Tickless baby 蜱虫保护米色
Preventive solution against ticks suitable for babies up to 12 months. Environmentally friendly with ultrasonic waves. Running time after activation of 6-12 months and a range of approx. 1.5 m. Properties Ultrasound pulses against ticks. Suitable for babies and children up to 5 years old. Can be attached to stroller, shoes or belt loops. Chemical-free. Application In order to activate the tick repellent, the leaflet must first be pulled out. Switching on is signaled by four red flashes.It is possible to check operation at any time by pressing the button once and the LED lights up.Tick protection on clothing (e.g. waistband) of the Fasten baby without covering him. It is very moisture resistant, but not entirely waterproof. Therefore, if it comes into contact with water, it should be dried immediately. Notes Scientifically tested.For Suitable for babies up to 12 months.Chemical-free and fragrance-freeProtects all year round.Not waterproof but very moisture-resistant: dry immediately after contact with water .Not 100% protection in tick-heavy areas.Keep out of the reach of children.Use only under adult supervision. li>Discontinue in case of intolerance.In the event of a technical fault, a 6-month guarantee is granted. ..
42.60 USD
Tickless Baby 驱蜱粉色 适合 12 个月以下婴儿的蜱虫预防解决方案。超声波环保。激活后的运行时间为 6-12 个月,范围约为。 1.5 m。 该设备无需使用危险化学品即可驱除蜱虫。只需将设备牢固地固定在孩子的衣服上,激活后 9-12 个月内即可防止蜱虫出现。让您的家人可以无忧无虑地享受大自然。从宝宝在户外度过的第一天起,Tickless Baby 就是对抗蜱虫的理想解决方案。该设备发射一系列 40 kHz 超声波脉冲,儿童或成人听不到这些脉冲,但会扰乱蜱虫的方向,从而使它们远离。射程:约1.5米。该设备主要用于预防目的。..
42.60 USD