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被昆虫叮咬可能会很痛苦且令人沮丧。不要让不适毁了你的一天。在 Beeovita,我们提供一系列来自瑞士的健康和美容产品,可快速、舒缓地缓解昆虫叮咬。无论您正在经历持续性皮肤瘙痒、需要立即进行昆虫叮咬治疗,还是寻求长期昆虫叮咬治疗,我们都能满足您的需求。我们的瑞士制造产品分为多个类别,如医疗器械、伤口护理和护理、敷料、绷带和膏药、急救和固定,以满足个人需求。有了我们先进的昆虫叮咬治疗仪,处理昆虫叮咬变得前所未有的简单和有效。利用我们今天产品的治愈能力,消除昆虫叮咬引起的不适。
Beurer medel stick insektenstichheiler

Beurer medel stick insektenstichheiler

产品代码: 7826277

Beurer medel Stick Insektenstichheiler Beurer medel Stick Insektenstichheiler 是一种创新设备,专门设计用于快速缓解昆虫叮咬和叮咬。无论您是露营、徒步旅行,还是只是享受户外活动,这款设备都是您急救箱中不可或缺的工具。工作原理 medel Stick Insektenstichheiler 使用热量来中和毒液并减少因昆虫叮咬和叮咬引起的瘙痒和肿胀。只需将设备放在受影响的区域并按下按钮即可激活热量。设备将在 3-5 秒后自动关闭,具体取决于所选的加热级别。功能 紧凑轻巧的设计 易于使用,一键式操作 可调节热量水平以实现定制缓解 无需化学品或药物 对所有年龄段的人都安全有效 包括一个便于携带的收纳盒 好处 Beurer medel Stick Insektenstichheiler 具有多种优势,包括: 立即缓解昆虫叮咬引起的瘙痒和肿胀 降低因过度抓挠引起继发感染的风险 尽量减少使用化学品和药物治疗昆虫叮咬 可轻松放入钱包、皮夹或急救箱中,随时随地缓解压力 结论 如果您喜欢在户外度过时光,Beurer medel Stick Insektenstichheiler 是您急救箱的必备设备。其紧凑轻便的设计便于随身携带,而且能够快速有效地缓解昆虫叮咬和叮咬,使其成为任何户外探险的必备工具。..

47.25 USD

Bite away bite healer 昆虫叮咬和叮咬

Bite away bite healer 昆虫叮咬和叮咬

产品代码: 7828344

Bite Away Bite Healer Insect Stings and Bites The Bite Away Bite Healer Insect Stings and Bites is a revolutionary product that will provide quick and effective relief from insect bites and stings. The bite healer utilizes heat technology to achieve this. The device generates heat of around 50°C in a concentrated manner, and this heat is applied directly to the affected skin area. The heat and infrared pulses help to boost the flow of blood in the area which in turn helps to calm any itching or irritation, as well as reducing swelling and redness. The Bite Away Bite Healer is an ideal product for those who enjoy outdoor activities and are exposed to insect bites and stings regularly. When one is out camping, hiking, or having a picnic in the park, the chances of getting bitten or stung by insects like mosquitoes, bees, wasps might be very high. The Bite Away Bite Healer operates on CR 2032 button cell batteries and has a life span of approximately 300 uses, making it a cost-effective solution to manage insect bites and stings. The bite healer also comes with a blister pack for easy storage and transport. Features: Instant cooling relief and regeneration of the affected skin Comes with a battery-operated autonomous device Simple and easy to use Drug-free and chemical-free No side effects observed Gentle and safe for sensitive skin So don't let insect bites and stings ruin your outdoor fun. Get yourself a Bite Away Bite Healer today, and enjoy every moment of your trips and excursions without worry...

