3m nexcare coldh bio gel flex 23.5 x 11 cm 新雪丽
3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel Flexible Thinsulate, 23.5 cm x 11 cm Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Flexible is intended for superficial application of cold or heat. Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes. The gel is non-toxic and safe for the whole family. The natural therapeutic power of heat and cold. The compress is suitable for the supply of heat and cold and is a practical solution for those who prefer natural therapy without medication. Can be chilled in the freezer or refrigerator. Can be heated in hot water or in the microwave. Distribute the heat evenly by kneading! Always place the gel pad in the protective pouch provided or wrap it in a clean towel before placing it on the skin. Place a compress on the affected area as long as it feels comfortable. Once the gel pack has reached room temperature, rewarm. The protective cover provided with the gel pack makes it easy, comfortable and safe to use on the skin. Use cold for a sprained ankle, strained muscles on legs/arms after sports activities, contusion swelling e.g. B. on the knee and ligament strains. Use the heated product for muscle spasms in the arm/hand caused by repetitive movements, e.g. B. caused by playing tennis or golf, knee or general leg muscle tension and arthritis / rheumatoid arthritis (without acute inflammation) such. B. for wrist osteoarthritis.BENEFITS: - Natural therapy without medication- Cold helps to relieve swelling, inflammation and pain. - Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes.- Reusable gel pack with non-toxic gel - safe for the whole family.- Contains no natural rubber latex- Includes protective cover and strap with Thinsulate? fabric for hands-free use- Eco-friendly - made with 99% biodegradable gel- Natural pain relief: The blue gel is non-toxic and safe for the skin. The product is 99.9% biodegradable and therefore particularly environmentally friendly.- Dimensions: approx. 235 mm x 110 mm This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
30.54 USD
Aromasan 决明子醚/油 5 毫升
AROMASAN Cassia Äth/Öl AROMASAN Cassia Äth/Öl is a high-quality essential oil extracted from the leaves of the Cassia tree. Cassia is a member of the cinnamon family and has a warm, spicy aroma that is known to have therapeutic properties. Benefits Relieves stress and anxiety Boosts mental clarity and focus Improves digestion and relieves nausea Promotes healthy skin and hair Provides natural pain relief How to Use AROMASAN Cassia Äth/Öl can be used in a variety of ways, including: Diffusing: Add a few drops of Cassia oil to a diffuser to fill your home with a warm, inviting aroma. Massage: Dilute Cassia oil with a carrier oil and apply it to sore muscles for natural pain relief. Ingestion: Add a drop of Cassia oil to your tea or water for digestive support. Skin care: Mix Cassia oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your skin for a healthy glow. Quality Assurance AROMASAN Cassia Äth/Öl is made with 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oil. It is free from additives, fillers, and synthetic fragrances, so you can use it with confidence. About AROMASAN AROMASAN is a German brand that specializes in high-quality essential oils and aromatherapy products. Our mission is to help people live healthier, happier lives by harnessing the power of nature's plant-based remedies. Note: The symbol count for the above description is 831...
16.06 USD
Emosan 热水瓶 alpenschick
Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick Stay cozy and warm during the chilly winter months with Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick. This premium hot water bottle is designed to provide you with unbeatable comfort when the weather is too cold to bear. Made from high-quality materials, this hot water bottle is designed to retain heat for longer, giving you long-lasting warmth and comfort. Features and Benefits Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick is the perfect companion for those who love winter but want to stay warm and cozy. This hot water bottle comes packed with a range of features that make it stand out from other hot water bottles on the market. Here are some of the features and benefits you can expect from Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick: Stylish Design - The hot water bottle features a cute and chic Alpenschick design that adds a touch of elegance to your winter accessories. Durable and Long-lasting - Made from high-quality materials, this hot water bottle is designed to withstand the test of time and provide long-lasting comfort. Large Capacity - With a capacity of 2 liters, this hot water bottle gives you enough space to fill with hot water and keep you warm for longer. Easy to Use - Filling this hot water bottle is easy and straightforward, and it comes with a secure screw-on cap that prevents leaks and spills. Natural Pain Relief - The Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick is perfect for providing natural pain relief from menstrual cramps, muscle aches, and other painful conditions. Conclusion Emosan Hot Water Bottle Alpenschick is the perfect winter accessory for those who want to stay warm and comfortable during the chilly months. With its stylish design, large capacity, and long-lasting heat retention, this hot water bottle is perfect for those who want a cozy and comfortable winter experience. Order now and experience warmth like never before!..
