁液中出现气泡,请将注射器柱塞慢慢推回剂量注射器,然后再次缓慢填充。 现在将装有剂量注射器的瓶子再次竖直放置,然后将剂量注射器从瓶塞中拉出。 您可以将加药针筒中的果汁直接放入孩子的嘴里。请注意,孩子应该坐直,最好将剂量注射器靠在脸颊内侧慢慢排空,以免孩子窒息。 每次给药后用清水多次填充和排空来清洁剂量注射器。 使用量杯计量:量杯有四个不同的标记。两个是相对的。请打开瓶子,慢慢将量杯加满至规定的毫升数 (ml)。您现在可以将量杯中的果汁直接倒进嘴里。 每次使用后用流水清洗量杯,然后擦干。 如果您更喜欢使用勺子,请先将规定的内容物倒入量杯或注射器中至适当的水平,然后转移到勺子中。 每次使用后,用螺帽盖上瓶子。 建议在疾病症状消退后继续治疗几天,以避免复发。 治疗的持续时间不应超过 3 周。 坚持使用包装说明书中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Kaloba 有哪些副作用?偶尔会出现胃肠道不适(如胃痛、胃灼热、恶心、腹泻)。在极少数情况下,牙龈或鼻子可能会出现轻微出血。此外,在极少数情况下(皮疹、荨麻疹、皮肤和粘膜瘙痒)描述了超敏反应。首次使用药物后可能会发生此类反应。 在极少数情况下,可能会出现面部肿胀、呼吸急促和血压下降等严重超敏反应。 在个别情况下,有肝功能障碍的迹象,其与摄入 Kaloba 的因果关系尚未得到证实。 如果您有任何副作用,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这也特别适用于本传单中未列出的副作用。 还有什么需要考虑的?药品只能在容器上标有 «EXP» 的日期前使用。 打开后使用Kaloba 糖浆在打开容器后保质期为 6 个月。 储存说明请勿储存在 30°C 以上。 请置于儿童接触不到的地方。 更多信息Kaloba 糖浆是一种天然产品,颜色和味道可能会略有不同。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Kaloba 含有什么?含有 5.33 克(= 5 毫升)糖浆:活性成分13.4 mg 天竺葵根干提取物 (Pelargonium sidoides DC, radix)(药提取物比 4-25:1) );提取剂:乙醇 11% (w/w)。 辅料麦芽糊精、木糖醇、甘油85%、无水柠檬酸、山梨酸钾、黄原胶、纯净水批准文号67425(Swissmedic)哪里可以买到 Kaloba?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 120 毫升和 200 毫升包装授权持有人Schwabe Pharma AG, Erlistrasse 2, 6403 Küssnacht am Rigi 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2020 年 8 月对本传单进行了最后一次检查。 ..

24.38 USD

Livsane hämorrhoidensalbe tb 30 克

Livsane hämorrhoidensalbe tb 30 克

产品代码: 7720341

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Kontraindikation Livsane Hämorrhoidensalbe Indikation Hämorrhoiden; Analekzem; Analfissuren. Dosierung  Min. 3xtgl. vor und nach dem Stuhlgang mittels Applikator auftragen, während max. 4 Wo. Kontraindikation Blutungen im Analbereich und Stuhlgang. 765047 / 24.05.2019 ..

20.94 USD

Omida kalium 双色 glob c 30 m dosierhilfe

Omida kalium 双色 glob c 30 m dosierhilfe

产品代码: 2954287


23.90 USD

Omida schüssler nr3 磷酸铁 dil d 12 fl 30 毫升

Omida schüssler nr3 磷酸铁 dil d 12 fl 30 毫升

产品代码: 7389449

Omida Schüssler Nr3 Ferrum phosphoricum Dil D 12 Fl 30 ml 的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 ml 重量:81g 长度:30mm 宽度:30mm 高度:97mm Buy Omida Schüssler Nr3 Ferrum phosphoricum Dil D 12 Fl 30 ml 瑞士在线销售..

