

显示 1 到 2,共 2(1 页) 提供精选的优质驱虫产品,其设计充分考虑您的安全。作为值得信赖的瑞士健康和美容产品供应商,我们的害虫防治解决方案有助于有效防止害虫和昆虫。我们的杀虫剂喷雾剂和其他驱虫产品采用有科学依据的配方制成,确保每次都能达到最佳效果。无论您是在家中应对顽固性害虫,还是在户外探险期间确保预防, 都是您获得强大害虫防治解决方案的可靠目的地。
Finito ungezieferspra​​y 500 毫升

Finito ungezieferspra​​y 500 毫升

产品代码: 7847441

Finito Ungezieferspra​​y 500 毫升 Finito Ungezieferspra​​y 500 ml 是一种高效杀虫喷雾剂,可以帮助您让您的家和花园远离虫子和害虫。无论您是要对付蚂蚁、蟑螂、跳蚤还是其他常见的家庭害虫,Finito Ungezieferspra​​y 都可以快速消灭它们并防止侵扰。 凭借其强大的配方,Finito Ungezieferspra​​y 可以杀死接触到的虫子,使其成为快速高效害虫防治的理想解决方案。该喷雾剂含有活性成分,经证明可有效对抗多种爬行和飞行昆虫,包括臭虫、衣鱼和叶螨等。 Finito Ungezieferspra​​y 的主要优势之一是其持久的残留效果。将其喷洒在受影响的区域后,它会形成一道屏障,驱除昆虫并防止它们在长达数周的时间内再次出现。这意味着您可以享受一个没有虫害的家,而不必经常重新喷洒喷雾剂。 Finito Ungezieferspra​​y 易于使用,适用于室内和室外应用。只需摇匀罐子并直接喷洒到您怀疑有昆虫活动的表面或区域。您也可以通过在门窗周围或昆虫可能进入您家的其他区域喷洒,将其用作预防措施。 总的来说,Finito Ungezieferspra​​y 500 ml 是一种有效且方便的解决方案,适用于希望让家庭和花园远离害虫的任何人。凭借其强大的配方和持久的功效,它是任何应对昆虫侵扰的人的必备产品。..

9.43 USD

Puressentiel anti-stich abwehrender roll on bio 50 毫升

Puressentiel anti-stich abwehrender roll on bio 50 毫升

产品代码: 7807042

Puressentiel Anti-Stich Abwehrender Roll on Bio 50 ml Are you tired of getting bitten by mosquitoes and other bugs during summer? Look no further than the Puressentiel Anti-Stich Abwehrender Roll on Bio. This 50 ml roll-on product is designed to naturally repel insects and prevent bites. The formula is made with a blend of 11 essential oils that work together to provide protection against various insects. The oils used are all 100% pure and natural, and include citronella, lavender, geranium, and peppermint, among others. What makes this product special is that it is completely organic and free from synthetic ingredients such as DEET. This means that it is safe for use on children and adults alike, even those with sensitive skin. Plus, the roll-on design makes it easy to apply to the skin without any mess. In addition to repelling insects, the essential oils used in this product also have calming and soothing properties. This makes it a great product to use after being outdoors to help soothe any bites or irritation that may have already occurred. If you want an effective and natural solution to keep insects at bay, try out the Puressentiel Anti-Stich Abwehrender Roll on Bio 50 ml...

24.33 USD

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