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探索 Beeovita 精选的瑞士制造的健康和美容产品,其特点是具有抗炎特性。我们的产品系列包括口服治疗、外用产品、营养补充剂等,旨在有效缓解关节和肌肉疼痛。无论您是在解决消化系统健康问题、皮肤问题,还是只是想增强免疫力,我们的优质产品都能为您提供帮助。我们代表最好的瑞士商标,使用天竺葵植物、黑醋栗和芦荟等天然成分来创造有效的自然疗法和顺势疗法产品。我们的产品不仅针对炎症,还通过平衡健康和营养的膳食补充剂促进整体健康。齿叶乳香和镁乳液深受运动员欢迎,有助于肌肉恢复和放松。使用 Beeovita 进入全面健康的世界——根据您的需求量身定制的瑞士健康和美容护理产品。
Alpinamed weihrauch 卡普斯

Alpinamed weihrauch 卡普斯

产品代码: 7798456

The ALPINAMED Weihrauch Kaps is a premium quality dietary supplement that is designed to promote overall health and well-being. This supplement is made with high-quality Boswellia serrata, which is also known as Indian frankincense or Salai guggal. Boswellia serrata has been used by traditional healers for centuries due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. The ALPINAMED Weihrauch Kaps contains a high concentration of boswellic acids, which are the active compounds found in Boswellia serrata. These acids have been shown to help reduce inflammation in the body, which can help to alleviate pain and promote faster healing of injuries. They also have antioxidant properties, which can help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. This dietary supplement is ideal for individuals who suffer from joint pain or stiffness, as it can help to reduce inflammation in the joints and improve mobility. It can also be beneficial for individuals who suffer from respiratory issues, including asthma and bronchitis, as Boswellia serrata has been shown to have bronchodilatory effects. The ALPINAMED Weihrauch Kaps is easy to take, and each capsule contains a standardized extract of Boswellia serrata that is equivalent to 800mg of plant material. The supplement is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, making it safe and effective for daily use. Overall, if you are looking for a natural way to support your health and reduce inflammation, then the ALPINAMED Weihrauch Kaps is an excellent choice. Try it today and experience the benefits for yourself! ..

58.25 USD

Apothekers original magnesium muskelschaum fl 100 毫升

Apothekers original magnesium muskelschaum fl 100 毫升

产品代码: 7818232

Apothekers Original Magnesium Muskelschaum Fl 100 ml Apothekers Original Magnesium Muskelschaum is a high-quality foam lotion for muscle relaxation and regeneration. The product contains magnesium, which is an essential mineral for muscle function, and is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. This foam lotion is formulated to penetrate deeply into the skin to deliver maximum benefits to the muscles. The Apothekers Original Magnesium Muskelschaum comes in a 100 ml bottle that is easy to use and apply. The foam lotion is quickly absorbed by the skin, leaving no sticky or oily residue. This makes it perfect for use before and after physical activity such as working out, or as part of your daily skincare routine. The product is suitable for use by people of all ages and fitness levels, and it can be used to relieve muscle and joint pain, soreness, tension, and stiffness. Additionally, it provides a cooling and refreshing sensation, making it perfect for use during the hot summer months. Overall, the Apothekers Original Magnesium Muskelschaum is a must-have product for anyone looking to improve their muscle health and mobility. Its high-quality formulation and easy-to-use packaging make it an excellent value for your money. Order now and experience its many benefits for yourself! ..

