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Aromalife 佛手柑 äth / 油 fl 10 毫升

Aromalife 佛手柑 äth / 油 fl 10 毫升

产品代码: 4076603

Aromalife 佛手柑 Äth / oil Fl 10 ml 的特性包装量:1 ml重量:0.00000000g 长度:0mm 宽度:0mm 高度:0mm 从瑞士在线购买 Aromalife 佛手柑 Äth / oil Fl 10 ml..

30.54 USD

Everydays 益生菌人类生物模式 kaps glasfl 60 stk

Everydays 益生菌人类生物模式 kaps glasfl 60 stk

产品代码: 7808771

Everydays Probiotic Human Biotic Pattern Kaps Glasfl 60 Stk The Everydays Probiotic Human Biotic Pattern Kaps Glasfl 60 Stk is a supplement designed to improve and maintain gut health. It contains a unique blend of probiotic strains that are specifically tailored to improve the gut microbiome. With consistent use, these capsules can help support your digestive health, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation. Key Benefits Supports digestive health Boosts immunity Reduces inflammation Unique blend of probiotic strains Ingredients Bifidobacterium lactis Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus casei Lactobacillus plantarum Dosage and Administration Take one capsule daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional. These capsules should be stored in a cool, dry place to ensure maximum potency. Everydays Probiotic Human Biotic Pattern Kaps Glasfl 60 Stk Reviews Customers who have tried the Everydays Probiotic Human Biotic Pattern Kaps Glasfl 60 Stk have reported improved digestive health and increased energy levels. Many have also noted a decrease in symptoms of bloating and gas. Overall, customers have been extremely satisfied with the product and would recommend it to others looking to improve their gut health. ..

106.19 USD

Litozin hagebuttenpulver kaps (neu)

Litozin hagebuttenpulver kaps (neu)

产品代码: 7851255

LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps (neu) LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps is a new dietary supplement designed to improve joint health and reduce inflammation. It is made with natural rosehip powder that has been clinically proven to have a number of benefits for the body. The powder is obtained from the seeds and shells of organic rosehips grown in Denmark. Each capsule contains 750 mg of rosehip powder, which is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The nutrients in rosehip powder have been shown to support joint mobility, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve overall joint health. LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps is easy to take and can be used as a long-term solution for people with joint problems. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and it is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Each bottle contains 76 capsules, which is a two-month supply. Some of the key benefits of LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps include: Supports joint health and mobility Reduces inflammation and pain Helps to maintain healthy cartilage and bones Improves overall joint function Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants Easy to take Long-term solution for joint problems Overall, if you're looking for a natural way to support your joint health and reduce inflammation, LITOZIN Hagebuttenpulver Kaps is an excellent choice. It provides a range of benefits for the body and can be used as part of a comprehensive joint health program. Order now and start improving your joint health today!..

95.18 USD

Ostenil tendon inj lös 40 毫克/2 毫升 fertspr

Ostenil tendon inj lös 40 毫克/2 毫升 fertspr

产品代码: 5371965

Ostenil Tendon Inj Lös 40 mg / 2ml Fertspr Ostenil Tendon Inj Lös 40 mg / 2ml Fertspr is a highly effective injectable solution used to treat tendon injuries. This product contains sodium hyaluronate, a naturally occurring substance in the body that provides lubrication and cushioning to joints and tendons. This product is specially formulated to help heal damaged tendons and reduce pain and inflammation. Form: Injectable solution Active Ingredient: Sodium hyaluronate 40 mg / 2ml Package Contents: One pre-filled injection Ostenil Tendon Inj Lös 40 mg / 2ml Fertspr is a safe and effective treatment option for those suffering from tendon injuries such as tendinitis, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, and rotator cuff injuries. This product works by targeting the area of the injury to help reduce inflammation, improve mobility, and support the body's natural healing process. The injection is administered directly into the affected area by a healthcare professional. The treatment typically involves a series of injections over several weeks. The number of injections and frequency of treatments will depend on the severity of the injury and the individual patient's response. Ostenil Tendon Inj Lös 40 mg / 2ml Fertspr is a prescription-only medication and should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. If you are experiencing tendon pain or have been diagnosed with a tendon injury, speak with your doctor about whether Ostenil Tendon Inj Lös 40 mg / 2ml Fertspr is the right treatment option for you. ..

