Iv3000 插管固定 7x9cm 槽 100 件
IV3000 插管固定 7x9cm 插槽 100 个 IV3000 插管固定 7x9 厘米插槽 100 件是一包透明无菌薄膜敷料,专为将插管和导管牢固固定在皮肤上而设计。 敷料采用独特的网格图案粘合剂,可提供卓越的粘合力,确保导管保持在原位并防止移位。该粘合剂还具有防水功能,允许淋浴和沐浴,而不会影响导管的安全性。 IV3000 敷料非常柔韧,符合患者身体的轮廓,确保舒适、牢固的贴合。这些敷料还透气,可以让下面的皮肤保持健康,并减少水分积聚和皮肤刺激的风险。 7x9cm 插槽尺寸非常适合容纳大多数类型和尺寸的导管和插管。每包有 100 个敷料,医疗保健提供者可以确保他们拥有可靠且经济高效的解决方案,将患者的导管和插管牢固地固定到位。 IV3000 插管固定 7x9cm 插槽 100 件易于安装和拆卸,非常适合在医院、诊所和其他医疗机构中使用。它们适合所有皮肤类型,并且具有低过敏性,即使是最敏感的患者也能确保最大的舒适度和兼容性。 总体而言,IV3000 插管固定 7x9cm 插槽 100 件为固定导管和插管提供了可靠、经济高效且舒适的解决方案,并确保患者在整个治疗过程中感到舒适和安全。 ..
209.48 USD
Leukoplast 软白色 38x72mm 10 stk
Leukoplast Soft White 38x72mm 10 Stk If you're looking for high quality and reliable adhesive plasters to nurse your injuries, Leukoplast Soft White is a perfect choice. Developed by an experienced team of medical professionals, these plasters are perfect for dressing minor cuts and wounds. Made of soft, skin-friendly material, Leukoplast Soft White plasters provide superior comfort while ensuring that your wound remains dry and clean. Its water-resistant properties make it ideal for use in the shower or during sports activities that might cause sweating. Each pack contains 10 individually sealed plasters, each measuring 38x72mm in size. The compact and lightweight pack makes it easy to carry around, ensuring you have it on hand when you need it most. Whether you're an athlete, a parent, or just someone who needs a reliable first aid solution, Leukoplast Soft White plasters are an excellent choice. Order your pack today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable first aid tool at your disposal. ..
5.99 USD