18.03 USD

Dünner teufelskralle kaps

Dünner teufelskralle kaps

产品代码: 7793394

DÜNNER Teufelskralle Kaps - Natural Joint Pain Relief Supplement DÜNNER Teufelskralle Kaps is a dietary supplement that is specially designed to provide relief from joint pain and inflammation. The product is made with pure and natural ingredients and is free from chemicals, additives or preservatives, making it safe and effective for regular use. Key Ingredients: Devil's Claw: Devil's Claw is a plant native to southern Africa and is widely used for its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to reduce pain and stiffness in the joints, making it an effective treatment for arthritis. Ginger: Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps to reduce pain and swelling in the joints. It is also known to improve circulation and promote healing. Boswellia Serrata: Boswellia Serrata is a resin extracted from the Boswellia tree and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to reduce pain and stiffness in the joints, making it an effective treatment for arthritis. Chondroitin: Chondroitin is a naturally occurring substance found in the cartilage of animals. It helps to improve joint mobility and reduce pain and stiffness. Glucosamine: Glucosamine is a natural substance found in the cartilage of animals. It helps to improve joint mobility and reduce pain and stiffness. Health Benefits: The combination of these natural ingredients in DÜNNER Teufelskralle Kaps provides several health benefits for joint health, including: Relieves Joint Pain: Devil's Claw, Ginger, and Boswellia Serrata are natural anti-inflammatory agents that help in reducing pain and inflammation in the joints caused due to arthritis, osteoarthritis, or any other joint disorders. Improves Joint Mobility: Chondroitin and Glucosamine present in this supplement aid in improving joint mobility and reducing stiffness, enabling a better range of motion. Promotes Overall Joint Health: The combination of these natural ingredients help in protecting and nourishing the joints, promoting overall joint health for the long term. How to Use: Take 1 capsule of DÜNNER Teufelskralle Kaps twice a day with meals. It is recommended to continue the supplement for at least two to three months for optimal results. Experience the natural power of DÜNNER Teufelskralle Kaps and achieve long-lasting relief from joint pain and inflammation...

