A.vogel echinaforce 抗冷滴剂 fl 50 毫升
新鲜植物制剂 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 由新鲜开花的草本植物和紫色金光菊的新鲜根制成。 Echinaforce Resistance - 感冒传统上对那些容易患普通感冒的人有好处。它还促进感冒的愈合过程。 Echinaforce Resistance - 寒冷用于增强身体的防御能力,易患感冒和发烧感冒。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Echinaforce®抗寒A. Vogel AG草药 什么是 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 以及何时使用?新鲜植物制剂 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 由新鲜的开花草本植物和新鲜的根制成红色锥花。 Echinaforce Resistance - 感冒传统上对那些容易患普通感冒的人有好处。它还促进感冒的愈合过程。 Echinaforce Resistance - 寒冷用于增强身体的防御能力,易患感冒和发烧感冒。 应该注意什么?如果孩子容易感冒,建议去看医生。 什么时候不应服用 Echinaforce 滴剂或应谨慎服用? Echinaforce 抗性 - 如果已知对其中一种成分或雏菊科(菊科)植物如山金车、万寿菊(金盏花)、西洋蓍草(Achillea millefolium)过敏,则不应使用冷敷) 、雏菊 (Bellis perennis)、金光菊 (Echinacea)!如果孩子感冒了,建议去看医生。该制剂不适合婴儿。原则上,Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 不应用于自身免疫性疾病、白血病或多发性硬化症。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 在 4 岁以下儿童中的使用和安全性尚未经过测试。如果您患有其他疾病、过敏或正在服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物),请告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 可以在怀孕期间或哺乳期间服用吗?根据以往的经验,按照指示使用对儿童没有已知的风险。然而,从未进行过系统的科学研究。作为预防措施,您应避免在怀孕和哺乳期间服用药物,或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师的意见。 如何使用Echinaforce Resistance - Cold?成人和12岁以上易感冒的青少年(预防):20滴加少许水3每天饭前服用几次。 4 岁以上的儿童:每天 3 次,每次 10 滴。 患有感冒和发烧感冒的 12 岁以上的成人和青少年:每天 3-5 次,每次 20-25 滴在少量水中。 4 岁以上的儿童:每天 3-5 次,每次 10 滴。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 在 4 岁以下儿童中的使用和安全性尚未经过测试。连续服用不应超过2个月。按照包装传单中给出的剂量或按照医生的规定服用。 如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 有哪些副作用?服用 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 会出现以下副作用:在极少数情况下,超敏反应(如皮肤已经观察到皮疹和很少见的哮喘、循环反应)。在这种情况下,应立即停止治疗并咨询医生。如果您注意到此处未描述的任何副作用,您应该通知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 还需要考虑什么?Echinaforce 抗性 - 冷含有与生产相关的酒精含量 62 - 70%(按体积计)。 Echinaforce Resistance - 冷藏应保持在室温 (15-25°C) 且儿童接触不到的地方。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 只能在容器上标有“EXP”的日期之前使用。新鲜植物酊剂偶尔会出现夜间混浊,但这并不影响效果。未使用或过期的包装应退还给您的药剂师进行处置。您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。 Echinaforce 也有不含酒精的药片和热饮。 什么是 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold?1 ml Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 含有:860 mg 新鲜开花的紫色金光菊药草酊剂*,药物提取剂 - 比例 1: 12、提取剂乙醇65%(v/v); 45 mg 来自紫锥花* 新鲜根的酊剂,药物-提取剂比例 1:11,提取剂乙醇 65% (v/v)。 *来自受控有机栽培。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold 按体积计含有 62 - 70% 的酒精。 1 毫升 = 28 滴。 批准文号30724(Swissmedic)哪里可以买到 Echinaforce Resistance - Common Cold?有哪些包装? 在药房和药店,无需医生处方,50 毫升、100 毫升和 200 毫升包装。授权持有人A.Vogel AG, CH-9325 Roggwil 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2003 年 11 月最后一次检查本传单。 ..
48.33 USD
Heidak spagyrik 紫锥菊喷雾 50 毫升瓶
HEIDAK Spagyrik 紫锥花喷雾 50 毫升液体 HEIDAK Spagyrik Echinacea plus Spray 是一种天然的整体疗法,适合想要增强免疫系统和促进整体健康的个人。该产品由纯有机紫锥菊提取物制成,富含增强免疫力的成分,可帮助您抵抗可能损害您健康的病毒、细菌和其他有害病原体。 这种药物还含有玫瑰果、黑接骨木和黄芪等植物的 Spagyric 提取物,这些植物以其抗炎和抗病毒特性而闻名。它是传统科学和现代科学的融合,确保您在健康益处方面获得两全其美的效果。 HEIDAK Spagyrik Echinacea plus 喷雾采用 50 毫升液体装,易于涂抹且方便携带。该喷雾设计易于使用,并能快速吸收缓解。只需根据需要向嘴里喷几下,就可以开始了。 该产品非常适合寻求自然、安全的方式来支持免疫系统的人,特别是在感冒和流感季节。儿童和成人都可以安全使用。 立即购买 HEIDAK Spagyrik Echinacea plus Spray,享受强大而健康的免疫系统带来的诸多健康益处。 ..
