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在,我们专注于来自瑞士的健康和美容产品,优先考虑温和的皮肤和身体护理方法。浏览我们的多元化类别,包括保健产品、自然疗法、顺势疗法、医疗器械等。我们的温和系列产品不仅适合美容,还适合护理,专为伤口护理等而设计。这些非常适合消化系统疾病和皮肤敏感的人。我们的装饰化妆品系列也非常适合您的指甲护理,包括洗甲水等产品。它们均不含丙酮,可保持指甲表面不受影响。选择 Beeovita 购买温和、无香料、自然设计的瑞士产品。立即购买以满足您的健康和美容需求。
Leukomed 皮肤敏感 5x7.2cm 5 stk

Leukomed 皮肤敏感 5x7.2cm 5 stk

产品代码: 7821821

Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk Looking for a highly effective wound dressing that is gentle on the skin? Look no further than Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk. This product is specially designed for people with sensitive skin who need reliable wound care. Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk is a soft, comfortable, and breathable wound dressing that is gentle on the skin. It is designed to provide optimal protection and support for minor wounds and abrasions, and to help prevent infection and promote faster healing. The dressing is easy to apply and stays in place for extended periods, even after getting wet. This product is ideal for those with sensitive skin who are prone to allergic reactions to traditional wound dressings. The gentle adhesive on this dressing is hypoallergenic and designed to minimise the risk of skin irritation or damage. Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk is made with high-quality materials that are safe and effective. It is free from harmful chemicals, latex, and other irritants, making it safe for people of all ages to use. Each package contains five individually wrapped dressings, making it easy to keep in your first aid kit, and to carry with you when you are on the go. Overall, Leukomed skin sensitive 5x7.2cm 5 Stk is the perfect wound dressing for people with sensitive skin who want a high-quality, reliable and gentle product. If you are looking for a wound dressing that is hypoallergenic, easy to apply, and stays in place, this is the product for you. ..

15.30 USD

Trind nagelackentferner acetonfrei

Trind nagelackentferner acetonfrei

产品代码: 7836070

TRIND Nagellackentferner acetonfrei隆重推出 TRIND Nagellackentferner acetonfrei,这是一款温和有效的指甲油去除剂,非常适合轻松去除指甲上最坚硬的指甲油。这种不含丙酮的配方专为保护和滋养您的指甲而设计。对于寻求温和而有效的指甲油去除解决方案的人来说,它是必备品。TRIND Nagellackentferner acetonfrei 采用优质成分制成,对您的指甲温和。它的配方不含任何刺激性化学物质,例如丙酮,因此在您的指甲上使用起来既安全又温和。此外,它不会使指甲或角质层变干,因此非常适合患有干燥或敏感皮肤的人。这款指甲油去除剂易于使用,非常适合去除顽固的指甲油、亮粉或凝胶指甲油。它还非常适合快速去除任何指甲油错误或污迹。 TRIND Nagellackentferner acetonfrei 适用于所有类型的指甲,包括天然和人造指甲。该产品不仅可以去除指甲油,还可以滋养您的指甲,让它们健康强壮。它富含天然油脂和维生素,有助于强化和滋润您的指甲。经常使用,它有助于防止指甲断裂并保持指甲健康。TRIND Nagellackentferner acetonfrei 是日常指甲护理的必备品。立即将它添加到您的收藏中,体验在保持指甲健康强韧的同时去除最顽固的指甲油是多么容易。..

24.82 USD

Vernel fresh morning fl 900 ml

Vernel fresh morning fl 900 ml

产品代码: 7768131

Vernel Fresh Morning 瓶装 900ml Vernel Fresh Morning Bottle 900ml 是一款备受青睐的织物柔顺剂产品,可增强衣物的香味和柔软度。它提供持续一整天的清爽香味,让衣服在您的皮肤上感觉柔软温和。该产品旨在满足喜欢衣物自然清新的客户的独特需求。 Vernel Fresh Morning Bottle 900ml 使用方便,只需在最后的漂洗周期前将一瓶产品放入洗衣机即可。该配方渗透到您衣服的纤维中,留下持久的香味,非常适合您的所有日常活动。您甚至可以将它用于毛巾和床单,以获得清新诱人的触感。 瓶子有 900 毫升的大尺寸,可确保持久使用且物超所值。 Vernel Fresh Morning Bottle 900ml 采用优质原料制成,温和呵护您的衣物,同时确保最佳性能。由于方便的倾倒盖和符合人体工程学的瓶子设计,它也易于存放和使用。 总的来说,Vernel Fresh Morning Bottle 900ml 是任何想要让衣服感觉柔软、干净和清新的人的必备品。立即购买,体验只有 Vernel 才能提供的自然清新和芬芳! ..

12.91 USD

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