166.29 USD

Phytomed tissue selenium amorphum tbl d 6 100 克

Phytomed tissue selenium amorphum tbl d 6 100 克

产品代码: 6008439


44.17 USD

Sulgan-n 医用湿巾盒装 25 片

Sulgan-n 医用湿巾盒装 25 片

产品代码: 2349830

Sulgan-N 是一种局部治疗痔疮的药物。 痔疮是直肠下部的静脉曲张,可发生在肛门内部和外部。这种情况通常表现为瘙痒、烧灼感、疼痛,严重时还会在排便时出现鲜红色的浅表血液混合物。这有时会导致肛门粘膜撕裂(肛裂),肛门部位出现炎症和湿疹,感染的可能性也会增加。 Sulgan-N 治疗可消除瘙痒和疼痛,减少炎症,从而缓解痔疮引起的不适。 Sulgan-N制剂用于内痔和外痔: Sulgan-N软膏 外痔和内痔、肛门湿疹,肛门皮肤浅层撕裂(肛裂),肛门区域轻微炎症和瘙痒。 Sulgan-N栓剂 内痔、浅表肛裂。根据医生或药剂师的建议,栓剂也可用于治疗下直肠区域的轻度炎症和瘙痒。 Sulgan-N医用湿巾 用于痔疮、肛门湿疹、肛裂、肛门区域轻微炎症和瘙痒的肛门卫生。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息 Sulgan-N®Doetsch Grether AGAMZVSulgan-N 是什么以及何时推出用过吗?Sulgan-N是一种局部治疗痔疮的药物。 痔疮是直肠下部的静脉曲张,可发生在肛门内部和外部。这种情况通常表现为瘙痒、烧灼感、疼痛,严重时还会在排便时出现鲜红色的浅表血液混合物。这有时会导致肛门粘膜撕裂(肛裂),肛门部位出现炎症和湿疹,感染的可能性也会增加。 Sulgan-N 治疗可消除瘙痒和疼痛,减少炎症,从而缓解痔疮引起的不适。 Sulgan-N制剂用于内痔和外痔:Sulgan-N软膏外痔和内痔、肛门湿疹,肛门皮肤浅层撕裂(肛裂),肛门区域轻微炎症和瘙痒。 Sulgan-N栓剂内痔、浅肛裂。根据医生或药剂师的建议,栓剂也可用于治疗下直肠区域的轻度炎症和瘙痒。 Sulgan-N医用湿巾用于痔疮、肛门湿疹、肛裂、肛门区域轻微炎症和瘙痒的肛门卫生。 应该注意什么?如果患有痔疮,应避免辛辣食物并选择导致稀便的饮食(最好是清淡、植物性饮食)。您应该避免超重或减少现有的超重,避免久坐,并注意肛门卫生,以减少炎症和感染的风险。这可以让您支持 Sulgan-N 软膏和栓剂的效果。 什么时候不能使用 Sulgan-N?如果对其中一种成分过敏,则不得使用 Sulgan-N(见下文: Sulgan-N 有哪些副作用?)。此外,如果粪便中可见血液,则不得使用该制剂。您的医生知道在这种情况下该怎么做。 Sulgan-N 只适合成人,不适合儿童。 使用 Sulgan-N 时何时需要谨慎?如果按照指示使用,则无需采取特殊预防措施。 如果您患有其他疾病、过敏或正在服用其他药物(甚至是您自己购买的药物!)或外用药物,请告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 怀孕或哺乳期间可以使用Sulgan-N吗?根据以往的经验,按照指示使用对儿童没有已知的风险。然而,从未进行过系统的科学研究。为了安全起见,您应该避免在怀孕和哺乳期间服用药物或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师的建议。 如何使用 Sulgan-N?每次治疗前和每次排便后,用温水和温和的肥皂仔细清洗肛门区域和软布或用 Sulgan - 仔细清洁 N-药用湿巾。普通肥皂会引起刺激,从而延迟愈合过程。 成人:Sulgan-N 软膏:将1~2cm长的药膏涂于患处,每日2~3次。如果是内痔,请将封闭的插管拧到管上。将插管尽可能深地插入肛门,然后慢慢抽出插管,同时轻轻挤压插管。 Sulgan-N 栓剂:晚上在床上小心地将 1 个栓剂插入肛门。卧床不起的患者可以每天插入一个栓剂两到三次。 Sulgan-N 医用湿巾:如有必要,请仔细彻底清洁肛门区域。 如果治疗1-2周后症状仍未消失或明显减轻或什至恶化,例如如果肛门出血或从肛门出血,您必须咨询医生。医生将决定进一步治疗。 重复治疗只能在医学确诊后进行,且持续时间不应超过 2 周。 遵守包装说明书中给出的剂量或医生处方的剂量。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Sulgan-N 有哪些副作用?使用 Sulgan-N 时可能会出现以下副作用:使用 Sulgan-N 医用湿巾时偶尔会出现灼烧感,这是由于活性成分对现有皮肤缺陷的作用所致,可被视为正常反应。通过持续治疗,这种副作用将会消失。在极少数情况下,可能会发生过敏反应,这种反应很明显,例如肛门区域的瘙痒、烧灼感和/或皮疹。在这种情况下,您必须立即停止治疗并通知医生。 如果您发现此处未描述的副作用,您应该通知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 还需要考虑什么?出于卫生原因,Sulgan-N软膏应在首次打开后14天内用完。药品只能在容器上标有“EXP”的日期之前使用。药品应存放在儿童接触不到的地方,并存放在室温(15-25°C)下。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人拥有专家的详细信息。 Sulgan-N含有什么?1克软膏含有:盐酸利多卡因酐20毫克,消旋樟脑10毫克,左薄荷醇 5 毫克。 辅料:羊毛蜡、丙二醇;防腐剂:2,4-二氯苯甲醇、三氯生等辅料。 1个栓剂含有:利多卡因4.3毫克,外消旋樟脑20毫克,左薄荷醇10毫克。 辅料:丙二醇;防腐剂:2,4-二氯苯甲醇、三氯生等辅料。 袋装医用湿巾1 张湿巾用 3.1 克溶液浸泡。 1g溶液含:盐酸利多卡因4.4mg,外消旋樟脑10mg,左薄荷醇3mg。 辅料:羊毛蜡、丙二醇;保守:2,4-二氯苯甲醇;芳香剂和其他赋形剂。 分配器中的医用湿巾1 张湿巾用 1.7 克溶液浸泡。 1g溶液含:盐酸利多卡因4.4mg,外消旋樟脑10mg,左薄荷醇3mg。 辅料:羊毛蜡、丙二醇;保守:2,4-二氯苯甲醇;芳香剂和其他赋形剂。 批准号48724、48725、48726(瑞士医学)。 哪里可以获得 Sulgan-N?有哪些包装可供购买?无需医生处方即可在药房和药店购买。 软膏:30克和50克栓剂:10和20片>小袋中的药物湿巾:10 袋分配器中的医用湿巾:25 片授权持有人Doetsch Grether AG, 4051 Basel。 本传单最后一次由瑞士药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 检查是在 2017 年 6 月。 ..

56.18 USD

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