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随着年龄的增长,用于保持健康,充满活力的锁是至关重要的。随着激素水平的波动,尤其是在更年期和更年期之后,头发会变得暗淡,脆弱且容易损失。使用专门的护发素有助于滋养和振兴衰老的头发,恢复其光泽和活力。 Plantur 39喷雾处理VAPO 125毫升是此类别的绝佳选择。这种日常喷雾处理是针对40多名女性的专门制定的,以失去光泽的头发的独特需求。它很容易应用于干燥或潮湿的头发,并且可以吹干以增加光泽和更新鲜的外观。该护发素的重点是保护头发的整体外观和增强整体外观和感觉,对于希望在以后的几年中保持头发健康和美丽的任何人来说,这种护发素都是必备的。
Plantur 39 喷雾处理 vapo 125 毫升
A woman's hair roots are protected by a high proportion of the female hormone estrogen until the menopause. After that, this proportion decreases and the influence of male hormones increases. This often results in hair loss.Plantur 39 The Daily Spray Treatment is a care product for hair over the age of forty, which often makes a tired impression as it appears dull, brittle and brittle. It is sprayed directly into dry or damp hair and then blow-dried - this way your hair becomes shiny again and looks more vital and fresh...
18.69 USD
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