假牙的储物盒为完整或部分义齿和正畸电器提供了卫生解决方案。要进行每周清洁,请添加EcoSym Forte,直到覆盖炉排的底部,将义齿放在盒子中,并充满不冷热的水,以确保义齿被淹没。离开至少1小时或过夜,然后用冷淡的水冲洗。对于每日清洁,请在义齿上涂上ecosym凝胶,用义齿刷刷所有表面,然后用不冷水的水冲洗。这些容器的一部分是我们瑞士的健康和美容系列,可确保您的牙科设备的最佳护理和存储。
Ecosym 义齿收纳盒
Storage box for dentures, full or partial dentures and orthodontic appliances.For weekly cleaning: Pour Ecosym Forte into the box until the bottom of the grate is covered. Place the prosthesis in the box and fill it up with lukewarm water until it is covered with liquid. Then leave it on for at least 1 hour or overnight and then rinse off with lukewarm water. For daily cleaning: Put Ecosym Gel on the denture and brush all surfaces with the denture brush for a few seconds. Then rinse off with lukewarm water. ..
16.16 USD