

显示 1 到 25,共 28(2 页)
在,我们了解喉咙疾病可能引起的不适,因此我们精心挑选了一系列含片,支持您的呼吸道健康,并有助于缓解喉咙和口腔感染的症状。我们的库存包括从黑加仑锭剂、姜根粉强化锭剂到著名的 Grethers 黑加仑锭剂锭剂等各种产品。这些产品是天然的,富含维生素 B12、精油等有益成分,以及生姜等独特的天然健康保护元素。它们可以有效治疗咽炎和喉咙炎症,并有助于保持血糖水平平衡。我们还提供各种润喉糖,全部无糖,适合任何追求节食或减肥方案的人。我们的含片不仅仅是自然疗法;它们也属于身体护理和化妆品类别,满足多种需求和目的。在我们的健康、营养和糖果产品、营养补充剂和其他专业产品类别中找到最适合您需求的产品。我们所有的产品都是纯素的,适合所有人。立即探索我们的系列,为您的喉咙提供应有的护理。
Biomed 锌加 c 含片覆盆子 50 片

Biomed 锌加 c 含片覆盆子 50 片

产品代码: 6440645

锌 Biomed plus C 含片覆盆子 50 片 含锌和维生素 C 的膳食补充剂。覆盆子味或橙子味含片。 锌和维生素 C 支持免疫系统的正常功能,并有助于保护细胞免受氧化应激。锌还支持碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质的正常代谢,并具有细胞分裂的功能。维生素 C 有助于减轻疲劳。 使用方法: 每天 1 粒含片。不要超过建议的每日剂量。 成分: 覆盆子:糖; L-抗坏血酸(维生素C)、柠檬酸锌、麦芽糊精、天然覆盆子香料、浓缩甜菜根汁、抗结块剂(脂肪酸和脂肪酸镁盐);调味料。 橙子:糖; L-抗坏血酸(维生素C)、柠檬酸锌、麦芽糖糊精、抗结块剂(脂肪酸和脂肪酸镁盐);天然橙味、香气、着色核黄素。 每日剂量的营养信息(1 片)/% NRV* 锌:5 毫克/50%维生素C : 30mg / 38% * %NRV = 成人每日参考量的% 注意事项: 请勿进入小型儿童商店触手可及的地方。室温保存。膳食补充剂不能替代多样化、均衡的饮食和健康的生活方式。 ..

23.64 USD

Burgerstein 辅酶 q10 含片 50 毫克 can 100 片

Burgerstein 辅酶 q10 含片 50 毫克 can 100 片

产品代码: 7225883

Q10 是一种非常重要的内源性辅酶,存在于体内的每个细胞中。 适合每个人作为日常营养补充剂。大约 10 岁以上的人35岁(人体自身产生的辅酶随着年龄的增长而减少)适合服用降胆固醇药物的人(降胆固醇药物(他汀类药物)会减少人体自身辅酶的产生)适合所有不想或不能吞服药片的人不含乳糖,不含酵母,不含大豆,不含花生油不含砂糖纯素食 应用 建议每天吮吸 1 粒 Burgerstein 辅酶 Q10 含片。 成分 填充剂(甘露醇)、甜味剂(山梨醇)、辅酶Q10(泛醌)、酸(柠檬酸)、脱模剂(脂肪酸镁盐)、香料(橙子)、稳定剂(聚乙烯吡咯烷酮)。..

94.96 USD

Cystus 052 生物含片 132 片

Cystus 052 生物含片 132 片

产品代码: 7628718

Cystus 052 生物锭剂的特性 132 颗每包数量:132 颗重量:106 克长度:43 毫米宽度:80mm 高度:120mm 瑞士在线购买 Cystus 052 Bio 含片 132 片..

75.36 USD

Emser 无糖生姜含片 30 粒

Emser 无糖生姜含片 30 粒

产品代码: 7369228

Emser Pastilles is a natural sore throat reliever and helps with inflammation in the throat and pharynx. The unique active ingredient -Formula of the EMS mineral complex loosens stubborn deposits, interrupts the inflammatory process, soothes, moisturizes and heals the irritated mucous membrane. If the mucous membrane of the throat is moistened and cleaned, this supports the body's immune system and naturally relieves sore throats, swallowing difficulties and irritation of the throat. Contains an intense ginger taste that is pleasantly hot and goes perfectly with the natural Emser salt. p> Tested tooth-friendly sugar-free, gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan Dosage: Children from 6 years: suck 1 lozenge or let it dissolve in the mouth up to 4 times a day as required Children over 12 years and adults: 1-2 lozenges up to 6 times a day suck it or let it melt in your mouth Do not chew lozenges! Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding not recommended INCI Natural Emser salt (lithium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide, nitrate, sulfate, hydrogen carbonate, carbonate), isomalt, Calcium stearate, ginger, sucralose Which packs are Emser sugar-free with gin ..

