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眼睛干涩会导致不适,引起异物感、灼烧感和瘙痒。 提供来自瑞士的各种高品质健康和美容产品,专门针对干眼症和眼部护理。我们的产品包括滴眼剂、眼科溶液和凝胶,旨在舒缓、润滑和滋润您的眼睛。这些产品可以缓解轻微的眼睛刺激,非常适合隐形眼镜佩戴者或眼睛疲劳的人。此外,我们还提供最好的面部和身体护理,呈现全面的健康方法。从 Cationorm 滴眼乳液(一种出色的人工泪液和眼科凝胶)到我们的各种护肤产品,您可以信赖我们的瑞士精准配方和天然成分,可缓解症状并恢复活力。
A. vogel 眼药水 10 毫升

A. vogel 眼药水 10 毫升

产品代码: 5580901

Eye drops for dry, burning and tired eyes, which can also be used by lens wearers. Properties Eye drops for dry, burning and tired eyes that instantly moisturize and refresh. The drops are also suitable for contact lens wearers. Application Adults: 1 drop in each eye 4-5 times a day Children from 3 years: 1-2 times a day one drop per day This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

20.79 USD

Artelac complete mdo gd opht 10 毫升

Artelac complete mdo gd opht 10 毫升

产品代码: 6874645

Artelac Complete MDO Gd Opht 10 ml 的特性解剖治疗化学物质 (АТС):S01XA20活性成分:S01XA20欧洲 CE 认证存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度避免阳光照射包装数量:1 毫升重量: 43g 长度:33mm 宽度:54mm 高度:112mm 从瑞士在线购买 Artelac Complete MDO Gd Opht 10 ml..

33.32 USD

Artelac splash edo gd opht 30 monodoseos 0.5 毫升

Artelac splash edo gd opht 30 monodoseos 0.5 毫升

产品代码: 4875468

Soothing and refreshing moisturizing for dry, tired and stressed eyes and for moistening contact lenses. Properties Artelac Splash eye drops are the ideal freshness boost for the eyes, which are heavily stressed every day by external factors. The drops provide the eyes with moisture and are soothing and refreshing. They are suitable for moistening dry, tired and stressed eyes and for moistening contact lenses. The drops in the practical one-dose optioles are without preservatives.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

41.18 USD

Artelac 再平衡 gd opht fl 10 毫升

Artelac 再平衡 gd opht fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 7367821

Artelac rebalance Gd Opht Fl 10 ml 的特性解剖治疗化学物质 (АТС):S01XA20活性成分:S01XA20欧洲 CE 认证存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度避免阳光照射包装数量:1 毫升重量: 22g 长度:27mm 宽度:27mm 高度:70mm 瑞士在线购买 Artelac rebalance Gd Opht Fl 10 ml..

32.07 USD

Bepanthen 滴眼液 20 monodos 0.5 毫升

Bepanthen 滴眼液 20 monodos 0.5 毫升

产品代码: 7649471

Bepanthen 滴眼液 20 monodos 0.5 ml Bepanthen® PRO 滴眼液是治疗眼睛干燥和发炎的有效解决方案。它们不含防腐剂,通过保湿和保护提供持久护理。 Bepanthen® PRO 滴眼液旨在克服眼睛干燥的感觉 - 这是由于工作负荷、过热等多种原因可能出现的常见问题或脱水。成分透明质酸和右泛醇有助于缓解眼睛干燥、发红、发痒或灼痛的症状。这种有效的组合旨在稳定泪膜并持续滋润和舒缓眼睛。每天使用这些眼药水可以减轻眼睛干燥和发炎的不适,从而提供持续的保护和护理。由于其不含防腐剂的配方,它们温和且持久,非常适合日常使用。..

