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感到头晕目眩、难以集中注意力吗?在,我们相信自然疗法和顺势疗法对于提高思维清晰度的力量。探索我们广泛的保健产品,包括磷钾、顺势疗法和银杏叶补充剂,这些产品以其在增强认知功能、提高注意力和促进思维清晰度方面的功效而闻名。我们特别策划的花草茶混合物也可以成为您杂货的绝佳补充。不仅限于头脑清醒,我们还提供针对各种健康疾病的顺势疗法,例如胃部问题、肌肉痉挛和整体排毒。在 获取满足您所有健康和营养需求的一站式解决方案,体验瑞士健康产品的卓越品质和功效。因此,无论是增强记忆力还是维持消化健康, 都可以通过我们的自然疗法、顺势疗法和保健产品帮助您实现健康目标。
Aromalife 薄荷 top-11 äth / 油 fl 5 毫升

Aromalife 薄荷 top-11 äth / 油 fl 5 毫升

产品代码: 7843370

Aromalife 薄荷精油:TOP-11 Äth / Oil Fl 5 mlAromalife 薄荷精油是从薄荷植物的叶子。它具有提神醒脑的香气,有助于促进头脑清晰并提高警觉性。这种油还以缓解头痛、恶心和其他消化问题的能力而闻名,使其成为寻求自然疗法治疗常见疾病的个人的热门选择。Aromalife 薄荷精油的健康益处薄荷精油以其许多健康益处而闻名,其中包括: 缓解头痛和偏头痛 缓解恶心和呕吐 改善消化并缓解胃部不适 缓解鼻窦充血和呼吸问题 减轻压力并促进头脑清晰 如何使用 Aromalife 薄荷精油Aromalife 薄荷精油可以多种方式使用,以促进健康和福祉。一些常见用途包括: 稀释在基础油中并局部涂抹以缓解头痛和肌肉紧张 通过扩散器吸入以促进头脑清晰并提高警觉性 添加到温水浴中以舒缓肌肉酸痛并促进放松 用于香薰按摩以促进整体健康 添加到载体油中并用作天然驱虫剂 质量保证Aromalife 薄荷精油仅由最优质的薄荷叶制成,并采用最先进的蒸汽蒸馏工艺提取。这确保了该油保留其强大的香气和健康益处,使其成为治疗各种常见疾病的高效天然药物。成分100% 纯薄荷精油尺寸5 ml..

14.89 USD

Bioligo dr bach 2 aspen 阿斯彭 20 毫升

Bioligo dr bach 2 aspen 阿斯彭 20 毫升

产品代码: 6109554

LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 是一种草药补充剂,致力于缓解焦虑和恐惧。该配方含有从白杨和杨树芽中提取的天然物质,这两种树木以其治疗特性而闻名。人们相信白杨有助于缓解紧张、焦虑和非理性恐惧,而白杨则可以增强自信、内在力量和适应力。 产品的工作原理 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 基于 Bach Flower Remedies 的原理,这是 Edward Bach 博士在 1900 年代初期开发的整体治疗系统。这些疗法旨在治疗导致身体疾病和紊乱的潜在情绪失衡和创伤。传统上,白杨树和白杨树被用来促进头脑清醒、减轻压力和焦虑,并增强整体健康。 使用 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 的好处 缓解焦虑、紧张和恐惧 促进头脑清晰和平静 增强自信心和内在力量 有助于减轻压力和紧张 促进整体健康和活力 如何使用产品 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 呈液滴形式,您可以口服或添加到饮料或食物中。推荐剂量为 4 滴,每天四次,或按照医疗保健提供者的指示。滴剂可直接含在舌下以加快吸收,或用水或果汁稀释以获得更微妙的味道。该滴剂适合成人和儿童。 注意事项和副作用 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 是一种天然补充剂,通常可以安全使用。然而,与任何其他补充剂一样,重要的是遵循建议的剂量并在使用前咨询您的医疗保健提供者,特别是如果您怀孕、哺乳或服用任何药物。在极少数情况下,有些人可能会出现轻微的副作用,例如皮疹或胃部不适,这些副作用通常在停止使用滴剂后消失。 ..