60.70 USD

Fenistil 凝胶 0.1% 30 克

Fenistil 凝胶 0.1% 30 克

产品代码: 674916

Fenistil Gel 可抑制组胺的作用,组胺是过敏反应过程中释放的一种物质。适用于皮肤,可缓解过敏源性瘙痒。 Fenistil Gel 还具有局部麻醉作用。 Fenistil Gel 适用于瘙痒性皮肤病,例如昆虫叮咬、轻微小面积烧伤、不广泛的轻微晒伤、小面积过敏相关皮肤病。 基础是一种水凝胶,可以让活性成分很好地渗透皮肤。通过这种方式(几分钟内)可以迅速缓解瘙痒和其他皮肤刺激。该凝胶无味无色,不会弄脏衣服。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Fenistil, Gel GSK Consumer Healthcare Schweiz AG 什么是 Fenistil Gel 以及何时使用? Fenistil Gel 会抑制这种效果组胺,过敏反应期间释放的物质之一。适用于皮肤,可缓解过敏源性瘙痒。 Fenistil Gel 还具有局部麻醉作用。 Fenistil Gel 适用于瘙痒性皮肤病,例如昆虫叮咬、轻微小面积烧伤、不广泛的轻微晒伤、小面积过敏相关皮肤病。 基础是一种水凝胶,可以让活性成分很好地渗透皮肤。通过这种方式(几分钟内)可以迅速缓解瘙痒和其他皮肤刺激。该凝胶无味无色,不会弄脏衣服。 什么时候不能使用 Fenistil Gel?如果您对马来酸二甲茚满或赋形剂过敏,则不得使用 Fenistil Gel。 如果您已知对昆虫叮咬过敏(必须遵循医生的指示),则不得使用该制剂。 请勿将制剂涂抹在开放性或发炎的伤口、渗出性皮肤病或粘膜上,尤其是婴幼儿,也不要在眼睛附近使用。 什么时候使用 Fenistil Gel 需要谨慎?2 岁以下的儿童只能在医生开具处方的情况下使用该制剂。 应避免大面积应用,以及在开放性伤口或大面积皮肤损伤或损伤(如烧伤)上的应用,尤其是婴幼儿。 避免治疗区域长时间暴露在阳光下。 如果皮肤非常痒或有广泛的皮肤损伤,请咨询您的医生。 如果症状持续超过 7 天,请联系您的医疗保健专业人员。 有关赋形剂的信息Fenistil 凝胶含有 150 mg/g 丙二醇 (E1520):丙二醇会引起局部皮肤刺激。 Fenistil 凝胶含有 0.05 mg/g 苯扎氯铵:苯扎氯铵是一种刺激物,可能会引起皮肤反应。如果您是母乳喂养,则不得将此药涂在乳房上,因为您的宝宝可能会随母乳一起摄取。 应用于皮肤时,Fenistil Gel 对驾驶或使用机器的能力没有影响或影响可忽略不计。 如果您有以下情况,请告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师患有其他疾病,过敏,尤其是对其他药物过敏或服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)或外用。 Fenistil Gel孕期和哺乳期可以使用吗?孕期和哺乳期慎用Fenistil Gel,不适用大面积、擦伤或发炎的皮肤区域。母乳喂养时不应将凝胶涂抹在乳头上。 Fenistil Gel如何使用?成人和2岁以上儿童:2~4次涂抹每天薄薄一层涂抹于患处,轻轻揉搓。 未经医生建议,请勿使用超过 7 天。 对于 2 岁以下的儿童,该制剂只能按照医生的处方使用。 如果您或您的孩子不小心服用了该药,请立即告诉您的医生或护士。 遵循包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Fenistil Gel 有哪些副作用?不常见的副作用(1,000 人中有 1 到 10 位用户):皮肤干燥或灼痛皮肤。 非常罕见的副作用(影响不到 10,000 人中的 1 人):皮肤过敏反应,包括皮疹和瘙痒。 在这种情况下,请停止治疗并咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 如果您有任何副作用,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这也特别适用于本传单中未列出的副作用。 还有什么需要考虑的?保质期医药产品只能使用到可以使用容器上标有“EXP”的日期。 储存说明在室温 (15-25°C) 下储存。 请置于儿童接触不到的地方。 更多信息您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Fenistil Gel 含有什么?活性物质1 g 凝胶含有 1 mg dimetindene maleate。 赋形剂丙二醇 (E1520)、依地酸钠、氢氧化钠、卡波姆、苯扎氯铵、纯净水。 批准号38762 (Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到 Fenistil Gel?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 每包 30 克和 100 克。 授权持有人GSK Consumer Healthcare Schweiz AG, Risch。 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 最后一次检查是在 2020 年 12 月。 ..