27.81 USD

Bepanthen 滴眼液 fl 10 毫升

Bepanthen 滴眼液 fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 7649465

Bepanthen 滴眼液 10 毫升 Bepanthen 滴眼液为角膜形成一层无菌、不含防腐剂、粘弹性、透明的保护膜。它们是由天然材料制成的;生物物质。这些包括透明质酸钠盐;由于其特殊的物理特性,具有均匀性;在角膜上形​​成一层稳定且特别持久的保护膜,而不损害视觉功能。此外,Bepanthen 滴眼液含有维生素原 B5(右泛醇),由于其高水结合能力,具有清爽和额外护理眼睛的能力。这有效地支持了透明质酸钠的保湿特性。透明质酸钠(泪膜稳定)和右泛醇(滋养、舒缓)的结合可保护和滋润眼睛表面并使其润滑。这可以长期缓解与以下问题相关的投诉:机械应力,例如因佩戴硬性或软性隐形眼镜或在眼部诊断手术期间引起;?环境压力,例如空调、风、冷引起的;干燥或空气污染;?眼睛紧张,例如在电脑屏幕上工作或长途汽车旅行时。由于 Bepanthen 滴眼液不含防腐剂,即使长期使用,其耐受性也特别好。 Bepanthen 滴眼液也适合隐形眼镜佩戴者。 Bepanthen® PRO 滴眼液可保护和滋润您的眼睛,装在实用的 10 毫升滴管瓶中。透明质酸可在角膜上形​​成一层特别持久的保护膜,维生素原 B5(右泛醇)可滋润和滋养。滴眼剂形成一层无菌且不含防腐剂的保护膜,可提供持久的缓解作用。该滴剂具有持久的保湿效果,可保护眼睛而不损害视觉功能。隐形眼镜佩戴者尤其容易受到干眼症的影响,而且当持续在屏幕前工作或长途驾车旅行时,眼睛也会承受过度的压力。废气和花粉等环境影响以及干燥的暖气或空调也会导致干眼症。结果就是眼睛发红、发炎、发痒。 Bepanthen® PRO 滴眼液可快速、可靠地缓解症状。每只眼睛滴一滴,每天 3-5 次。即使长期使用,它们也能起到护理、保护作用,并且耐受性特别好。..

26.14 USD

Collypan 干眼症 gd opht 15 monodoseos 0.35ml

Collypan 干眼症 gd opht 15 monodoseos 0.35ml

产品代码: 6169869

Collypan Dry Eyes Gd Opht 15 Monodos 0.35ml Collypan Dry Eyes Gd Opht 15 Monodos is a solution specially designed for the treatment of dry eye syndrome, a condition where the eyes do not produce enough tears to keep them properly lubricated. This can cause discomfort, itching, redness, and even blurred vision. The solution comes in 15 single-dose vials of 0.35ml each, making it easy to carry and use on-the-go. The monodoses are also hygienic and convenient, reducing the risk of contamination or waste. Collypan Dry Eyes Gd Opht contains a combination of active ingredients that work together to moisturize and protect the eyes. It includes hyaluronic acid, a natural lubricant found in the eye that helps to retain moisture and improve tear film stability. Sodium hyaluronate, another form of hyaluronic acid, helps to increase the viscosity of the solution, prolonging its effects. It also contains vitamin B12, which has been shown to improve symptoms of dry eye. The product is easy to use. Simply twist off the top of the vial, place a drop of the solution in the corner of your eye, and blink a few times to spread it across the surface. The solution is suitable for daily use, and can even be used with contact lenses in place. Collypan Dry Eyes Gd Opht 15 Monodos 0.35ml is a safe and effective solution for those suffering from dry eye syndrome, providing long-lasting relief and protection for the eyes. ..

28.72 USD

Fermavisc gelsinus eye drops

Fermavisc gelsinus eye drops

产品代码: 3187453

Table of Contents Advertisement dosage contraindication Fermavisc-Gelsinus Advertisement Dry eyes, wetting of the contact lenses when inserting and during wearing. dosage 1-2 drops contraindication eye infection. 762275 / 04/28/2022 ..

61.60 USD

Hylo dual intense 滴眼液 10 毫升

Hylo dual intense 滴眼液 10 毫升

产品代码: 7766665

使用 HYLO DUAL INTENSE 滴眼液 10 毫升,体验双倍缓解。这些创新滴剂具有润滑和再生的综合优势,可最大程度地提高眼睛舒适度和健康。先进的配方提供持久保湿,对抗干燥并防止刺激。同时,它支持眼睛表面的自然愈合过程,促进整体眼睛健康。 HYLO DUAL INTENSE 滴眼液结构紧凑、方便,适合日常使用,是寻求单一解决方案全面眼部护理的人士的理想选择。使用 HYLO DUAL INTENSE 优先考虑您的眼睛健康。..

