Agiolax with senna granules (d) can 150 克
含有番泻叶的 Agiolax 是一种基于欧车前和番泻叶的草药泻药,可短期用于偶发性便秘。洋车前子和洋车前子壳 (Plantago ovata) 的成分会增加肠道中粪便的体积。颗粒中的这些成分在吸水时会膨胀到其体积的数倍。这会刺激肠道活动并产生光滑、柔软的肠内容物。颗粒中所含的番泻叶具有通便作用。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Agiolax® 含番泻叶,颗粒 150 克MEDA Pharma GmbH草药产品 什么是 Agiolax with Senna,何时使用?Agiolax with Senna 是一种基于洋车前子和番泻叶的草药泻药,短期用于偶发性便秘。洋车前子和洋车前子壳 (Plantago ovata) 的成分会增加肠道中粪便的体积。颗粒中的这些成分在吸水时会膨胀到其体积的数倍。这会刺激肠道活动并产生光滑、柔软的肠内容物。颗粒中所含的番泻叶具有通便作用。 应该考虑什么?确保喝足够的液体! 同时服用其他药物可能会导致吸收延迟。因此,在使用 Agiolax 和 Senna 之前,应在服用其他药物后观察半小时至一小时的间隔。 如果你患有便秘,你应该吃富含纤维的食物(蔬菜、水果、全麦面包),定期摄入大量液体并确保身体活动(运动)!如果是慢性便秘,建议咨询能够治疗病因的医生。 什么时候不应该服用含番泻叶的 Agiolax 或应谨慎服用? 对于所有胃肠道疾病,尤其是食道、胃肠道、大膈疝、肠道急性炎症性疾病(例如克罗恩病,溃疡性结肠炎,阑尾炎),不明原因的腹痛,恶心,呕吐,便秘,吞咽困难(呼吸急促的风险),严重脱水伴有液体和盐/矿物质流失以及难以控制的糖尿病(糖尿病)、怀孕或母乳喂养以及对其中一种活性成分或赋形剂过敏(参见«含有番泻叶的 Agiolax 含有什么?»)。 12 岁以下的儿童不应将 Agiolax 与番泻叶一起服用。 如果您患有急性或持续性胃肠道症状、恶心或呕吐,则不应服用含番泻叶的 Agiolax,因为这些症状可能表明可能存在肠梗阻。因此,含有番泻叶的 Agiolax 只能在医疗监督下与抑制肠道活动的药物(例如阿片类止痛药)(肠梗阻的风险)同时服用。 泻药只能偶尔服用,且服用时间不得超过一周,因为可能会形成习惯。 长期治疗应在医疗监督下进行。 如果长期使用/滥用或超过推荐剂量,可能会出现腹泻伴脱水和盐/矿物质失衡(尤其是钾耗竭)。因此,同时服用某些防水药物(利尿剂)、含有甘草根的药物或食物(例如甘草)、含皮质醇的药物、某些抗过敏药物、治疗心肌无力的药物(强心苷)的患者需要特别小心如地高辛)和某些治疗心律失常的药物(抗心律失常药)或正在服用甲状腺激素制剂(左旋甲状腺素)。如果您患有肾脏疾病,也建议您小心。在这些情况下,请在服用 Agiolax 和番泻叶之前咨询您的医生。 如果您知道自己患有糖不耐症,请仅在咨询您的医生后将 Agiolax 与番泻叶一起服用。 如果您有以下情况,请告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师患有其他疾病,过敏或服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)。 Agiolax with Senna 可以在怀孕期间或哺乳期间服用吗?Agiolax with Senna 不得在怀孕期间或哺乳期间服用。 如何将 Agiolax 与番泻叶一起使用?用至少 ¼ 升液体(水、茶、牛奶、果汁)吞服 Agiolax 与番泻叶,然后饮用再次大量液体。颗粒也可以与酸奶混合服用。此外,应该喝大量的液体。 成人和 12 岁以上的青少年:晚上饭后或早上早餐前服用 1-2 量匙的 Agiolax 和番泻叶;最多 2 勺(10 克)/天。个人正确的剂量是获得软形粪便所需的最低剂量。含番泻叶的 Agiolax 不应在睡前立即服用,并且不应以直立姿势服用。 如果症状减轻,摄入量可以减少到每 2 天或 3 天一次。使用不超过 1 周。 Agiolax 与番泻叶在 12 岁以下儿童中的使用和安全性尚未经过测试。 坚持使用包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Agiolax with Senna 有哪些副作用?服用或使用 Agiolax with Senna 时可能会出现以下副作用:将 Agiolax 与番泻叶一起服用时,可能会产生气体,并且存在食道或肠道阻塞的风险,尤其是在没有饮用足够液体的情况下。摄入或与皮肤接触后可能会发生超敏反应(皮肤发红、瘙痒、湿疹)。频率未知。在这种情况下,必须立即咨询医生。 腹痛、腹部绞痛和腹泻也可能发生,尤其是肠易激综合症患者。这些症状也可能是个体服药过量的结果。在这种情况下,减少剂量是必要的。 可能会出现恶心和呕吐。频率未知。 极少(影响不到 10,000 名用户中的 1 名)可能会发生过敏反应。 过量会导致副作用增加,可能导致心脏问题和肌肉无力,从长远来看,肝脏可能会受损。 此外,肠粘膜和尿液可变成黄-红棕色,一般停药后消失。 如果您有任何副作用,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这也特别适用于本传单中未列出的副作用。 还有什么需要考虑的?药品只能在容器上标有 «EXP» 的日期前使用。 开封后使用保质期为开封后 6 个月。 储存说明在室温 (15-25 °C) 下储存。请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 更多信息您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 含有番泻叶的 Agiolax 含有什么?5 克颗粒(= 1 量匙)含有:有效成分印度车前子(Plantago ovata Forssk., semen)2.6 g,印度车前子壳(Plantago ovata em> Forssk., semenis tegumentum) 0.11 g,番泻叶果实 (Senna alexandrina Mill., fructus) 0.34-0.66 g,相当于番泻苷 15 mg(以番泻苷 B 计)。 赋形剂该药还含有:蔗糖、滑石、阿拉伯树胶、黑色氧化铁 (E172)、黄色氧化铁 (E172)、红色氧化铁 (E172)、二氧化钛 (E171)、液体石蜡、硬石蜡、鼠尾草油、薄荷油、香菜油。 1 勺含有 0.9 至 1.2 克蔗糖。 批准文号26821(Swissmedic)哪里可以买到含有番泻叶的 Agiolax?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 每包 150 克颗粒剂。 授权持有人MEDA Pharma GmbH, 8602 Wangen-Brüttisellen。 本传单最后一次由药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2022 年 10 月检查过。 [版本203 D] ..
