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使用来自瑞士的 Beeovita 高品质健康与美容产品,远离病菌和细菌。我们的多元化类别包括身体护理和化妆品、护理用品、口腔和牙齿护理产品等,为不同需求提供按需解决方案。利用我们的手部消毒剂、消毒湿巾、清洁凝胶等中含有乙醇和异丙醇等强效成分的产品提供的保护。我们的口腔护理产品可有效对抗口臭并促进口腔健康,保持最佳的口腔卫生。探索我们在冲牙/漱口水、伤口护理和护理、口腔医学和玻片消毒方面的产品,以主动防范潜在的细菌威胁。无论是日常卫生、对抗 COVID-19,还是护理皮肤伤口和消化,Beeovita 产品都能提供强大的覆盖范围。保护自己和周围环境 - 立即在 购买您的健康和美容需求。
Desiliox händedesinfektionsmittel 凝胶 fl 1000 毫升

Desiliox händedesinfektionsmittel 凝胶 fl 1000 毫升

产品代码: 7785299

使用 Desiliox Händedesinfektionsmittel Gel Fl 1000 毫升保持双手清洁和安全 Desiliox Händedesinfektionsmittel Gel Fl 1000 ml 是一种顶级品质的洗手液凝胶,旨在让您的双手保持清洁和安全。该凝胶由优质原料制成,非常适合用于各种环境,包括医院、办公室、学校和家庭。与传统洗手液不同,Desiliox Händedesinfektionsmittel Gel Fl 1000 ml 采用独特的活性成分组合配制而成,可杀死 99.9% 的细菌和细菌,包括 COVID- 等病毒。 特点和优势 Desiliox Händedesinfektionsmittel Gel Fl 1000 ml 是一种高品质洗手液凝胶,具有许多特性和优点。首先,它采用对皮肤温和的独特配方制成,非常适合经常使用。其次,该凝胶具有持久的效果,这意味着它可以保护您的双手免受细菌侵害长达 8 小时。此外,该凝胶易于涂抹且干燥迅速,让您的双手倍感柔软光滑。最后,该产品采用方便的 1000 毫升瓶装,非常适合在各种环境中使用。 如何使用 Desiliox Händedesinfektionsmittel Gel Fl 1000 ml 使用 Desiliox Händedesinfektionsmittel Gel Fl 1000 毫升很容易。只需将少量凝胶涂抹在手上并揉搓至少 30 秒即可。确保覆盖手的所有部位,包括手指和手腕。凝胶会很快变干,让您的双手感觉柔软光滑。 结论 Desiliox Händedesinfektionsmittel Gel Fl 1000 ml 是一种高品质洗手液凝胶,非常适合保持双手清洁和安全。它由优质成分制成,旨在杀死 99.9% 的细菌和细菌,包括 COVID 等病毒-该凝胶具有许多特性和优点,包括效果持久、易于使用和方便的 1000 毫升瓶装.所以,如果您想保持双手清洁和健康,请立即试用 Desiliox Händedesinfektionsmittel Gel Fl 1000 毫升! ..

81.44 USD

Desmanol 纯 lös fl 100 毫升

Desmanol 纯 lös fl 100 毫升

产品代码: 5774108

Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml The Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml is a high-quality hand disinfectant that is designed to kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria. It contains a combination of ethanol and isopropanol that effectively eliminates harmful microorganisms on the skin's surface, ensuring that your hands are thoroughly cleaned and protected against various viruses and infections. This product is ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and other healthcare facilities, as well as in households and public places where hygiene is of utmost importance. It is easy to use, with no need for water or soap, and is gentle on the skin, making it safe for regular use. The Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml comes in a convenient bottle with a flip-top cap that allows for easy dispensing. It is compact and portable, so you can carry it with you wherever you go, ensuring that your hands are always clean and germ-free. Key features of the Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml: Contains a combination of ethanol and isopropanol that kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria Easy to use, with no need for water or soap Gentle on the skin, making it safe for regular use Convenient bottle with a flip-top cap for easy dispensing Compact and portable, making it ideal for use on the go Ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, households, and public places Ensure your hands are clean and germ-free with the Desmanol Pure Lös Fl 100 ml. Add it to your cart today and enjoy the convenience and protection it offers...

13.45 USD

Puressentiel 展示球清洁凝胶 20 x 25ml

Puressentiel 展示球清洁凝胶 20 x 25ml

产品代码: 7482775

Puressentiel 展示球清洁凝胶 20 x 25ml Puressentiel 展示球清洁凝胶旨在清洁和消毒运动器材,包括所有类型的球、手套、头盔等。它是一种强大而有效的解决方案,可以消除导致运动员产生异味、皮疹和其他健康问题的病菌、细菌和真菌。 这款令人惊叹的产品采用方便的 20 瓶包装,每瓶含 25 毫升清洁凝胶,非常适合运动队、学校或体育中心使用。包装实用且优雅,便于在任何零售环境中存放和展示。 Puressentiel 展示球清洁凝胶的配方基于精油和植物成分的混合物,可提供一种天然、温和且安全的方式来清洁运动器材,而不会损坏材料。可直接涂于设备表面,挥发迅速,不留残渣、不留污渍。 配方中使用的精油赋予清洁凝胶清爽的香味,有助于消除难闻的气味并保持设备的气味清新。该凝胶不含刺激性化学物质或人造香料,适合过敏或呼吸道敏感的人使用。 Puressentiel 展示球清洁凝胶易于使用、起效迅速,经临床证明可消除高达 99.9% 的运动器材上常见的细菌。对于任何想在运动时保持适当卫生并防止感染传播的人来说,它都是必不可少的产品。 立即订购一包 Puressentiel 展示球清洁凝胶,确保您的运动装备保持干净、清新,并且没有有害细菌和细菌。 ..

