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通过 的一系列健康和美容产品探索快乐鼠尾草的功效。我们的产品范围从身体护理和化妆品到护理用品和个人卫生必需品,都融入了这种非凡的草药。作为“女性草药”,快乐鼠尾草对女性具有深远的益处。体验我们特制按摩油的舒缓、平衡特性,非常适合抗脂肪团和怀孕护理。我们所有的快乐鼠尾草增强产品都利用这种植物的强效精油,用瑞士最好的大自然所提供的滋养您的身体。在,我们为开发 Clary Sage 产品而感到自豪,这些产品可以使您充满活力并焕发内在光芒。
Aromasan clary äth / 盒装油 bio 5 毫升

Aromasan clary äth / 盒装油 bio 5 毫升

产品代码: 3671640

Aromasan Clary Äth / Bio 盒装油 5 mlAromasan Clary Äth / Bio 盒装油 5 ml 是由快乐鼠尾草植物制成的优质精油。这种油是 100% 有机的,并使用先进的蒸馏方法提取,确保保留其所有天然优点和治疗特性。这种油非常适合用于芳香疗法,可用于提供一系列益处,包括缓解压力、放松和改善情绪。特性和优点: 100% 有机 先进的蒸馏方法确保最大效力 提供压力缓解和放松 改善情绪并促进幸福感 易于使用和应用 使用方法:要使用 Aromasan Clary Äth / 油,只需将几滴 (3-4) 与基础油混合,然后涂抹在您的皮肤上或用于扩散器。您也可以在浴缸中滴几滴,享受放松体验。成分:100% 有机快乐鼠尾草油。注意事项:仅供外用。如果您怀孕、哺乳或有任何健康问题,请在使用前咨询您的医生。避免接触眼睛、内耳和敏感区域。远离儿童。体验快乐鼠尾草与 Aromasan Clary Äth / 油盒装 Bio 5 ml 的力量。立即购买,享受放松和幸福的终极体验!..

37.98 USD

Farfalla intimes pflegeöl frauenleben muskatellersalbei 30 毫升

Farfalla intimes pflegeöl frauenleben muskatellersalbei 30 毫升

产品代码: 7774786

Intimate care oil for women with clary sage. Composition Jojoba oil*, pomegranate seed oil*, cassis oil, essential clary sage oil*, natural vitamin E, sunflower oil*, essential oils. * from controlled organic cultivation.. Properties The valuable pomegranate seed oil is highly valued for its high content of phytoestrogens. It supports the natural intimate flora and strengthens its own protective function. Cassis oil increases the suppleness of the skin. Essential oils of lavender and blue chamomile soothe irritated and reddened skin, keeping it functional and healthy. Clary sage is very balancing, especially with women's issues, and gives serenity. This oil is not compatible with condoms.Vegan. Dermatologically tested. Application Put 1-2 drops of oil on the fingertips and carefully oil the outer mucous membrane. This oil is not compatible with condoms. ..

23.09 USD

Farfalla monatswohl massageöl frauenleben muskatellersalbei 30 毫升

Farfalla monatswohl massageöl frauenleben muskatellersalbei 30 毫升

产品代码: 7774788

Massage oil for women "Monthly well" with clary sage. Composition Jojoba oil*, evening primrose oil*, fatty acid esters, olive oil*, essential oils, essential clary sage oil*, natural vitamin E, sunflower oil*, St. John's wort oil*. * from controlled organic cultivation.. Properties The days come regularly when we long for retreat and security. Now it's time for a relaxing abdominal massage with nourishing organic jojoba oil and soothing organic St. John's wort oil. Finely scented vanilla envelops and comforts, camomile relaxes and calms. Clary sage is very balancing, especially with women's issues and gives serenity.Vegan. Dermatologically tested. Application Put a little oil in the palm of your hand and massage into the stomach in gentle circular movements. Also suitable for the lower back and thighs. ..

23.09 USD

Puressentiel clary äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel clary äth / oil bio 5ml

产品代码: 6338527

Puressentiel Clary Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel Clary Sage 精油是一种 100% 天然有机产品,从 Salvia Sclarea 植物的开花顶部和叶子中精心提取。这种多功能油以其令人难以置信的治疗特性而闻名,并因其镇静、放松和舒缓效果而备受推崇。 该油是通过蒸汽蒸馏提取的,可确保该油保留所有活性天然成分,使其具有难以置信的效力。此外,它完全不含化学添加剂、合成香料或人工防腐剂,使其成为传统药物的天然、安全替代品。 这种油含有丰富的植物营养素和挥发性化合物,这使其对治疗多种生理和心理疾病非常有效。它传统上被用于缓解月经来潮、潮热和改善女性荷尔蒙平衡。它对治疗神经紧张、焦虑和抑郁也非常有效。 这种精油用途广泛,可以多种方式使用。它可以添加到沐浴水中,用于芳香疗法,或局部涂抹在皮肤上。如果使用得当,它可以为身心带来巨大的好处,帮助您获得最佳的健康和幸福。 总的来说,Puressentiel 快乐鼠尾草精油是任何希望以自然方式改善整体健康的人的必备品。那为什么还要等?立即订购,立即享受它的好处!..

24.42 USD

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