

显示 1 到 25,共 77(4 页)
正在寻求支持消化、提高思维清晰度或只是提高能量水平的解决方案? Beeovita 为您找到了正确的地方。从瑞士为您精选的优质膳食补充剂中选择您的健康和美容产品。我们的产品范围包括用于肠道健康的益生菌补充剂、异黄酮、葡萄糖胺、针叶樱桃、铬等。我们的产品专为您的健康而设计,不含转基因成分,具有最佳的生物利用度,适合素食主义者。深入了解我们富含必需维生素和矿物质(如复合维生素 B、维生素 C、D3、E 和锌)的胶囊,以支持整体健康。我们的自然疗法和顺势疗法解决方案包括金罂粟、缬草、红景天片甚至大蒜提取物。浏览 Beeovita 多样化的饮食和减肥产品,以满足您的饮食需求。使用 Beeovita 的保健产品和膳食补充剂支持您的健康之旅。瑞士制造,专为您设计。
A. vogel glucosamine plus 120 片

A. vogel glucosamine plus 120 片

产品代码: 3821542

Vogel 葡萄糖胺加玫瑰果提取物片剂 120 片 含有葡萄糖胺、玫瑰果提取物和针叶樱桃的膳食补充剂。 专有名称 膳食补充剂 组成 盐酸氨基葡萄糖(42.7%)、填充剂(微晶纤维素、磷酸二钙二水合物)、玫瑰果提取物(5.6%,含麦芽糖糊精2.2%)、抗结块剂(硬脂酸、脂肪酸镁盐、二氧化硅)、针叶樱桃粉(3.6%,含麦芽糖糊精1.8%),上光剂(羟丙基甲基纤维素,treno剂[交联纤维素胶],染料[二氧化钛],滑石粉,聚乙烯甘油)。每每日口粮含有 750 毫克葡萄糖胺(2 片).. 属性 葡萄糖胺是韧带和关节软骨的组成部分。维生素 C 有助于正常胶原蛋白的形成,从而维持正常的软骨功能。不含乳糖;无麸质,纯素食。 应用 每天两次,每次 1 片,与液体一起服用。 营养价值 营养价值每%数量测量精度 Energy30 kJ2 表/cpr。 Energy6 kcal2 表/心肺复苏。 Fat0.5 g2 表/心肺复苏。小于(粗体;其中饱和脂肪酸0.5 g2 tabl./cpr。小于(碳水化合物0.7 g 2 tabl./cpr。碳水化合物;其中糖0.5 g2 tabl./cpr。小于(蛋白质0.5 g 2 片/cpr。 小于(盐0.01 g 2 片/cpr。 小于(维生素 C12 mg2 片/cpr。 小于或等于( 过敏原 免费 含麸质谷物和含麸质谷物制品乳糖(乳糖) 注释 放在儿童接触不到的地方。这些药片不能替代均衡多样的饮食或健康的生活方式。不应超过推荐的每日剂量。干燥避光保存。 ..

69.15 USD

Arkogelules 菠萝 45 粒胶囊

Arkogelules 菠萝 45 粒胶囊

产品代码: 2704656

??Which packs are available? Arkogelules pineapple 45 capsules..

32.72 USD

Arkoroyal 蜂王浆 1000 毫克 duo 2 x 20 片

Arkoroyal 蜂王浆 1000 毫克 duo 2 x 20 片

产品代码: 4982804

Which packs are available? Arkoroyal Royal Jelly 1000 mg Duo 2 x 20 pcs ..

