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Emser鼻冲洗盐是一种专门的盐溶液,旨在支持鼻健康。这种生理平衡的混合物模仿鼻分泌物的组成,使其由天然盐盐和其他矿物质盐混合在一起,使其非常适合保湿干燥的粘膜。这对于处理花粉和房屋灰尘过敏,经历干鼻腔或暴露于高水平灰尘的个人特别有益。定期使用Emser鼻冲洗盐也可以通过保持鼻腔清洁和充分水为止来帮助预防感冒。 Emser Nasal Rinsing Salt提供方便的包装,例如20袋2.5 g和50袋2.5 g,是维持最佳鼻腔卫生的有效解决方案。
Emser 鼻腔冲洗盐 20 x 2.5 克

Emser 鼻腔冲洗盐 20 x 2.5 克

产品代码: 3055705

Emser nasal rinsing salt physiologically is a salt mixture which Contains natural Emser salt as well as various other mineral salts. The mineral composition is the composition of the Modeled after nasal secretions, which makes it good for moistening the Nose suitable for dry mucous membranes. It can also be used for Regular rinsing treatments that involve mechanical cleaning of the Nose is in the foreground. Nasal rinsing with the Emser nasal rinsing salt is recommended for: Pollen and house dust allergy Dry nose Heavy dust levels To prevent colds ?Which packs are available? Emser nasal rinsing salt 20 x 2.5 g ..

19.67 USD

Emser 鼻腔冲洗盐 50 x 2.5 克

Emser 鼻腔冲洗盐 50 x 2.5 克

产品代码: 3788129

Physiologically Emser Nasal Rinsing Salt is a salt mixture that contains natural Emser salt and various other mineral salts. The mineral composition is based on the composition of the nasal secretion, which makes it suitable for moistening the nose when the mucous membrane is dry. It can also be used for regular rinsing treatments in which the mechanical cleaning of the nose is in the foreground. Nasal rinsing with the Emser nasal rinsing salt is recommended for: Pollen and house dust allergy Dry nose Heavy dust exposure To prevent colds Which packs are available? Emser nasal rinsing salt 50 x 2.5 g ..

38.48 USD

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