40.60 USD

Hylo 凝胶 gd opht 0.2% 2 x 10 毫升

Hylo 凝胶 gd opht 0.2% 2 x 10 毫升

产品代码: 4750896

Eye drops for the treatment of severely dry and chronically dry eyes, which ensure intensive and long-lasting moisturizing of the surface of the eye. A lasting moisturizing effect can only be achieved with highly viscous eye drops, which remain on the surface of the eye for significantly longer. The ingredient hyaluronic acid contained in Hylo-Gel is almost predestined for this task. Due to its special properties and the extraordinarily high quality of the hyaluronic acid contained in Hylo-Gel, a concentration of 0.2% is already sufficient to achieve a significantly increased viscosity of the drop solution. It is important that, despite the almost gel-like consistency of Hylo-Gel, there is no impairment of visual performance...

61.82 USD

Neovis total multi eye drops

Neovis total multi eye drops

产品代码: 7628701

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Neovis Total multi gtt opht Indikation Trockene Augen. Dosierung Bei Bedarf 1-2 Tr in jedes Auge geben. Für Kontaktlinsenträger geeignet. 764129 / 10.01.2019 ..

26.01 USD

Optive fusion gd opht 30 monodoseos 0.4 毫升

Optive fusion gd opht 30 monodoseos 0.4 毫升

产品代码: 6784818

Optive Fusion eye drops are a unique combination formula that provides immediate dry eye treatment.If your eyes are burning, stinging or feel dry, you may be suffering from dry eye. These can arise, for example, from staying in air-conditioned rooms or from frequent computer work.With Optive Fusion, the surface of the eye is moistened and moistened by the drops penetrating deep into the surface and supplying the sensitive cells with moisture. In addition, the surface of the eye is protected and regenerated. suitable for all types of contact lenses.needs to be used less than conventional drops thanks to the special formula.Osmoprotective.Also available in a bottle. Application Put 1-2 drops in the eye(s) as needed. INCI Carmellose Sodium Salt, Glycerol, Hyaluronic Acid Sodium Salt, Erythritol Purite Water for Injections..

40.58 USD

Optive plus eye care drops fl 10 毫升

Optive plus eye care drops fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 5201298

Optive Plus Eye Care Drops Fl 10 ml Optive Plus Eye Care Drops Fl 10 ml is a specially formulated eye drop solution designed to provide instant relief to dry and tired eyes. Whether you are suffering from seasonal allergies, working in front of a computer for long hours, or simply dealing with dry eye syndrome, Optive Plus Eye Care Drops offer a quick and effective solution to soothe your irritated eyes. The unique formula combines two lubricants ? carmellose sodium and glycerine ? that work together to restore natural moisture to dry eyes. Carmellose sodium helps create a protective layer to keep moisture in and prevent further evaporation, while glycerine acts as a moisturizer, helping to hydrate and soothe dry, irritated eyes. The Optive Plus Eye Care Drops come in a handy 10 ml dropper bottle, making them easy to carry in your pocket or purse when you are on the go. The drops are suitable for use with all types of contact lenses, including soft and rigid gas permeable lenses. Whether you are suffering from dry, itchy eyes due to allergies or are simply looking for a way to relieve eye fatigue, Optive Plus Eye Care Drops Fl 10 ml can help provide quick relief. So why wait? Order your bottle of Optive Plus Eye Care Drops today and experience the soothing relief that your eyes deserve. ..

33.98 USD

Optive 单位剂量眼部护理滴剂 30 monodoseos 0.4 毫升

Optive 单位剂量眼部护理滴剂 30 monodoseos 0.4 毫升

产品代码: 4629999

Optive Unit Dose Eye Care Drops - 30 Monodos 0.4 ml Are you tired of dry, itchy eyes? Do you suffer from eye fatigue and irritation? Optive Unit Dose Eye Care Drops are the perfect solution to your eye care woes. Optive is a scientifically developed eye drop that provides advanced hydration and lubrication to your eyes. Optive's unique formula is designed to mimic your natural tears, providing long-lasting relief for dry eyes. Optive Unit Dose Eye Care drops come in convenient single-use monodoses, making them easy to carry with you wherever you go. Each monodose contains 0.4 ml of Optive Eye Care solution, providing just the right amount for one application. Whether you spend long hours staring at a computer screen or suffer from seasonal allergies, Optive Unit Dose Eye Care Drops can help keep your eyes healthy and comfortable. So why suffer from dry, irritated eyes any longer? Try Optive Unit Dose Eye Care Drops today and experience the relief you've been looking for. Key Features: Advanced hydration: Optive's unique formula provides long-lasting relief for dry, itchy eyes. Mimics natural tears: Optive's formula is designed to mimic natural tears, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness. Convenient packaging: Optive Unit Dose Eye Care Drops come in single-use monodoses, making them easy to carry with you wherever you go. Scientifically developed: Optive is a scientifically developed eye drop that has been designed to meet the unique needs of people with dry eyes. ..

