Arkocaps ginkgo organic jar 45 capsules
??Which packs are available? Arkocaps Ginkgo organic jar 45 capsules..
50.13 USD
Arkocaps ginseng can 45 capsules
??Which packs are available? Arkocaps Ginseng can 45 capsules..
67.24 USD
Arkocaps 蔓越莓胶囊 45 粒
Arkocaps® Cranberry is a herbal dietary supplement. Thanks to its unique know-how, Arkopharma makes available 100% of cranberry active ingredients that act in synergy with the utmost respect for your body. Ingredients Cranberry berry powder (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait). cellulose. Release Agents: Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate. Shell of plant origin: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Cranberry This very acidic fruit from North America was discovered by the Americans, who named it "Atoka". In phytotherapy, the cranberry is generally used to maintain good urinary comfort. The Arkopharma laboratories have developed Arkocaps® Cranberry, an exclusive formula based on ARKOTOTUM® Integral that provides 100% of the active ingredients of the plant while preserving its quality and integrity. Instructions for use From 6 years. Take 1 capsule morning and evening with meals. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water throughout the day. Recommendations A dietary supplement should not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Protect from light, heat and moisture and keep out of the reach of small children. ..
40.97 USD
Bioligo dr bach 2 aspen 阿斯彭 20 毫升
LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 是一种草药补充剂,致力于缓解焦虑和恐惧。该配方含有从白杨和杨树芽中提取的天然物质,这两种树木以其治疗特性而闻名。人们相信白杨有助于缓解紧张、焦虑和非理性恐惧,而白杨则可以增强自信、内在力量和适应力。 产品的工作原理 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 基于 Bach Flower Remedies 的原理,这是 Edward Bach 博士在 1900 年代初期开发的整体治疗系统。这些疗法旨在治疗导致身体疾病和紊乱的潜在情绪失衡和创伤。传统上,白杨树和白杨树被用来促进头脑清醒、减轻压力和焦虑,并增强整体健康。 使用 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 的好处 缓解焦虑、紧张和恐惧 促进头脑清晰和平静 增强自信心和内在力量 有助于减轻压力和紧张 促进整体健康和活力 如何使用产品 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 呈液滴形式,您可以口服或添加到饮料或食物中。推荐剂量为 4 滴,每天四次,或按照医疗保健提供者的指示。滴剂可直接含在舌下以加快吸收,或用水或果汁稀释以获得更微妙的味道。该滴剂适合成人和儿童。 注意事项和副作用 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 是一种天然补充剂,通常可以安全使用。然而,与任何其他补充剂一样,重要的是遵循建议的剂量并在使用前咨询您的医疗保健提供者,特别是如果您怀孕、哺乳或服用任何药物。在极少数情况下,有些人可能会出现轻微的副作用,例如皮疹或胃部不适,这些副作用通常在停止使用滴剂后消失。 ..
30.14 USD
Bionaturis escholtzia kaps 225 mg fl 120 片
BIOnaturis Escholtzia Kaps 225 mg Fl 120 pcs BIOnaturis Escholtzia Kaps 225 mg Fl 120 pcs BIOnaturis Escholtzia Kaps 225 mg Fl 120 pcs is a natural solution to support a healthy sleep cycle. Escholtzia, also known as California poppy, is a herb that has been traditionally used as a natural sedative to promote relaxation and alleviate insomnia. Each capsule of BIOnaturis Escholtzia Kaps contains 225 mg of pure escholtzia extract, which guarantees the potency and efficacy of this natural sleep aid. The product comes in a bottle of 120 capsules, enough to last for several months. BIOnaturis Escholtzia Kaps is especially recommended for those who have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, as well as for those who suffer from anxiety or stress that interferes with their sleep. This supplement can help calm the mind and promote a more restful sleep, without risk of addiction or side effects. BIOnaturis Escholtzia Kaps is manufactured using only high-quality, natural ingredients, in compliance with strict EU standards for safety and purity. This product is free from synthetic additives or harmful chemicals, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Overall, BIOnaturis Escholtzia Kaps 225 mg Fl 120 pcs is a safe and effective way to improve your sleep quality, naturally. Try it today and experience the benefits of a good night's sleep!..
