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干燥皮肤的润肤剂对于提供水合和缓解刺激至关重要。 OSA SCAB喷雾是一种专门针对受黄色或褐色尺度影响的区域(例如头皮,眉毛,眼睑和其他敏感区域)设计的有效解决方案。它的独特配方(包括休砂籽油和葵花籽油)轻轻溶解了干燥的皮脂的粘层,使管理干燥的斑块更容易。每天涂抹以使血清保湿和松开鳞片,提供急需的舒适度。
另一个绝佳的选择是Avene Xeracalm A.D Balsam,这是一种滋养润肤剂,专门为干燥的,发痒的皮肤而易于特应性皮炎。这种香脂注入了Avène热泉水,不仅可以恢复皮肤的自然屏障,从而减轻了与干燥相关的不适感。它的快速吸收,非油脂配方适用于包括婴儿在内的所有年龄段,使其成为敏感和湿疹的皮肤的多功能选择。选择这些润肤剂以维持婴儿和成人的健康,水分的皮肤。
Osa 肖夫喷雾
For yellow or brownish scales (scab), e.g.: scalp, eyebrows and eyelids, behind the ears, nose fold, neck, diaper area, back of the knees, armpits, inner elbow. Composition Borage seed oil ("cucumber herb") sunflower oil, rosemary extract, provitamin E, squalane. Properties The skin absorbs the serum and it gently dissolves the sticky layer of dry sebum. Application Use daily in the morning and afternoon as needed. Leave the serum on (5 to 15 minutes) until the dry scales are sufficiently moistened and have loosened. ..
32.18 USD
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