40.90 USD

Pharmalp pastilles des alpes nachfüllbeutel

Pharmalp pastilles des alpes nachfüllbeutel

产品代码: 7811001

PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel The PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel is a unique product that combines the natural medicinal properties of Swiss mountain herbs with the convenience of a refillable bag. These pastilles are made from a proprietary blend of 13 Swiss mountain herbs that have been carefully selected for their health and wellness benefits. The herbs used in these pastilles are all organically grown and hand-picked from the Swiss Alps, ensuring their purity and potency. They are then combined with natural sugars and organic honey to create a delicious and effective way to support your immune system and promote overall well-being. Each pastille is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds that help to boost your body's natural defenses, soothe sore throats and coughs, and promote relaxation and stress relief. Whether you're looking for a natural way to fight off colds and flu or simply want a delicious way to support your health and wellness, PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel are the perfect choice. In addition to their health benefits, these pastilles are also convenient and easy to use. The Nachfüllbeutel bag can be refilled with pastilles as needed, so you never have to go without your favorite natural remedy. They are also portable and perfect for on-the-go use, whether you're traveling, at work, or simply out and about. If you want to experience the natural healing power of Swiss mountain herbs, try PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel today and start feeling the difference! ..

18.13 USD

Phytomed bachblüten no29 dold milchstern

Phytomed bachblüten no29 dold milchstern

产品代码: 1313126

PHYTOMED 巴赫花精 29 号,Dold 牛奶之星,是一种天然疗法,旨在促进情绪平衡和愈合。这种独特的混合物利用巴赫花的力量来缓解绝望、悲伤和绝望的感觉。这种疗法旨在温和地恢复内心的和谐,有助于缓解情绪混乱并增强情绪恢复能力。 PHYTOMED 巴赫花精 29 号采用高品质成分并遵循传统巴赫方法制成,提供情感健康的整体方法。将这种自然疗法融入您的日常生活中,以支持您的情绪健康并找到内心的平和与平静。..

22.76 USD

Phytopharma infect stop 含片 50 片

Phytopharma infect stop 含片 50 片

产品代码: 7779563

隆重推出 Phytopharma Infect Stop 含片,这是一种有助于对抗感染和舒缓喉咙的天然药物。每盒包含 50 粒含片,提供方便有效的缓解症状的方法。这些含片采用强效天然成分混合制成,可支持您的免疫系统,同时缓解不适。无论您正在处理喉咙痛、咳嗽还是其他感染症状,Phytopharma Infect Stop 含片都是您日常健康的完美补充。使用 Phytopharma Infect Stop 含片告别烦人的症状,迎接自然、温和的缓解。..

44.26 USD

Phytopharma 蔓越莓 forte acute 30 片

Phytopharma 蔓越莓 forte acute 30 片

产品代码: 7689045

Phytopharma 蔓越莓 Forte Acute 30 片正在寻找一种可靠且有效的解决方案来支持您的泌尿道健康?我们的 Phytopharma Cranberry Forte Acute 30 片就是您的最佳选择!这些药片由优质蔓越莓提取物制成,已被证明有助于促进泌尿道健康。我们的配方专门设计用于快速缓解与尿路感染相关的急性症状,例如排尿时的烧灼感、尿频和膀胱不适。 每片含400毫克蔓越莓提取物,相当于食用40克新鲜蔓越莓。此外,我们的药片不含防腐剂、人工色素和香料,是对您的身体温和的纯天然选择。 Phytopharma 蔓越莓 Forte Acute 30 片易于吞咽,可随餐或空腹服用。它们适合所有年龄段的成年人,对于那些喜欢自然疗法治疗尿路感染的人来说是一个很好的选择。 如果经常使用,这些药片还可能有助于预防复发性尿路感染并促进整体尿路健康。每包 30 片,足够您服用数周!不要让尿路感染妨碍您过上充实的生活。立即试用我们的 Phytopharma Cranberry Forte Acute 30 片,体验纯天然泌尿道支持的好处。..

58.77 USD

Puressentiel fresh ginger äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel fresh ginger äth / oil bio 5ml

产品代码: 6338421

Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Experience the powerful benefits of ginger essential oil with Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml. Ginger has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties, including its ability to ease nausea, improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost energy levels. This essential oil extract is made from fresh, organic ginger roots and is 100% natural and pure, without any synthetic fragrances or additives. Benefits of Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml With its warming and stimulating effects, ginger essential oil can provide a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Here are some of the key benefits of Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml: Relieves digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion, and gas Calm nausea and vomiting, including morning sickness and motion sickness Reduces inflammation and pain in muscles and joints Boosts circulation, improving blood flow to the extremities Helps to fight respiratory infections, cough, and colds Improves concentration and cognitive function Lifts mood and reduces stress and anxiety How to Use Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml The versatile nature of ginger essential oil makes it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Here are some ways to use Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml: Add a few drops to your bath or shower for a revitalizing and energizing experience Dilute in a carrier oil, such as almond or coconut oil, and apply to sore muscles or joints for relief Inhale directly from the bottle or using a diffuser to reduce nausea or improve concentration Add a drop or two to a cup of hot water or tea for digestive support and immune system boost Use in cooking and baking to add a spicy and warm flavor to your dishes Puressentiel Fresh Ginger Äth/Oil Bio 5ml is the perfect addition to your essential oil collection, offering a variety of health and wellness benefits for your body, mind, and soul...

