Bepanthen derma sensidaily 黑醋
BEPANTHEN DERMA SensiDaily 防护膏 干燥、敏感、瘙痒皮肤的日常基础护理。不含香料或防腐剂。 属性 Sensidaily 防护膏非常适合作为干燥、敏感或发痒皮肤的日常基础护理。天然油脂、维生素 B3 和泛醇可稳定皮肤屏障。它们还为皮肤提供持久的水分。通过使用香膏,皮肤看起来得到呵护,同时也得到放松。 不含防腐剂不含香料不含酒精良好的皮肤相容性(经过皮肤病学测试)适合婴儿和成人适合怀孕和哺乳期间 应用 每天在干燥的皮肤区域涂抹润唇膏数次。 ..
31.90 USD
Lubex 抗衰老眼垫 8 片
Properties The soaked fleece pads are suitable for all skin types. Preservatives-free, colorant-free, paraffin oil-free, without allergenic perfumes. Application Put on cleansed skin before the usual day and/or night treatment and leave in for 15 minutes Properties The soaked fleece pads are for everyone suitable for skin type. Preservatives-free, colorant-free, paraffin oil-free, without allergenic perfumes. Application Before the usual day and/or night treatment, apply to cleansed skin and leave in for 15 minutes ..
83.34 USD