33.17 USD

Optive 眼部护理滴剂 fl 10 毫升

Optive 眼部护理滴剂 fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 4005810

With a concentration of 0.5% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and 0.9% glycerol, Optive offers long-lasting relief from symptoms. Optive is preserved with Purite, Allergan's patented preservative technology. Upon contact with light, Purite transforms into components of the natural tear film (NaCl, H20 and O2). Optive eye drops are therefore preserved in the bottle and unpreserved on the eye. The eye drops have a shelf life of six months after opening, which is particularly advantageous for patients who only occasionally suffer from dry eyes...

26.91 USD

Protagent se gd opht 20 monodoseos 0.4 毫升

Protagent se gd opht 20 monodoseos 0.4 毫升

产品代码: 2097363

Protagent SE 滴眼液用于润滑眼睛和治疗轻度眼睛刺激。 在医生、药剂师或药剂师的推荐下,Protagent SE滴眼液也可用于各种原因引起的“干眼症”。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Protagent® SE,滴眼液Alcon Switzerland SAAMZV 什么是 Protagent SE 滴眼液,何时使用? Protagent SE 滴眼液用于滋润眼睛和治疗轻度眼部刺激。 在医生、药剂师或药剂师的推荐下,Protagent SE滴眼液也可用于各种原因引起的“干眼症”。 何时不应使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液?如果已知或怀疑对 Protagent SE 滴眼液的成分或赋形剂过敏(过敏)。 使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液时应注意什么时候?如果您出现头痛、眼痛、视力改变、眼睛刺激、眼睛持续发红,或者,如果眼部症状没有改善或情况恶化,请咨询您的医生。 滴注后的短暂视力障碍可能会影响驾驶或使用机器的能力。只要能见度还没有恢复正常,就应该避免上述活动。 隐形眼镜佩戴者Protagent SE 滴眼液不含防腐剂,因此特别适合隐形眼镜佩戴者和对防腐剂过敏的人。 如果您患有其他疾病、过敏或正在服用其他药物(即使是您自己购买的药物!)或将其用于眼睛,请告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 怀孕或哺乳期间可以使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液吗?只有在咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师或药剂师后才能使用滴眼液。 Protagent SE滴眼液如何使用?成人:一般情况下,每天4-5次滴1滴患眼。 li>Protagent SE 滴眼液在儿童和青少年中的使用和安全性尚未经过系统测试。请遵守包装传单中给出的剂量或遵照医生的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。Protagent SE 滴眼液有哪些副作用? 使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液会出现以下副作用:眼睛有烧灼感、粘稠感、视力模糊、眼睛疼痛、眼睛发痒、眼睛感觉异常、眼睛发红、过敏反应(另请参阅«使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液时应注意什么时候? »). 如果您注意到此处未描述的副作用,您应该告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 还需要考虑什么?处理注意事项单剂量容器的内容物是足够一个应用程序,即单次滴入双眼(使用后,出于无菌原因,请勿使用打开的单剂量容器中的任何剩余滴眼液)。 保质期仅在有效期内使用未开封的单剂量容器中的内容物(外包装:«Use by»,单剂量容器:«实验»)。 特殊储存说明在室温 (15-25 °C) 下储存,避免可能的热和光,并放在儿童接触不到的地方。 完成治疗后,将任何剩余的单剂量容器带到您的销售点(医生、药房或药店)进行专业处理。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Protagent SE 滴眼液含有什么?1 ml Protagent SE 滴眼液含有:Polyvidon K-25 20 mg 和赋形剂滴眼液的制造。 批准号51145 (Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到Protagent SE滴眼液?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 包:20 次单剂量 0.4 毫升。80 单剂量 0.4 毫升。授权持有人Alcon Switzerland SA, Risch;住所:6343 Rotkreuz。 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2015 年 11 月对本传单进行了最后一次检查。 ..