51.27 USD
Ceres alchemilla comp.滴 20 毫升
Ceres Alchemilla comp.滴 20 mlCeres Alchemilla comp. Drops 是一种草药补充剂,含有独特的天然提取物混合物,旨在促进女性荷尔蒙平衡。该产品采用炼金术、香蜂草和悬钩子的组合配制而成,它们协同作用以舒缓经期不适并改善女性荷尔蒙健康。 Alchemilla vulgaris 也被称为女士斗篷,含有单宁酸,有助于减少经期大量出血,同时还具有收敛和抗炎特性。 Melissa officinalis,也被称为柠檬香脂,以其对神经系统的镇静作用、减少焦虑和改善睡眠质量而闻名。 Rubus idaeus 或红树莓含有天然化合物,有助于平衡女性荷尔蒙并减轻月经来潮的严重程度。 每瓶 20 毫升都包含这些草药的有效混合物,这些草药经过专业混合以提供最大功效。这种补充剂使用简单方便,只需将推荐量的滴剂加入一杯水或果汁中,每天饮用两次。 Ceres Alchemilla comp. Drops 由著名的德国公司 Ceres 生产,该公司 130 多年来一直致力于生产优质草药。该公司仅使用最优质的原材料,并遵守严格的制造规程,以确保其产品的效力和纯度。 这种天然补充剂非常适合寻求安全有效方法来促进荷尔蒙平衡、缓解经期不适和保持女性整体健康的女性。 现在订购并体验 Ceres Alchemilla comp 的不可思议的好处。滴!..
76.63 USD
Cimifemin uno tbl 6.5 毫克 30 片
Cimifemin uno 含有 Cimicifuga 砧木 (Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt., rhizoma) 的干燥提取物。 Cimifemin uno 用于治疗与更年期相关的症状(潮热、出汗、睡眠障碍、紧张和情绪障碍)。这些可以通过 Cimifemin uno 缓解。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Cimifemin® uno 片剂Zeller Medical AG草药产品 什么是 Cimifemin uno 以及何时使用?Cimifemin uno 含有升麻根茎 (Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt.,根茎)。 Cimifemin uno 用于治疗与更年期相关的症状(潮热、出汗、睡眠障碍、紧张和情绪障碍)。这些可以通过 Cimifemin uno 缓解。 应该考虑什么?如果表现异常下降、眼睛或皮肤发黄、尿液变黑或大便变色,应停用 Cimifemin uno和医生或去看医生。 如果您感到乳房紧绷或肿胀,或者如果您在月经期间出现出血、点滴或反复月经出血,您应该咨询您的医生。 该医药产品每片含有 44 毫克易消化的碳水化合物。该药物适用于糖尿病患者。 Cimifemin uno 何时不应服用或谨慎使用?如果已知对其中一种成分或毛茛科植物过敏,则不应使用 Cimifemin uno (毛茛家族)。在预先存在肝损伤的情况下,不建议服用 Cimifemin uno。这种制剂会影响更年期(更年期)的生理和心理症状。由于没有临床数据显示对骨骼有益,因此该制剂不能用于预防骨质疏松症。 Cimifemin uno 含有乳糖。如果您知道自己患有糖不耐症,请仅在咨询您的医生后服用 Cimifemin uno。 该医药产品每片含有少于 1 毫摩尔(23 毫克)的钠,即基本上“无钠”。它几乎是“无钠”的。 如果您有以下情况,请告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师:患有其他疾病,过敏或正在服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)! div> Cimifemin uno 可以在怀孕或哺乳期间服用/使用吗?Cimifemin uno 适用于经历更年期的女性。不适合在怀孕和哺乳期间使用。作为预防措施,您应避免在怀孕和哺乳期间服用药物,或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师的意见。 