Iroha 排毒纸巾面膜
Iroha 排毒纸巾面膜 Iroha 排毒面膜是一款强效有效的面膜,可深层清洁肌肤并排毒。这款面膜采用优质天然成分制成,旨在滋润、滋养和恢复肌肤活力,令肌肤看起来和感觉柔软、光滑、容光焕发。 这款面膜特别适合油性或易长粉刺皮肤的人。它含有活性炭,有助于清除皮肤中的杂质和毒素,同时吸收多余的油脂和皮脂。它还含有茶树油,具有强大的抗菌和抗真菌特性,有助于减少炎症和预防痘痘。 Iroha 排毒纸巾面膜易于使用,只需几个简单的步骤即可融入您的日常护肤中。只需从包装中取出面膜,将其展开,然后将其敷在脸上,将其抚平以确保其粘附在皮肤上。让面膜保持 15 到 20 分钟,然后取下并丢弃。轻轻拍打您的皮肤,帮助剩余的精华素吸收到您的皮肤中。 这款面膜也是环保的,因为它由可生物降解的材料制成,不含对羟基苯甲酸酯、硫酸盐或矿物油。它也是无残忍的,因此您可以放心使用它,因为它没有在动物身上进行过测试。 使用 Iroha 排毒纸巾面膜升级您的护肤程序,准备好享受美丽清澈、容光焕发的肌肤。 ..
11.25 USD
Isis pharmaceuticals aquaruboril fl 400 ml
ISIS PHARMACEUTICALS AQUARUBORIL Bottle 400ml The ISIS PHARMACEUTICALS AQUARUBORIL Bottle 400ml is a specially formulated bottled solution that effectively promotes healthy and clear skin. This product is perfect for individuals who are looking for a solution to their oily, acne-prone skin. The AQUARUBORIL solution contains a unique blend of ingredients that help to balance and regulate sebum production to prevent the development of acne and breakouts. The 400ml bottle of AQUARUBORIL makes it easy to incorporate into daily skincare routines. The solution is designed to be used as a toner and can be applied to the skin with a cotton pad or sprayed directly onto the face. The AQUARUBORIL solution absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and moisturized. One of the key ingredients in the ISIS PHARMACEUTICALS AQUARUBORIL solution is salicylic acid. This powerful ingredient works to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells, resulting in a smoother and brighter complexion. The AQUARUBORIL solution also contains niacinamide, which has been shown to reduce inflammation and redness in the skin. Overall, the ISIS PHARMACEUTICALS AQUARUBORIL Bottle 400ml is a must-have for anyone looking to improve the health and appearance of their skin. Its unique blend of ingredients helps to regulate sebum production, prevent breakouts, and promote a more even complexion. Give your skin the care it deserves with the AQUARUBORIL solution...
28.07 USD