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透气胶带绿色是指高质量的粘合剂绷带,旨在最大程度地舒适和功能。一个很好的例子是Liukotape Classic Plaster胶带,尺寸为10m x 3.75厘米,其具有透气设计,可使空气流向皮肤。这种不含乳胶的非弹性绷带是由高级棉花制成的,可确保高适应性和使用寿命,通常持续几天而不会损害其有效性。它是功能性绷带的理想选择,为肌肉,韧带和关节提供了出色的支撑,同时保护先前受伤的区域。拥抱透气胶带绿色的好处,以获得最佳的治疗和支撑。
Leukotape 经典石膏胶带 10mx3.75cm 绿色
Leukotape classic is a non-elastic adhesive bandage based on high-quality cotton that can usually be worn for several days without any loss of quality of the tape effect. The latex-free bandage is skin-friendly and, thanks to the perforation, air-permeable and breathable. Application The adhesive bandage is ideal for functional bandages for injuries to muscles, ligaments and joints. It also offers reliable protection against injuries in previously damaged joints.Colour: Green..
18.49 USD
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