30.14 USD

Dynabiane 斗篷 60 件

Dynabiane 斗篷 60 件

产品代码: 7315586

Dynabiane Cape 60 pcs The Dynabiane Cape is a supplement designed to enhance cognitive function and overall brain health. This product contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, and natural extracts that work together to improve mental clarity, memory retention, and focus. Key ingredients: Vitamin B6 - helps improve cognitive function and reduce fatigue Vitamin B9 - supports healthy brain development and function Zinc - important for proper brain function and cognitive performance Gingko biloba extract - has been shown to enhance memory and mental performance Green tea extract - contains catechins which can improve attention and focus The Dynabiane Cape comes in a convenient blister pack of 60 capsules, making it easy to take on-the-go. Take two capsules daily with a meal for maximum results. Investing in your cognitive health is important for maintaining a sharp mind and staying mentally alert. The Dynabiane Cape is a natural solution to support brain health and enhance overall cognitive performance...

58.42 USD

Farfalla roll-on bleib gesund kopfklar min

Farfalla roll-on bleib gesund kopfklar min

产品代码: 7424482

FARFALLA Roll-on bleib gesund Kopfklar Min Experience refreshing and revitalizing effects with the FARFALLA Roll-on bleib gesund Kopfklar Min. This unique product is specially formulated to promote mental clarity and concentration, while also supporting the immune system for overall wellness. The roll-on design makes application easy and convenient, allowing you to apply the product directly to your temples or other pulse points. The blend of high-quality organic essential oils, including peppermint and eucalyptus, helps to clear the mind while also providing a cooling and soothing sensation on the skin. With its natural and organic ingredients, this roll-on product is safe and gentle for all skin types. The compact size of the packaging makes it ideal for carrying in your purse or pocket, so you can enjoy its benefits on-the-go. Simply roll onto your temples or wrists as needed for a quick pick-me-up throughout the day. Whether you're feeling mentally drained or simply in need of a refreshing boost, the FARFALLA Roll-on bleib gesund Kopfklar Min is the perfect solution for promoting overall wellness and mental clarity. ..

20.00 USD

Salus bach flower tea motivation and confidence bio bag 15 pcs

Salus bach flower tea motivation and confidence bio bag 15 pcs

产品代码: 7752585

使用 Salus Bach 花茶提高您的动力并增强信心。这种有机混合物装在一个 15 片装的方便袋中,非常适合舒缓和振奋的茶体验。这种混合物经过精心调制,加入了精选的水果和花草茶,可促进头脑清晰和情绪健康。无论您需要温和提神还是只是想放松身心,Salus Bach 花茶都能提供一种清新的方式来自然滋养您的身心。让这款充满活力的混合茶让每一口都激发积极性和内在力量。..

11.66 USD

Yogi tea茶幸福17营2克

Yogi tea茶幸福17营2克

产品代码: 5352732

Product Description: Yogi Tea Happiness 17 Battalion 2 g Experience blissful happiness with every sip of Yogi Tea Happiness 17 Battalion 2g. This herbal tea blend is formulated with natural ingredients that promote positivity, uplift your mood, and enhance mental clarity. It is a perfect blend for those looking for an escape from the daily hustle and bustle of life and want to relax and unwind. The tea blend contains an array of healing herbs and spices that possess mood-boosting properties. The primary ingredients include hibiscus, rooibos, lemon balm, and lemon grass. These herbs are known to have a calming effect on the mind, promote relaxation, and reduce stress levels. The soothing aroma of the blend helps create an ambiance of peace and tranquility. The tea comes in tea bags, which are individually packed to maintain freshness and aroma. They are easy to use and can be brewed in hot water. The tea can be consumed any time of the day, either before or after a meal or before bedtime. Drinking a cup of Yogi Tea Happiness 17 Battalion 2g everyday promotes overall well-being and helps maintain a positive outlook towards life. The tea is 100% Organic and naturally caffeine-free, which makes it suitable for individuals who are looking to reduce their caffeine intake. The blend is also gluten-free and vegan-friendly. Experience happiness in a cup with Yogi Tea Happiness 17 Battalion 2g. Order now and start your journey towards a happy, healthy, and peaceful life. ..

6.60 USD

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