98.38 USD

Basica compact 120 矿物盐片

Basica compact 120 矿物盐片

产品代码: 2483971

BASICA Compact 矿物盐片 120 片 专有名称 含微量元素的碱性矿物盐片 组成 柠檬酸钙;麦芽糖糊精,氢氧化镁,柠檬酸镁,填充剂羟丙基纤维素,脱模剂交联羧甲基纤维素钠,柠檬酸锌,柠檬酸铁,柠檬酸钠,柠檬酸铜,氯化铬,钼酸钠,亚硒酸钠,脱模剂脂肪酸和硅的镁盐二氧化碳.. 属性 适合在家和外出时使用的实用碱性药片。碱性矿物质和有价值的微量元素的结合有助于酸碱平衡的协调。 应用 早晚各服用 3 粒,以液体送服。不得超过规定的消费量。膳食补充剂不能替代均衡、多样化的饮食和健康的生活方式。 营养价值 营养价值Quantitypro%测量精度 能量203 kcal100 gEnergy874 kJ100 gfat;其中饱和脂肪酸1.2克100克碳水化合物;其中糖0 g100 g盐0 g100 g蛋白质 0 g100 g碳水化合物14 g100 g脂肪1.2 g100 g 注释 置于儿童接触不到的地方。 ..

38.58 USD

Burgerstein probase 150 片

Burgerstein probase 150 片

产品代码: 2875004

Burgerstein Probase Tables 150 片 片剂形式的膳食补充剂,在现代配方中含有矿物质(钙、镁、钾)和微量元素(锌、锰)的均衡组合 专有名称 膳食补充剂 组成 碳酸氢钾;碳酸钙、碳酸镁、涂层剂(虫胶、滑石粉、羟丙基甲基纤维素)、填充剂(变性淀粉、淀粉(玉米))、防结块剂(脂肪酸镁盐、二氧化硅)、葡萄糖酸锌、葡萄糖酸锰..< /p> 特性 它所含的锌有助于正常的酸碱代谢。 让所有人支持酸碱代谢 对于运动员由于采用了专门设计的涂层,Burgerstein Probase 片剂具有胃耐受性。因此,它们可以在两餐期间和两餐之间服用。 在瑞士开发和制造。 应用 每天服用 5 片,并与一杯水一起服用。这些药片可以全天服用。 营养价值 营养价值Quantitypro%测量精度 钙 500 毫克 5 片/心肺复苏。钾 800 毫克 5 片/心肺复苏。镁 300 毫克 5 片/心肺复苏。锌 10 毫克 5 片/心肺复苏。锰2 mg5 表/心肺复苏。 注释 镁制剂具有通便作用。室温保存。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。不得超过规定的推荐每日剂量。膳食补充剂不能替代多样化、均衡的饮食或健康的生活方式。 ..

56.21 USD

Burgerstein probase 300 片

Burgerstein probase 300 片

产品代码: 2875010

Burgerstein Probase Tables 300 片 片剂形式的膳食补充剂,在现代配方中含有矿物质(钙、镁、钾)和微量元素(锌、锰)的均衡组合 专有名称 膳食补充剂 组成 碳酸氢钾;碳酸钙、碳酸镁、涂层剂(虫胶、滑石粉、羟丙基甲基纤维素)、填充剂(变性淀粉、淀粉(玉米))、防结块剂(脂肪酸镁盐、二氧化硅)、葡萄糖酸锌、葡萄糖酸锰..< /p> 特性 它所含的锌有助于正常的酸碱代谢。 让所有人支持酸碱代谢 对于运动员由于采用了专门设计的涂层,Burgerstein Probase 片剂具有胃耐受性。因此,它们可以在两餐期间和两餐之间服用。 在瑞士开发和制造。 应用 每天服用 5 片,并与一杯水一起服用。这些药片可以全天服用。 营养价值 营养价值Quantitypro%测量精度 钙 500 毫克 5 片/心肺复苏。钾 800 毫克 5 片/心肺复苏。镁 300 毫克 5 片/心肺复苏。锌 10 毫克 5 片/心肺复苏。锰2 mg5 表/心肺复苏。 注释 镁制剂具有通便作用。室温保存。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。不得超过规定的推荐每日剂量。膳食补充剂不能替代多样化、均衡的饮食或健康的生活方式。 ..