16.59 USD

Grethers pastilles 黑加仑袋装 110 克

Grethers pastilles 黑加仑袋装 110 克

产品代码: 1003373

Grethers 黑醋栗软糖 - 110g 以黑醋栗的美味自然舒缓喉咙痛。Grethers 黑醋栗软糖可舒缓喉咙痛和喉咙痛。咳嗽。这些含片采用天然成分制成,非常适合全家人使用。 天然黑醋栗味 舒缓喉咙痛和咳嗽 非常适合成人和儿童 不含人工色素或香料 无论您是在与感冒作斗争还是只是需要一点额外的舒适感,Grethers 黑醋栗软糖都是完美的选择。立即订购,体验与众不同!..

14.26 USD

Grethers 黑加仑 pastillen ohne sugar duo 2 bag 110 克

Grethers 黑加仑 pastillen ohne sugar duo 2 bag 110 克

产品代码: 1003376

Grethers Blackcurrant Pastillen ohne Zucker DUO 2 Btl 110 g Grethers Blackcurrant Pastillen ohne Zucker DUO 2 Btl 110 g is a premium quality blackcurrant flavored lozenge that offers a unique blend of delicious taste and effective relief from dry throat and cough. Made in Switzerland with the finest ingredients, Grethers lozenges are known for their long-lasting flavor and soothing properties. Features Contains two bottles of 110 grams each Sugar-free formula Made in Switzerland Long-lasting flavor Soothes dry throat and cough Grethers Blackcurrant Pastillen ohne Zucker Duo 2 Btl 110 g are perfect for people who want to enjoy the delicious taste of blackcurrant while also getting relief from a dry throat and cough. These lozenges are free from sugar, so you can enjoy them guilt-free. The unique blend of natural ingredients in Grethers lozenges has been carefully selected to provide effective relief from symptoms such as dry mouth and coughing. The blackcurrant flavor in Grethers lozenges is derived from natural sources, making them a healthier alternative to other sugary sweets. Whether you're suffering from a cold or just need a little bit of extra comfort for your throat, these lozenges are the perfect choice. Order your Grethers Blackcurrant Pastillen ohne Zucker DUO 2 Btl 110 g today and enjoy the soothing relief and delicious flavor that only Grethers can provide...

24.18 USD

Grethers 黑醋栗软糖 can 110 克

Grethers 黑醋栗软糖 can 110 克

产品代码: 1367079

Grethers 黑加仑软糖 - 无糖且美味 Grethers 无糖软糖让您尽情享受黑加仑的清爽味道。这些美味的含片采用天然香料和甜味剂制成,非常适合舒缓喉咙痛或满足您对甜食的需求。它们也是纯素食、无麸质且不含添加糖。 天然黑醋栗味 无糖 纯素食和麸质-免费 非常适合舒缓喉咙痛 美味且令人满意 无论您是在寻找健康零食还是缓解疼痛的方法Grethers 黑醋栗软糖是完美的选择。立即订购套装,体验与众不同!..

