Iroha detox peel off mask blackheads
Iroha Detox Peel Off Mask for Blackheads Get ready to reveal your best skin yet with the Iroha Detox Peel Off Mask for Blackheads. Featuring a powerful combination of natural ingredients, this innovative mask deeply cleanses and purifies the skin, removing impurities, excess oil, and blackheads for a visibly clearer, smoother, and brighter complexion. Key Benefits: Deeply cleanses the skin, removing impurities and excess oil Purifies pores, reducing the appearance of blackheads and preventing future breakouts Gently exfoliates the skin, promoting cell regeneration and leaving the complexion looking smoother and more even Moisturizes and nourishes the skin, leaving it feeling soft, supple, and refreshed Easy peel-off formula, making it quick and convenient to use Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin Ingredients: The Iroha Detox Peel Off Mask for Blackheads is formulated with a powerful blend of natural ingredients, including: Activated charcoal, which helps to absorb impurities and detoxify the skin, leaving it looking clearer and more balanced Green tea extract, which is rich in antioxidants and helps to soothe and protect the skin from environmental damage Witch hazel extract, which helps to tighten pores and reduce inflammation, leaving the skin looking smoother and more refined Aloe vera extract, which is rich in vitamins and minerals and helps to moisturize, nourish, and soothe the skin, leaving it looking and feeling refreshed How to use: To use the Iroha Detox Peel Off Mask for Blackheads, simply apply a thick, even layer to the face, avoiding the eye area and hairline. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, or until it is completely dry. Gently peel off the mask from the outer edges and rinse the face with warm water to remove any residue. Use once or twice a week for best results. Experience the power of natural ingredients with the Iroha Detox Peel Off Mask for Blackheads and reveal your best skin yet. Order now and enjoy a clearer, smoother, and brighter complexion...
11.25 USD
Iroha 排毒纸巾面膜
Iroha 排毒纸巾面膜 Iroha 排毒面膜是一款强效有效的面膜,可深层清洁肌肤并排毒。这款面膜采用优质天然成分制成,旨在滋润、滋养和恢复肌肤活力,令肌肤看起来和感觉柔软、光滑、容光焕发。 这款面膜特别适合油性或易长粉刺皮肤的人。它含有活性炭,有助于清除皮肤中的杂质和毒素,同时吸收多余的油脂和皮脂。它还含有茶树油,具有强大的抗菌和抗真菌特性,有助于减少炎症和预防痘痘。 Iroha 排毒纸巾面膜易于使用,只需几个简单的步骤即可融入您的日常护肤中。只需从包装中取出面膜,将其展开,然后将其敷在脸上,将其抚平以确保其粘附在皮肤上。让面膜保持 15 到 20 分钟,然后取下并丢弃。轻轻拍打您的皮肤,帮助剩余的精华素吸收到您的皮肤中。 这款面膜也是环保的,因为它由可生物降解的材料制成,不含对羟基苯甲酸酯、硫酸盐或矿物油。它也是无残忍的,因此您可以放心使用它,因为它没有在动物身上进行过测试。 使用 Iroha 排毒纸巾面膜升级您的护肤程序,准备好享受美丽清澈、容光焕发的肌肤。 ..
11.25 USD