35.52 USD
Dixa 欧车前黑 pheur 清洁 500 克
Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 500g: A natural and potent way to support your digestive health If you are looking for an effective and natural way to support your digestive health, Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber might be just what you need. This product is made from high-quality psyllium husk seeds, which are sourced from the Plantago ovata plant. Psyllium husk is known for its high levels of soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help regulate bowel movements, improve digestion, and support the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut. The Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber comes in a convenient 500g packaging, making it a great value. The product has been carefully cleaned to remove any impurities, ensuring that you get the purest and most potent form of psyllium husk. Psyllium husk has been used for centuries to support digestive health and is backed by a wealth of scientific research. It is especially effective in easing constipation and bloating, and can also help regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. As a natural prebiotic, psyllium husk also supports the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which can benefit your immune system and overall health. To use Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber, simply mix a teaspoon or two into a glass of water or juice and drink it immediately. You can also add it to smoothies, cereal, or any other food that you consume regularly. This product is suitable for those who follow a vegan or gluten-free diet, and it contains no additives or preservatives. Investing in your digestive health is essential for your well-being, and Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber is an affordable and easy way to achieve that. Order your 500g pack today and experience the benefits of psyllium husk for yourself!..
28.52 USD
Dixa 车前子黑色 pheur 清洁 1 公斤
Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 1 kg Introducing our high-quality, all-natural product - Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 1 kg, a dietary supplement that contains pure and natural psyllium husk powder. This product is ideal for those who want to improve their digestive health and regularity. PhEur Cleaned: Our psyllium husk powder is Ph. Eur. cleaned, which means it meets the highest quality standards and is free from impurities, microbes or other contaminants. Black Psyllium: Dixa Psyllium Black is recognized for its high mucilage content, which helps soothe the digestive system and promote regularity. Multiple Health Benefits: Psyllium husk powder is a great source of dietary fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol, maintain blood sugar levels, and promote colon health. Easy to Use: This product comes in easy-to-use packaging, which makes it convenient to add to your daily diet. You can mix it with water, juice, or smoothies or sprinkle it on your food. Large Quantity: The 1kg pack is great value for money and ensures you always have enough supply at hand. At Dixa, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality natural products that promote wellness and health. Our Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 1 kg is a great addition to your daily diet, and we are confident that it will help you achieve optimal digestive health and regularity. Order yours today!..
42.26 USD
Ecofenac sandoz lipogel 1% tube 100 克
Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1% Tb 100 g 的特性解剖治疗化学品 (АТС):M02AA15存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装数量:1 克重量:132 克长度:40 毫米宽度:186 毫米高度:71 毫米从瑞士在线购买 Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1% Tb 100 g..
18.22 USD
Morga flohsamenschalen gemahlen glutenfrei bio
MORGA Flohsamenschalen gemahlen glutenfrei Bio Introducing the latest addition to our range of high-quality organic products - MORGA Flohsamenschalen gemahlen glutenfrei Bio. Perfect for those who want to maintain a healthy gut and digestion, this product is made from ground organic psyllium husk, also known as ?flea seed?. Psyllium husk is a soluble dietary fiber that absorbs water in the gut, forming a gel-like substance that helps to ease constipation and promote regular bowel movements. It also helps to regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol, making it an ideal supplement for those with diabetes or high cholesterol levels. Our product is gluten-free, making it suitable for those with gluten intolerance or a gluten-free diet. It is also certified organic, meaning that it is produced without the use of harmful pesticides, chemicals or genetically modified organisms. How to Use MORGA Flohsamenschalen gemahlen glutenfrei Bio MORGA Flohsamenschalen gemahlen glutenfrei Bio is easy to use and can be added to your favourite foods and beverages. Simply add a teaspoon or two to a glass of water or juice, stir and drink immediately. Alternatively, you can sprinkle it on your morning cereal, yogurt or smoothie. It is important to drink plenty of water when using psyllium husk as it absorbs water and can cause dehydration if not consumed with enough liquid. The Benefits of MORGA Flohsamenschalen gemahlen glutenfrei Bio MORGA Flohsamenschalen gemahlen glutenfrei Bio offers a wide range of health benefits, including: Eases constipation and promotes regular bowel movements Regulates blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol Supports a healthy gut and digestive system Gluten-free and suitable for those with gluten intolerance or a gluten-free diet Certified organic and free from harmful pesticides and chemicals Easy to use and can be added to a wide range of foods and beverages Try MORGA Flohsamenschalen gemahlen glutenfrei Bio today and experience the benefits of this high-quality organic supplement. ..
22.18 USD