Aroma stick olfactory pin 100% organic breathe bag
使用 AROMASTICK 嗅探棒 100% 生物呼吸瓶让自己沉浸在天然芳香疗法的世界中。这种创新产品提供了一种方便、便携的方式来享受精油的好处。这款嗅觉棒采用 100% 有机成分制成,是一种纯粹而简单的解决方案,可促进放松、增强能量和增强整体健康。只需打开瓶盖,深呼吸,让舒缓的香气将您带入平静和清晰的状态。无论您在家、在办公室还是在旅途中,AROMASTICK 嗅探棒都是您呼吸新鲜空气的完美伴侣。..
16.54 USD
Aromalife glück äth/öl 10 毫升
Aromalife Glück Äth/Öl 10 毫升是精心调制的精油混合物,旨在提升您的情绪并促进积极性。该混合物由柑橘油、留兰香油和香草油等和谐混合而成,所有这些油都以其令人振奋和充满活力的特性而闻名。柑橘油,包括佛手柑、柠檬和葡萄柚, 以其提升情绪和减轻压力的能力而闻名。留兰香油还以其令人振奋的特性而闻名,有助于营造积极和幸福的感觉。香草油增添了甜美和舒适的香味,营造出温暖而诱人的氛围。Aromalife Glück Äth/Öl 混合物可以多种方式使用,包括在扩散器中滴几滴,添加滴一两滴到洗澡水中,或与基础油混合用于按摩。 10 毫升的瓶子小巧便携,方便随身携带。Aromalife Glück Äth/Öl 复方精油采用优质精油制成,不含合成香料和化学物质.它也是零残忍和素食主义者友好的。如果您正在寻找一种自然的方式来改善情绪和促进积极性,Aromalife Glück Äth/Öl 10 毫升是一个不错的选择。它混合了令人振奋和充满活力的精油,一定会让您感觉神清气爽,恢复活力。..
22.31 USD
Farfalla zypresse äth/öl wkba 5 毫升
有机丝柏精油。成分精华来自柏树枝条(Cupressus sempervirens)的油,来自对照。有机农业。起源:西班牙。包含:α-蒎烯、δ-3-蒎烯、柠檬烯、萜品油烯..特性柏树是托斯卡纳和普罗旺斯风景的特色。他们引人注目的签名赋予他们典型的地中海风情。这种直率也塑造了精油的特性,传达出尊严、勇气和决心。舒缓、平衡,对注意力不集中有好处。与柠檬油结合非常好。不适合小孩。素食主义者。应用用于房间香氛和个人芳香护理。查阅用于芳香疗法的专业文献。注意事项危险。易燃液体和蒸气。引起皮肤刺激。造成严重的眼睛刺激。可能引起皮肤过敏反应。可能引起呼吸道刺激。如果吞咽并进入呼吸道可能会致命。对水生生物毒性极大并具有长期持续影响。如果需要医疗建议,请准备好标签。放在儿童接触不到的地方。使用前阅读标签。如果吞咽:立即呼叫解毒中心/医生。不要催吐。如皮肤(或头发)沾染:用水冲洗皮肤。如果进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。如果可能,摘下隐形眼镜。继续冲洗。根据当地法规处理内容物/容器。..
14.67 USD
Hanseler sapo kalinus phh can 50 克
Hänseler sapo kalinus PhH Ds 50 g Looking for a natural and effective way to improve your overall health and well-being? Look no further than Hänseler sapo kalinus PhH Ds 50 g - a highly potent and potentiated sapo extract that has been used for centuries by indigenous peoples throughout South America. Known for its unique ability to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, sapo kalinus PhH Ds is a powerful natural remedy that can help you overcome a wide range of health issues, including chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression, and more. Formulated using only the highest quality sapo kalinus PhH Ds extract, this 50 g jar is designed to provide you with a potent and long-lasting dose of this powerful natural remedy. Whether you're struggling with a specific health condition or simply looking to improve your overall quality of life, Hänseler sapo kalinus PhH Ds is the perfect solution. So why wait? Order your jar of Hänseler sapo kalinus PhH Ds today and start experiencing the incredible health benefits of this powerful natural remedy! ..