19.32 USD

Flector dolo forte 液体胶囊 25 mg 10 stk

Flector dolo forte 液体胶囊 25 mg 10 stk

产品代码: 7830551

Flector Dolo Forte 液体胶囊 25 毫克,含有活性成分双氯芬酸钾。它属于非甾体类抗炎药(前列腺素合成抑制剂),具有镇痛、退烧和抗炎作用。 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 仅适用于短期治疗,即。最多为期 3 天的治疗:头痛、牙痛、月经痛、关节和韧带疼痛、背痛、受伤引起的疼痛以及流感引起的退烧。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg,软胶囊 IBSA Institut Biochimique SA 什么是 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg,何时使用?Flector Dolo Forte 液体胶囊 25 毫克含有活性成分双氯芬酸钾。它属于非甾体类抗炎药(前列腺素合成抑制剂),具有镇痛、退烧和抗炎作用。 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 仅适用于短期治疗,即。最多为期 3 天的治疗:头痛、牙痛、月经痛、关节和韧带疼痛、背痛、受伤引起的疼痛以及流感引起的退烧。 何时不应服用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg?如果您对双氯芬酸或任何赋形剂过敏,或者在服用乙酰水杨酸或其他药物后止痛药或抗风湿药,所谓的非甾体抗炎药,呼吸急促或过敏样皮肤反应,例如面部、嘴唇、舌头、喉咙和/或四肢肿胀(血管性水肿的迹象);如果您怀孕或正在哺乳(另见“Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg can be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?”一章);如果处于活动状态胃和/或十二指肠溃疡或胃/肠出血或穿孔(这可能表现为粪便变黑、便血或呕吐咖啡渣样物质);慢性肠道炎症(克罗恩病或溃疡性结肠炎);肝或肾功能严重受损;严重心力衰竭;用于治疗冠状动脉搭桥术后疼痛心脏手术(或使用心肺机);14 岁以下的儿童和青少年。 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 未经测试可用于 14 岁以下的儿童和青少年。因此,Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 不得用于 14 岁以下的儿童和青少年。Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 何时使用25 mg 需要注意吗? 在使用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 治疗期间,上消化道粘膜溃疡很少出血,或者在个别情况下可能发生穿孔(胃或肠穿孔)。这些并发症可能在治疗期间的任何时间发生,甚至没有警告症状。为降低这种风险,应在尽可能短的治疗时间内使用最小有效剂量。如果您有胃痛并怀疑它与服药有关,请联系您的医生。 老年患者可能比年轻人对药物更敏感。尤其重要的是,老年患者应立即向医生报告任何副作用。 在以下情况下,您只能凭处方并在医疗监督下服用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 毫克:如果您目前处于医疗;如果您以前患有胃或十二指肠溃疡;如果您患有心脏或血管疾病(所谓的心血管疾病,包括不受控制的高血压力、心力衰竭、现有的缺血性心脏病或外周动脉疾病),有过心脏病发作、中风或静脉血栓形成,或者如果您有危险因素(如高血压、糖尿病 [糖尿病]、高脂肪 [胆固醇] ,甘油三酯]在血液中,吸烟)。在这些情况下,通常不推荐使用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg。对于某些具有类似作用的止痛药,即所谓的 COX-2 抑制剂,高剂量和/或长期治疗会增加心脏病发作和中风的风险。尚不清楚这种增加的风险是否也适用于 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg。重要的是您使用最低有效剂量来缓解疼痛并且使用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 超过采取必要的最短时间,以尽可能降低心血管副作用的风险。 如果您患有肾脏疾病,如果您服用高血压药物(例如利尿剂、ACE 抑制剂),或者如果您有血压升高 体液流失,例如由于大量出汗或腹泻;服用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 毫克可能会影响肾脏的工作方式,从而导致血压升高和/或体液潴留(水肿);如果您有肝脏问题;如果您正在接受抗凝剂(血液稀释剂、抗凝剂)治疗或患有凝血障碍或任何其他血液疾病,包括罕见的肝卟啉症;如果您患有哮喘; li>如果您正在服用抗风湿药或其他止痛药(例如乙酰水杨酸、阿司匹林、布洛芬)或其他抗炎药(皮质类固醇);如果您正在服用以下药物:锂或特异性血清素再摄取抑制剂(SSRI,治疗抑郁症的药物)、地高辛(治疗心脏病的药物)、利尿剂(增加尿量的药物)、除胰岛素外治疗糖尿病的药物(如二甲双胍)、甲氨蝶呤(用于治疗关节炎)和癌症)、环孢菌素或他克莫司(用于器官移植)、甲氧苄氨嘧啶(用于尿路感染)、喹诺酮类抗生素(用于治疗感染)、伏立康唑(用于治疗真菌感染)、苯妥英钠(用于治疗癫痫发作)或磺吡酮(痛风药) ... .