32.19 USD

Moskinto insektenstichpflaster schiebebox

Moskinto insektenstichpflaster schiebebox

产品代码: 6661257

MOSKINTO Insektenstichpflaster Schiebebox 您厌倦了讨厌的昆虫和它们恼人的叮咬吗?确保您的急救箱中有 MOSKINTO Insektenstichpflaster Schiebebox。这包虫咬膏装在一个方便的滑动盒中,便于取用和使用。 每块膏药都含有一种特殊的凝胶,可快速缓解昆虫叮咬引起的瘙痒和肿胀。它还有助于防止进一步的炎症和感染,因此您可以避免那些讨厌的叮咬引起的任何并发症。 MOSKINTO Insektenstichpflaster Schiebebox 包含 24 块膏药,非常适合旅行或在家中随身携带以防意外咬伤。膏药是单独包装的,因此在您需要它们之前它们会保持无菌和卫生。 不要让昆虫叮咬破坏您的户外探险——使用 MOSKINTO Insektenstichpflaster Schiebebox 做好准备。立即订购,享受户外活动,而不会受到昆虫叮咬的滋扰。 ..

10.57 USD

Moskinto 蚊虫叮咬贴 42 片

Moskinto 蚊虫叮咬贴 42 片

产品代码: 7772433

MOSKINTO蚊虫叮咬贴42片特性欧洲CE认证每包数量:42片重量:35g 长度:63mm 宽度:81mm 高度:22mm 瑞士网购 MOSKINTO 蚊虫叮咬贴 42 片..

19.93 USD

Phytopharma phyto pic 滚珠 10 毫升

Phytopharma phyto pic 滚珠 10 毫升

产品代码: 3504534

Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml: Say Goodbye to Insects Bites and Stings! Are you tired of suffering from itching, swelling, and redness caused by insect bites and stings? Don't worry, Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml is here to help! This roll-on is a natural and effective solution to prevent and treat insect bites and stings. It's made with a unique blend of essential oils such as citronella, lavender, and peppermint that act as a natural repellent against insects. These oils also provide a cooling effect that soothes the skin and reduces itching and inflammation. Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml is easy to use and convenient. Its compact size and roll-on applicator make it ideal for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and picnics. The formula is non-greasy, non-sticky, and quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving a pleasant fragrance behind. This roll-on is safe for all skin types, including children and pregnant women. Unlike chemical-based repellents that can be harmful and irritating to the skin and eyes, Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml is free from harmful chemicals such as DEET and parabens. For the best results, apply a small amount of the roll-on directly on the area affected by insect bites or stings. Repeat as necessary, and you will notice immediate relief from itching and swelling. You can also use it to prevent insect bites by applying it on the exposed areas of your skin. Get your Phytopharma Phyto Pic Roll-On 10 ml today and protect yourself and your loved ones from the irritating and harmful effects of insect bites and stings!..

