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金盏花皮肤护理以其舒缓和养育的特性而闻名,使其成为精致和敏感的皮肤的理想选择,尤其是在婴儿中。 Weleda提供了一系列旨在支持和保护皮肤的供量子的产品。 Weleda Baby Mackinula面霜在方便的50毫升管中具有杏仁油和蜂蜡的混合物,有助于保持皮肤柔软性并防止在使用金盏花提取物舒缓的同时进行干燥。此外,在200毫升瓶中可用的Weleda婴儿金柴奶油浴室可轻松清洁和护理敏感的婴儿皮肤。富含高质量的杏仁和芝麻油,为皮肤创造了温暖而柔软的环境,保留其天然的保护屏障并保持水分。这些产品非常适合寻找婴儿化妆品中可靠选择的父母,从而确保了他们的小孩子的照顾和舒适,并具有金钱的镇定好处。
Weleda baby 金盏花沐浴霜 200 毫升
The Weleda Baby Calendula Cream Bath gently cares for sensitive baby skin and gently cleanses it. High-quality almond and sesame oil envelop the skin in a cozy, warm atmosphere, making it soft and supple. This preserves their natural protective coating and prevents them from drying out. A plant extract from calendula also has a soothing and soothing effect on the skin...
21.75 USD
Weleda 婴儿金盏花面霜 50 毫升
The Calendula Face Cream supports the natural skin functions, thanks to almond oil and beeswax it keeps the skin supple and protects it from drying out. A plant extract from calendula soothes the skin...
12.49 USD
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