Bilasto 护膝 xl 米色
The Bilasto knee bandage provides mechanical support for the knee, preventing incorrect posture and excessive strain on the joints. It also helps prevent re-injury and provides the correct compression. The light pressure stimulates the metabolism and thus promotes blood circulation in the joint capsules. This leads to a reduction of pain and swelling. The functionality of the knee is not restricted. The muscles are activated, which accelerates the healing process of blunt injuries. Colour: BeigeSize: XL (40-43cm) Bilasto Bilasto supports are medical supports which must fit perfectly in order to guarantee the most comfortable possible wearing comfort. Therefore they are produced seamlessly using the circular knitting process and are also longitudinally and transversely elastic, non-slip and have no pressure points...
36.50 USD
Bilasto 膝盖绷带米色 m
The Bilasto knee bandage provides mechanical support for the knee, preventing incorrect posture and excessive strain on the joints. It also helps prevent re-injury and provides the correct compression. The light pressure stimulates the metabolism and thus promotes blood circulation in the joint capsules. This leads to a reduction of pain and swelling. The functionality of the knee is not restricted. The muscles are activated, which accelerates the healing process of blunt injuries. Colour: BeigeSize: M (34-36cm) Bilasto Bilasto supports are medical supports which must fit perfectly in order to guarantee the most comfortable possible wearing comfort. Therefore they are produced seamlessly using the circular knitting process and are also longitudinally and transversely elastic, non-slip and have no pressure points...
36.50 USD
Dermaplast active genu soft plus s2
Dermalast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 是一款高品质产品,旨在为您的膝盖受伤或体育活动时提供医疗支持和稳定性。这款护膝采用尖端技术和优质材料设计,非常适合患有轻度至中度膝盖疼痛、不稳定或运动损伤的人。 功能和优点: 为膝关节提供主动支撑,以缓解疼痛并提供稳定性 柔软透气的材质,提高全天舒适度 轻量级设计,移动不受限制且易于使用 符合人体工程学的结构,带有硅胶环,可实现最佳抓地力和压力分布 可调节肩带,实现定制贴合和最大程度的支撑 易于佩戴和调节,适合日常使用、运动或康复 产品详细信息: Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 由高品质材料混合制成,可提供最佳支撑和透气性。内层由柔软且有弹性的材料制成,适合您膝盖的形状,而外层由耐用且透气的面料制成,可确保最大程度的气流和湿度管理。集成硅胶环提供额外支撑并均匀分布压力,降低受伤或不适的风险。可调节肩带可实现定制贴合,而轻巧的设计可确保最佳的舒适度和移动性。 用法: Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 适用于各种类型的膝盖疼痛、不稳定、运动损伤和术后护理。它可以在日常活动、运动或康复过程中佩戴。在使用本产品之前,请咨询您的医生或医疗保健专业人员,特别是如果您之前有受伤或健康状况。 保养说明: Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 可以用温和的肥皂和水在低于 40°C 的温度下手洗。请勿使用漂白剂或织物柔软剂。彻底冲洗并风干。请勿暴露在阳光直射或热源下。如果损坏或您对任何成分过敏,请勿使用。请将本品放在儿童接触不到的地方。 选择 Dermaplast Active Genu Soft Plus S2 为您的膝盖提供最佳支撑、舒适度和灵活性。..
130.75 USD
Epitact physiostrap knee brace medical xl 44-47cm
Epitact Physiostrap 膝关节绷带 MEDICAL XL 44-47cmEpitact Physiostrap 膝关节绷带是一种高质量的医疗级绷带,旨在为您的膝关节提供支撑和稳定性。绷带设计用于各种不同的应用,包括膝关节受过伤或患有慢性膝关节疼痛的人。绷带由优质材料制成,经过特殊设计经久耐用。它的设计旨在穿着舒适,并为膝关节提供支撑和稳定性。绷带采用独特的设计,有助于支撑膝关节而不限制运动,让您自信和舒适地进行日常活动。Epitact Physiostrap 膝盖绷带的主要特点之一是其多功能性。它可以用于各种不同的应用,包括处理膝盖受伤的人,例如扭伤、拉伤和其他类型的伤害。它也可用于患有慢性膝关节疼痛(例如关节炎或其他疾病)的个人。Epitact Physiostrap 膝关节绷带专为医疗专业人员而设计。它由旨在满足最严格的医疗标准的优质材料制成。它还旨在易于使用并为膝关节提供最大的支撑和稳定性,使其成为膝关节损伤恢复期或慢性膝关节疼痛患者的理想选择。如果您正在寻找能够为膝关节提供最大支撑和稳定性的高品质膝关节绷带,Epitact Physiostrap 膝关节绷带就是您的最佳选择。凭借其耐用的结构、舒适的设计和多功能的应用,它是任何想要自信和舒适地恢复日常活动的人的完美选择。..
114.12 USD