24.42 USD

Puressentiel gute nacht sirup kinder bio 125 毫升

Puressentiel gute nacht sirup kinder bio 125 毫升

产品代码: 7778574

Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml The Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml offers a safe and natural solution to help your child fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Organic ingredients This syrup is made with organic ingredients such as orange blossom, chamomile, lemon balm, and passionflower. These natural ingredients help to calm your child's nerves and promote relaxation. Safe and Effective The Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml is free from any synthetic ingredients, preservatives or additives. It is a safe and effective solution that has been tested to ensure that it is safe for your child to use. Easy to Use The syrup is easy to use and comes with a measuring cup. Simply pour the recommended amount into the cup and give it to your child before bedtime. The syrup has a pleasant taste that your child will enjoy. Benefits The Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml has numerous benefits for your child. These include: Promoting relaxation Helping your child fall asleep faster Improving the quality of your child's sleep Reducing nighttime wakeups Maintaining natural sleep cycles Conclusion The Puressentiel Gute Nacht Sirup Kinder Bio 125 ml is an ideal natural solution to help your child achieve a peaceful and refreshing sleep. Its organic and safe ingredients and easy-to-use formulation make it an excellent choice for parents looking for natural remedies to ensure that their child gets a good night's sleep...

38.95 USD

Puressentiel strohblume äth / 生物油 5ml

Puressentiel strohblume äth / 生物油 5ml

产品代码: 5930413

Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is an essential oil that is extracted from the blooms of the Helichrysum italicum, a plant also known as the everlasting or immortelle. It is distilled in France and certified organic. Benefits: The Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, anti-histaminic and healing properties. It is known to relieve pain and reduce swelling, making it perfect for sore muscles, sprains or arthritis. It also helps heal bruises and scars, and soothes skin irritations such as eczema, psoriasis or acne. How to use: Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml can be used in a variety of ways. It can be diluted in a carrier oil and applied topically to the affected area, or added to a bath to alleviate muscle pain. It can also be diffused in a diffuser to purify and freshen the air, and relieve respiratory problems such as allergies, asthma or bronchitis. It can also be used as a natural insect repellent. Ingredients: 100% pure and natural essential oil of Helichrysum italicum, certified organic. Puressentiel Strohblume Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a must-have essential oil for anyone looking to promote healing, reduce pain and improve their overall well-being in a natural and organic way. Its versatile properties make it a valuable addition to any natural medicine cabinet. ..

75.94 USD

Puressentiel thermostein white

Puressentiel thermostein white

产品代码: 5924677

PURESSENTIEL Thermostein weiss The PURESSENTIEL Thermostein weiss is an essential oil diffuser that provides a soothing and calming environment for your home. This product is perfect for those who value health, wellness, and natural remedies to enhance their well-being. The diffuser is made of high-quality white ceramic and features a minimalist design that complements any home décor. With a capacity of 300ml, it is ideal for use in large rooms and can run continuously for up to 10 hours. The Thermostein weiss also features a colored LED light for ambiance and relaxation purposes. This essential oil diffuser uses ultrasonic technology to break down essential oils into a fine mist, which is then dispersed throughout the room. The diffuser can be easily controlled with its touch buttons, allowing you to adjust the timer, mist intensity, and light settings according to your preferences. The PURESSENTIEL Thermostein weiss is compatible with all PURESSENTIEL essential oils, allowing you to create your own personalized aromatherapy experience. Essential oils are known for their emotional and physical therapeutic benefits and can improve your mood, reduce stress, boost immunity, and improve your sleep quality. The diffuser is also an excellent natural alternative to synthetic air fresheners, which can contain harmful chemicals that can irritate your respiratory system. Overall, the PURESSENTIEL Thermostein weiss is a must-have for anyone who values natural and holistic health practices. It provides a perfect balance of relaxation, beauty, and health benefits while being easy and straightforward to use. Order yours today and enjoy the many benefits of aromatherapy in the comfort of your own home!..

