Itinerol b6 10 capsules
Itinerol B6 糖衣丸和胶囊含有预防或停止恶心和呕吐的活性成分。它们的效果持续 12-24 小时。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Itinerol® B6 胶囊VERFORA SA什么是 Itinerol B6 以及何时使用? 依替诺尔 B6 胶囊含有预防或停止恶心和呕吐的活性成分。它的效果持续 12-24 小时。 Itinerol B6 用于对抗各种原因引起的恶心和呕吐,即:晕动病;妊娠呕吐(仅在有医生处方且绝对必要时);儿童:普通呕吐、神经性呕吐和丙酮血症呕吐(在以下儿童中) 12 岁不得使用胶囊)。何时不得使用 Itinerol B6?如果对以下物质过敏成分之一,特别是氯甲嗪或维生素 B6(吡哆醇)。 服用依替诺尔 B6 什么时候应该小心?如果您患有闭角型青光眼(青光眼)或患有前列腺肥大症,请在服用前告知您的医生医生服用 Itinerol B6。 美氯嗪是 Itinerol B6 的活性成分之一,可增强巴比妥类药物、镇静剂和酒精的抑制作用。吡哆醇(维生素 B6)可降低左旋多巴(某些用于治疗帕金森病的药物中的活性成分)的作用。 汽车司机和机器操作员应考虑到准备工作可能偶尔会导致轻微疲劳,从而影响反应能力、使用工具或机器的能力以及驾驶能力。 如果您患有其他疾病、过敏或正在服用其他药物(即使是您自己购买的药物!)或外用药物,请告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师! 在怀孕或哺乳期间可以服用 Itinerol B6 吗?在怀孕期间,Itinerol B6 只能在有医生处方的情况下服用,如果绝对必要的话。 如果在母乳喂养期间需要使用 Itinerol B6 进行治疗,则应让孩子断奶。 您如何使用 Itinerol B6?除非医生另有处方:各种原因的呕吐和恶心,每24小时剂量12 岁以上的成人和青少年:1 - 4 粒胶囊。 晕车(出发前1小时),每24小时服用一次成人和 12 岁以上的青少年:1 粒胶囊。 妊娠呕吐仅凭处方:晚上,如有必要,早上:1 - 2 粒胶囊。 每 24 小时不要超过 4 粒胶囊。 遵循包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 依替诺尔 B6 有哪些副作用?服用依替诺尔 B6 时可能会出现以下副作用:咖啡因。口干、心动过速、胃病以及罕见的视力模糊也可能发生。非常罕见:荨麻疹。 如果您发现此处未描述的任何副作用,您应该告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 还有什么需要考虑的?Itinerol B6 应储存在室温 (15 - 25 °C)、干燥且儿童接触不到的地方。 药品只能在容器上标有 «EXP» 的日期前使用。过期药物应退回药房或药店。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有详细的技术资料。 Itinerol B6 包含什么?1 粒胶囊包含活性成分 25 毫克氯甲嗪二盐酸盐,25 毫克盐酸吡哆醇(维生素 B6)和 25 毫克咖啡因。它还含有 105 毫克蔗糖、染料黄橙色 (E 110) 和靛蓝 (E 132) 以及其他添加剂。 批准号40770 (Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到 Itinerol B6?有哪些包装可供选择? 无需处方即可从药房和药店购买以下包装的 Itinerol B6:一盒 10 粒胶囊。 还有适用于成人和青少年、6 - 12 岁儿童和 3 个月 - 6 岁婴儿/儿童的 Itinerol B6 栓剂。 授权持有人VERFORA SA, Villars-sur-Glâne。 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2015 年 4 月最后一次检查此传单。 ..
33.14 USD
The Sea-Band acupressure band is a perfect solution for children who suffer from motion sickness and many other conditions that can cause nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. This pink colored band is designed to fit little wrists and works by applying gentle pressure to the Nei-Kuan acupressure point, located on the inside of the wrist. The band is made of high-quality material and is adjustable, making it comfortable for children to wear for an extended period. The Sea-Band acupressure band is clinically tested and drug-free, making it safe for children of all ages. This band is perfect for kids traveling by car, plane, or boat. It is also beneficial for children who suffer from morning sickness or other forms of nausea. The Sea-Band acupressure band can help ease the symptoms of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, anxiety, and depression as well. The Sea-Band acupressure band comes in a pair and is washable, making it reusable for multiple uses. It is a must-have in every parent's first aid kit, ensuring that their children are always comfortable and healthy, no matter where they are. The Sea-Band acupressure band is the perfect solution for parents who want a safe, effective, and drug-free alternative to help their children combat the symptoms of motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting. ..
30.44 USD
Introducing Sea-Band Acupressure Band for Adults in Black Are you looking for a natural and drug-free way to relieve nausea and vomiting? If so, Sea-Band Acupressure Band for Adults in Black is the perfect solution for you! This amazing product uses the ancient Chinese practice of acupressure to provide fast and effective relief from motion sickness, morning sickness, chemotherapy-induced nausea, and other forms of nausea and vomiting. How it Works The Sea-Band Acupressure Band for Adults in Black features a unique design that applies pressure to the Nei-Kuan acupressure point on the wrist, which has been scientifically proven to relieve nausea and vomiting. The band is comfortable to wear and can be easily adjusted to fit any wrist size. It is also reusable, so you can use it again and again. Benefits and Features Drug-free and natural relief for nausea and vomiting Fast and effective relief Easy to use and adjust Suitable for adults of all ages Can be worn on either wrist Reusable for multiple uses Great for travel, morning sickness, chemotherapy-induced nausea, and other forms of nausea and vomiting Comes in a sleek and stylish black design How to Use The Sea-Band Acupressure Band for Adults in Black is very easy to use. Simply place the band on the Nei-Kuan acupressure point, which is located on the wrist about two inches below the base of the palm. Adjust the band for a comfortable fit, and wear it on either wrist. The band can be worn continuously or as needed. Conclusion If you suffer from nausea and vomiting, whether due to motion sickness, morning sickness, or chemotherapy-induced nausea, Sea-Band Acupressure Band for Adults in Black is the perfect solution for you. Its natural and drug-free approach makes it safe for adults of all ages, and its sleek and stylish design makes it a must-have item in your travel bag or medicine cabinet. Try it today and experience fast and effective relief from nausea and vomiting!..
30.54 USD