如果您在服用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 毫克期间出现心脏或血管问题的体征或症状,例如胸痛、呼吸急促、虚弱或言语不清,请立即联系我们您的医生。 在极少数情况下,抗炎药(包括 Flector Dolo Forte)会引起严重的皮肤反应(例如皮疹)。一旦出现皮肤反应迹象,应停止使用 Flector Dolo Forte 进行治疗,并立即就医。 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 可以减轻感染的症状(例如高烧),从而增加感染的诊断难度。 该药品每个液体瓶盖含有 12 毫克山梨糖醇。 如果您的医生告诉您您对某些糖类不耐受,请在服用 Flector Dolo Forte 液体胶囊 25 毫克之前咨询您的医生。 该医药产品每粒液体胶囊中的钠含量低于 1 毫克,即基本上“不含钠”。它几乎是“无钠”的。 该药可能会影响您的反应能力、驾驶能力和使用任何工具或机器的能力。您应该避免驾驶或使用机器,尤其是当您出现头晕或视力障碍时。 如果您有以下情况,请告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师患有其他疾病,过敏或服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)或外用! Flector Dolo Forte 液体胶囊 25 毫克可以在怀孕或哺乳期间服用吗?怀孕应该如果您已怀孕或计划怀孕,则应在咨询医生后才服用双氯芬酸。 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 不应在怀孕的最后三个月服用。 母乳喂养Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 不应在母乳喂养期间服用,除非您的医生允许您服用。 生育能力与其他抗炎药一样,Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 可使怀孕变得困难。停药后,这种作用结束。如果您计划怀孕或怀孕有困难,请咨询您的医生。 如何使用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg?不要超过推荐剂量。 应始终在尽可能短的时间内服用最低有效剂量。 成人和 14 岁以上的青少年:用大量水吞服 1 粒 Flector Dolo Forte 液体胶囊 25 毫克,每天最多 3 次,最好是在饭前或饭后服用饭菜。 在下次给药前应至少间隔 4 至 6 小时。 每日最大剂量:在任何 24 小时内不要服用超过 3 片 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 毫克,除非医生开具处方。 如果您不小心服用了更多 Flector Dolo Forte 液体胶囊 25 毫克,请立即联系您的医生。 不要服用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 超过 3 天,并且只能用于治疗上述病症。 如果症状持续或恶化,请咨询您的医生,以便查明原因。严重的疾病可能是原因。 14 岁以下的儿童和青少年:Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 不得用于 14 岁以下的儿童和青少年。 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 在 14 岁以下儿童和青少年中的使用和安全性尚未经过测试。 老年患者:老年患者可能比年轻人对药物更敏感。尤其重要的是,老年患者应立即向医生报告任何副作用。 坚持使用包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 有哪些副作用?服用 Flector Dolo Forte Liquid Caps 25 mg 后可能会出现以下副作用: 常见(影响 100 名用户中的 1 至 10 名用户):腹痛、胃痛、腹泻、恶心、呕吐、胀气、消化不良、食欲下降; 头痛、嗜睡;皮疹;头晕;肝酶升高。不常见(影响 1000 名用户中的 1 到 10 名用户):心悸、突然和压迫性胸痛(心脏病发作和心脏病发作的迹象)*;呼吸急促、躺下时呼吸困难、脚或腿肿胀(心力衰竭的迹象)*。罕见(影响 1 到 10 名使用者10,000):异常疲倦;皮疹发痒;胃肠道溃疡,便血或黑便大便、吐血、血性腹泻;过敏反应,包括呼吸困难或吞咽困难、面部、口腔、舌头或喉咙肿胀,常伴有皮疹、虚脱;喘息或气短呼吸、窒息感(哮喘的迹象);手臂、腿和脚肿胀(水肿);皮肤或眼睛发黄(肝脏炎症或肝病的迹象)失败)。 非常罕见(影响不到 10,000 人中的 1 人):出血或异常瘀伤; li>低白细胞(可导致高烧或持续性喉咙痛,经常感染),低红细胞;便秘,口腔发炎,舌头发炎发红、味觉障碍、上腹痉挛;..