如何使用 Cimifemin uno?成人:除非另有规定,每天一次,每次 1 片,用一些液体服用。 Cimifemin uno 可以使用更长的时间,至少可以使用 6 周。超过 6 个月的使用只能在咨询您的医生后进行。 Cimifemin uno 在儿童和青少年中的使用和安全性尚未经过测试。 遵循包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Cimifemin uno 有哪些副作用?服用 Cimifemin uno 会出现以下副作用:在极少数情况下,会出现胃部不适、恶心、胃灼热和腹泻。在个别情况下,会出现乳房胀痛或肿胀、月经间期点滴出血或月经再次出血。皮肤反应,如瘙痒、皮疹和荨麻疹;面部和身体其他部位的水潴留,频率未知。在个别情况下,使用含有黑升麻的药物时会出现肝损伤的迹象(肝炎、黄疸、肝功能检查异常)。如果表现异常下降、眼睛或皮肤发黄、尿液变黑或大便变色,应停用 Cimifemin uno 并咨询医生。如果您发现任何副作用, 联系我们 请联系您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这也特别适用于本传单中未列出的副作用。 还有什么需要考虑的?药品只能在容器上标有 «EXP» 的日期前使用。 储存说明在原包装中于室温 (15-25°C) 下储存。 请置于儿童接触不到的地方。 更多信息您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Cimifemin uno 含有什么?提取物颗粒可能以棕色小点的形式出现在药片表面,但无害。 活性成分一片含有 6.5 毫克升麻根茎干提取物(Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt., rhizoma),药物提取物 - 比例 4.5 – 8.5:1,提取剂:60% 乙醇 (V/V)。 赋形剂乳糖一水合物(44 毫克)、交联羧甲基纤维素钠(相当于最多 0.65 毫克钠)、微晶纤维素、硬脂酸镁、胶体二氧化硅、聚维酮。 批准文号56933(Swissmedic)在哪里可以买到 Cimifemin uno?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 泡罩30片和90片。 授权持有人Zeller Medical AG, CH-8590 Romanshorn 本传单最后一次由药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2020 年 10 月检查过。 ..
63.08 USD
Cystus 052 生物含片 132 片
Cystus 052 生物锭剂的特性 132 颗每包数量:132 颗重量:106 克长度:43 毫米宽度:80mm 高度:120mm 瑞士在线购买 Cystus 052 Bio 含片 132 片..
75.36 USD
Hepatodoron 玻璃片 200 片
Hepatodoron tablets glass 200 片的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/30 摄氏度每包数量:200 片重量:31 克长度:50mm 宽度:50mm 高度:80mm 从瑞士在线购买 Hepatodoron 片玻璃 200 片..
93.94 USD
Kingnature 牛至维达 614 毫克罐装 60 粒胶囊
Which packs are available? Kingnature Oregano Vida 614 mg jar 60 capsules..
85.06 USD
Morga 肉桂素食胶囊 100 粒
Morga cinnamon Vegicaps 100粒的特性避免阳光暴晒每包数量:100粒重量:62g 长度:51mm 宽度:51mm 高度:96mm 瑞士网购 Morga 肉桂素食胶囊 100 粒..
22.53 USD
Morga 肉桂素食胶囊 300 粒
Morga cinnamon Vegicaps 300粒的特性避免阳光暴晒每包数量:300粒重量:148g 长度:65mm 宽度:65mm 高度:118mm 瑞士网购Morga肉桂素食胶囊300粒..