122.03 USD

Puressentiel zitrone-eukalyptus äth/öl bio

Puressentiel zitrone-eukalyptus äth/öl bio

产品代码: 6702588

体验 PURESSENTIEL 有机柠檬桉树精油的清爽和活力特性。这款精油取自优质有机成分,融合了浓郁的柠檬和令人振奋的桉树香气。这种精油以其多功能用途而闻名,可用于芳香疗法、按摩,或添加到您的 DIY 护肤和清洁产品中。使用这种纯净天然的精油来利用自然的力量,不含有害化学物质或添加剂。 PURESSENTIEL 为您带来柠檬和桉树的充满活力的香味,提升您的健康和环境。..

18.31 USD

Puressentiel 显示器压力滚动 + 1 测试仪 12 件

Puressentiel 显示器压力滚动 + 1 测试仪 12 件

产品代码: 7269716

Puressentiel display stress Roll-On + 1 Tester 12 件的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装数量:1 件 重量:314g 长度:150mm 宽度:155mm 高度:95mm 购买 Puressentiel display stress Roll-On + 1 位测试仪 12 件来自瑞士在线..

190.15 USD

Puressentiel 有机依兰依兰精油 5 毫升

Puressentiel 有机依兰依兰精油 5 毫升

产品代码: 5930531

尽情享受 Puressentiel 依兰依兰精油的舒缓和振奋的香味,这是一种优质有机产品,装在方便的 5 毫升瓶装中。这种精油以其镇静特性而闻名,通常用于芳香疗法,以促进放松和减轻压力。它源自依兰树的奇花异草,经过精心提取以保留其天然功效。这款纯精油非常适合在家中营造宁静的氛围或享受焕发活力的按摩,是任何寻求植物疗法自然疗法的人的必备品。使用 Puressentiel 依兰依兰精油拥抱自然的力量,增强您今天的健康。..

27.19 USD

Puressentiel® 防虱洗发水面膜 2 合 1 + tb 梳子 150 毫升

Puressentiel® 防虱洗发水面膜 2 合 1 + tb 梳子 150 毫升

产品代码: 7746971

Puressentiel® Anti-Lice Shampoo Mask 2-in-1 + Tb Comb 150 ml The Puressentiel® Anti-Lice Shampoo Mask 2-in-1 + Tb Comb 150 ml is a highly effective hair care product designed to combat lice and nits infestation in both adults and children. The shampoo mask not only eliminates lice but also prevents their re-infestation, making it an essential item for households with young children. Benefits of Puressentiel Anti-Lice Shampoo Mask 2-in-1 + Tb Comb Eliminates lice and nits Prevents re-infestation Treats and nourishes the scalp Contains natural ingredients such as coconut oil, tea tree oil, and lavender oil that offer soothing and calming effects on the scalp Its two-in-one formula combines shampoo and mask, making it a convenient product that saves time. How to use the product Apply the product on wet hair, gently massaging the scalp. Leave it to act for 10 minutes. Rinse the hair well with water and use the provided Tb comb. Comb the hair strand by strand, starting at the roots close to the scalp. Wipe the comb regularly with a tissue to remove any lice and nits. Repeat the process weekly to prevent a re-infestation of lice. The Puressentiel Anti-Lice Shampoo Mask 2-in-1 + Tb Comb 150 ml is a safe and natural solution for lice and nits. Its unique blend of natural ingredients offers effective yet gentle protection and care for the scalp and hair, ensuring that the whole family is protected from lice infestation. Buy the product today and enjoy lice-free hair...

40.17 USD

Puressentiel® wintergreen oil äth / oil bio 10 ml

Puressentiel® wintergreen oil äth / oil bio 10 ml

产品代码: 5930382

Puressentiel® Wintergreen Oil Eth/Oil Bio 10 ml Experience the refreshing and energizing properties of natural wintergreen oil with Puressentiel® Wintergreen Oil Eth/Oil Bio 10 ml. This pure essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the wintergreen plant and is processed using an eco-friendly, steam distillation method, to retain all of its natural therapeutic benefits. Wintergreen essential oil has a unique aroma, which is known to soothe the senses and uplift the spirits. It is widely used in aromatherapy to help alleviate a range of health concerns, including muscle and joint pain, allergies, respiratory issues, and fatigue. It is also used as an insect repellent and as a natural cleaning agent for the home. Puressentiel® Wintergreen Oil Eth/Oil Bio 10 ml is certified organic and is free from any synthetic additives and preservatives. It comes in a small, convenient glass bottle, which makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go, so you can enjoy its benefits whenever you need it. Directions for use: For massage: Dilute 2 drops of wintergreen oil in 5 ml of a carrier oil before applying to the affected area. For inhalation: Add 4-6 drops of wintergreen oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. For cleaning: Dilute 10-15 drops of wintergreen oil in 1 liter of water and use as a natural cleaning agent for the home. Explore the benefits of natural wintergreen essential oil with Puressentiel® Wintergreen Oil Eth/Oil Bio 10 ml...

