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探索我们的 Moringa Vida72 系列,利用绿茶和辣木的功效来实现最佳的健康和营养。每粒胶囊富含宝贵的植物化学物质,并含有 36 毫克儿茶素,为您的健康之旅提供支持。我们的产品采用最优质的原料在瑞士精制而成,提供值得您信赖的品质。请注意,胶囊应与食物一起服用,不适合严格低热量饮食或与其他绿茶补充剂一起服用。采用方便的 72 粒胶囊包装,非常适合融入您的日常健康习惯。了解健康+营养类别中的好处。
Moringa vida 72 粒胶囊
?The Moringa Vida capsules are based on green tea and contain many valuable phytochemicals. Moringa is very nutritious and can be used in many ways.3 capsules contain 36mg of catechins.Use: Note:The capsules should not be taken on an empty stomach or on a strict, low-calorie diet and should not be taken at the same time as other green tea-based products. Which packs are available? Moringa Vida 72 capsules ..
51.76 USD
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