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在 Beeovita.com 上探索优质叶黄素补充剂,Beeovita.com 是瑞士的健康和美容专家。我们根据您的需求设计多样化的保健产品,为您的眼睛健康和一般营养做出贡献。叶黄素是一种强大的营养素,因其对视力有益而闻名,可以显着改善您的健康状况。从我们广泛的高质量、科学开发的产品中进行选择,让我们促进更健康、更幸福的生活。现在,通过 Beeovita.com 的叶黄素补充剂,您可以实现最佳的眼睛健康。
Ocuvite叶黄素片180粒的特性每包数量:180粒重量:151g 长度:69mm 宽度:119mm 高度:76mm 瑞士在线购买 Ocuvite 叶黄素片 180 片..
82.18 USD
Vitalux plus 欧米伽 + 叶黄素 84 粒胶囊
Vitalux Plus supplements the daily diet with the valuable vitamins C and E, the trace elements zinc and copper as well as lutein and omega-3 fatty acids and specifically covers the increased nutritional needs of patients with AMD (*).Long-term use of Vitalux Plus is recommended.Vitalux Plus is suitable for every age group and for diabetics.* AMD (age-related macular degeneration) is a disease of the eye in which the point of sharpest vision is damaged in old age...
82.50 USD
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