23.47 USD

Quinton isotonic 9g / l 鼻腔喷雾剂 100 毫升

Quinton isotonic 9g / l 鼻腔喷雾剂 100 毫升

产品代码: 7742956

Quinton Isotonic 9g / l Nasal Spray 100 ml The Quinton Isotonic 9g / l Nasal Spray is a natural seawater-based product that helps to relieve nasal congestion and related symptoms such as sneezing and runny nose. It is made using pure, therapeutic seawater that is harvested from the plankton-rich waters of the Bay of Biscay in France. This nasal spray is formulated with a concentration of 9 grams of minerals and trace elements per litre, making it isotonic with the human body. This means that Quinton Isotonic 9g / l Nasal Spray is well-tolerated by the nasal mucosa and does not cause irritation or dryness. It can be used safely by people of all ages, including pregnant women and young children. The benefits of using Quinton Isotonic 9g / l Nasal Spray include: Relieves nasal congestion: The natural seawater helps to unclog the nasal passages and promote better breathing. Reduces inflammation: The minerals and trace elements in the seawater have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce swelling in the nose and sinuses. Moisturizes the nasal mucosa: The seawater lubricates the nasal mucosa and prevents dryness, which can help to prevent nosebleeds and other nasal irritations. Supports immune function: The minerals and trace elements in the seawater can help to support the body's natural immune function and promote healing of the nasal mucosa. This nasal spray is easy to use, simply spray into each nostril 1-3 times per day, or as needed. It comes in a 100ml spray bottle that is compact and easy to carry with you wherever you go. If you're looking for an all-natural, effective, and safe way to relieve nasal congestion and related symptoms, give Quinton Isotonic 9g / l Nasal Spray a try. Your nose will thank you!..

30.22 USD

Sidroga bio schwangerschaftstee 20 btl 1.5 克

Sidroga bio schwangerschaftstee 20 btl 1.5 克

产品代码: 6477513

Sidroga Bio Schwangerschaftstee 20 Btl 1.5 g 的特性每包数量:20 g重量:75g 长度:66mm 宽度:120mm 高度:75mm 从瑞士在线购买 Sidroga Bio Schwangerschaftstee 20 Btl 1.5 g..

14.29 USD

Silver 胶体银 25ppm fl 250 毫升

Silver 胶体银 25ppm fl 250 毫升

产品代码: 6250749

SILVER colloidal silver 25ppm Fl 250 ml的特性包装量:1 ml重量:522g 长度:41mm 宽度:69mm 高度:186mm 瑞士在线购买 SILVER 胶体银 25ppm Fl 250 ml..

68.35 USD

Soldan em-eukal 丹参无糖 btl 50 克

Soldan em-eukal 丹参无糖 btl 50 克

产品代码: 7666392

Soldan Em-eukal Salvia 无糖 Btl 50 克的特性储存温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 克重量:58g 长度:10mm 宽度:130mm 高度:160mm 购买 Soldan Em-eukal Salvia 无糖瑞士在线 Btl 50 克..

5.11 USD

Spagyros gemmo 无花果 glyc maz d 1 spr 30 毫升

Spagyros gemmo 无花果 glyc maz d 1 spr 30 毫升

产品代码: 2460349


64.22 USD

Stiltuss pflanzlicher hustentstiller 糖浆

Stiltuss pflanzlicher hustentstiller 糖浆

产品代码: 7780693

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Stiltuss Pflanzlicher Hustenstiller Sirup Indikation Reizhusten; trockener Husten. Dosierung 4-9 J: 2×tgl. 10 ml. 10-17 J : 3×tgl. 10 ml. >18 J: 4×tgl. 10 ml.30 Sekunden im Mund zergehen lassen und anschliessend schlucken. Behandlungsdauer: min. 5 Tage. 767552 / 29.09.2020 ..

28.82 USD

舒缓 adropharm 桉树无糖含片 140 克

舒缓 adropharm 桉树无糖含片 140 克

产品代码: 5691865

舒缓 Adropharm 桉树无糖含片 140 克的特性储存温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 克重量:148g 长度:78mm 宽度:78mm 高度:73mm 在线购买舒缓的无糖桉树含片 140 克来自瑞士..

17.90 USD

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