30.18 USD
Herbachaud 加热贴片 19x7 厘米 6 片
HerbaChaud,天然热贴,一盒 6 片 HerbaChaud 天然热贴是物理、无味的热贴,可散发深层热量长达 12 小时。 HerbaChaud 热贴由 100% 天然植物活性成分组成。 帮助:HerbaChaud 不是热垫。 HerbaChaud 的特色在于其持久且持续的深层温暖。这集中在触发点(矿物涂层上的圆孔)。深度效果到达痛点周围的整个区域。 ..
53.39 USD
Omida glob 山金车 d 12 14 克
Omida Glob Arnica D 12 14 g 的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 克重量: 51g 长度:27mm 宽度:27mm 高度:82mm 从瑞士在线购买 Omida Glob Arnica D 12 14 克..
39.73 USD
Perskindol 经典凝胶 tube 200 毫升
Perskindol Classic 是一种液体(液体、喷雾)或凝胶擦入式按摩剂,可刺激血液循环。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Perskindol® Classic 凝胶/液体/喷雾剂VERFORA SA什么是 Perskindol Classic 以及何时使用?Perskindol Classic 有液体形式(液体、喷雾)或凝胶形式,并含有植物精油活性成分。 Perskindol Classic 可快速渗透皮肤,不留任何残留物且不油腻;手和衣服上没有油脂。 必需的活性成分和左薄荷醇具有提神、镇静的作用。此外,它们会引起令人愉悦的升温,从而放松肌肉并减轻疼痛。 Perskindol Classic 含有左薄荷醇,可促进局部血液循环。 Perskindol Classic 用于以下适应症:外用对症治疗肌肉痉挛、背部和颈部疼痛、关节痛、风湿痛、网球肘、腰痛和坐骨神经痛。用于治疗拉伤、瘀伤和运动前和运动中:Perskindol Classic 适用于血液循环和肌肉松弛,以及预防和治疗肌肉酸痛和小腿抽筋。运动后运动,Perskindol Classic 用于肌肉和关节的放松和提神和放松。擦在额头和脖子上可以缓解头痛和偏头痛。 什么时候不应使用 Perskindol Classic? 请勿在幼儿或已知对其中一种成分过敏的情况下使用(参见成分)。 使用 Perskindol Classic 时何时需要小心?Perskindol Classic 凝胶/液体/喷雾剂含有苯甲酸苄酯。 苯甲酸苄酯可能引起过敏反应。 Perskindol Classic Gel 含有对羟基苯甲酸丙酯和对羟基苯甲酸甲酯。这些物质会引发(可能延迟)过敏反应。 请勿用于开放性伤口。不要在绷带下使用,也不要用膏药、敷布等材料覆盖处理过的皮肤。不要在眼睛附近使用。不要同时在同一部位使用两种外用制剂。 如果您有以下情况,请告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师:患有其他疾病,过敏或服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)或外用。< p>如果幼儿意外大量使用或经口摄入(吞咽),请立即联系 Tox Info Suisse(紧急电话号码 145)。 Perskindol Classic 可以在怀孕期间或哺乳期间使用吗?根据以往的经验,如果按照指示使用,对儿童没有已知的风险。然而,从未进行过系统的科学研究。作为预防措施,您应避免在怀孕和哺乳期间服用药物,或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师的意见。 Perskindol Classic怎么用?成人和3岁以上儿童疼痛部位如有必要,每天多次在身体上涂抹足量的 Perskindol Classic 凝胶、液体或喷雾剂。使用后洗手。 遵循包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为 Perskindol Classic 太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Perskindol Classic 在幼儿中的使用和安全性尚未经过测试。 