24.97 USD

Protagent se gd opht 80 monodoseos 0.4 毫升

Protagent se gd opht 80 monodoseos 0.4 毫升

产品代码: 2212077

Protagent SE 滴眼液用于润滑眼睛和治疗轻度眼睛刺激。 在医生、药剂师或药剂师的推荐下,Protagent SE滴眼液也可用于各种原因引起的“干眼症”。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Protagent® SE,滴眼液Alcon Switzerland SAAMZV 什么是 Protagent SE 滴眼液以及何时使用? Protagent SE 滴眼液用于滋润眼睛和治疗轻度眼部刺激。 在医生、药剂师或药剂师的推荐下,Protagent SE滴眼液也可用于各种原因引起的“干眼症”。 何时不应使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液?如果已知或怀疑对 Protagent SE 滴眼液的成分或赋形剂过敏(过敏)。 使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液时应何时注意?如果您出现头痛、眼痛、视力改变、眼睛刺激、眼睛持续发红,或如果眼睛症状没有改善或病情恶化,请咨询您的医生。 滴注后短暂的视力障碍可能会影响驾驶或使用机器的能力。只要能见度还没有恢复正常,就应该避免上述活动。 隐形眼镜佩戴者Protagent SE 滴眼液不含防腐剂,因此特别适合隐形眼镜佩戴者和对防腐剂过敏的人。 如果您患有其他疾病、过敏或正在服用其他药物(即使是您自己购买的药物!)或将其用于眼睛,请告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 怀孕或哺乳期间可以使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液吗?只有在咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师或药剂师后才能使用滴眼液。 Protagent SE滴眼液如何使用?成人:一般情况下,每天4-5次滴1滴患眼。 li>Protagent SE 滴眼液在儿童和青少年中的使用和安全性尚未经过系统测试。请遵守包装传单中给出的剂量或遵照医生的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。Protagent SE 滴眼液有哪些副作用? 使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液会出现以下副作用:眼睛灼热感、粘稠感、视力模糊、眼睛疼痛、眼睛发痒、眼睛感觉异常、眼睛发红、过敏反应(另请参阅“使用 Protagent SE 滴眼液时应注意什么时候?”)。 如果您注意到此处未描述的副作用,您应该告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 还需要考虑什么?处理注意事项单剂量容器的内容物是足够一个应用程序,即单次滴入双眼(使用后,出于无菌原因,请勿使用打开的单剂量容器中的任何剩余滴眼液)。 保质期仅在有效期内使用未开封的单剂量容器中的内容物(外包装:«Use by»,单剂量容器:«实验»)。 特殊储存说明在室温 (15-25 °C) 下储存,避免可能的热和光,并放在儿童接触不到的地方。 完成治疗后,将任何剩余的单剂量容器带到您的销售点(医生、药房或药店)进行专业处理。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Protagent SE 滴眼液含有什么?1 ml Protagent SE 滴眼液含有:Polyvidon K-25 20 mg 和赋形剂滴眼液的制造。 批准号51145 (Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到Protagent SE滴眼液?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 包:20 次单剂量 0.4 毫升。80 单剂量 0.4 毫升。授权持有人Alcon Switzerland SA, Risch;住所:6343 Rotkreuz。 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2015 年 11 月对本传单进行了最后一次检查。 ..

78.71 USD

Similasan dry eyes gd opht fl 10 毫升

Similasan dry eyes gd opht fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 5293219

Similasan Dry Eyes Gd Opht Fl 10 ml 的特性解剖治疗化学品 (АТС):S01XZ存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 ml重量:0.00000000g 长度:33mm 宽度:40mm 高度:109mm 从瑞士在线购买 Similasan Dry Eyes Gd Opht Fl 10 毫升..

43.47 USD

Similasan tears again night gd opht fl 10 毫升

Similasan tears again night gd opht fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 7781077

Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a specially formulated eye drop that provides relief for dry eyes during the night. It helps to soothe and refresh your eyes, providing a comfortable and peaceful sleep. Features and Benefits Moisturizes and soothes dry, tired eyes Provides long-lasting relief during the night Helps reduce eye strain and fatigue Does not contain preservatives, making it gentle on the eyes Can be used with contact lenses Directions for use Wash your hands thoroughly before use Tilt your head back and look up Gently pull your lower eyelid down to create a small pocket Hold the bottle above the eye and squeeze one or two drops into the pocket Blink a few times to help spread the solution over the eye Repeat on the other eye if necessary Close the bottle tightly after use Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml comes in a convenient and easy-to-use dropper bottle that allows you to easily apply the solution to your eyes. It is suitable for adults and children over the age of two, making it a versatile and family-friendly eye care product. Whether you suffer from chronic dry eyes or occasional eye discomfort, Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml can provide the relief you need to get a good night's sleep...

