Feliway 经典雾化器补充装 48ml
Feliway Classic 雾化器,带补充瓶 48ml 帮助减少与压力相关的行为。 组成 猫科动物面部信息素 (F3) 类似物 2%,异链烷烃适量48毫升.. 功能 易于使用: 也可与任何类型的疗法或药物一起使用。可用于从小猫到老年猫的生命各个阶段。 费利威®经典不是镇静剂或镇静剂。费利威®经典仅适用于猫。只有猫才能检测到这种信息素。人和狗不会受到影响。为了获得最佳帮助:让瓶中的汽化器全天候 (24/7) 保持插电状态,并大约每 30 天更换一次瓶子。 FELIWAY® Classic 可以帮助: FELIWAY® Classic 可以帮助: p> 在 10 只猫中,有 9 只的抓伤和尿痕得到改善。92% 的猫主人对使用 FELIWAY® Classic 感到满意。 经科学证明,可以帮助解决以下情况:尿液标记、抓伤、因家庭变化(新家具、翻新)而引发的与压力相关的行为、适应新家或新环境、住在寄宿狗舍中作为一种自然行为,猫会产生看不见的“放松信息”,称为信息素。FELIWAY® Classic 模仿这些自然的“放松信息”?让您的猫感到舒适和安全。减少抓伤、尿痕或隐藏等压力迹象,并防止变化期间的压力。 应用 每瓶 48 毫升可持续使用 30 天,可覆盖 70 平方米的居住空间。 注释 危险与吞咽后液体渗入呼吸道有关。切勿将其放在远离儿童的手中。如果需要医疗建议,请准备好容器或标签。如果吞咽:立即致电解毒中心或医生。请勿催吐。根据当地和国家法规处理内容物和容器。该插头属于电气垃圾,不得与生活垃圾一起处理。仅适用于 220V/230V 电压。请勿连接延长线、适配器或电压转换器。FELIWAY® Classic 奶瓶仅适用于 FELIWAY® Classic 蒸发器。每 6 个月更换一次蒸发器。含有:碳氢化合物、C14-C19、异烷烃、环状,吞咽并进入呼吸道可能致命。 ..
86.24 USD
Feliway 补充装 48ml 经典
费利威经典补充瓶 48 毫升 帮助减少与压力相关的行为。 组成 猫科动物面部信息素 (F3) 类似物 2%,异链烷烃适量48毫升.. 功能 易于使用: 也可与任何类型的疗法或药物一起使用。可用于从小猫到老年猫的生命各个阶段。 费利威®经典不是镇静剂或镇静剂。费利威®经典奶瓶仅适用于费利威®经典汽化器。*汽化器可与入门套件一起使用。猫自然会产生看不见的“放松信息”,称为信息素。< /p> FELIWAY® Classic 模仿这些自然的“放松信息”?让您的猫感到舒适和安全。减少抓伤、尿痕或隐藏等压力迹象,并防止变化期间的压力。 应用 每瓶 48 毫升可持续使用 30 天,可覆盖最多 70 平方米的居住空间。 注释 危险与吞咽后液体进入呼吸道有关。切勿让儿童接触不到。如果需要医疗建议,请准备好容器或标签。如果吞咽:立即致电解毒中心或医生。不要催吐。根据当地和国家法规处理内容物和容器。包含:碳氢化合物、C14-C19、异烷烃、环状,吞咽并进入呼吸道可能致命。 div>..
58.01 USD
费利威喷雾 60 毫升
Feliway Spray 60 ml - Product Description The Feliway Spray 60 ml is a product that keeps your cat comfortable and stress-free even in unfamiliar surroundings. It contains a substance that mimics the natural calming pheromones of cats during lactation. Cats produce these pheromones when nursing their kittens. Feliway Spray 60 ml helps cats feel more relaxed, which helps reduce their stress levels, and stops them from engaging in unwanted behaviors, such as urine marking, scratching of furniture or curtains, and aggression towards other cats. How to Use Feliway Spray 60 ml You can use Feliway Spray 60 ml to help your cat adjust in situations such as moving to a new home, introducing new pets, or sudden loud noises like fireworks. Simply hold the spray about 15 cm (6 in) from the area you want it applied, and spray the area once daily for a week, or as often as necessary. For car travel, it is recommended to apply the spray at least 15 minutes before putting your cat in the car. Feliway Spray 60 ml Benefits The benefits of using Feliway Spray 60 ml include: Helps calm cats during stressful situations Reduces urine marking and scratching on furniture or carpets Reduces aggression-related behaviors towards other cats in the household Approved by veterinarians and clinically proven Safe and easy to use Conclusion The Feliway Spray 60 ml is a fantastic product that helps keep cats comfortable and happy, even during stressful situations. If your cat has a problem adjusting to new environments or gets aggressive for no reason, this spray is definitely worth trying. It is clinically proven and safe to use. With Feliway Spray 60 ml, your cat can feel calmer and more relaxed in no time! ..
78.67 USD