31.24 USD

Lixim 贴片 70 mg btl 7 stk

Lixim 贴片 70 mg btl 7 stk

产品代码: 7851577

LIXIM PATCH 是一种含有活性成分依托芬酯的药贴,依托芬酯是一种来自非甾体类抗炎药 (NSAID) 的物质,具有镇痛、抗炎和减充血的特性。 Etofenamate 穿透皮肤并到达患病组织区域。 LIXIM PATCH 用于对成人急性、无并发症的踝关节损伤进行短期对症治疗。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Lixim® PatchDrossapharm AG什么是 LIXIM PATCH,何时使用?LIXIM PATCH 是一种含有活性成分依托芬酯的药贴,依托芬酯是一种来自非甾体类抗炎药 (NSAID) 的物质,具有镇痛、抗炎和减充血的特性。 Etofenamate 穿透皮肤并到达患病组织区域。 LIXIM PATCH 用于对成人急性、无并发症的踝关节损伤进行短期对症治疗。 LIXIM PATCH 什么时候不能用?LIXIM PATCH 什么时候不能用:•如果您对其他非甾体抗炎药 (NSAID) 过敏; •适用于不同程度的皮肤破损:渗出性皮疹、湿疹、感染性病变、烧伤或开放性伤口; •在怀孕的最后三个月; •哺乳期; •在婴幼儿中; •如果您对成分中的活性物质或辅助物质过敏(请参阅«LIXIM PATCH 包含什么?»)。 什么时候使用 LIXIM PATCH 需要小心?建议选择尽可能短的使用时间,以尽量减少不良反应的发生。 如果贴片后出现皮疹,请立即停止治疗。 仅将贴剂贴在完好、健康的皮肤上。不得将贴剂贴在破损的皮肤或开放性伤口上。 贴片不应接触粘膜或眼睛。 哮喘、过敏性鼻炎或鼻息肉患者可能会出现支气管痉挛或鼻炎。慢性荨麻热(荨麻疹)患者可能会出现过敏反应。 以贴剂形式外用时,依托芬酯在体内的吸收非常低,这就是临床相关药物相互作用的风险可以忽略不计的原因。 由于贴片在使用后仍含有一定量的活性物质,因此必须小心妥善处理(另请参阅“其他需要考虑的事项”下的信息)。小孩和宠物在任何情况下都不应接触用过的贴片。但是,不太可能通过吸吮或咀嚼使用过的贴剂导致相关过量。 由于给药途径和活性成分的低全身利用度,预计 LIXIM PATCH 不会影响驾驶或使用机器的能力。 我如果您▪患有其他疾病, ▪ 过敏或•服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)或外用! LIXIM PATCH 可以在怀孕或哺乳期间使用吗?该药不得在怀孕的最后三个月使用。 LIXIM PATCH 不应在孕早期和孕中期使用,除非明确必要。 LIXIM PATCH 不得用于哺乳期母亲。 在任何情况下,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师,或在长期使用的情况下咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 一般来说,作为预防措施,您应避免在怀孕和哺乳期间服用药物,或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师的意见。 如何使用 LIXIM PATCH?除非另有规定,否则每 24 小时将 1 个贴剂轻压在待治疗的皮肤区域(参见以及《应用》下的说明)。 如果 7 天后没有改善或症状恶化,您应该咨询医生。 每个受伤部位只能使用一个贴剂。 LIXIM PATCH 在儿童和青少年中的使用和安全性尚未经过测试,因此不应在这些年龄组中使用。 对于 2 岁以下的小孩,只能在医生处方的情况下使用。 LIXIM PATCH 不得用于婴幼儿。 坚持使用包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 应用 请参阅本患者信息表末尾的《如何使用 LIXIM PATCH》。 LIXIM PATCH 有哪些副作用?使用 LIXIM PATCH 时可能会出现以下副作用。在这些情况下,停止治疗并立即通知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 不常见(影响 1000 名用户中的 1 到 10 名) 局部皮肤反应,例如发红、发痒、灼烧感、皮肤肿胀或喘息。 罕见(影响 10,000 名中的 1 到 10 名用户) 超敏反应或局部过敏反应,如皮疹、荨麻疹、眼睛周围突然肿胀、呼吸困难或吞咽困难的胸闷。 如果您有任何副作用,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这也特别适用于本传单中未列出的副作用。 还有什么需要考虑的?药品只能在容器上标有 «EXP» 的日期前使用。 处置 用过的贴剂总是含有活性成分的残留物。使用后,应将贴剂的粘性面折叠起来并丢弃在儿童接触不到的安全地方。用过的石膏可与新石膏的保护膜一起与生活垃圾一起处理。之后洗手。 打开后使用 反复打开包装不影响产品质量。 存储说明 请勿在 30°C 以上储存。取出后再次将袋子关紧。请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 进一步说明 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 LIXIM PATCH 中含有什么?活性成分 每个药贴 (10×14 cm) 70 mg 依托芬酯。 赋形剂 自粘层:三甲基硅烷化聚硅酸盐α-氢-ω-羟基聚(二甲基硅氧烷)缩聚物、聚二甲基硅氧烷、聚乙二醇 400、橄榄油; 表层面料:双弹力涤纶面料; 离型纸:含氟聚合物涂层聚酯薄膜。 批准号67494 (Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到LIXIM PATCH?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 一包 7 个贴片和 2×7 个贴片。 授权持有人Drossapharm AG,巴塞尔。 本传单最后一次由药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2022 年 7 月检查过。 如何使用 LIXIM PATCH在干燥、光滑的皮肤上使用贴剂。应用部位的汗水或大量毛发会影响贴剂的粘合强度。 首先移除贴片 (A) 中间的保护条。贴片的这一部分直接压在皮肤上。 请勿用手指触摸贴片的粘性面。 用一只手握住贴片 (A) 的中心,用另一只手从贴片的中心向外拉下一个外层保护膜 (B)。释放的粘合剂表面以轻微的压力沿着皮肤按压。 以同样的方式去除另一层外保护膜 (C)。释放的粘合剂表面也沿着皮肤轻轻按压。 然后应将贴剂用力压在皮肤上至少 30 秒,以达到最佳粘附效果。 坚持使用包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 如果您过量服用 LIXIM PATCH,或者如果孩子不小心使用了该药,请立即联系您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 不要应用重复数量的补丁来弥补错过的应用。 ..