49.87 USD
Phytopharma 牛蒡 kaps 350 毫克 80 片
Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs is an herbal supplement formulated with burdock root extract. Each capsule contains 350 mg of burdock root extract, which has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its healing properties. The burdock root contains several beneficial compounds such as essential oils, polyacetylenes, inulin, and flavonoids which make it a powerful natural remedy for various ailments. Health Benefits of Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs: Detoxification: Burdock root is known for its detoxifying effects on the body. It helps in the elimination of toxins, heavy metals, and excess fluids from the body. Improves Digestion: Burdock root contains inulin, a prebiotic fiber that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. It aids in digestion and prevents constipation. Supports Skin Health: Burdock root is rich in antioxidants, which protect the skin from oxidative damage. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating skin problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Boosts Immunity: Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs helps in boosting the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells. Anti-cancer properties: Burdock root contains several compounds that have anti-cancer properties. It reduces the risk of cancer and slows down the growth of cancer cells. Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs is suitable for vegetarians and those with lactose intolerance. It is free from gluten, lactose, and artificial preservatives. It is recommended to take two capsules per day with meals, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Try Phytopharma Burdock Kaps 350 mg 80 pcs today and enjoy the numerous health benefits of this ancient herbal remedy! ..
27.56 USD
Randr 瑞士免疫滴剂
R&R Swiss Immune Drop R&R Swiss Immune Drop is a potent herbal supplement that strengthens and supports the immune system. It is a natural blend of traditional herbs that have been used for centuries to improve the body's defence mechanism against various illnesses and diseases. The herbal drops are scientifically formulated to help stimulate and enhance the immune system. It contains a unique blend of high-quality ingredients, including Echinacea, Astragalus Root, and Reishi Mushroom, which are known for their immune-boosting properties. The Echinacea extract is known for its natural antibacterial and antiviral properties, which help to fight common colds, flu, and other infections. The Astragalus Root extract is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The Reishi Mushroom extract has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to promote overall wellness and support healthy immune function. R&R Swiss Immune Drop is made with the highest quality natural ingredients, and it is free of artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives. It is also non-GMO and gluten-free, making it suitable for people with various dietary restrictions. The herbal drops are easy to take and can be added to your favourite drink or taken directly under the tongue. It is recommended to take 25-30 drops twice daily to strengthen and support your immune system. Investing in your immune system with R&R Swiss Immune Drop is a smart choice, as it can help to improve your overall health and well-being. ..
9.46 USD
Sidroga 香蜂草叶 20 袋 1.5 克
Sidroga lemon balm leaf tea is used for both gastrointestinal complaints and nervous tension. Swissmedic -approved patient information Sidroga® Lemon balm leaves, tea Sidroga AGHerbal medicinal product AMZVWhat is Sidroga melissa leaf tea and when is it used? Sidroga melissa leaf tea contains lemon balm leaves in dried form and finely chopped quality (tested according to pharmacopoeia). Calming and bloating properties are traditionally attributed to the lemon balm leaves.Sidroga lemon balm leaf tea is used for both gastrointestinal complaints and nervous tension. What should be considered? In the case of persistent or recurring gastrointestinal complaints, it is advisable to consult a doctor and have the causes clarified.When should Sidroga melissa leaf tea not be used or only with caution?Sidroga melissa leaf tea must not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to melissa.The use of this medicinal product is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you have any other illness li>Have allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga lemon balm leaf tea be used during pregnancy or taken while breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as intended. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Sidroga lemon balm leaves Tea? Adults and school children from the age of 6 take 1 cup up to 5 times a day before, during or after meals.Preparation: Pour boiling water over one tea bag per cup and let the bag steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Then take out the tea bag and squeeze it out lightly over the cup. Only use one tea bag per cup of tea and only sweeten your tea after removing the tea bag from the cup. You can use both natural and artificial sugar for sweetening.The use and safety of Sidroga Melissa Leaf Tea in children under the age of 6 has not yet been tested.Stick to the dosage stated in the leaflet or prescribed by the doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. Side effects Have Sidroga Melissa Leaves Tea? No side effects have been observed for Sidroga Melissa Leaves Tea when used as directed. If you nevertheless observe side effects, inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else should be observed? Sidroga Lemon Balm Tea should be stored at room temperature (15?25 °C) and out of the reach of children. The double chamber bags in aroma protection packaging may only be stored up to the end marked on the container with «Exp.» designated date.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What is in Sidroga Melissa leaves Contain tea? 1 double chamber bag contains 1.5 g dried and finely chopped lemon balm leaves. Approval number 41676 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Sidroga lemon balm leaf tea? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Boxes with 20 double-chamber sachets in aroma-protection packaging. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden.This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in September 2010. ..