20.43 USD
Morga relax and harmony body fit tee bag 20 pcs
使用 Morga Relax & Harmony Body-Fit 茶包享受放松和平衡的时刻。这种令人愉悦的混合茶融合了水果和花草茶的舒缓成分,经过精心制作,可促进和谐与幸福。每个茶包都充满了风味和天然精华的交响乐,让您摆脱一天的压力,焕然一新。无论您是在晚上放松身心,还是在忙碌的一天中寻求平静的休息,这款茶都能为您带来舒适和充满活力的体验。使用 Morga Relax & Harmony 塑身茶包让自己享受片刻的宁静。..
5.49 USD
Naturstein 男士活力护肩
NATURSTEIN Men Vital Kaps | Product Description NATURSTEIN Men Vital Kaps Introduction Discover the NATURSTEIN Men Vital Kaps, a dietary supplement designed to support men's vitality and well-being. Whether you're looking to maintain your energy levels, enhance your metabolism, or support your immune system, these capsules are formulated to meet your needs. Ingredients Each capsule contains a blend of natural ingredients, carefully selected for their beneficial properties: Ginkgo biloba extract, which helps to improve blood circulation, memory, and concentration Ginseng root extract, which helps to boost energy levels and reduce stress Guarana seed extract, which helps to enhance metabolism and mental alertness Vitamin C and zinc, which help to support the immune system and protect cells from oxidative stress B vitamins, which help to reduce tiredness and fatigue and support the nervous system Benefits By taking NATURSTEIN Men Vital Kaps on a daily basis, you can experience the following benefits: Improved energy levels and mental clarity Enhanced metabolism and weight management Support for the immune system and cell health Reduced stress and better mood Overall improvement in vitality and well-being How to use Take one capsule daily with a glass of water, preferably with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Warnings NATURSTEIN Men Vital Kaps is not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women, children under 18, or individuals with a known medical condition. Consult your healthcare practitioner before use if you are taking any medication or have any concerns about this product. Order now Get your NATURSTEIN Men Vital Kaps today and start experiencing the benefits of a healthy and vital lifestyle. Order Now..
42.26 USD
Nutrexin 碱性浴 can 900 克
Nutrexin 碱性浴液 Ds 900 克的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装数量:1 克重量: 980g 长度:100mm 宽度:100mm 高度:128mm 瑞士在线购买 Nutrexin 碱性浴液 900 克 p>..
48.15 USD
Rubimed bothrops jararaca plus 滴剂 50 毫升
Rubimed Bothrops jararaca plus 滴剂的特性 50 毫升存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 毫升重量:115 克 长度:39 毫米 宽度:40 毫米 高度:107 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 Rubimed Bothrops jararaca plus 滴剂 50 毫升..
70.34 USD
Sidroga 生姜 20 bag 0.75 克
An extraordinary tea experience with a spicy note Ingredients: ginger root p>Properties: Ginger, which is mainly known as an aromatic, hot spice, is also valued as a drink by the Chinese and Indians, as well as other Asian peoples. In addition to the essential oil and the pungent substances that are responsible for the typical taste, it contains many vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron. Ginger is able to kindle the inner warmth and promotes the well-being of the stomach and intestines. Its spicy, slightly hot taste and delicate lemon scent are an invigorating taste experience for body and soul.Preparation: 1 filter bag for 1 cup (150 ml). Pour boiling water over it, leave to stand for 5 minutes. Gently squeeze out the bag and take it out. Important note: Always pour boiling water over it and let it stand for at least 5 minutes! This is the only way to get safe food! ..
