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Beeovita.com 提供最优质的脚垫系列,让您尽享舒适。作为您值得信赖的瑞士健康和美容产品供应商,我们了解保持足部健康的重要性。我们在身体护理和化妆品、手足、脚垫和脚跟垫类别中的选择可满足您的所有需求。无论您是因长时间站立而需要额外支撑还是寻求缓解疼痛,我们的足部和脚跟垫都是您的首选解决方案。它不仅提供舒适感,还能确保足部正确对齐并减少压力点。访问 Beeovita.com,体验瑞士身体护理产品的最高品质。
Viscospot 后跟垫 gr1 左 一对 1
ViscoSpot is a visco-elastic heel cushion for the treatment of heel spurs, which can lead to severe pain caused by overexertion when walking and standing. The cushion absorbs the impact of every step, while the softer blue dot relieves the sensitive pressure point on the sole of the heel. In addition, the elastic anatomical shape adapts perfectly to the shoe and foot, which guarantees a high level of comfort. Product information The ViscoSpot heel cushion with the relief spot for the left foot and size 1 is suitable for shoe sizes 32-40...
74.07 USD
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