56.06 USD

Mavena b12乳液

Mavena b12乳液

产品代码: 7801139

MAVENA B12 Lotion Keep your skin healthy and rejuvenated with MAVENA B12 Lotion ? a scientifically formulated lotion created for individuals with sensitive skin. Our breakthrough formula contains B12, an essential vitamin known to improve cellular function and overall skin health, leaving you with soft, vibrant, and youthful-looking skin. The power of B12 Vitamin B12 is a vital vitamin that plays a significant role in maintaining healthy skin. It helps reduce skin inflammation, boost collagen production, and strengthen skin cells. MAVENA B12 Lotion contains concentrated levels of this vitamin, making it the ideal solution for sensitive skin that is prone to irritation and inflammation. Ingredients you can trust At MAVENA, we believe in using only the highest quality ingredients in all of our products. Each ingredient is carefully selected and tested to ensure that it is safe and effective. Our B12 Lotion is made without the use of harsh chemicals, parabens, sulfates, or other common irritants, making it gentle and safe for all skin types. B12 Lotion benefits: Improved skin health Reduced inflammation Enhanced collagen production Stronger skin cells Safe and gentle for sensitive skin How to use Apply a small amount of MAVENA B12 Lotion to clean, dry skin. Massage gently until the lotion is completely absorbed. For best results, use daily. Get your MAVENA B12 Lotion today Order your bottle of MAVENA B12 Lotion today and start experiencing the benefits of this essential vitamin for yourself. With regular use, you can achieve softer, smoother, and more radiant-looking skin. ..

39.64 USD

Naturstein 姜黄加 75 粒胶囊

Naturstein 姜黄加 75 粒胶囊

产品代码: 7793959

Naturstein 姜黄加 Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk 描述: Naturstein Curcuma plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk 是一种膳食补充剂,提供多种天然成分的组合,可支持您身体的整体健康和福祉。这些素食胶囊含有姜黄、生姜、黑胡椒和石榴提取物的有机混合物,为您提供强大的抗氧化剂、抗炎特性和其他必需营养素的来源。 成分: 姜黄根提取物(95% 姜黄素) 生姜(Zingiber officinale)根提取物(5% 姜辣素) 黑胡椒(Piper nigrum)果实提取物(95% 胡椒碱) 石榴(Punica granatum)果实提取物(40% 鞣花酸) 植物胶囊(羟丙基甲基纤维素) 好处: 提供天然抗炎特性,减轻关节疼痛和炎症 提供强大的抗氧化剂来源,保护您的身体免受自由基损伤 支持健康的消化、免疫力和心脏健康 可能有助于改善大脑功能并防止认知能力下降 含有天然成分,长期使用安全有效 用法: 每天随餐服用 1-2 粒胶囊,或按照医疗保健专业人士的指示服用。如果您正在怀孕、哺乳或正在服用药物,请在使用前咨询您的医生。 存储: 请放置在儿童接触不到的地方。存放在阴凉、干燥的地方,避免阳光直射。 注意:作为语言模型人工智能,我无法访问网站颜色、格式或设计以将上述描述添加到网站中。..

40.80 USD

Puralpina murmeli herbal ointment cooling 50 ml

Puralpina murmeli herbal ointment cooling 50 ml

产品代码: 7740545

Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml is an effective herbal cooling balm designed to provide relief to muscular strains and pains. It contains high-quality Murmeltier oil and a blend of carefully selected herbs, such as arnica, eucalyptus, camphor, and menthol, to provide a cooling and soothing effect on the skin. The pure Murmeltier oil has been derived from the fatty tissue of the alpine Marmot, which is known to possess an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the human body. The herbal ingredients of Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml work together to penetrate deep into the skin and muscle tissue to provide a soothing and cooling sensation, which effectively eases the discomfort associated with muscular strains, sprains, bruises, and inflammation. This product is ideal for people who engage in physical activities, such as sports or manual labor, and for those who suffer from arthritis or other chronic pain conditions. The compact size of the 50 ml container makes Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml perfect for carrying in a travel bag, purse or gym bag. The convenient twist top, plastic container makes dispensing the balm easy, clean and hygienic. Use Puralpina Murmeli-Kräutersalbe kühlend Ds 50 ml as needed to cool and soothe affected areas of the skin and muscles. This product is made in Germany and contains no synthetic additives or preservatives. ..