104.32 USD

Burgerstein probase 粉末 400g

Burgerstein probase 粉末 400g

产品代码: 3143817

Burgerstein Probase 饮料粉 Ds 400 克 专有名称 膳食补充剂 组成 碳酸钙;碳酸氢钾、碳酸镁、抗结剂(二氧化硅)、葡萄糖酸锌、葡萄糖酸锰.. 属性 粉末膳食补充剂,均衡组合矿物质(钙、镁、钾)和微量元素(锌、锰)。 Burgerstein Probase 是一种易溶、无味的粉末,不含糖或甜味剂。 应用 将 1 平茶匙加入一杯水中搅拌并饮用。 营养价值 营养价值数量/%测量精度 钙 800 毫克 1 茶匙/c.à.c 钾 575 毫克 1 茶匙/c.à.c 镁 300 毫克 1 茶匙/c.à .c 锌 10 毫克 1 茶匙/c.à.c 锰 2 毫克 1 茶匙/c.à.c 注释 密封并干燥保存。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。不得超过规定的推荐每日剂量。膳食补充剂不能替代多样化和均衡的饮食或健康的生活方式。在瑞士开发和制造。 ..

101.09 USD

Dr granulesdel acerola plus 含片 taler 维生素 c 60 片

Dr granulesdel acerola plus 含片 taler 维生素 c 60 片

产品代码: 2425442

Dr Grandel Acerola Plus 含片 Taler 维生素 C 60 片的特性每包数量:60 片重量:270g 长度:56mm 宽度:99mm 高度:152mm 瑞士在线购买 Dr Grandel Acerola Plus 含片 Taler 维生素 C 60 片..

58.14 USD

Formag 药片 90 片

Formag 药片 90 片

产品代码: 5117511

Formag tablets are rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium and contain taurine. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.Vitamin B6 helps to reduce tiredness. Application Take 1 to 2 tablets daily with a glass of water. Notes The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded.Keep the dietary supplement out of the reach of children. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet or a healthy lifestyle..

62.85 USD

Holistic med sojaflavon 片剂 90 片

Holistic med sojaflavon 片剂 90 片

产品代码: 2850642

Food supplement in tablet form made from soy extract with valuable isoflavones. Properties GMO-free, aroma-free, colorant-free. Application Take 1 tablet daily with a meal. ..

57.56 USD

Naturkraftwerke 小球藻 200 毫克 300 片

Naturkraftwerke 小球藻 200 毫克 300 片

产品代码: 2747571

Composition Chlorella pyrenoidosa (green microalgae), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), iron. Composition Chlorella pyrenoidosa (green microalgae), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), iron. div> ..

57.54 USD

Pernaton plus 氨基葡萄糖胶囊 can 90 粒

Pernaton plus 氨基葡萄糖胶囊 can 90 粒

产品代码: 3616463

Property name Dietary supplements, capsules Composition Glucosamine chloride from shellfish, green-lipped mussel extract (26%, from New Zealand). Gelatin (beef), L-ascorbic acid, anti-caking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium salts of fatty acids, stabilizer: silicon dioxide, zinc sulfate, DL-alpha-tocopherol, manganese sulfate, copper gluconate.. Properties Dietary supplement to support in chronic cases and for recovery after sports activities. The New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract in PERNATON® (Original Perna Extract) is 100% natural and contains essential nutrients and building blocks for the optimal functioning of the musculoskeletal system: chondroitin*, glucosamine*, hyaluronic acid*, omega-3 fatty acids, 18 amino acids, 11 minerals and 8 vitamins. * As part of glycosaminoglycans (GAG). Glucosamine is a natural component of connective tissue, ligaments and articular cartilage. Application 3 capsules daily. The indicated daily intake must not be exceeded. We recommend taking it for at least 3 months.Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement accuracy Energy 183 kcal 100 g Energy 766 kJ 100 g Fat 6.7 g 100 g Fat, of which saturated fatty acids 4.7 g 100 g td> Carbohydrates 3.4 g 100 g Carbohydrates, including sugar 0.5 g 100 g protein 27 g 100 g Salt 1 g 100 g Notes Store below 25°C and in a dry place. Property name Dietary supplements, capsules Composition Glucosamine chloride from shellfish, green-lipped mussel extract (26%, from New Zealand). Gelatin (beef), L-ascorbic acid, anti-caking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium salts of fatty acids, stabilizer: silicon dioxide, zinc sulfate, DL-alpha-tocopherol, manganese sulfate, copper gluconate.. Properties Dietary supplement to support in chronic cases and for recovery after sports activities. The New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract in PERNATON® (Original Perna Extract) is 100% natural and contains essential nutrients and building blocks for the optimal functioning of the musculoskeletal system: chondroitin*, glucosamine*, hyaluronic acid*, omega-3 fatty acids, 18 amino acids, 11 minerals and 8 vitamins. * As part of glycosaminoglycans (GAG). Glucosamine is a natural component of connective tissue, ligaments and articular cartilage. Application 3 capsules daily. The indicated daily intake must not be exceeded. We recommend taking it for at least 3 months.Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy183 kcal100 gEnergy766 kJ100 g Fat6.7 g100 gFat, thereof saturated fatty acids4.7 g100 g td>Carbohydrates3.4 g100 gCarbohydrates, including sugar0.5 g100 gProtein27 g100 gSalt1 g100 g Notes Store below 25°C and in a dry place. ..