10.37 USD
Sonnentor 神奇药水 50 克
体验 SONNENTOR 神奇药水茶的迷人混合物,这是一种令人愉悦的混合物,可以呵护您的感官并滋养您的健康。这款 50 克包装蕴藏着水果和花草茶和谐融合的秘密,精心制作,让每一口都能带来舒缓和活力的体验。这款茶采用优质有机成分(包括水果和香草混合)制成,具有丰富的风味和香气,可振奋精神,恢复身体活力。拥抱 SONNENTOR 药茶的魔力,在每一杯中享受纯粹的放纵时刻。..
12.75 USD
Sonnentor 神秘女巫茶开装 40 克
尽情享受 Sonnentor 神秘女巫茶的迷人混合物。这种精致的水果和花草茶混合物拥有天然成分的神奇融合,经过精心策划,既美味又健康。每喝一口,就让自己进入一个舒缓的香气和令人愉悦的味道的境界。这款 40 克包装提供令人着迷的体验,将果香与草本气息相结合,为您的感官创造和谐的平衡。探索 Sonnentor 神秘女巫茶的神秘世界,发现与众不同的充实饮茶仪式。拥抱每一杯咖啡的魔力,将您的下午茶时光提升到全新的享受水平。..
12.75 USD
原味巴赫花 centaury no04 20ml
巴赫百花原味 Centaury No04 20 毫升 原创的 Bach® 花可以帮助应对日常生活中的情感挑战。 英国医生兼研究员爱德华·巴赫坚信,每种疾病都源于情绪失衡。由于有38种基本情绪,他寻找能让它们恢复平衡的植物和花卉。 爱德华·巴赫宣称基于简单性的系统在1930年代完成。 自那时起,原版 Bach® 花的受欢迎程度不断增长。如今,许多国家的数百万人相信其精华。 什么是巴赫®花? 38 种花中的Bach® 花是 37 朵单独的野花或树花。例外的是岩水,它是由天然泉水制成的。 爱德华巴赫的哲学是什么? 巴赫®花是由著名研究员和细菌学家爱德华·巴赫(Edward Bach,1886?1936)发现的,他当时是伦敦的一名执业医生。他凭直觉发现,特定的花朵因其能量振动而对人类的思想和精神具有活力作用。因此,在生命的最后阶段,巴赫致力于寻找植物“能源材料”来缓解精神问题。 通过多年的试验,他成功地利用阳光和烹饪的方法提取植物在开花期间产生的基本能量达到顶峰。利用这两种制造工艺,巴赫创造了一个包含 38 种花精的系统;针对特定的情绪障碍可分为七组;例如 焦虑 孤独 对周围的注意力不集中 沮丧和沮丧 容易受到影响 对他人的过度承诺 不安全感 可以相应地使用。 爱德华·巴赫有他的系统简单且设计易于理解。他希望让各行各业的人们能够自助。根据“治疗个性而不是疾病”的原则。 巴赫®花有什么帮助? 如何在其他形式的自然疗法中,花通过将患者视为个体来发挥其特性。它们可以对受影响者的情绪状态产生特定的影响。这就解释了为什么两个心意相同的人会用不同的花。一个人可能会屈服于自己的处境,而另一个人则反应不耐烦。所以每种情况也需要不同的鲜花。使用巴赫®花并不是为了抑制消极态度;而是为了抑制消极态度。而是将这些转化为积极的态度。这样,你自身的自我修复潜力就得到了提升;通过释放身体自身的力量。然而,您无需有任何身体不适即可从巴赫®花的影响中受益。我们中的许多人都会经历困难时期或无法解释的疲劳;这可能会发展成消极情绪。正是在这些时候,巴赫®花在身体症状出现之前恢复了内在平衡,做出了极其宝贵的贡献。 我如何识别原作? 巴赫中心(英国牛津郡)董事总经理 Judy Ramsell Howard 保证原始 Bach® 花的传统高品质: 只有任何人使用原装 Bach® 花的人可以放心地使用完全根据爱德华·巴赫的传统发现制造的 Bach® 花。您可以通过弯曲的字母“Bach”识别出真正的本质。印象销售:Hänseler AG,CH-9101 Herisau(适用于瑞士)。请注意,标有“根据巴赫博士”的产品并非原装巴赫®花! div>..