Perskindol Classic 有哪些副作用?使用 Perskindol Classic 时可能会出现以下副作用:不常见(影响 1000 名用户中的 1 到 10 名用户):轻微的皮肤瘙痒、发红或灼痛罕见(影响 10,000 名用户中的 1 到 10 名用户):湿疹性皮肤损伤非常罕见(影响不到万分之一的用户):明显的超敏反应如果出现罕见的湿疹性皮肤变化或非常罕见的明显超敏反应,应停止治疗并在必要时通知医生。 如果您有任何副作用,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这也特别适用于本传单中未列出的副作用。 还有什么需要考虑的?药品只能在容器上标有 «EXP» 的日期前使用。 储存说明请置于儿童接触不到的地方,并置于室温 (15-25°C) 下。 Perskindol Classic Spray:不要损坏罐子。防止受热。不要喷洒在明火或发光物体上。 更多信息请勿在眼睛附近或粘膜上使用!不要将 Perskindol 与气密按压一起使用。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Perskindol Classic 含有什么?活性成分100 克凝胶、100 克液体或 100 克喷雾剂含有:来自植物地上部分的左薄荷醇(薄荷L.,folia)1.5 克,来自美国长春花(Gaultheria procumbens L)的叶子和细枝的精油., folia) 0.35 g, 松针精油 (Pinus sylvestris L., folia, scopa) 1.35 g, 柠檬皮精油 (Citrus limon L., scortea) 0.1 g,甜橙皮精油(Citrus aurantium dulcis L., scortea) 0.4 g,佛手柑皮精油( Citrus bergamia, scortea) 0.1 g,迷迭香花精油 (Rosmarinus officinalis L., floralis) 0.06 g,薰衣草花精油 (Lavandula angustifolia Mill. , floralis) 0.02 g,萜品醇 0.1 g,萜品醇乙酸酯 0.1 g。 赋形剂100 克凝胶包含:中链甘油三酯、异丙醇、卡波姆、氨基丁三醇、卡波姆共聚物、乙酸乙酯、苯甲酸苄酯、对羟基苯甲酸甲酯 (E218)、丙基苯甲酸酯对羟基苯甲酸酯 (E216),纯净水。 100 克液体含有:异丙醇、羟丙基纤维素 (E463)、乙酸乙酯、苯甲酸苄酯、纯净水。 100g 喷雾含有:异丙醇、乙酸乙酯、苯甲酸苄酯、纯净水。 批准号48009、42369、46141(Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到 Perskindol?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 Perskindol 经典凝胶:100 毫升、200 毫升、1000 毫升(医院)。 Perskindol 经典液体:50 毫升、250 毫升、500 毫升、2×500 毫升、1000 毫升、5000 毫升(医院)。 Perskindol 经典喷雾: 150 毫升。授权持有人VERFORA SA, 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne。 本传单最后一次由药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2020 年 6 月检查过。 ..
75.51 USD
Pirom 滚珠油 10 毫升
Pirom 油滚珠 10 毫升的特性解剖治疗化学物质 (АТС):M02AC活性成分:M02AC存储温度最小/最大15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 毫升重量:40 克长度:30 毫米宽度:30 毫米高度:100 毫米从瑞士在线购买 Pirom 油滚珠 10 毫升..