71.21 USD

Phytopharma chrom plus 100 片

Phytopharma chrom plus 100 片

产品代码: 4564455

Food supplement with chromium and the trace elements zinc, manganese and selenium. Composition 40 µg chromium, 2 mg manganese, 10 mg zinc, 50 µg selenium, per tablet. Properties Lactose-free and gluten-free. Application Take 1 tablet daily whole with liquid. ..

40.11 USD

Phytopharma opc 95 毫克 120 粒胶囊

Phytopharma opc 95 毫克 120 粒胶囊

产品代码: 7803141

The Phytopharma OPC capsules are food supplements with OPC from grape seed extract. Vegetable capsulesLactose freeGluten free Use Take 1 - 2 capsules a day. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle..

57.33 USD

Phytopharma pineapple 150 capsules

Phytopharma pineapple 150 capsules

产品代码: 4509999

The Phytopharma Pineapple capsules are dietary supplements with pineapple powder. VeganLactose freeGluten free Use Take one capsule whole with liquid three times a day. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle ..

40.11 USD

Phytopharma 大豆 90 粒胶囊

Phytopharma 大豆 90 粒胶囊

产品代码: 2513844

The Phytopharma Soy capsules are food supplements with isoflavones from soy protein. Lactose freeGluten freeFree of genetically modified material Use Take 2 capsules unchewed daily with liquid. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle. ..

53.67 USD

Phytopharma 朝鲜蓟 120 片

Phytopharma 朝鲜蓟 120 片

产品代码: 4464794

The Phytopharma Artichoke tablets are food supplements made from artichoke juice powder. Lactose freeGluten free Use Take one tablet with liquid three times a day. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle ..

33.45 USD

Phytopharma 玛卡 409 毫克 80 粒蔬菜胶囊

Phytopharma 玛卡 409 毫克 80 粒蔬菜胶囊

产品代码: 3974725

The Phytopharma Maca Capsules Vegetable are dietary supplements with maca powder.Maca (Lepidium meyenii walp) is a plant that grows in the Peruvian Andes at an altitude of 4,000 to 5,000 meters above sea level. Lactose freeGluten free Use Take 2 - 4 capsules a day whole with liquid. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle..

38.00 USD

Phytopharma 生姜 60 粒胶囊

Phytopharma 生姜 60 粒胶囊

产品代码: 4835606

The Phytopharma ginger capsules belong to the dietary supplements and contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive system. The capsules contain ginger powder and can easily be taken with a little liquid. Food supplementsWith ginger powderSugar freeGluten freeVegan Use A maximum of 3-6 capsules Phytopharma Ginger can be taken daily with a little liquid. Ingredients Ginger powder 75.4% (365 mg), fillers: silicon dioxide and magnesium salts of fatty acids, capsule shell: hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose. ..

22.63 USD

Phytopharma 镁 c 120 咀嚼片

Phytopharma 镁 c 120 咀嚼片

产品代码: 1992908

Dietary supplement in chewable tablet form with magnesium, vitamin C and dextrose. With orange aroma. Composition Magnesium carbonate, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), dextrose , maltodextrin, citric acid. Properties  With orange flavor. Application 5 chewable tablets take daily. ..