14.69 USD

Isla med hydro + 含片樱桃 20 片

Isla med hydro + 含片樱桃 20 片

产品代码: 7744019

Isla Med Hydro + lozenges cherry 20 pcs Isla Med Hydro + lozenges cherry 20 pcs Are you looking for a fast and effective way to soothe your sore throat? Try Isla Med Hydro + lozenges cherry 20 pcs! These powerful lozenges are specially formulated to provide fast relief for throat irritation and dryness. The active ingredients in these lozenges are chamomile and sage, which have been used for centuries to treat throat discomfort. Chamomile has natural anti-inflammatory properties, while sage is known for its antibacterial properties. Together, they create a powerful combination that can provide rapid relief for sore throats and other throat irritations. One of the unique features of these lozenges is their ability to create a protective film on the throat's mucous membrane, which helps to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. This film also helps to keep the throat moist, preventing further irritation from dry air and environmental pollutants. Benefits of Isla Med Hydro + lozenges cherry 20 pcs: Fast and effective relief for sore throat and throat dryness Naturally soothes throat irritation with chamomile and sage Creates a protective film on the throat's mucous membrane to reduce pain and inflammation Keeps the throat moist and helps to prevent further irritation Cherry flavor is delicious and makes the lozenges easy to take Contains no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives Suitable for adults and children over 4 years old Each pack of Isla Med Hydro + lozenges cherry contains 20 lozenges, making it convenient and easy to take with you on the go. Simply suck on one lozenge every 2-3 hours as needed, and you'll start to feel relief in no time. With no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, these lozenges are a safe and natural way to soothe your sore throat...

21.47 USD

Isla moos 软糖 60 粒

Isla moos 软糖 60 粒

产品代码: 2742036

产品名称缓解声音嘶哑、喉咙痛和咳嗽的含片成分1粒含片含有80毫克冰岛苔藓水提取物(0.4 - 0.8:1)。其他成分:阿拉伯胶、蔗糖、稀石蜡、焦糖色素(着色剂 E 150)、纯净水。 1 粒含片含有 424 毫克蔗糖 = 0.035 BE..特性Isla® Moss 的成分就像润唇膏一样覆盖在喉咙和咽部的粘膜上。这可以保护它免受进一步的攻击,并且由于舒缓效果,受刺激的粘膜可以更快地恢复,特别是在以下情况下:- 喉咙痛和声音嘶哑引起的喉咙问题,声带严重拉伤 - 呼吸干燥 - 口干 -鼻呼吸受限。应用根据需要,成人和 4 岁及以上儿童每日多次吮吸 1-2 粒含片。根据需要,成人和 4 岁及以上儿童吮吸每日数次,每次 1-2 粒。注意事项存放在干燥的地方!请勿储存在 25°C 以上!..

20.05 USD

Isla 卡西斯软糖 30 粒

Isla 卡西斯软糖 30 粒

产品代码: 4059013

Isla Cassis 含片 30 片的特性欧洲 CE 认证存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度每包数量:30件数重量:0.00000000g 长度:0mm 宽度:0mm 高度:0mm 购买瑞士网购 Isla Cassis 含片 30 片..

12.87 USD

Pharmalp pastilles des alpes 30 片

Pharmalp pastilles des alpes 30 片

产品代码: 6420157

Pharmalp Pastilles des Alpes made from BIO Alpine plants to strengthen the immune system and reduce sore throats.The lozenges with acacia juice, plants and fruits from the Alps (e.g. edelweiss, lemon thyme, chokeberry and elderberry) and zinc help with irritation and cold symptoms. They clear the respiratory tract and strengthen immunity. Notes Suitable for children over the age of six, 3-5 lozenges per day. Adults can take up to 5 lozenges per day. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose, excessive consumption may cause laxative effects...

21.77 USD

Phytopharma altea 锭剂 40 粒

Phytopharma altea 锭剂 40 粒

产品代码: 2426708

Lozenges without sugar, with sweeteners. Flavored with marshmallow, burnet, buckhorn and cowslip. Properties Lozenges without Sugar, with sweeteners.Flavored with marshmallow, burnet, buckhorn and cowslip.Ensures a clear voice and is beneficial for the mouth, throat and throat. Lactose-freeGluten-free ..

13.20 USD

Phytopharma eucalyptus 40 pastilles

Phytopharma eucalyptus 40 pastilles

产品代码: 2512827

Lozenges without sugar, with sweeteners. Flavored with eucalyptus oil. Properties Sugar-free lozenges with sweeteners.Flavored with eucalyptus oil. ..

11.83 USD

Phytopharma fir tips pastilles 55 g

Phytopharma fir tips pastilles 55 g

产品代码: 3653487

Lozenges without sugar, with sweeteners. Flavored with fir tip extract and oil. Properties Sugar-free pastilles, with Sweeteners.Flavored with Fir Tip Extract and Oil. ..

11.83 USD

Phytopharma fly and drive 40 pastilles

Phytopharma fly and drive 40 pastilles

产品代码: 2698111

Lozenges without sugar, with sweeteners and ginger root powder. Flavored with peppermint. Properties Lozenges without sugar, with sweeteners and ginger root powder .Flavored with peppermint. Lactose freeGluten free ..