166.74 USD

Septo-clean 消毒湿巾 10 片

Septo-clean 消毒湿巾 10 片

产品代码: 7779994

Septo-Clean 消毒湿巾 10 片 使用 10 片装 Septo-Clean 消毒湿巾,让您的双手和表面保持清洁和安全。这些湿巾非常适合在家庭、办公室、学校和其他公共区域使用。 每块湿巾均由优质材料制成,对皮肤温和,但对细菌和细菌有很强的抵抗力。它旨在有效地清洁和消毒表面,使它们一尘不染并经过消毒。 Septo-Clean 消毒湿巾 10 件装非常适合清洁和消毒门把手、电灯开关、工作台面和桌子等高接触区域。它们也非常适合用于手机、笔记本电脑和键盘等电子设备。 无论您走到哪里,这些湿巾都易于使用且方便携带。它们以 10 个一包的形式提供,可轻松放入您的包或口袋中,以便在旅途中使用。 使用 Septo-Clean 消毒湿巾 10 片,您可以高枕无忧,因为您知道自己正在采取必要的措施来保护自己和家人免受有害细菌和细菌的侵害。 特点: 优质材料 有效清洁和消毒表面 对皮肤温和 非常适合高接触区域 易于使用和携带 紧凑型 10 件装 ..

18.24 USD

Tebodont mouthwash plast fl 400 ml

Tebodont mouthwash plast fl 400 ml

产品代码: 7853197

Tebodont Mouthwash Plast Fl 400 ml Tebodont Mouthwash Plast Fl 400 ml is a high-quality oral care product designed to provide complete protection against germs and bacteria that cause bad breath, gum disease, and other oral health issues. This mouthwash contains active ingredients that help fight gum inflammation while also providing a refreshing and cooling sensation that leaves your breath fresh and clean. With its unique antibacterial formula, this mouthwash helps kill germs and bacteria that cause bad breath, plaque formation, and tooth decay. It also helps prevent the formation of tartar and maintains good oral hygiene. Tebodont Mouthwash is made with natural ingredients that are gentle on the gums and teeth, making it safe for daily use. This product is also alcohol-free, ensuring that it does not cause any irritation or dryness in your mouth. The large 400 ml bottle ensures that you have enough mouthwash to keep your mouth feeling fresh and clean every day. For best results, use this mouthwash after brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. It is an excellent addition to your oral hygiene routine and can provide relief from gum problems, bad breath, and other oral health issues. ..

28.36 USD

Veriforte med 漱口水 250 毫升

Veriforte med 漱口水 250 毫升

产品代码: 6575807

Veriforte Med 漱口水 250 毫升Veriforte Med 漱口水 250 毫升是一种革命性的口腔护理产品,专为帮助您保持口腔卫生而设计。这款漱口水采用独特的配方制成,可有效杀死 99.99% 会导致口臭和其他口腔健康问题的病菌和细菌。如果您厌倦了使用只能掩盖口臭而不解决口腔问题的漱口水问题的根本原因,这个产品是给你的。使用 Veriforte Med 漱口水 250 毫升,您得到的不仅仅是清爽的漱口水。您将获得一种强大的解决方案,每次使用都能改善您的口腔健康。这款漱口水的好处 瞬间清新口气 防止牙菌斑堆积、牙龈炎和蛀牙 降低牙龈疾病的风险 消除口臭并中和引起异味的化合物 促进牙龈和牙齿健康 体积小巧,符合人体工程学设计,使用和携带方便 使用说明使用 Veriforte Med 漱口水 250 毫升: 将漱口水倒入杯中 在嘴里漱口 30 秒 吐到水槽里 每天刷牙后使用两次,或按照牙医的指示使用。成分水、甘油、山梨糖醇、丙二醇、氯化十六烷基吡啶、香料, 聚山梨醇酯20, 苯甲酸钠, 氟化钠, 糖精钠, 柠檬酸钠, 柠檬酸, Cl 42090, Cl 19140结论Veriforte Med 漱口水250ml 是口服必备帮助您保持口腔卫生并改善整体健康的护理产品。凭借其强大的配方和清爽的味道,这款漱口水是日常口腔护理的完美补充。..

25.87 USD

Wiesenberg 手部清洁凝胶清新柠檬

Wiesenberg 手部清洁凝胶清新柠檬

产品代码: 7774624

WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Fresh Lemon Protect your hands from bacteria and germs with WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Fresh Lemon. With its refreshing lemon scent, this hand sanitizer gel is perfect for on-the-go use. Its compact size makes it easy to carry around in a purse, backpack, or car. Not only does it kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria, but it also leaves your skin feeling soft and hydrated. Key Features: Kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria Refreshing lemon scent Compact size for on-the-go use Leaves skin feeling soft and hydrated Unlike other hand sanitizers that can leave your hands feeling dry and cracked, WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Fresh Lemon contains moisturizing ingredients that keep your hands soft and hydrated. Its non-greasy formula is quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving no sticky residue behind. WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Fresh Lemon is perfect for use in public places, such as schools, hospitals, and offices. Its convenient pump top allows for easy dispensing, and the gel formula ensures thorough coverage of all parts of the hand. Protect yourself and those around you from harmful germs and bacteria with WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Fresh Lemon. Order now and enjoy the convenience of on-the-go hand sanitizing...

7.85 USD

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