32.35 USD

Systane hydration ud wetting drops of 30 x 0.7 ml

Systane hydration ud wetting drops of 30 x 0.7 ml

产品代码: 6704185

Specially developed for dry, sensitive and irritated eyes. The protective film provides a smooth feel. Against burning and irritation. This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

48.99 USD

Tears naturale gd opht fl 10 毫升

Tears naturale gd opht fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 2266044

Tears Naturale® – 相当于天然泪液Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Tears Naturale™,滴眼液 Alcon Switzerland SA什么是 Tears Naturale,滴眼液,何时使用? Tears Naturale,滴眼液用于滋润眼睛并治疗轻度眼睛刺激。 Tears Naturale 滴眼液含有水溶性聚合物系统(葡聚糖 0.1%,羟丙甲纤维素 0.3%)。 Tears Naturale 滴眼液的粘度、折射率和 pH 值等特性都在人类天然眼泪的范围内。 在医生或药剂师的推荐下,Tears Naturale 滴眼液可用于各种原因引起的“干眼症”。 什么时候不应使用 Tears Naturale 滴眼液?如果已知或疑似对 Tears Naturale 的成分或赋形剂过敏(过敏),滴眼液. 使用 Tears Naturale 滴眼液时应何时注意?如果眼部症状恶化或持续存在,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师,咨询药剂师或药剂师。 如果症状恶化或出现新症状(例如视力下降、头痛、眼痛、流泪、眼睛持续发红),您应该立即去看医生。 如果同时使用第二种眼部制剂,则两种药物之间应至少间隔 5 分钟。 隐形眼镜佩戴者注意事项隐形眼镜佩戴者应在使用 Tears Naturale 滴眼液治疗前将镜片从眼睛上取下,并在 15 分钟后才将其戴回。 到目前为止,没有证据表明使用 Tears Naturale 滴眼液会影响驾驶和使用机器的能力。但是,由于使用 Tears Naturale 眼药水后可能会出现视力模糊,因此在视力清晰之前不要驾驶或使用机器。 如果您有以下情况,请告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师患有其他疾病,过敏或服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)或外用! 怀孕或哺乳期间可以使用 Tears Naturale 眼药水吗?如果按照说明使用 Tears Naturale 眼药水,对胎儿没有风险已知的孩子或婴儿。但是,作为预防措施,在使用滴剂之前,或者如果您怀孕或哺乳,您应该咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 如何使用Tears Naturale,滴眼液?成人:一般情况下,根据需要每天多次在患眼中滴入1-2滴。第一次打开后,取下分离的锁环。 Tears Naturale 滴眼液在儿童和青少年中的使用和安全性尚未经过系统测试。 使用注意事项:头向后仰。将手指放在眼睛下方,轻轻向下拉下眼睑,直到您会感觉到眼睛和下眼睑之间有一个 «V» 袋。将 1-2 滴滴入 «V» 袋中。避免用瓶子的滴管尖端接触眼睛。遵循包装传单中给出的剂量或遵照医生的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Tears Naturale 眼药水有哪些副作用?使用 Tears Naturale 眼药水时可能会出现以下副作用:非常常见(影响超过十分之一的用户)视力模糊。 常见(影响 100 名用户中的 1 至 10 名)眼睛干涩、眼睑边缘结痂、眼部感觉异常、异物感、眼部不适。 不常见(影响 1000 名用户中的 1 到 10 名)眼睛发痒、眼睛刺激、眼睛发红。 上市后经验显示以下副作用:眼部影响:眼睑发红、眼痛、眼肿、眼部异常分泌物、眼睑结痂,流泪增多。 对身体的影响:过敏。 如果您出现头痛、眼痛、视力改变、流泪、眼睛持续发红或发炎,或者如果您的眼睛症状在 2-3 天后没有改善,请立即咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 如果您有任何副作用,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这也特别适用于本传单中未列出的副作用。 还有什么需要考虑的?药品只能在容器上标有 «EXP» 的日期前使用。 为了不影响滴眼液的无菌性,请勿用手或眼睛接触瓶子的滴管尖端。使用后立即盖紧瓶子。 开封后使用开瓶后请勿使用超过 1 个月的内容物。 储存说明在室温 (15-25°C) 且儿童无法触及的地方储存在密闭的原包装中。 更多信息如果安全封条破损或丢失,请勿使用此制剂。如果溶液浑浊或发现任何颜色变化,请勿使用。 打开瓶子 1 个月后,将所有剩余的内容物带到您的销售点(医生、药房或药店)进行专业处理。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Tears Naturale 眼药水含有什么?1 ml Tears Naturale 眼药水含有:活性成分羟丙甲纤维素 3 毫克,Dextran-70 1 毫克。 赋形剂Polyquaternium-1、硼砂(十水四硼酸二钠)、氯化钠、氯化钾、氢氧化钠和/或盐酸(用于调节 pH 值)和纯净水. 批准号40512 (Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到Tears Naturale,眼药水?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 Tears Naturale,滴眼液:滴瓶 10 毫升。授权持有人Alcon Switzerland SA, Zug 本传单最后一次由药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2020 年 11 月检查过。 ..