13.20 USD

Phytopharma infect stop 含片 50 片

Phytopharma infect stop 含片 50 片

产品代码: 7779563

隆重推出 Phytopharma Infect Stop 含片,这是一种有助于对抗感染和舒缓喉咙的天然药物。每盒包含 50 粒含片,提供方便有效的缓解症状的方法。这些含片采用强效天然成分混合制成,可支持您的免疫系统,同时缓解不适。无论您正在处理喉咙痛、咳嗽还是其他感染症状,Phytopharma Infect Stop 含片都是您日常健康的完美补充。使用 Phytopharma Infect Stop 含片告别烦人的症状,迎接自然、温和的缓解。..

44.26 USD

Phytopharma infectblocker 30 锭

Phytopharma infectblocker 30 锭

产品代码: 1008659

Natural health protection with an increased risk of infection.The regular use of Phytopharma ImmunPro Infectblocker supports the body's own immune system...

25.73 USD

Phytopharma mentha 40锭剂

Phytopharma mentha 40锭剂

产品代码: 2878215

Lozenges without sugar, with sweeteners and peppermint flavor. Properties Lozenges without sugar, with sweeteners and peppermint aroma.The lozenges for mouth, throat and throat.Ensure a clear voice. ..

11.83 USD

Phytopharma tea tree oil 40 pastilles

Phytopharma tea tree oil 40 pastilles

产品代码: 2329997

Lozenges without sugar, with sweetener Stevia. Flavored with tea tree oil. Properties Sugar-free pastilles, with sweetener Stevia.Gluten-free, lactose-free. Application Take 6-10 lozenges per day. ..

11.83 USD

Phytopharma 维生素 b12 60 锭

Phytopharma 维生素 b12 60 锭

产品代码: 7183009

The Phytopharma Vitamin B12 lozenges are a dietary supplement with vitamin B12 and sweeteners, with the taste of raspberries.Vitamin B12 has many good properties.It contributes to the normal function of the immune system and reduces tiredness.The vitamin also supports the normal functioning of the nervous system and normal psychological function.B12 contributes to normal red blood cell formation and normal energy-yielding metabolism. Vegan Use Suck one lozenge a day. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle...

44.45 USD

Phytopharma 维生素 b12 lutschtabl

Phytopharma 维生素 b12 lutschtabl

产品代码: 7095995

Vegan dietary supplement with vitamin B12 in raspberry flavored lozenges. Composition h3> Sorbitol, acidity regulator: sodium bicarbonate, acidifier: tartaric acid, hardened rapeseed oil, release agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, sweetener: sucralose, 9 µg cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), per lozenge. Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free and raspberry flavor. Application 1 lozenge daily. ..

29.49 USD

Puressentiel 柠檬蜂蜜含片 18 片

Puressentiel 柠檬蜂蜜含片 18 片

产品代码: 7829888

Puressentiel Lozenges Honey Lemon 18 pcs Puressentiel Lozenges Honey Lemon 18 pcs are natural and herbal lozenges that provide soothing relief to a sore throat and cough. Made with carefully selected ingredients, these lozenges contain honey, propolis, and essential oils of lemon, eucalyptus, and ravintsara. These natural ingredients are known to have antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that help to prevent the spread of infections and reduce the symptoms of a sore throat and cough. The lozenges come in a pack of 18 pieces, making them easy to carry and use whenever necessary. They are suitable for children aged 6 years and above and adults. These lozenges are gluten-free, lactose-free, and do not contain any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. They are also tested for their microbial purity, ensuring that they are safe for use. By using Puressentiel Lozenges Honey Lemon 18 pcs, you can provide natural relief to your sore throat and cough without any harmful side effects...