10.42 USD
Spagyros spagyr comp artemisia abrotanum comp spray 50 毫升
Spagyros Spagyr Comp Artemisia abrotanum comp Spr 50 ml 的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度避免阳光照射包装量:1 ml重量:122g 长度:40mm 宽度:40mm 高度:120mm 从瑞士在线购买 Spagyros Spagyr Comp Artemisia abrotanum comp Spr 50 ml..
79.82 USD
Valverde calming dragees 40 pcs
Valverde Calming 含有西番莲草本植物的干燥提取物。经证实的药用植物传统上被认为具有镇静作用。通过标准化这种草药产品,可以实现一致的质量。 Valverde Calming 用于缓解紧张、内心不安、烦躁和神经质的状态。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Valverde® 镇定糖衣丸SIDROGA草药产品 AMZV什么是 Valverde Calming 以及何时使用?Valverde Calming 含有激情的干燥提取物花药草。经证实的药用植物传统上被认为具有镇静作用。通过标准化这种草药产品,可以实现一致的质量。 Valverde Calming 用于缓解紧张、内心不安、烦躁和神经质的状态。 应该考虑什么?如果您的症状持续超过 2 周或恶化,您应该咨询您的医生。 什么时候不应服用 Valverde Soothing 或只能谨慎服用?如果已知对其中一种成分过敏,则不应服用 Valverde Soothing(参见 «What是在 Valverde Soothing 中吗?”)。 由于蔗糖(糖)含量,该药品不适合患有罕见的遗传性果糖不耐受(遗传性果糖不耐受)、葡萄糖-半乳糖吸收不良(葡萄糖和半乳糖吸收受损)或蔗糖酶-异麦芽糖酶缺乏症的患者。 该药可能会损害您的反应能力、驾驶能力以及工具或机器的使用能力,尤其是在饮酒的情况下。 在儿童中使用该药的经验不足。因此,它不应该用于 12 岁以下的儿童。 告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师,如果您患有其他疾病,过敏或服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)。 怀孕或哺乳期间可以服用 Valverde Calming 吗?根据以往的经验,按照指示使用对孩子没有已知的风险。然而,从未进行过系统的科学研究。作为预防措施,您应避免在怀孕和哺乳期间服用药物,或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师的意见。 您如何使用 Valverde Calming?成人和 12 岁以上的青少年:每天 2 至 3 次 1 粒糖衣丸加足量液体(最好是 1 杯水)。 遵循包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Valverde 镇静剂有哪些副作用?在极少数情况下,会出现超敏反应,在个别情况下会出现过敏性皮肤症状。 如果您注意到此处未描述的副作用,您应该告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 还有什么需要考虑的?药物应放在儿童接触不到的地方。制剂应在室温 (15-25 °C) 下储存。药品只能在容器上标有“EXP”的日期之前使用。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。 Valverde Calming 含有什么?1 粒糖衣丸 含有:425 毫克西番莲草的干提取物(DEV 5-7:1,萃取剂:乙醇 50% v/v)。 该制剂还含有染料二氧化钛 (E 171)、氧化铁 (E 172)、糖(蔗糖)和其他添加剂。 批准号57832 (Swissmedic)。 你从哪里得到巴尔韦德的保证?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 每包 40 和 80 粒糖衣丸(包衣片剂)。 授权持有人Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden。 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2007 年 11 月最后一次检查本传单。 ..
56.99 USD
Wala carum carvi comp。补充 10 x 1 克
Wala Carum carvi comp 的特征。补充量 10 x 1 g包装量:10 g重量:0.00000000g 长度:0mm 宽度:0mm 高度:0mm 购买 Wala Carum carvi comp。瑞士在线补充 10 x 1 g..