18.08 USD

Pranarom 芳香凝胶 insektenstiche beruhigend 生物滚动 15 毫升

Pranarom 芳香凝胶 insektenstiche beruhigend 生物滚动 15 毫升

产品代码: 7798424

PRANAROM Aromapic Gel Insektenstiche beruhigend Bio Roll-on 15 ml PRANAROM Aromapic Gel Insektenstiche beruhigend Bio Roll-on 15 ml is a natural and effective solution for soothing insect bites. This roll-on gel is made from 100% organic ingredients and is free from any harmful chemicals, making it safe for all skin types. The gel contains a unique blend of essential oils, including citronella, lavender, and peppermint, which help to reduce inflammation and redness caused by insect bites. This powerful combination of natural ingredients provides instant relief from itching and discomfort, giving you the peace of mind you need while enjoying outdoor activities. The roll-on design of the gel makes it easy to apply and mess-free. Simply roll the gel onto the affected area and let it work its magic. The gel absorbs quickly and doesn't leave any residue behind. Its small size also makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go, making it perfect for travel and outdoor adventures. PRANAROM Aromapic Gel Insektenstiche beruhigend Bio Roll-on 15 ml is an essential item for anyone who loves spending time outdoors but wants to stay protected and comfortable. Try it today and experience the calming and soothing benefits for yourself!..

23.75 USD

Puressentiel anti-stitch 舒缓滚珠 5ml

Puressentiel anti-stitch 舒缓滚珠 5ml

产品代码: 7787285

Puressentiel Anti-stitch Soothing Roll-on 5ml The Puressentiel Anti-stitch Soothing Roll-on 5ml is a natural and effective solution to relieve the discomfort caused by insect bites and stings. Made with 11 essential oils, this roll-on is a powerful and fast-acting formula that provides instant relief from itching, redness, and swelling. Benefits Instant relief from itching, redness, and swelling Easy to use and mess-free application 100% natural and safe for all skin types Compact size for on-the-go relief Non-greasy and fast-absorbing formula Ingredients This roll-on contains 11 essential oils, including lavender, tea tree, apricot kernel oil, mint, citronella, and geranium. These oils are known for their anti-inflammatory, soothing, and antiseptic properties, making them perfect for relieving insect bites and stings. How to use Apply the roll-on directly to the affected area as soon as possible after the bite or sting. Reapply as necessary throughout the day. For external use only. Cautions Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. If irritation occurs, discontinue use and seek medical advice. Do not use on children under 3 years old. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Get relief from insect bites and stings with the Puressentiel Anti-stitch Soothing Roll-on 5ml. Try it today and experience fast, natural, and effective relief! ..

22.76 USD

咬掉 pro mit powerunit

咬掉 pro mit powerunit

产品代码: 7828345

Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit – 告别昆虫叮咬和叮咬如果您是喜欢在户外度过时光的人,那么您就会知道昆虫叮咬和叮咬是多么麻烦和痛苦。对于因此类咬伤而出现肿胀、瘙痒和疼痛的人,高效产品 Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit 可以产生奇迹。Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit 如何工作?Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit 通过散发集中的热量(51 摄氏度)准确地针对和消除昆虫叮咬的瘙痒、肿胀和疼痛。热量通过位于设备头部的金属板传递到咬合或刺痛处。当昆虫叮咬或叮咬您时,热量会使昆虫释放的任何毒素失活并中和,从而立即缓解与叮咬和叮咬相关的疼痛、肿胀和瘙痒。易于使用和携带周围Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit 体积小、重量轻且易于携带。您可以轻松地将它存放在您的包或背包中,无论您去哪里,包括去海滩、野营旅行或任何户外活动,都可以随身携带。该设备的使用也很简单。只需将板以最佳角度放置的热量直接引向受影响的区域,您很快就会感到轻松。根据咬伤的严重程度,可能需要多次使用才能减轻疼痛,但 Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit 可以根据需要多次使用,是对昆虫叮咬和叮咬敏感的人的必备品。 Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit 的其他功能Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit 使用可充电电池运行,这意味着您永远无需担心更换电池。此外,还有两种不同的功率设置可供选择,让您可以根据自己的特定需求定制您的体验。立即购买 Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit不要让昆虫叮咬和蜇伤不再破坏您的户外体验。获取 Bite Away Pro Mit PowerUnit,重新掌控您的户外探险。..

127.40 USD

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