20.41 USD

Stiltuss cough drops 28 pc

Stiltuss cough drops 28 pc

产品代码: 7780692

Stiltuss Cough Drops 28pc Stiltuss Cough Drops 28pc offers you an effective relief for coughs and sore throats. This product is designed to soothe and relieve cough and sore throat symptoms. It comes in a pack of 28 lozenges that are easy to use and carry with you wherever you go. Each drop contains a blend of active ingredients that work together to provide quick relief for your cough and sore throat. Features Effective relief from coughs and sore throats Contains a blend of active ingredients Comes in a pack of 28 lozenges Easy to use and carry with you Soothes and relieves cough and sore throat symptoms Ingredients Each Stiltuss Cough Drop contains the following active ingredients: Menthol - 5 mg Eucalyptus Oil - 2.5 mg/li> Thymol - 1 mg Anise Oil - 1 mg Other ingredients include glucose syrup, sugar, citric acid, and water. Directions for Use Adults and children over 12 years old can take one drop at a time, up to a maximum of 8 drops per day. Do not exceed the stated dose. Place the drop in your mouth and allow it to dissolve slowly. If you experience any side effects or allergic reactions, stop using the product and consult your doctor immediately. Stiltuss Cough Drops 28pc is a perfect addition to your medicine cabinet during cold and flu season. With its soothing blend of active ingredients, it is sure to provide you with quick relief when you need it most...

22.03 USD

心绞痛 mcc streuli 含片 30 片

心绞痛 mcc streuli 含片 30 片

产品代码: 1370466

心绞痛 MCC 含片由十六烷基吡啶、利多卡因和薄荷醇组成。 虽然十六烷基吡啶是锭剂杀菌作用的原因,但利多卡因可减轻口腔、咽部和喉部粘膜的疼痛,从而缓解吞咽困难。 薄荷醇使含片具有令人愉悦的味道。 心绞痛 MCC 用于口腔和/或咽喉的感染或炎症(心绞痛、喉炎或咽炎)以及口腔和/或咽喉粘膜疾病(口疮、口腔炎)。 心绞痛 MCC 也可以在扁桃体切除术或牙齿脱落后服用。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Angina MCC®Streuli Pharma AGAMZV什么是 Angina MCC 以及何时使用?心绞痛 MCC 含片由十六烷基吡啶、利多卡因和薄荷醇组成。 虽然十六烷基吡啶是锭剂杀菌作用的原因,但利多卡因可减轻口腔、咽部和喉部粘膜的疼痛,从而缓解吞咽困难。 薄荷醇使含片具有令人愉悦的味道。 心绞痛 MCC 用于口腔和/或咽喉的感染或炎症(心绞痛、喉炎或咽炎)以及口腔和/或咽喉粘膜疾病(口疮、口腔炎)。 心绞痛 MCC 也可以在扁桃体切除术或牙齿脱落后服用。 什么时候不应使用心绞痛 MCC?如果已知对其中一种成分过敏,则不应使用心绞痛 MCC。 什么时候服用心绞痛 MCC 需要谨慎?如果口腔或喉咙有伤口流血,应谨慎服用含片 - 如果有的话。 如果发烧更高或一周内没有改善,则应咨询医生。 如果您患有其他疾病、过敏或正在服用其他药物(即使是您自己购买的药物!)或外用,请告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师! 心绞痛 MCC 可以在怀孕期间或哺乳期间使用吗?根据以往的经验,如果按照指示使用,对孩子没有已知的风险。然而,从未进行过系统的科学研究。作为预防措施,您应避免在怀孕和哺乳期间服用药物,或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师的意见。 心绞痛MCC怎么用?成人和6岁以上儿童: 每小时在口中慢慢溶解一粒药片。急性症状消退后或作为预防措施,每 3-4 小时吸服 1 片。含片适合糖尿病患者。 坚持使用包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 心绞痛 MCC 有哪些副作用?服用心绞痛 MCC 会出现以下副作用: 过度或长时间使用心绞痛 MCC 会引起局部刺激。如果口腔内有新伤,则有出血的风险。 如果您注意到此处未描述的副作用,您应该告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 还有什么需要考虑的?药品只能在容器上标有 «EXP» 的日期前使用。 在室温 (15-25°C) 下储存。 请置于儿童接触不到的地方。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 心绞痛 MCC 包含什么?1 颗锭剂包含: 活性成分:1.25 毫克氯化十六烷基吡啶; 1.0 毫克氯化利多卡因; 4.0 毫克薄荷醇。 赋形剂:糖精、甜蜜素、染料甲硫氨酸等赋形剂。 批准文号34497(Swissmedic) 您从哪里获得心绞痛 MCC?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 每包 30 粒和 50 粒锭剂。 授权持有人Streuli Pharma AG, 8730 Uznach 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2003 年 10 月对本传单进行了最后一次检查。 ..

8.27 USD

酪喹啉含片 36 片

酪喹啉含片 36 片

产品代码: 888296


12.82 USD

显示 1 到 25,共 28(2 页)
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