65.58 USD
Zeller 更年期 90 片
什么是 Zeller Menopause 以及何时使用它?Zeller Menopause 包含一个Cimicifuga 砧木 (Cimicifuga racemosa(L.) Nutt., rhizoma) 的干提取物。 Zeller Menopause 用于更年期症状(潮热、出汗、睡眠障碍、神经质和情绪障碍)。这些可以通过 Zeller Menopause 得到缓解。 应采取哪些预防措施?如果性能异常下降,眼睛或皮肤发黄、尿液变黑或大便变色,应停用 Zeller Menopause 并咨询医生。 如果您感到乳房紧绷或肿胀,或者如果您在月经期间出现出血、点滴出血或如果您有周期性月经,您应该咨询您的医生。 该药品每片含有 44 毫克可消化碳水化合物。该药适用于糖尿病患者。 Zeller Menopause 什么时候不能服用/使用或只能谨慎使用?Zeller Menopause如果已知对其中一种成分或毛茛科(毛茛科)过敏,则不应使用。如果已经存在肝损伤,则不建议服用 Zeller Menopause。这种制剂会影响更年期的生理和心理症状(更年期)。由于没有临床数据显示对骨骼有益,因此该制剂不能用于预防骨质疏松症。 Zeller Menopause 含有乳糖。如果您知道自己患有糖不耐症,请在咨询您的医生后才服用 Zeller Menopause。 这种医药产品每片含有少于 1 毫摩尔(23 毫克)的钠,即基本上“无钠”。 如果您有以下情况,请告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师:患有其他疾病过敏或服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)! Zeller Menopause 可以在怀孕期间或哺乳期间服用/使用吗?Zeller 更年期适用于经历更年期的女性。不适合在怀孕和哺乳期间使用。作为预防措施,您应避免在怀孕和哺乳期间服用药物或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Zeller Menopause怎么用?成人:除非另有规定,服用1片每天一次,用一些液体。Zeller 更年期可以使用更长的时间,至少超过 6 周。只有在咨询医生后才能使用超过 6 个月。 Zeller Menopause 在儿童和青少年中的使用和安全性尚未经过测试。 按照包装说明书中给出的剂量或医生开的处方服用。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 泽勒更年期有什么副作用?下面的服用 Zeller 更年期时可能会出现副作用:在极少数情况下,胃部不适、恶心、胃灼热和腹泻。在个别情况下,乳房压痛或肿胀、月经间期点滴出血或复发月经出血。皮肤反应,如瘙痒、皮疹和荨麻疹;面部和身体其他部位出现液体潴留,频率未知。在个别情况下,有肝损伤的迹象(肝脏炎症、黄疸、肝功能测试中断)使用含有黑升麻的医药产品时。如果性能异常下降、眼睛或皮肤变黄、尿液变黑或大便变色,则应停用 Zeller 更年期并咨询过医生。如果您发现副作用,请联系您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这尤其适用于本宣传单中未列出的副作用。 还应注意什么?药品只能使用到容器上标有“EXP”的日期。 StorageNotice在室温(15-25°C)下原包装储存。 请放在儿童接触不到的地方。 更多信息您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Zeller Menopause 包括什么?提取颗粒可能会在平板电脑表面显示为棕色小点,但无害。 活性成分一片含有 6.5 毫克干提取物,来自升麻根茎 (Cimicifuga racemosa(L.) Nutt ., 根茎), 药膏比4.5 - 8.5:1, 提取剂: 60% 乙醇 (v/v). 赋形剂乳糖一水合物(44 毫克)、交联羧甲基纤维素钠(相当于最多 0.65 毫克钠)、微晶纤维素、硬脂酸镁、胶体二氧化硅、聚维酮。 注册号68866 (Swissmedic) 哪里可以买到 Zeller Menopause?有哪些包装可用?在药房和药物中商店,无需医生处方。 泡罩包装 30 片和 90 片。 上市许可持有人Max Zeller Soehne AG, CH-8590 Romanshorn。 ..
141.93 USD