23.15 USD

Pure 乳香 kaps

Pure 乳香 kaps

产品代码: 7818339

PURE Boswellia KapsPURE Boswellia Kaps 是一种天然膳食补充剂,提取自乳香树,也称为印度乳香。数千年来,它一直被用于治疗各种疾病,并以其抗炎和镇痛特性而闻名。我们的乳香 Kaps 采用纯乳香树脂提取物制成,其中含有高含量的乳香酸。这些酸通过抑制体内炎症酶的产生来帮助减少炎症。众所周知,Boswellia Kaps 还具有缓解疼痛的特性,使其成为患有关节疼痛或不适的人的理想补充剂。PURE Boswellia Kaps 是一种天然、非转基因、无麸质的素食补充剂日常使用是安全的。它不含填料、粘合剂或人工色素,并且在制造时未使用刺激性化学物质,确保您获得尽可能纯净的乳香提取物。PURE 乳香 Kaps 的好处: 减少炎症 缓解关节疼痛和不适 促进健康老龄化 支持健康的免疫系统功能 增强呼吸系统健康 我们的乳香提取物来自印度可持续采伐的树木,我们的生产设施遵循最高的质量和纯度标准。我们的产品经过严格的效力和纯度测试,我们相信您会感受到服用 PURE Boswellia Kaps 的好处。每天随餐服用两粒胶囊,或遵医嘱。重要的是要注意,尽管 Boswellia Kaps 通常是安全的,但服用血液稀释剂或其他药物的人在服用这种补充剂之前应咨询他们的医疗保健专业人员。 立即使用 PURE Boswellia Kaps 缓解关节疼痛和炎症...

73.25 USD

Shaolin muscle fluid spray 100 ml

Shaolin muscle fluid spray 100 ml

产品代码: 7785382

Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray 100 ml: A soothing recovery aid for athletes Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray is a specialized recovery aid designed for athletes, especially those who participate in high-intensity sports. Suitable for both novice and professional athletes, this spray is designed to help soothe tired muscles and reduce inflammation resulting from intense physical activity. It provides quick relief from muscle soreness that can slow one down and prevent optimal performance. What is Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray? Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray is a highly effective blend of traditional Chinese herbal extracts, combined with modern scientific knowledge to provide a deep penetrating and soothing effect on sore muscles. The spray contains vital components, such as camphor, peppermint oil, and menthol, which are known for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. How to use Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray? To use Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray, simply apply a small amount to the affected area, and massage gently for a few minutes. The non-greasy formula allows for quick absorption and delivers fast relief to the sore areas. For best results, use daily or as required to keep the muscles supple and conditioned. Benefits of using Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray Reduces inflammation and swelling in muscles and joints Soothes muscle soreness and stiffness Improves mobility and flexibility Helps to prevent injuries and improve recovery time Non-greasy formula that is easy to apply Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray is a must-have for every athlete looking to improve their performance and maintain optimal health. Order yours today and experience the benefits of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, combined with modern scientific methods for total muscle recovery and conditioning. ..

34.61 USD

Sonnentor kurkuma gemahlen 生物

Sonnentor kurkuma gemahlen 生物

产品代码: 3980602

SONNENTOR Kurkuma gemahlen BIO SONNENTOR Kurkuma gemahlen BIO 是一种优质有机姜黄粉,可为您的菜肴增添独特风味和丰富色彩。该产品由来自印度郁郁葱葱的田野的最好的有机姜黄制成,非常适合那些希望为他们的膳食增添健康和美味的人。 姜黄粉采用地道且古老的传统工艺制成,可确保最大程度地保留其天然香气、风味和营养价值。它不含任何添加剂和人工香料,非常适合那些偏爱天然和有机产品的人。 姜黄以其抗炎和抗氧化特性而闻名,是阿育吠陀医学中的重要成分,几个世纪以来一直被用于促进愈合、减少炎症和促进消化。它的金黄色调使其成为烹饪中理想的天然染料,也是传统印度和中东美食中最受欢迎的成分。 SONNENTOR Kurkuma gemahlen BIO 采用环保和可生物降解的包装,确保保持新鲜度,同时减少对环境的影响。该产品适合素食主义者且不含麸质,使其成为任何健康生活方式的理想补充。 将 SONNENTOR Kurkuma gemahlen BIO 温暖而朴实的味道加入您的菜肴中,体验它提供的众多健康益处。立即下单,即可在家门口收到产品。 ..