26.68 USD

Provisan 瓜尔豆颗粒 300g

Provisan 瓜尔豆颗粒 300g

产品代码: 3826166

The Provisan Guar Granulate made from guar gum is a high-fiber food that is used to enrich the daily diet with valuable fiber. Ingredients Guar gum (70%), potato flour, apple powder Application Stir 1 level teaspoon (4g) 3 times a day, ideally before or during the meal, into 100-250ml of liquid or mushy food and consume immediately. Notice Dietary supplements are no substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.The product swells delayed on contact with water and should therefore be swallowed with sufficient water...

46.41 USD

Reu rella chlorella 片剂 640 粒

Reu rella chlorella 片剂 640 粒

产品代码: 2971104

REU RELLA CHLORELLA 片剂的特性 640 片每包数量:640 片重量:203g 长度:64mm 宽度:64mm 高度:125mm 瑞士网购 REU RELLA CHLORELLA 片剂 640 片..

136.71 USD

Tauri mag 能量片 80 片

Tauri mag 能量片 80 片

产品代码: 5230822

Composition 260 mg magnesium glycerophosphate, 35 mg taurine, 100 mg arginine, 5 mg nicotinamide (vitamin B3), 1 mg thiamine (vitamin B1), 1 mg pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), 1 mg pyridoxine (vitamin B6), 0.5 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2), 0.1 mg biotin (vitamin B7/8), 0.1 mg folic acid (vitamin B9), per tablet. Composition 260 mg magnesium glycerophosphate, 35 mg taurine, 100 mg arginine, 5 mg nicotinamide (vitamin B3), 1 mg thiamine (vitamin B1), 1 mg pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), 1 mg pyridoxine (vitamin B6), 0.5 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2), 0.1 mg biotin (vitamin B7/8), 0.1 mg folic acid (vitamin B9), per tablet. ..

34.22 USD

植物药基质 150 片

植物药基质 150 片

产品代码: 5114984

The Phytopharma Basen Tablets are food supplements with basic minerals and trace elements.The combination of base-forming minerals and trace elements contained in the tablets help the body to keep the acid-base balance in its natural and optimal balance. Use Take 2-4 tablets a day with a little liquid. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle..

35.06 USD

螺旋藻 flamant vert powder bio 150 克

螺旋藻 flamant vert powder bio 150 克

产品代码: 1468975

Dietetic food with organic Spirulina in powder Composition Organic spirulina (Arthrospira platensis). Properties Because of its easily soluble cell membrane, the spirulina alga is a highly bioavailable, dietary food (87%) with a high content of vitamin B12, provitamin A, iron and zinc. Rich in proteins, the spirulina algae also contains all the essential amino acids. Spirulina is particularly suitable for a healthy and vegetarian lifestyle. Our spirulina algae are cultivated in natural waters without pesticides and contain no preservatives.Suitable for children and adults of all ages. Iron contributes to normal oxygen transport in the body and to the reduction of tiredness. Zinc contributes to fertility and the maintenance of normal bone structure. Promotes growth in children and adolescents. Reduces the recovery time of active athletes. Contributes to the balanced diet of the elderly.Include Flamant Vert Spirulina as part of your daily diet. Application Adults: strong>Daily 1 teaspoon (5 g).Children: Daily 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 g). Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy20 kcal1 teaspoon/c. à thé Energy85 kJ1 teaspoon/c . à thé Fat0.4 g1 teaspoon/c . à thé Carbohydrates0.8 g1 teaspoon/c . à thé Dietary fiber0.3 g1 teaspoon/c . à thé Protein3.0 g1 teaspoon/c . à thé Sodium22.5 mg1 teaspoon/c . à thé Beta-carotene; Provitamin A4.2 mg1 teaspoon/c. à thé Vitamin B122.8 µg1 teaspoon/ c. à thé Iron7.0 mg1 teaspoon/c . à thé Zinc1.7 mg1 teaspoon/c . à thé Notes Dietary supplements should not to be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Keep out of reach of small children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. ..

23.02 USD

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