36.22 USD
Puralpina marmot herbal ointment warming 50 ml
PURALPINA Murmeli-Kräutersalbe wärmend Experience the natural healing power of the Alps with our PURALPINA Murmeli-Kräutersalbe wärmend. This warming herbal balm is made from the finest ingredients sourced from the heart of the Swiss Alps. Our unique formula is designed to soothe and relieve muscle and joint pain, providing natural relief for sore muscles and stiff joints. Ingredients Murmeltieröl: Also known as marmot oil, this natural oil is famous for its healing properties. It contains a high concentration of fatty acids and has been used for centuries to treat joint and muscle pain. Arnica: This herb has a long history of being used to relieve muscle pain and stiffness. It contains compounds that reduce inflammation and improve circulation. Camphor: This natural compound has a cooling effect that helps to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Other herbs: Our balm also contains a blend of other herbs like menthol, thyme, and rosemary that work together to relieve pain and promote healing. Benefits Our PURALPINA Murmeli-Kräutersalbe wärmend provides natural relief for muscle and joint pain. The warming effect of the balm helps to increase blood flow to the affected area, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. Our all-natural formula is gentle on the skin and safe for daily use. How to use Apply the balm to the affected area and massage gently until absorbed. Repeat as needed. For best results, use daily. Experience the natural healing power of the Swiss Alps with our PURALPINA Murmeli-Kräutersalbe wärmend. ..
23.15 USD
Puressentiel balm joints 14 种精油 30 毫升
Puressentiel Balm Joints 14 Essential Oils 30 ml Puressentiel Balm Joints 14 Essential Oils 30 ml is a natural solution to help relieve joint pain and reduce inflammation. The balm is made with 100% natural ingredients, including 14 essential oils, making it a safe and gentle alternative to chemical pain relievers. The balm is perfect for those suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, or joint pain from exercise or injury. It works by targeting the root cause of pain and inflammation, promoting long-term relief of symptoms. The balm is also formulated to provide a warming sensation that helps soothe and relax sore muscles and joints. The 14 essential oils in this balm are carefully selected for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and relaxing properties. They include wintergreen, juniper, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, clove, and more. Together, they create a powerful synergy that helps reduce pain and improve mobility. The balm comes in a convenient 30 ml tube that is easy to apply and carry with you on-the-go. It is non-greasy, non-sticky, and quickly absorbed into the skin. Simply massage the balm onto the affected area up to 3 times per day as needed for relief. Puressentiel Balm Joints 14 Essential Oils 30 ml is a natural, effective, and safe solution for anyone looking to relieve joint pain and inflammation without relying on chemicals or drugs. Try it today and experience the benefits of natural pain relief!..
37.25 USD
Puressentiel® 关节和肌肉凝胶 14 种精油 tube 60 毫升
Puressentiel® 关节和肌肉凝胶 14 种精油 Tb 60 ml 的特性解剖治疗化学品 (АТС): M02AX10欧洲 CE 认证存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 毫升重量:78 克长度:35 毫米宽度:50 毫米 高度:151 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 Puressentiel® 关节和肌肉凝胶 14 种精油 Tb 60 毫升..
23.69 USD
Puressentiel® 迷迭香与樟脑 äth / 油生物 10 毫升
Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth / Oil Bio 10ml: A Holistic and Natural Solution for Your Everyday Aches and Pains Are you looking for a natural way to alleviate your muscle and joint aches? Look no further than Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio 10ml. Derived from organically grown rosemary plants and carefully extracted using traditional methods, this essential oil is a powerhouse of wellness properties. Natural pain relief A few drops of Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio are all you need to experience natural pain relief. The oil's anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties help reduce pain and inflammation in sore and aching muscles and joints. Relax and unwind Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio's potent aroma has a calming effect on the mind and body, promoting relaxation and easing tension. Add a few drops to your bath, diffuser, or massage oil, and let its refreshing and soothing fragrance transport you to a state of deep relaxation. Nourish and protect skincare Loaded with antioxidants and skin-nourishing properties, Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio is an effective addition to your skincare routine. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe and nourish irritated and stressed skin, while also protecting it from harmful environmental factors. Puressentiel: Your Trusted Partner for Natural Wellness Solutions Puressentiel is a brand that understands the power of nature to promote wellness and health. All of their essential oils are meticulously sourced and extracted to ensure quality and purity. Their products are free from harmful chemicals, additives, and other synthetic substances, making them safe and effective for everyday use. Don't let pain and tension hold you back. Try Puressentiel® Rosemary with Camphor Äth/Oil Bio 10ml today and discover the natural way to relieve muscle and joint pain, promote relaxation, and protect your skin's health and radiance...