10.70 USD

Vita 苋菜黄素 kaps

Vita 苋菜黄素 kaps

产品代码: 7750547

VITA amaraxanthin Kaps VITA amaraxanthin Kaps is a nutritional supplement that offers a range of health benefits for people of all ages. These capsules are made from natural ingredients and have been designed to promote overall health and wellbeing. The key ingredient in VITA amaraxanthin Kaps is amaraxanthin, which is a powerful antioxidant that is found in certain marine microalgae. Amaraxanthin is known for its ability to protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to age-related illnesses and other health problems. Benefits of VITA amaraxanthin Kaps Boosts immune system - Amaraxanthin present in the capsule helps in boosting the immune system, thus increasing the body's defence against various diseases and infections. Antioxidant - The powerful antioxidant properties of amaraxanthin help in preventing damage to cells caused by free radicals. It also helps in preventing the risk of age-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. Anti-inflammatory - The anti-inflammatory properties of amaraxanthin present in the capsule help in reducing inflammation in the body that can cause joint pain and stiffness. Healthy Skin - Amaraxanthin, present in the capsule helps in preventing skin damage caused by UV rays, thus reducing the risk of premature ageing and sunburns. Directions for use The recommended dosage of VITA amaraxanthin Kaps is one or two capsules per day, preferably with a meal. It is advised to consult a healthcare professional before consuming this product. Precautions Keep the product out of reach of children. Store the capsules in a cool, dry place. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. This product is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult a healthcare professional before consuming this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition. ..

165.38 USD

纯姜黄素 kaps ds 60 stk

纯姜黄素 kaps ds 60 stk

产品代码: 7836630

Pure Curcumin Kaps Ds 60 Stk The Pure Curcumin Kaps Ds 60 Stk is a premium dietary supplement that contains a potent blend of natural ingredients for optimal health and wellness. Each capsule is loaded with high-quality curcumin, a compound found in the turmeric plant known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Key Features 60 capsules per bottle High-quality curcumin extract Natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties Supports joint health and mobility May promote heart health Easy to swallow capsules Free from artificial additives, preservatives and colorings. Benefits The Pure Curcumin Kaps Ds 60 Stk supplement offers a wide range of benefits for overall health and wellbeing: Anti-inflammatory: Curcumin has potent anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in your body, including joints, muscles and other areas. Antioxidant: Curcumin is known for its potent antioxidant properties that help to protect your body from harmful free radicals that can cause damage to your cells, leading to various health problems. Joint health: The supplement supports your joint health by reducing inflammation and supporting the repair of damaged tissues. Heart health: Curcumin may help to promote heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease. Directions for Use The recommended dosage for Pure Curcumin Kaps Ds 60 Stk is two capsules daily. For best results, take the capsules with a glass of water after a meal. Conclusion If you are looking for a premium quality dietary supplement to support your overall health and wellbeing, Pure Curcumin Kaps Ds 60 Stk is the perfect choice. It contains high-quality curcumin extract, a potent natural ingredient that is loaded with health benefits. With its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it's a great supplement to help you maintain optimal health and vitality...

54.30 USD

药剂师 orig wärmesalbe

药剂师 orig wärmesalbe

产品代码: 7818230

APOTHEKERS ORIG Wärmesalbe Experience relief from muscle aches and pains with Apothekers Orig Wärmesalbe. This warming ointment contains a unique blend of natural ingredients that work together to ease soreness and promote healing. Features: Contains camphor and menthol to provide a warming sensation that penetrates deep into muscles and joints Infused with arnica to reduce inflammation and swelling Formulated with ethereal oils of rosemary and eucalyptus to improve circulation and help the body relax Free from parabens and synthetic fragrances Benefits: Relieves muscle aches and pains Reduces inflammation and swelling Improves circulation Promotes relaxation Contains natural ingredients How to use: Apply a small amount of Apothekers Orig Wärmesalbe to the affected area and massage gently until fully absorbed. Use up to 3 times per day. Wash hands thoroughly after use. Caution: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not use on children under 12 years old. Do not apply to broken or irritated skin. Consult a doctor if you have any medical conditions or are pregnant. Ingredients: Petrolatum, Aqua, Cetylalkohol, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Menthol, Camphor, Lanolin Alcohol, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Glyceryl Stearate SE ..

22.94 USD

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