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痤疮治疗条是解决黑头和多余油的有效解决方案,尤其是在脸部的T区域。该类别中强烈推荐的产品是Nivea Clear Up条,该条带有一个方便的6包。这些条带有柠檬酸,专门设计用于彻底和卫生的毛孔。它们通过润湿皮肤来起作用,使条带粘附在斑点上并有效清除杂质。条带的柔软的羊毛材料很好地适应了不均匀的表面,例如鼻子和下巴,从而确保了全面的清洁。通过定期使用,这些条带可以帮助您改善肤色,使您的皮肤感觉新鲜和纯净。非常适合任何希望保持透明皮肤并与顽固的黑头战斗的人。
妮维雅清洁条 6 件
The Nivea Clear-up Strips, enriched with citric acid, clean the pores in the T-zone (nose, forehead and chin) thoroughly, quickly and hygienically from blackheads and excess skin oil. The strips cleanse down to the pores, as they combine with the blemishes on the moistened skinThe soft fleece also adapts particularly well to uneven areas such as the nose or chin areaThe strips refine the complexion and the skin feels fresh and pure ..
15.25 USD
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