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Emser Nasal Spray是一种专门的解决方案,旨在为那些经历鼻塞和呼吸困难的人提供缓解。 Emser鼻喷雾剂的15 mL格式包含独特的矿物质盐混合物,与健康鼻分泌的组成非常相似。关键成分包括天然Emser盐,这有助于回忆鼻粘膜,碳酸钠碳酸钠,可有效溶解粘液性分泌并中和炎症产物,并硫酸钾有助于减少粘膜肿胀。这使Emser鼻喷雾成为维持鼻健康和舒适的有效选择。
Emser 喷鼻剂 15 毫升
The Emser Nasal Spray can be an effective aid for dense snouts and when breathing is difficult. The mineral salt mixture is carefully matched to the composition of the healthy nasal secretion and contains the following ingredients: Natural Emser salt which remineralises the nasal mucous membrane thanks to its unique combination of minerals and trace elements.Sodium hydrogen carbonate, which dissolves stuck secretions and neutralises inflammatory metabolic products.Potassium sulphate to support the swelling of the mucous membranes Which packs are available? Emser nasal spray 15 ml ? ..
17.73 USD
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