24.42 USD
Similasan headache glob 15 克
Similasan headache Glob 15 g 的特性解剖治疗化学物质 (АТС):N02BZ存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度数量每包:1 g重量:0.00000000g 长度:33mm 宽度:40mm 高度:81mm 从瑞士在线购买 Similasan headache Glob 15 g..
50.29 USD
Spagyros arnica glob c 30 multi click 2 克
Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 克的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 克重量:10g 长度:10mm 宽度:20mm 高度:60mm Buy Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 g 来自瑞士在线..
36.22 USD
少林muskel fluid笔芯
SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill: Relieve Muscle Soreness and Tension Effortlessly If you?re looking for an effective way to release muscle tension and relieve soreness naturally, the SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill is the perfect solution for you! This advanced formula is designed to penetrate deep into your muscles, soothing away pain and helping you feel your best. Why Choose SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill? The SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill is made with a unique blend of proven natural ingredients that work together to enhance muscle relaxation and improve overall wellness. Whether you?re dealing with acute muscle pain or chronic tension, this formulation can provide fast relief that lasts. Key Benefits Faster Recovery: The active ingredients in this formula can help to reduce inflammation and promote faster healing, enabling you to get back to your active lifestyle faster. Improved Mobility: By promoting muscle relaxation and reducing tension, SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill can enhance your range of motion and overall mobility. 100% Safe and Natural: Our product is free of harmful chemicals and preservatives, making it safe for people of all ages and skin types. Easy to Apply: The SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill is easy to use and quick-absorbing, which means you can apply it anywhere, anytime, without any mess or fuss! How to Use To use the SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill, massage a small amount directly into your muscles and joints, up to three times a day. You can apply the fluid before or after exercise, or simply throughout your day as needed. Experience the Benefits Today! Don?t let muscle pain and tension slow you down. Try SHAOLIN Muskel Fluid Refill today, and experience the benefits of natural, effective muscle pain relief. ..
158.03 USD
药剂师原马 medic 软膏 tube 150 毫升
In 1982, the Apothekers Original horse ointment was developed by the pharmacist Dr. Ulf Jacob developed. Today it is widely known and is often used after sport. Due to its 2-phase effect, the gel has a particularly beneficial effect on tired muscles. In the first phase, a soothing, long-lasting cooling effect unfolds. Then, in the second phase, gentle relaxation of the muscles is promoted by heat. The use of the gel has also proven its worth for blunt injuries such as sprains, bruises or hematomas. The horse ointment helps in a natural way. As a result, it is well tolerated and can be used over a longer period of time. The elaborately obtained plant extracts are mixed with valuable natural care substances in a special manufacturing process. 2-phase effectWell toleratedPermanently applicableNaturalHelps with dull injuries and tired muscles.Absorbs quickly The most important ingredients and their effects Arnica Supports the healing process and the abatement of inflammation. Rosemary Promotes blood circulation, helps to get the blood circulation system going again and has a relaxing effect. Menthol Unfolds a long-lasting cooling effect. Has a relaxing effect, helps to loosen and relax the muscles and reduce swelling. Application As required.Apply like a body lotion and massage in gently.For deep heat, apply twice the amount and massage in vigorously. Note Avoid contact with eyes, open wounds and mucous membranes. Not suitable for children. Ingredients Aqua, Isoprobyl Alcohol, Arnica mexicana, Rosmarinus officinalis, Champhor, Carbomer, Menthol, Linalool, Limonene, (Cl 42051), Methyl Salicylate..
17.58 USD