58.07 USD
Phytopharma 紫草凝胶 100 毫升
The Phytopharma Comfrey Gel with Symphytum, Calendula, Arnica and Echinacea has a beneficial and refreshing effect. Use Apply the gel to the desired parts of the body several times a day...
26.68 USD
Pukka holunderbeere and echinacea tee bio bag 20 stk
Pukka Holunderbeere & Echinacea Tee Bio Btl 20 Stk Experience a delightful burst of sweet and tangy flavor with Pukka's Holunderbeere & Echinacea Tee Bio Btl 20 Stk. This delicious herbal tea blend is expertly crafted using only the highest quality ingredients sourced from organic farms, making it a delightful and healthy option for tea lovers around the world. The key ingredients used in this blend are Holunderbeere and Echinacea. Holunderbeere, also known as Elderberry, is rich in anthocyanins that provide it with powerful antioxidant properties. It helps support your immune system and promotes overall health. Echinacea, on the other hand, is a natural stimulator of the immune system that helps to fight off infections and maintain a healthy body. These two superfoods are expertly blended in a perfect 1:1 ratio, creating a unique flavor that is both refreshing and flavorful. The tea is packaged in bio-degradable bags that preserve its freshness and aroma. Each box contains 20 individual bags, making it convenient to enjoy anytime, anywhere. If you are looking for a delicious and healthy way to support your immune system and maintain good health, look no further than Pukka Holunderbeere & Echinacea Tee Bio Btl 20 Stk. Order now and experience the refreshing taste and health benefits of this amazing herbal tea blend today! ..
11.99 USD
Randr 瑞士免疫滴剂
R&R Swiss Immune Drop R&R Swiss Immune Drop is a potent herbal supplement that strengthens and supports the immune system. It is a natural blend of traditional herbs that have been used for centuries to improve the body's defence mechanism against various illnesses and diseases. The herbal drops are scientifically formulated to help stimulate and enhance the immune system. It contains a unique blend of high-quality ingredients, including Echinacea, Astragalus Root, and Reishi Mushroom, which are known for their immune-boosting properties. The Echinacea extract is known for its natural antibacterial and antiviral properties, which help to fight common colds, flu, and other infections. The Astragalus Root extract is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The Reishi Mushroom extract has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to promote overall wellness and support healthy immune function. R&R Swiss Immune Drop is made with the highest quality natural ingredients, and it is free of artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives. It is also non-GMO and gluten-free, making it suitable for people with various dietary restrictions. The herbal drops are easy to take and can be added to your favourite drink or taken directly under the tongue. It is recommended to take 25-30 drops twice daily to strengthen and support your immune system. Investing in your immune system with R&R Swiss Immune Drop is a smart choice, as it can help to improve your overall health and well-being. ..
9.46 USD
Salus immun elixier mit 紫锥菊
SALUS Immun Elixier mit Echinacea SALUS Immun Elixier mit Echinacea 是一种支持免疫系统的高效天然产品。这种长生不老药采用优质紫锥菊和其他精心挑选的成分配制而成,可共同增强免疫系统并促进整体健康和活力。 主要优势: 增强免疫系统 增强身体对感染的天然防御能力 促进整体健康和活力 含有高效的天然成分 成分: SALUS Immun Elixier mit Echinacea 含有经过精心挑选的天然成分混合物,具有增强免疫力的特性: 紫锥菊根提取物 绿茶提取物 黑加仑浓缩汁 亲爱的 使用方法: 每天服用 1-2 茶匙 SALUS Immun Elixier mit Echinacea,可以是纯的,也可以是用温水或茶稀释后服用。使用前摇匀。存放在阴凉、干燥的地方,并在打开后 4 周内使用。 警告: 如果您对本产品中的任何成分过敏,请勿使用。请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。如果怀孕或哺乳,请在使用前咨询医疗保健专业人员。 使用 SALUS Immun Elixier mit Echinacea 获得天然免疫支持的好处。立即尝试,开始享受更健康的生活。 ..
36.54 USD
Wala argentum / 紫锥菊 glob 20 克
Wala Argentum / Echinacea Glob 20 克的特性每包数量:1 克重量:52 克长度:31 毫米宽度:30 毫米 高度:65 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 Wala Argentum / Echinacea Glob 20 克..
53.06 USD
Yogi tea natürliche abwehr 17 bag 2 克
Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr | Product Description Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr 17 Btl 2 g Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr is a unique blend of herbs and spices that are carefully selected to help support your immune system. This tea is perfect for those who are looking for a natural way to boost their immunity and prevent illness. The combination of herbs and spices in this tea is specifically designed to help strengthen the body's natural defenses. It contains Echinacea, which is known for its immune-boosting properties, as well as vitamin C-rich rose hips and elderberries. Additionally, Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr contains warming and soothing spices like cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom, which help to support overall wellness. Brewing a cup of Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr is easy. Simply pour boiling water over one tea bag and let it steep for 7-10 minutes. You can enjoy this tea hot or cold, and it is also delicious with a bit of honey or lemon. Each box contains 17 tea bags, each with 2 grams of tea. This gives you plenty of tea to enjoy throughout the season, and the convenient tea bags make it easy to take on-the-go. Overall, Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr is a delicious and effective way to help support your immune system and stay healthy. Try it today and see the difference for yourself! ..
6.60 USD