40.66 USD

Vismed light gd opht 1 毫克/毫升 fl 15 毫升

Vismed light gd opht 1 毫克/毫升 fl 15 毫升

产品代码: 2800733

Vismed is used for sustained wetting of the eye in subjectively felt dryness, burning and tired eyes and other minor disturbances of well-being. Such disturbances can be caused by dust, smoke, dry heat, air-conditioned air, wind, cold, prolonged screen work or contact lens wear. Shelf life 3 months after opening clues Vismed contains hyaluronic acid, a natural polymer that also occurs in structures of the human eye. The special physical characteristics of hyaluronic acid give Vismed its important "viscoelastic" and water-binding properties. It forms a stable layer on the surfaces of the eye, which is only gradually removed by the blink of an eyelid...

20.76 USD

Vividrin 依克多因 mdo gd opht fl 10 毫升

Vividrin 依克多因 mdo gd opht fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 7604942

Vividrin ectoin MDO Gd Opht Fl 10 ml The Vividrin ectoin MDO Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a highly effective medication for treating a variety of ocular problems such as dryness, burning, and inflammation of the eyes. The medication contains ectoine, a natural substance derived from bacteria that can survive in harsh environments, which helps in soothing and hydrating the eyes while enhancing the natural defense mechanisms of the body. The Vividrin ectoin MDO Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a gentle and safe option for those with sensitive eyes or for those looking for a more natural alternative to conventional medication. The product is free from preservatives, phosphates, and surfactants, making it suitable for daily use. Key Features: 10 ml bottle containing a gentle and natural formula Contains ectoine, a naturally occurring substance that helps in reducing inflammation, soothing and hydrating the eyes Free from preservatives, surfactants, and phosphates Suitable for those with sensitive eyes or for those looking for a more natural alternative to conventional medication Easy to use with the dropper applicator and can be carried in your purse or pocket for convenience Benefits: Relieves symptoms of dryness, inflammation, and burning eyes Enhances the body's natural defense mechanisms Free from harmful chemicals and trengthen ocular humidity retention Can be used daily for long-term protection and hydration of the eyes The dropper applicator allows for precise and easy application of the medication The Vividrin ectoin MDO Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a reliable and effective medication that offers relief from a range of ocular issues. Its natural formula makes it an ideal option for long-term use, as it provides hydration and protection without causing any side effects or causing damage to the eyes. Get yours today and maintain healthy, hydrated eyes throughout the year...

32.59 USD

碧奥兰 eye drops

碧奥兰 eye drops

产品代码: 2810648

Composition 0.15% hyaluronic acid, sodium salt, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, water purified. Properties Features: also suitable for contact lens wearers (all types of contact lenses); without preservative substances; Remarks: Dosage: 1-2 drops per eye several times a day; Application dry eyes; irritated eyes; Composition 0.15% hyaluronic acid, sodium salt, sodium dihydrogen phosphate , disodium hydrogen phosphate, purified water. Properties Properties: also suitable for contact lens wearers (all types of contact lenses); without preservative substances; Remarks: Dosage: 1-2 drops per eye several times a day; Application dry eyes; irritated eyes; This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

54.47 USD

脂肪眼凝胶 10 克

脂肪眼凝胶 10 克

产品代码: 3948478

Liposic 眼部凝胶 10 克的特性解剖治疗化学物质 (АТС):S01XA20活性成分:S01XA20存储温度最低/最高 15/ 25 摄氏度包装数量:1 克重量:18 克长度:21 毫米宽度:109 毫米 高度:27 毫米从瑞士在线购买 Liposic 眼部凝胶 10 克..

12.70 USD

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