33.32 USD
原味巴赫花 scleranthus no28 20ml
Hard to decide between two things?For people who can never decide between two things. They often have two alternatives between which they oscillate back and forth. Once they have decided on something, it can change again the next day; they do not take a consistent stance. This leads to mood swings, indecisiveness, moodiness, imbalance, rapid change of mind, and erratic behavior. Scletanthus learns to gain confidence in one's own decisions. It gives us ground under our feet again and to find our inner center...
33.32 USD
原味巴赫花芥末 no21 20ml
Original Bach Flower Mustard No21 20ml的特性每包数量:1 ml重量:38g 长度:24mm 宽度:24mm 高度:93mm 瑞士原装巴赫花芥末酱 No21 20ml..
33.32 USD
巴赫花 original heather no14 20ml
Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml Heather is a flower essence that is believed to provide emotional balance to individuals who are excessively self-centered, talkative, and needy. It is one of the original 38 Bach Flower Remedies developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, and it remains a popular choice for those seeking a natural way to support their emotional health. Benefits of Heather Heather is said to promote a sense of inner peace and calmness by helping to quiet an overactive mind. Those who feel a constant need for attention or who monopolize conversations may find that using Heather helps them become more aware of the needs of those around them and less focused on themselves. People who have a tendency to feel lonely or isolated may also benefit from using Heather, as it is believed to foster a greater sense of connection to others. How to Use Heather can be taken orally or applied topically. For oral use, add two drops to a glass of water or place two drops directly under the tongue. For topical use, add two drops to a carrier oil and massage onto the skin. It is recommended to take two drops four times a day, and to continue use until emotional balance is achieved. Who Should Use Heather Heather is intended for individuals who are excessively self-centered and talkative, and who have difficulty tuning in to the needs of others. It is also recommended for those who feel lonely or isolated, or who struggle with low self-esteem. Anyone seeking support for their emotional health may benefit from using Heather, as it is believed to promote feelings of peace, calmness, and connection. Why Choose Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml is a high-quality flower essence crafted with care and precision. It contains only natural ingredients and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Each bottle contains 20ml of Heather essence, making it a cost-effective and convenient way to support emotional balance. With its easy-to-use dropper, Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml is a fast and effective way to incorporate the benefits of Heather into your daily routine...
33.32 USD
纯 ashwagandha kaps can 60 stk
Pure Ashwagandha Kaps Ds 60 Stk Introducing Pure Ashwagandha Kaps Ds 60 Stk, a high-quality supplement that contains pure ashwagandha root extract. Each bottle has 60 capsules, providing a full 2-month supply of this powerful adaptogenic herb. Ashwagandha has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine, where it is known as "the king of herbs". It is believed to help the body adapt to stress, support the immune system, and promote overall well-being. Research has also shown that it may help to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as lower cortisol levels (a stress hormone) in the body. Our ashwagandha capsules are made from pure root extract, using a gentle extraction process that preserves the plant's natural qualities. Each capsule contains 500mg of ashwagandha root extract, making it easy to get the potency you need in a convenient form. Our ashwagandha supplement is also vegan-friendly and free from any added fillers, binders or artificial flavors. It is a great choice for anyone looking to support their overall health and well-being. Benefits of Pure Ashwagandha Kaps Ds 60 Stk Supports the body's natural ability to adapt to stress Promotes a sense of overall well-being May help to lower cortisol levels in the body May alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms Vegan-friendly and free from any added fillers or binders Overall, Pure Ashwagandha Kaps Ds 60 Stk is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a natural way to support their body's ability to cope with stress, improve their mental health, and boost their overall sense of well-being. Try it today and feel the difference!..
60.08 USD